Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and ninety-six [Looking forw

The cover of "The Future Belongs to China" is bright red, all red, without any fancy.

The sealing waist is white. The staff of Fudan University Press specially added a sentence to the sealing waist: the works of Song Weiyang, chairman of Xifeng Company and the leader of the Chinese industrial and commercial community in the War of Resistance Against Japan.

On the train, Ma Xiaoyun opened the title page and saw a few lines:

A truly great nation will never bother to play a secondary role among human beings, or even to play a first-class role, but must play a unique role. If a nation loses this belief, it is no longer a nation-Dostoevsky.

The beginning is the preface by Fudan President Yang, followed by Song Weiyang's "Foreword: On National Spirit and Reverse Nationalism".

"Reverseracism (Reverseracism) is an anthropological concept that refers to lower-level nations in turn discriminating against higher-level nations. I do not agree with this statement, because nations are equal, and there is no question of who is higher and who is lower. It's just that the historical process of civilization development is different."

"Today, I'm going to borrow this term to summarize the Chinese social thoughts in the 1980s. That is, the Chinese are self-dwarfing, self-denying, fanatically praising all non-Chinese cultures and characteristics, even physical characteristics, and repelling their own people. Traditional culture and customs! Their worship of Western civilization has reached the point of ignorance and superstition. They can’t wait to get rid of their yellow skin and replace them with white skins to become the glorious “superior”.”

"There was a documentary called "Rivershang". From primitive villages with fences to feudal society with Great Walls, it was demonstrated that the inferiority of the Chinese people's closed roots can be traced back to prehistoric times. It is absurd that there were no walls in ancient Europe? They had eaten the Roman barrier of the Great Wall? The Great Wall of Hadrian and the Great Wall of Antonius are still there!"

"This is the logical model of the reverse nationalist. It intercepts a commonality, replaces it with a Chinese personality, and then criticizes it out of context. The most prominent representative is Mr. Bai Yang, who wrote "The Ugly Chinese." He saw it. Chinese businessmen compete fiercely, while Japanese businessmen abide by the business order, saying that Chinese people like to fight in their own homes, but ignore the commonness of global business competition. So this argument is extended: one Chinese is a train, and three Chinese are. Three pigs and three worms. A Japanese man is a pig, and three Japanese man is a dragon."

"According to this logical model, we can make sentences at will. For example, Chinese people eat at round tables, which shows that Chinese people are hypocritical, because they dare not look at each other directly; while Westerners eat at square tables, it proves that Westerners are sincere and pay attention to each other. As for the Chinese people also have square tables, and Westerners also have round tables, it is not in the scope of the reverse nationalist’s consideration."

"There is also a logical model called double standards, which is also the favorite of reverse nationalists. Let's take Mr. Bai Yang as an example. He said:'Foreigners can shake hands after a fight, but a hundred for a Chinese fight. Years’ hatred...Why do we lack ocean-like tolerance?” Looking back, he said in another article: “Israelis have a strong counter-attack. When encountering suffering, they will struggle and demand the other side to pay the price. The Chinese are Forget it, one sentence, a one-off, and muddy mud.'It can be seen that the Chinese lack of tolerance for revenge, the Chinese do not take revenge but muddy mud, and Westerners are right what they do."

"It's not that the Chinese are ugly, but the Chinese who are reverse nationalism are ugly! Sons don’t dislike mothers’ ugliness, and dogs don’t think they’re poor at home. Now there are many dogs in society who think their country is too poor and think that as long as they go to other people's homes, Live a wealthy life immediately. Even some dogs think that if other people occupy their own home, he can become a wealthy dog. Other people throw a leftover bone, and he picks it up, and he looks like a wealthy dog. Such examples There are many. Nowadays, domestically produced products can be sold with a foreign name, and if a foreigner is asked to advertise, it is easy to sell. There is a reason."

Ma Xiaoyun reads with great interest, and occasionally feels a little ashamed, because he also seems to be suspected of being a dog.

Chapter 1: China's position in world history. It elaborated on the greatness and advancement of China in the past dynasties, leading in all aspects from art, culture, politics, science and technology, economy, and military.

Chapter 2: The rise of Western civilization and the decline of Chinese civilization. It talked about the history from the Renaissance to the Great Navigation, as well as China's gradual decline in the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. By the way, it discussed the reasons why modern science could not rise and develop in China.

Chapter 3: China's contribution in the two world wars.

Chapter 4: Thinking of the Cold War and the advent of the era of globalization.

Starting from Chapter 4, Song Weiyang began to discuss current affairs politics and industrial economy, which is also what Ma Xiaoyun is most interested in.

This book not only recognizes the gap between China and the Western world, but also discusses various hidden dangers in developed countries.

"The American education system is a cannibalistic capitalist education system. It is the product and manifestation of class consolidation. China must not learn American quality education and industrial education, otherwise it will be poisoned."

"There are two types of primary and secondary schools in the United States. One is public, with low tuition and quality education, which is a **** for poor children; the other is private, with expensive tuition, and a paradise for the rich and the children. No matter how bad grades are, you can also enter prestigious schools through donations. Most of the poor children are mediocre in public high schools, continuing the hardships of their parents."

"Some poor children have worked hard to enter prestigious schools and immediately become the propaganda material of American education, and what awaits them is high tuition. Even after graduation, they are engaged in high-income industries such as doctors and lawyers, and poor children still need ten years to repay their education loans. Even longer, continue to create wealth for the upper class of the United States. Individual top poor students who can get a full scholarship, then he will be a successful model of American education and an elite working class of the upper class. Even if he becomes a student President, the same is true."

“Most middle-class American families cannot afford their children to college because tuition and books are too expensive. Now some domestic articles boast that American parents teach their children to be self-reliant at the age of 18. Such people must have never been to the United States. . If it is an American family that values ​​education, then parents will start to accumulate education funds for their children when their children are in elementary school. However, education funds are still difficult to make up because it is too expensive and requires the children to borrow money to study. After graduation, it will be a few years or more than ten years."

"This has something to do with the early consumption in the United States. The average savings of American households is actually not more than that of Chinese people. Even if their income is 100 times that of Chinese people, the monthly loan they need to repay is astronomical. Numbers. Now, US interest rates continue to fall, cash outflow refinancing is increasing, and borrowers continue to borrow new debts and repay old debts. Once the US economy has problems, the entire society will be chaotic. They rely on subprime mortgages to survive, perhaps, in the future. There will be a subprime mortgage crisis..."

Chapter 7: The future belongs to China.

The deductions and predictions of the World Factory, and the advent of the Internet era, these two contents made Ma Xiaoyun's eyes shine.

If we continue to develop according to the current trend, even if China cannot become the world's factory, it will inevitably be an important global commodity producing center. And this can be combined with the Internet to create an upgraded version of the China Yellow Pages website, allowing foreign businesses who want to seek Chinese partners to search and find at will.

Shenghai is not far from Ma Xiaoyun watched it on the train, on the taxi, and finally got it to his home and company, mainly watching the future predictions in Chapter 7.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come in." Ma Xiaoyun continued reading without raising his head.

"Boss Ma really studies hard." A beautiful young woman walked into the house.

Her name is Fan Xinman, writer, poet, director, producer of "People's Life" (one of the four major sections of "Oriental Time and Space"), and will continue to serve as the chief director of "Moving China" for nine consecutive sessions in the future. Well, what people will be more familiar with in the future is that she put a green hat on Zhang Daben.

Fan Xinman and Ma Xiaoyun are fellow villagers, and they admire Ma Xiaoyun very much. The reason why Ma Xiaoyun visited Daochang Li is probably due to her, because she was the one who made Daochang Li enthusiastic.

This time in Linzhou, Fan Xinman wanted to make a documentary called "Scholar Ma Xiaoyun". It is precisely because of this documentary that Ma Xiaoyun came into the field of vision of many bigwigs, and was even asked by "People's X Daily" to give an Internet speech and assist in the formation of People's Daily Online. Rebirth of the Wild Age