Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Four hundred and forty-eight [Listed on

After Yinlu was wholly acquired by Xifeng, the six founder shareholders all joined the Xifeng board of directors.

Chen Qingshui's younger brother, Chen Qingshui, was transferred to Xifeng as the vice president of the corporate management headquarters. There are several such vice presidents, and Chen Qingshui is mainly responsible for Yinlu. This is equivalent to a reassurance pill to appease the strong vigilance of the Yinlu veterans, so as not to cause a backlash when Xifeng sends people over.

The next step is to integrate departments and businesses. The time is about three months to six months. As a group, Chen Tao must participate in the whole process.

The news of Xifeng's wholly-owned acquisition of Yinlu immediately caused an earthquake in China's beverage and food industry. The owners of Wahaha and Xinxin (kiss) Food were so worried that they couldn't sleep well.

The eight-treasure porridge was introduced from Wanwan to the mainland in the 1980s. There are now hundreds of brands, and the market situation is somewhat similar to instant noodles. Food safety scandals have been exposed in the industry chaos, and the overall reputation of the eight-treasure porridge has gradually declined. Many consumers dare not eat the eight-treasure porridge, no matter which brand they dare to buy.

Coupled with fierce brand competition, domestic consumption has been insufficient in the past two years, and the eight-treasure porridge brand has also died.

The current situation is that Yinlu, Qinqin, and Wahaha share three parts of the world, together occupying more than 70% of the market share of the eight-treasure porridge. Companies such as Master Kong and Uni-President are also making eight-treasure porridge, but their market share is not high, and their products are not well-known.

The originally stable industry market was suddenly disrupted by Xifeng Company and directly acquired one of the three big eight-treasure porridge. With Xifeng’s financial resources and channels, and Yinlu’s accumulated brand influence over the years, it will inevitably embezzle the market more crazily. Not only will it kill countless small brands, but it will also put pressure on the eight-treasure porridge of Wahaha and Xinxin (kiss). .

Some business magazines even used the term "Xifeng Food and Beverage Empire" when reporting. The term "empire" not only describes the size of Xifeng, but also mocks the dominance of Xifeng that Xifeng has shown in recent years. On the road of development, there lie the dead bodies of countless small and medium-sized enterprises.

When news of the acquisition reached Hong Kong City, even if Xifeng announced the issuance of 100 million additional shares (40 million of which were private placements), Xifeng's stock price rose instead of falling.

The reason for this situation is that Xifeng's just announced annual financial report is very beautiful, and the other is the excitement brought by Yinlu Eight Treasure Congee. Although Hong Kong stock investors have never heard of Yinlu, if you throw out the scale of the Chinese eight-treasure porridge industry and then the market share of Yinlu, fools can see what it means. This is great news.


"Boss, Sohu Manager Zhang's call." Shen Si walked quickly.

Song Weiyang answered the phone and said, "Lao Zhang, what's the matter?"

Zhang Chaoyang said excitedly: "I and Lao Gu were in the United States. Sohu's IPO roadshow was very successful. American investment institutions have high expectations for Sohu. It will officially go public on NASDAQ early next month!"

"Don't be too happy, I might pour you a basin of cold water." Song Weiyang said, scratching his forehead.

"Are there any surprises?" Zhang Chaoyang became nervous.

Song Weiyang said: "I watched "News Network" yesterday, and the Fed raised interest rates again."

Zhang Chaoyang said: "It seems so, what does this have to do with Sohu's listing?"

Song Weiyang said: "Counting this time, the Fed has raised interest rates by six times from last year to the present. Wall Street investors' money is also money, not from the wind. The Internet bubble may be burst."

"Boss, don't worry," Zhang Chaoyang said, "Americans are very looking forward to Chinese Internet stocks. Sohu's stock price has definitely risen after it went public."

"I believe this," Song Weiyang said, "but in half a year, after Sohu's stock price has skyrocketed, Sohu's stock price may fall crazily, or even fall below the issue price. Now the IPO is almost complete, and the listing is on the line. It must not be voided, but You must be mentally prepared to fall below the issue price."

"It's really that bad?" Zhang Chaoyang obviously didn't believe it.

Song Weiyang said: "After Sohu goes public for half a year, don't spend money randomly, and be prepared to repurchase stocks, otherwise you will be driven to death by investors."

Zhang Chaoyang was silent, obviously contradicting Song Weiyang's words, and said for a long time: "I will study again."

The Internet bubble in the United States has lasted for five years, and the old American officials have long been wary. In order to restrain crazy and disorderly investment, interest rates have been increased six times within a year. Such terrifying interest rates can no longer stop Wall Street's investment enthusiasm, because the profits brought by Internet stocks are too high (average return on investment of 1000%).

However, the ultra-high interest rates have made major investment banks nervous, and they have begun to sell a large number of shares of companies such as Microsoft, Cisco, and Dell, in order to withdraw funds for the next wave of investment. Coincidentally, for dozens of online stocks that were newly listed last year, the investor’s restriction period has also passed, and they have been selling them for cash on a large scale.

A large number of online stock selling orders collided and immediately triggered a frenzy of selling. Investors, funds and institutions began to liquidate, evaporating the market value of Internet companies of US$8.5 trillion in half a year.

Song Weiyang actually wanted Sohu to go public in the fall of last year, so that he could catch up with the final cash-out feast. Unfortunately, it has been delayed until now and it's useless to say anything. In order to protect the interests of investors, the US Securities Regulatory Commission stipulates that original shareholders shall not cash in the secondary market for a certain period of time after listing, and can only sell to other people. This period is 6 months on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. .

In other words, even if Sohu is now listed on, Song Weiyang can only cash out in half a year, when the day lily will be cold.

The reason why Song Weiyang did not prevent the listing is just as Zhang Chaoyang said, the American people are eagerly looking forward to Chinese Internet stocks, as long as they rush to the bubble burst, once they go public, they will definitely skyrocket several times.

In history, Sina was the second to eat crabs (the first was Even if the U.S. Internet stocks collapsed, Sina's stock price rose from $17 to over $50. NetEase and Sohu were not so lucky. Now, because it was too late to go public, Internet stocks collapsed, and both fell below the issue price.

Now, Sohu can at least replace Sina, and the time to market is even earlier.

As for Google, although several major investment banks are frantically urging to go public, the two founders are not in a hurry, and simply do not let their orders. Song Weiyang didn't become anxious either. Anyway, he couldn't cash out before the bubble burst, regardless of whether he went on the market again every year.

Early February.

The 27th lunar month. was officially listed on the Nasdaq with an issue price of US$18 and a total of 10 million ordinary shares were issued.’s money-swindling website was listed last year and its stock price has soared, not to mention Sohu, which has one of the best traffic in China. The stock price soared to $34 on the day of listing. Three days later, on New Year's Eve, Sohu's stock price directly broke the $50 mark.

The news spread back to China and immediately caused a national sensation. This data can throw CDC out of eight streets.

As a major shareholder, Song Weiyang was once again hotly debated: How much money does this kid have now?

Song Weiyang was very helpless. The stocks that couldn't be cashed out were all waste paper, so there was a lot of **** on the books. After the six months of the original stock restriction period has passed, the U.S. Internet stocks have exploded early, and Sohu's market value will once again return to the pre-liberation period.


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