Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and fifty-two [End of period

In the next week, Song Weiyang and Lin Zhuoyun did not spread dog food all over the floor, and even needed to deliberately avoid suspicion.

Teacher-student love, it doesn't sound good to spread it out.

Although Song Weiyang said that it didn't matter, Lin Zhuoyun was more cautious. In the evening, he kissed the soldiers in two separate ways, making an appointment to meet in the dark woods.

At the end of the expiration in a blink of an eye, Song Weiyang casually reviewed for two days, what he should do, soaked in the library all day. He doesn't expect high scores in the exam, nor does he expect to get a scholarship. Now that he is confident of passing, he still has to review it.

Li Yalun disappeared suddenly, neither retaliated nor contacted Zhang Lin.

Zhang Lin was panicked because they slept on New Year's Day night. Although it was not the first time, she still felt very disadvantaged and went straight to Li Yalun's company to ask for an explanation, and then was coaxed to be dizzy by the fake foreign devil.

Li Yalun really doesn't have that idle chatter. Citibank moved its China headquarters to Shenghai for more than a year, and finally plans to open a branch here. The day before New Year's Day, the US headquarters made a decision to open a branch. Li Yalun and his boss received the news on the second day of New Year's Day.

This has been busy for at least three to five months, and maybe he will forget Song Weiyang by then.

In the coming January, the labor law was officially promulgated, giving migrant workers a legal basis for wages. This is a manifestation of China's acceleration of the legal system. Many laws and regulations are being promulgated continuously.

In the past two years alone, China has promulgated the Tax Collection and Management Law, National Security Law, Interim Regulations on Civil Servants, Science and Technology Progress Law, Teacher Law, Budget Law, Company Law, Individual Tax Implementation Regulations, and Consumer Rights Protection Law.

In addition to the labor law this year, laws and regulations such as the Advertising Law and the Maternal and Child Health Law will be promulgated.

In other words, many previous behaviors were in a gray area and were obviously wrong, but they could not be relied upon. For example, when consumers buy fake goods, there is no relevant law to protect their rights; for example, migrant workers who are owed wages and they don’t know how to fight a lawsuit; for example, there are false advertisements on TV and there is no advertising law. .

1984 was the first year of Chinese companies, and many large companies in the future were born in this year, because the great man had an "August Fourth Tour to the South".

But until the Company Law came into effect in 1994, private companies in China were not protected by the law during these ten years. Even from a legal point of view, these companies do not exist at all, but they do exist, and they are also registered in the relevant departments.

If we list the newly promulgated laws and regulations over the past ten years, we can understand reform and opening up from another aspect, which hides the magnificent waves and bitter tears.

"It's going to die, it's going to die," Zhou Zhengyu walked out of the examination room and kept muttering, "Formal logic is dead, and the teacher who gave the test clearly doesn't let people live!"

"Fortunately, there is no super outline." Song Weiyang said.

"I haven't been super-class yet? The last big question made my mind stunned," Zhou Zhengyu said depressed.

Well, the last big question is as follows: A certain company was stolen. Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, Xiao Chen, and Xiao Zhang were suspected of committing crimes. The four confessions were Xiao Li and said that I did not have time to commit the crime. Xiao Wang said that it was Xiao Zhang who stole something. Xiao Chen said that it was Xiao Wang who stole something. Xiao Zhang said, Xiao Wang has an enemy with me, and he must frame me. If only one of these four people is telling lies, please analyze who is the offender and write down the process of analysis and certification.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "That's a question, okay? It's much simpler than the penultimate question."

Zhou Zhengyu said, "I'm a little dizzy. You can analyze it for me."

Song Weiyang said: "According to the law of contradiction, it can be determined that it is Xiao Wang or Xiao Zhang who is telling the lie."

"Why can't it be Xiao Chen?" Zhou Zhengyu said.

Song Weiyang said: "Because the title shows that only one person is telling lies. If Xiao Chen tells lies, then Xiao Wang is telling the truth, so Xiao Zhang also tells the truth, which obviously does not meet the conditions of the question. ."

"Yeah," Zhou Zhengyu patted his head, "Maybe the penultimate question is too difficult, and it confuses my mind. I have lost the ability to think. Since it is Xiao Wang or Xiao Zhang who is telling lies, then Xiao Chen must be telling the truth, of course it was Xiao Wang who stole the things! I didn't think through such a simple logic, I'm so **** stupid!"

"Okay, just pass." Song Weiyang smiled.

Zhou Zhengyu waved his hand and said, "Definitely fail. There are several questions, I can't even remember the logic symbols, and I can't apply formulas at all! Also, what is it? I always confuse them."

Being able to ask this kind of question shows that this guy not only didn't listen to the class seriously, but he didn't even read the textbook carefully. In the entire 305 dormitory, Zhou Zhengyu fell the fastest, and his daily self-study habit only persisted for half a month.

Song Weiyang said: "The first one is the full negative proposition, and the last one is the special negative proposition."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it," Zhou Zhengyu took out a cigarette, threw one to Song Weiyang, and suddenly smiled and asked, "How are you developing with Teacher Lin?"

"That's it." Song Weiyang said.

"Which is it? Have you kissed?" Zhou Zhengyu brought the lighter over.

"Yeah." Song Weiyang gave an unsure answer.

"Have you gone to bed?" Zhou Zhengyu asked again.

"Go!" Song Weiyang said.

"Don't tell me." Zhou Zhengyu took the lighter away, lighted a cigarette and smoked slowly.

When they arrived at the dormitory, Wang Bo and the others were already packing their bags, but Peng Shengli was still working **** his self-study for the next semester.

Song Weiyang took out a note and handed it to Peng Shengli and said, "According to this address, you can find a winter vacation job."

"Old Song, thank you." Peng Shengli carefully kept the address, and suddenly his nose became sore that he wanted to cry on the spot.

Peng Shengli's heart is far less calm than it seems. He also misses home for the New Year, but he can't afford the travel expenses at all. Even he didn't even have enough money to stay in school to eat. He had already decided to eat a bun every day until the beginning of the new semester.

Nie Jun was packing things, but suddenly took the clothes out of the bag, and said with a smile: "I don't want home either, Lao Song, give me an address."

"You **** up," Song Weiyang said.

"I'm fine at home, and I don't want to look at my dad's stinky face," Nie Jun asked, "What kind of job is this?"

Song Weiyang said: "The salesperson of the Xifeng Shenghai branch sells Xifeng's products to the townships and towns. They have a basic salary and can get a commission when they sell the products."

Ding Ming also inserted the topic: "Doesn't Xifeng have agents and distributors? Do you still need to do your own sales?"

Song Weiyang explained: “Agents and distributors go from one level to one level. It is difficult to distribute goods to towns and villages. Shenghai is better. The more remote the counties and cities, the more difficult it is to open the grassroots market. Moreover, the rising sun is rising. The market is now very strong. In order to get high rebates, many retailers deliberately do not sell Xifeng iced tea. These retailers have to rely on promotions and sales to grab them."

Zhou Zhengyu said: "The rising sun is not as good as Xifeng iced tea, and Xifeng will definitely win."

Li Yaolin said, "I think the rising sun tastes good."

"That's a problem with your sense of taste." Zhou Zhengyu said.

"You have a taste problem!" Li Yaolin scolded with a smile.

"Stop talking, classmates, see you next year!" Song Weiyang dragged the box and left, while Lin Zhuoyun was still waiting for him at the staff dormitory.