Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Four hundred and seventeen [Smashed him

Liu Jiacheng is a freshman at Tsinghua University. He spent two hours in the library at night. After returning to the dormitory, he drove a few laps of the tractor. Then he yawned and washed his feet and went to bed. =Bo ∥ Luo ∥ Xiao = say

In a daze, Liu Jiacheng was awakened, and there was a loud voice downstairs, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Is there a fire somewhere?" the brother in the lower bunk asked.

"I don't know," the Liu family jumped to the ground and said, after putting up a batch of coats, "go, go down and take a look, it seems something has happened."


The door of the dormitory was slammed open, and the buddies who ran to book the night to surf the Internet unexpectedly came back from the Internet cafe and shouted: "Our embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed by the United States. I heard that several diplomats were killed!"

"Fake news?" Liu Jiacheng felt unbelievable.

"It's true," said the buddy. "Now there are discussions everywhere on the Internet. I also went to foreign websites to check it out. Our embassy was really bombed by Yankees!"

No one was in the mood to sleep. The brothers in the dormitory put on their clothes and walked out, and found that the corridors were full of people.

Some students didn't know the situation, and they inquired as they walked. In the end, all the students in the dormitory building were woken up. At the beginning, everyone just discussed with each other. The more they talked, the more angry they became. They didn't know who proposed it. They all agreed that they should go to the U.S. Embassy to protest.

Liu Jiacheng didn't know where the US Embassy was, so he could only walk with everyone. He felt a fire burning in his chest, and the whole person was in a state of excitement.

I don't know how many students from Tsinghua University walked out of the school gate and ran into students from Peking University on the way. After the students from the two schools merged, they walked from Wudaokou to College Road. There are many universities here. The students from that school will come out and follow along with them.

At this time the school gate was already locked, and the guard did not dare to open it casually.

The students either came out over the wall or slapped the school door frantically, forcing the guard to open the door.

There was no idea how many people gathered. Some people were carrying school flags, some were riding bicycles, and some came out wearing slippers.

When I walked to Jimen Bridge, I suddenly saw many policemen maintaining order. At the same time, there were more than a dozen school buses parked on the side of the road.

Liu Jiacheng was very nervous, afraid of being caught by the police, and the other students, too, subconsciously stopped to wait and see.

The school bus drivers shouted: "Classmates, we are sent by the school. We will send you to the U.S. Embassy for free."

The students suddenly divided into two factions. The senior students said that the government would not allow demonstrations, and the school bus would definitely pull everyone back to the school. The students in the lower grades didn't have that much thought, and they were tired from walking all the way, so they squeezed into the school bus.

Liu Jiacheng also wanted to take the school bus, but missed the opportunity and the school bus was filled up every minute. He could only continue walking along the third ring road with other students. At this time, there were many residential buildings on the side of the road. The people were woken up and ran to the street to inquire about the situation.

Residents kept applauding and even sending water to the students.

Encouraged by the masses, the students became proud and shouted as they walked: "Chinese people, come together to protest the hegemony of US imperialism!"

I don't know how much time he left, Liu Jiacheng's soles of feet blistered, and finally came to the embassy area. The US embassy has been surrounded by police.

At first, everyone just cursed, and gradually, someone started throwing things on the glass of the embassy.

Liu Jiacheng also wanted to throw it away, but after searching for it for a long time, he found that he couldn't find anything to throw away.

"Bangbang Bang!"

Liu Jiacheng heard a sound next to him, and turned around to take a look, but he didn't know which school students were smashing the sidewalk. The bricks on the sidewalk were smashed. The student picked up the broken bricks and threw them out, smashing a piece of embassy glass.

"Good!" A girl applauded and applauded.

Liu Jiacheng did what he learned, and soon broke two pieces of glass.

Tsinghua University and Peking University are rivals, they love each other and kill each other all the year round. The boys smashed crazy, the girls clapped wildly, and the atmosphere was extremely warm.

After 20 minutes, the sidewalk in front of the U.S. Embassy was empty and turned into a dirt road.

Because there are so many black people and the students are unfamiliar with the environment, the embassies of other countries nearby have also been mistakenly smashed...

Liu Jiacheng sat down out of breath and started discussing national affairs with students he knew and did not know. A dawn gradually appeared on the horizon, and it was already morning, and they had been busy all night.

Liu Jiacheng was tired, hungry and thirsty. He just wanted to eat something to go back to school and sleep.

Suddenly, dozens of vans approached, the lights shining on the students panicked.

These vehicles are all delivery vehicles of Xifeng Company. Each employee of Xifeng wears neat work clothes and removes instant noodles, biscuits, cola, soda, and purified water. They also bring countless thermos bottles. They didn't speak, they sent food when they saw someone, and then left after sending it.

Liu Jiacheng held a barrel of instant noodles that had not been soaked in his left hand, and a bottle of Very Coke in his right hand. He didn't immediately come back to his is awesome! "Suddenly a student shouted.

It was getting brighter, and the students got on the school buses one after another, and went back one after another. These school buses repeatedly pulled more than ten times.

After Liu Jiacheng ate Xifeng instant noodles, he felt warm all over, and he took another sip of Coke, and he immediately became more energetic. Looking back, I saw my roommate playing barefoot and couldn't help asking: "Old Zhong, where are your shoes?"

Old Zhong scratched his head and smiled awkwardly: "I was too excited before and couldn't find the bricks, so he threw the shoes out. It doesn't matter, just let the Yankees taste Laozi's stinky feet."

On this day, the sales of Coca-Cola in major colleges and universities in Beijing are only two poor bottles, and the situation of Pepsi is similar.

Not only Coke, but KFC and McDonald's were also boycotted, and American products became a thing everyone shouted about.

The Coca-Cola headquarters held an emergency meeting and directly changed a Chinese president, and made up his mind to carry out reforms in China. Prior to this, Coca-Cola’s CCTV advertisements belonged to the original English version of the United States, with only a Chinese ad slogan added. They didn’t even bother to localize the advertisements-or they could do it deliberately. The English advertisements were even more lofty. .

It doesn't work anymore, and English advertisements remind him of his American identity all the time, that being tall is no longer a magic weapon for admiring foreigners.

Sales of Coke, Sprite, Fanta, Hedy, and Mirinda all plummeted, while sales of Xifeng's Coke and soft drinks soared. Perhaps after some time, the sales of American beverages will slowly recover, but some of them will definitely be converted into Xifeng's loyal customers.

Song Weiyang was far away in the United States at this time, and he called back immediately and personally arranged the night's action.

No matter which city, as long as there are demonstrations, Xifeng drives a variety of food and drink. Don't shout any slogans, don't say a word during the whole process, just deliver the food and drink to the patriot.