Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Four hundred and forty-six【Cross-centu

On the last day of the end of the century, the festive atmosphere is even stronger.

All kinds of fashionable large-scale activities seem to be running towards the 21st century with Shenghai. Some entertainment venues even held a masquerade party, young white-collar workers rushed to this, and immediately led the life of the Western bourgeoisie.

Song Weiyang and Lin Zhuoyun went shopping in the afternoon. They wanted to watch a movie, but the ticket line was too long and they didn't bother to crowd with people.

Before Lin Wanzi went to the Nestlé headquarters to study and inspect, Doudou rehearsed all afternoon, and in the evening there was a formal performance. Song Weiyang and Lin Zhuoyun had to watch as parents.

After Doudou was promoted to junior high school, the name of the school was "Fudan Second High School", and its predecessor was "Fudan Children's School Middle School." The school is next door to the "Fudan High School", and even the principal is concurrently served by the vice president of the "Fudan High School". A large proportion of students here go straight to the High School, and then a large percentage of them are admitted by Fudan University.

He is also a son of Fudan University.

After Song Weiyang and Lin Zhuoyun entered the school, they didn’t have to cover up, because if the high school and the junior high school are counted together, there are fewer than 500 students in the seven grades of the school, and more than 80 are the children of Fudan’s faculty and staff. The school funding is directly funded by Fudan. University funding.

Just after getting off the bus, someone took the initiative to say hello, "Boss Song, Teacher Lin, you are here too!"

"Hello." Song Weiyang didn't know this person, so he could only greet him politely.

Lin Zhuoyun was very familiar with it, and responded with a smile, "Professor Wei, long time no see."

Professor Wei said, "My son is in the third year of junior high school."

Lin Zhuoyun said, "My niece is also studying here."

Professor Wei said, "Fudan students are a family, please contact us more in the future."

"It should." Lin Zhuoyun smiled.

After this person left, Lin Zhuoyun introduced, "The teacher of the law school, he was promoted to associate professor last year. I used to be a colleague with me."

After not walking a few steps, there was another greeting, "Hey, Xiao Song, you are here too, and Xiao Lin is also here."

"Hello Professor Zhang!" Song Weiyang knew this person and taught him "Social Psychology" for a year before.

I met a lot of acquaintances along the way, like a Fudan teacher holding a sorority meeting. Song Weiyang couldn't pretend on this occasion. The professors and lecturers who had taught him before met three.

Hearing that Song Weiyang is here, the principal Chen of the Second High School attached a lot of face and took the initiative to shake hands with him, "Xiao Song, thank you for your generous donation!"

"Where and where, as a Fudan student, these are all things should be done." Song Weiyang said with a smile.

Well, the current plastic runway of the Second High School was built by Song Weiyang personally when Doudou was in school.

Many facilities in this school are like this. As early as ten years ago, academicians donated 20,000 yuan to the scholarship fund. At that time, 10,000 yuan households were very rare. Just half a year ago, the Second Affiliated Middle School even established the country's first middle school campus network. Junior high school students elsewhere have not seen a computer yet. Junior high school students here can already chat on the campus network.

Not only that, but Song Weiyang personally sponsored the drinks and prizes for tonight's event.

So Doudou is bitter, and the teacher pays special attention to it. Usually, he is very strict, and it is commonplace to punish and beat the palms of his hands.

"Uncle, auntie, you are here!" Dou Dou Fei ran over.

Song Weiyang asked, "Have you had dinner?"

Doudou said, "I have eaten it, I will eat it at the end of the last rehearsal."

"What are you dressing up like?" Lin Zhuoyun couldn't laugh or cry.

Doudou wore a golden reflective leather trench coat. It would be as exaggerated as it was. She smiled and said, "Isn’t it pretty? Teacher Zhang knew that I was going to perform Li Zhenxian’s dance music, so she bought a set of costumes because she didn’t. Fit, and ask the tailor to change it to the current size."

"Who is Teacher Zhang? He paid for it himself?" Lin Zhuoyun asked.

Doudou said, "Mr. Zhang is the music teacher in our class. She is responsible for today's party."

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "The clothes are great, but the blush and lipstick are too gorgeous. I'll wipe some off for you."

"I also don't think makeup looks good." Doudou closed her eyes, raised her neck and waited for Song Weiyang to wipe it.

Song Weiyang lifted Doudou's chin, and carefully wiped off part of the blush and lipstick, and finally barely turned it into a look.

"Uncle, Auntie!" Dou Xiao's best friend Dou Xiaoxiao jumped and blushed even more terribly. With a thick foundation, going out at night can definitely scare people.

Doudou proudly said, "Xiaoxiao is my dancer."

"Cut, I caught a cold some time ago and my throat is uncomfortable, otherwise I must be the lead singer!" Dou Xiaoxiao was not convinced.

Doudou has six dancers in total, three men and three women, all from their class.

The activity is about to begin. Students and parents take the class as a unit, move the benches and sit in a square array on the playground. In fact, the number of people is very small. There are 40 students in one class for each grade in the high school, and 80 students in two classes in each grade in the junior high school. Every student’s parents are present, plus some grandparents, and it barely exceeds 1,000 (I forgot before. Shenghai has a May 4th school system, so I don’t want to go into it if Doudou is in the sixth grade of elementary school).

From time to time, parents of students took the initiative to greet Song Weiyang and shake hands, while student leaders were busy distributing drinks.

how to say?

Due to Song Weiyang’s sponsorship of various activities, the entire Fudan University and its affiliated middle school, affiliated second middle school, and affiliated elementary schools were all occupied by Xifeng’s beverages, and even the commissary did not bother to buy products of the same type from other brands.

Therefore, there are often new students from Fudan University who can't buy Coca-Cola all over the campus, which is regarded as a very rare thing.

A few headlights illuminate the stage, and in the cold night breeze, two high school student hosts came to the stage and started the Spring Festival Gala-style opening remarks.

Next came the chorus, then the poem recitation, and after the song "Song of the Seven Sons", there was an Erhu performance. The children were very versatile-there were many interest groups in this school, and the school football team was also very fierce at this time.

After a martial arts performance, it was finally Doudou's turn.

On a cold day, Doudou and his friends wore very little clothes. She wears a golden shiny leather coat, her feet are in long white leather boots, her hair is combed into a ponytail, and she doesn't know where to get a tail-finger microphone.

With the support of the six dancers, Doudou also began to twist his body, and then popped out the crappy Korean lyrics "Why is it that the Western calendar Ali Gu Niguo is burnt in the wind, and the Mo Luo washes the utensils? In Na's house, smashed Ariza, the thieves are at a loss for every second..."

The instructor estimated that he made choreography adjustments and removed those particularly tempting movements, but overall it was still close to the original version of Li Zhenxian.

That psychedelic dance music style is well performed by Doudou, at least it's like that. It's just too tired to sing and dance. In the second half of the jump, Doudou's breath is obviously not good, and there are even occasional murmurs of gasping.

At least half of the parents don't like it because it's too avant-garde and too public.

But the students were particularly sought after, cheering and screaming throughout the whole process, and classmates also shouted Doudou's name, dressed like a little star in a concert.

After the curtain call, Doudou quickly ran off the stage, threw himself into Song Weiyang's arms and said excitedly, "Uncle, I'm so happy today, I'm so nervous, I sang two lyrics wrong!"

Song Weiyang laughed, "The Koreans can't hear your Korean lyrics even if you sing ten wrong sentences."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Doudou was angry with her cheeks puffing out.

Lin Zhuoyun smiled and said, "Sing Chinese songs next time."

Doudou proudly said, "I will consider it again!"

The school evening party ended at around nine o'clock. Song Weiyang wanted to take Lin Zhuoyun and Doudou to the city. However, there was a traffic jam shortly after crossing the Su River, and he could only turn back halfway.

Doudou was very excited anyway. Watching TV at home bounced and jumped. Transcentury was meaningless to her, but it had some extraordinary meaning. Anyway, she couldn't tell how she felt.

Near 12 o'clock, someone nearby had set off fireworks ahead of time, and the light of the sky could be faintly seen in the urban area.

Song Weiyang lay on the balcony and watched for a while, estimating the time, and said to Lin Zhuoyun, "Let's have a cross-century kiss."

"Okay." Lin Zhuoyun smiled.

The two hugged each other, their lips touching.

A century has passed.

"Twelve o'clock..." Doudou ran to the balcony excitedly, just hit the scene of the crime, and went back to the living room.

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