Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and ninety-eight【sensation

Is there a problem with China?

Yes, many more!

In the late 1980s, there was a book called "China on the Colts", which specifically discussed the problems facing China and also raised some questions about China's future. For example, the author said that China's agricultural output will decline, environmental issues will be a major issue in the future, and the one-sided pursuit of GNP may not be the best.

The key is that the author speaks with facts, speaks with data, and points out the problems that are happening and about to happen in China. Even a half-blooded teenager can't refute it. Many people who had read that book said: "After reading it, I was completely desperate. With so many problems, can China still save it?"

Some of the sections in "China on the Col", even if they are put into the 21st century, can be directly changed to nouns and data, because those problems have not been perfectly solved in China.

This is the right way to ask questions. We are not forbidden to say that China is not good, but to make your words reasonable and convincing.

The reverse nationalists are not the case. They will only say that China is bad, this is bad, that is bad, and foreign countries are good in everything. Even extending to physical characteristics, foreign men have bigger JJs, stronger bodies, and better genes!

This kind of argument went to the mid-1990s. As the country became more and more open, the people's horizons became wider and wider, and it gradually aroused countless people's rebellious psychology—Is Lao Tzu that bad? Is the country that bad? MMP!

The most important thing is that China's economy developed suddenly and violently in 1995, the years of high inflation rate was suppressed, and the national laws were continuously improved. People's lives are getting better and better, and there is more and more money in their pockets. Except for laid-off workers and farmers, everyone's life and career are on the rise.

At this time, Western countries continued to sanction and hinder China's development, domestic reverse nationalists continued to slander and demean, and foreign-funded enterprises and Western dross invaded frantically.


People have accumulated a grievance in their hearts and want to vent it, and "China Can Say No" is a vent.

There are many paragraphs in this book, and readers can find realistic prototypes around them, whether they are fabricated or not. For example, a Chinese employee working in a foreign company also uses English when discussing business with Chinese people. After answering the application in Chinese, he pops up a few English words from time to time. In fact, this product has never been abroad. Another example is that a third-rate Hong Kong and Taiwan singer who came to Shanghai to promote his Western ancestry can attract tens of thousands of young men and women to buy tickets. For example, when Fei Xiang was very hot, because he was so handsome, the two young women were tearing up the dispute over whether the eyeballs of Fei Xiang were gray or blue. Anyway, they should not be black.

This way of writing is too grounded and easily arouses the anger of the Chinese people. How can it not sell well?

When Song Weiyang got the book, his first reaction was: Is this a pirated copy? It's printed like shit.

Even if he can find typos, I guess the proofreading work is just fooling around. The cover is also nonsense. The background pattern is the Great Wall, and the head of the Statue of Liberty is placed on the neck of the American soldier in the front. The color is black. Such an artist should be fired.

In fact, you can see the difference between the two books through those few lines on the title page——

Song Weiyang's "The Future Belongs to China": "A truly great nation will never disdain to play a secondary role among mankind, or even disdain to play a first-class role, but must play a unique role. If a nation loses this This kind of belief, it is no longer a nation."

"China can say no": "The United States can't lead anyone, the United States can only lead itself. Japan can lead no one, and sometimes Japan can't even lead itself. No one in China wants to lead, China just wants to lead itself."

The former is to regain national self-esteem and self-confidence, while the latter is full of anger: Oh, you, the United States and Japan, don’t take care of Laozi.

Some of the contents in the two books are also similar, but Song Weiyang likes to speak with facts, data and theories. He has read many foreign journals over the past year, checked a lot of domestic and foreign materials, and asked Professor Torlinnan for help. Some American literature. On the other hand, I like to compose paragraphs, brag, and write illogically.

Song Weiyang has always maintained rationality in the book, analyzing the shortcomings and advantages of China and the Western world in place. And another book only sees the bad side of Western countries, and even says: "All liberation movements in the world are bathed in the sunshine of Chinese thought. All peace and progress in the world are not benefiting China. Merit."

Bragging, nonsense!

Reverse nationalists practice double standards, and ultra-nationalists also practice double standards. They say that the history of the United States is too short, so it is superficial and ignorant. They also say that New China is only 40 years old, young and full of vitality. So, is it better to have a longer history or a shorter history?

The reporter went to interview many well-known writers and asked them to rate these two books.

Wang Shuo sneered, as if no one looked down on it.

Wang Xiaobo estimated that he was looking at the face of netizens and said: "The Future Belongs to China" makes people think, "China Can Say No" makes people angry. Of course, this is for the public readers. "China Can Say No" can only I can’t read it any longer. It lacks basic logic, just like a child’s babbling."

The reporter only intercepted the first half, and then wrote: "Mr. Wang Xiaobo, a well-known novelist, commented on the two most popular nationalist books in China. He said that "The Future Belongs to China" makes people think, "China Can Say No." Makes people angry..."

Before the Spring Festival, "China Can Say No" sold 2 million copies, and the pirated copies were several times the original ones. 400,000 copies were seized in Jiangcheng alone. At this time, Song Weiyang's "The Future Belongs to China" only sold 1.2 million copies, which shows that anger is often more popular than reason.

Less than 20 days after the two books went on the market, they attracted wide attention from foreign media.

First, Asia Weekly sent reporters to interview, then the Wall Street Post, then the New York Times, The Times, the Yomiuri Shimbun...

The foreign media almost exclusively criticized "China Can Say No". The headline of the "New York Times" even read "The Chinese Rebels of the Past Found New Reasons." As for Song Weiyang's book, the "New York Times" evaluated it as "warranty and arrogant," and it directly ignored Song Weiyang's American social problems.

Foreign booksellers began to carve. In the next six months, publishers from more than ten countries approached Song Weiyang and asked to purchase copyright and translate it for distribution.

Historically Can Say No" can be translated into eight languages, and 100,000 copies have been sold in Japan alone.

The senior management didn't pay much attention to it, but they couldn't bear the export to domestic sales. These two books have aroused global attention, and the rise of extreme nationalism in China has made foreign companies in China a little panicked. After going around and around, I added the internal reference and organized scholars to discuss and study the contents of the book.

The results of the research, to be a joke, some social issues in "China Can Say No" deserve attention, but the value of this book is probably to wipe your **** in the latrine.

As for Song Weiyang's "The Future Belongs to China", which includes content on energy, environment, education, trade, industry, diplomacy, and the Internet, it has spawned many high-quality social science papers.

A few years ago, "China on the Col" raised many very practical social issues. Although the book was banned, its author was transferred to the CUHK Philosophy of Science Room for research, and was also admitted to the China Future Research Association as a researcher, and created a "Chinese Studies".

Nowadays, several big cows in the field of social sciences have been eyeing Song Weiyang, wanting to pull him into his own sect and personally train him. Rebirth of the Wild Age