Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and seventeen 【Command Ruo

Welcome! There is no TV in the hospital. Zhong Dahua didn't know that "Focus Interview" had been broadcast, but he had already sent people to stare at CCTV every day.

"Uncle San, Uncle San, it's not good, it's broadcast on TV!" The nephew came by car, faster than the workers on bicycles.

Zhong Dahua trembled all over, with horror, his face was earthy, and his hoarse voice said, "Is it really broadcast?"

The nephew said: "It's really broadcast, "Focus Interview", our company in Rongcheng is known."

"It's dead, it's dead!" Zhong Dahua repeated.

The nephew said anxiously: "Uncle San, you have to find a way."

Zhong Dahua had already figured out a solution, he urged: "You go quickly, don't stay here."

"Where shall I go?" The nephew was almost crying.

"Don't stay in the hospital anyway," Zhong Dahua lay back directly, groaning painfully, "Oh, my heart hurts, I'm afraid this disease can't be cured."

The nephew was stunned, and immediately turned around to drive away. Zhong Dahua can pretend to be sick and get on bail pending trial, but he can't. He has to quickly drive away with money, and run as far as he can, and he won't be able to return to Rongping's sad place for the rest of his life.

Only Zhong Dahua was left in the room, his "late cancer" gaze was empty, and he looked at the ceiling for a long while without blinking.

Suddenly, messy footsteps and nurses' shouts came from outside: "Don't rush, this is the hospital!"


The door was knocked open, and a group of workers rushed into the ward. Jin Fudong yelled with a rolling pin in his hand: "Kill him!"

"What are you doing? I'm sick, cancer is terminal, you can't...Oh!"

Zhong Dahua hugged his leg and cried out in pain, but the shin bone was smashed by the rolling pin. Right next to the forehead, he was directly hit by a stick to bleed. As soon as he covered the wound with his hand, he felt that he was flying all over, but he was dragged out of bed by several employees.

Several nurses chased in to stop them, and yelled in panic, "Don't fight, they will kill people!"

"It deserves to be beaten to death, bastard!"

Zhong Dahua could only hold his head with his arms, his body curled up into a ball, his body and limbs had no idea how many fists, feet and sticks were hit. At first, he screamed, but gradually he stopped screaming, and he fainted with pain from multiple fractures all over his body.

Someone finally stopped: "Will you kill him?"

"It's good to be killed."

"Don't be angry, we will all go to jail if we are killed."

"Go, go!"

"Yes, hurry up, we haven't been here today, and don't say anything about the police coming."

"Take all the sticks, there are fingerprints!"

"Yes, the police in the TV series rely on fingerprints to catch the murderer. Without fingerprints, we can't be caught."


A large group of people came and went quickly. Within five minutes, only a few dumbfounded nurses remained in the ward.

A nurse leaned down, listened to Zhong Dahua’s chest, and quickly said: "There is still a heartbeat, send it to rescue!"

Zhong Dahua was too fat, and the nurses couldn't lift him. Finally, he invited two doctors to help.

Not long after, the police came, and the deputy chief personally led the team. They were ordered by the city government to arrest people: "Where is Dahua Zhong?"

"Rescue." The nurse said.

"What's his illness?" the deputy director asked.

The nurse said, "I was beaten."

The deputy director said: "Is it serious?"

"I'm going to ask." The nurse runway.

Soon a doctor came out of the rescue room and said to the police: "There are multiple fractures all over the body, seven ribs are broken, there is still a lot of blood congestion in the body, but there is basically no life-threatening."

"That's good." The deputy director breathed a sigh of relief.

It is estimated that the medical parole will not be completed. If the injury is so serious, a full body check must be done. You will know if there is cancer.


Song family.

"Focus Interview" has the ending subtitles, Song Qizhi feels comfortable and smiles: "Zhong Dahua is dead!"

Cai Fanghua hugged his son and said, "Thanks to my little brother."

"Yes, he is still great." Song Qizhi said with emotion.

Guo Xiaolan said to her son and daughter-in-law: "Pack things and prepare to move!"

"Mom, where are you going to move?" Cai Fanghua asked.

"Go back wherever you came from," Guo Xiaolan clenched a fist. "I have always insisted on living in this ruined house, just thinking that one day I can move back to the big house upright. Your dad lived there when he was arrested and waited for him. After being released from prison, I should go back there too!"

Cai Fanghua immediately put down his son: "I'll clean up and move tomorrow!"

The original 200-square-meter house of the Song family was occupied by Zhong Dahua's son at this time, but it didn't matter, just take someone away!

"Boom boom boom, boom boom boom!"

The knock on the door was very urgent.

Song Qizhi opened the door and saw that Shao Weidong was standing outside with two winery officials.

"Why are you here?" Song Qizhi asked.

Shao Weidong said: "We are all here to invite Sister Guo to return to the factory to take charge of the work. The factory is now very chaotic, and only Sister Guo can keep it under control."

Guo Xiaolan asked: "What happened?"

Shao Weidong said: “Those Zhong Dahua’s cronies are now arrested by the workers, **** at the door of the warehouse and beaten up. Those people are too hateful and I can’t stop them at all. If it weren’t for running fast, I would have to be arrested. They have a fight. After all, I am the director of the factory office promoted by Zhong Dahua. Production in the factory is now stopped and it is messy. It is estimated that some people will take the opportunity to steal wine and go home."

Guo Xiaolan took off her apron, threw it away, and said, "His ambition, follow me to the winery!"

Song Qizhi picked up the car key and said to his wife: "The door is locked. It is messy tonight. Be careful."

"I know, you go." Cai Fanghua said.

Song Qizhi drove Santana straight to the winery. He heard crackling firecrackers from afar, and even people set off fireworks and fireworks in the factory to celebrate.


Song Qizhi slammed his horn and rushed into the gate, and went straight to the crowded place, where more than a dozen of Zhong Dahua's cronies were stripped for public display. The troubled workers were even afraid that they would not be able to see the ugliness of those people, so they set up a bonfire in the open area. The male workers pointed and laughed, while the female workers blushed and talked quietly.

Poor mountains and evil waters bring forth troublesome people. This is where people still proclaim emperors in the ravines after the founding of the People's Republic of China!

Shao Weidong immediately shouted after getting out of the car: "Sister Guo is here, sister Guo is here!"

The workers recognized Song Qizhi's and immediately gathered around——

"Did Sister Guo come back to manage the factory?"

"Sister Guo is here."

"Sister Guo, you can't leave, the winery can't live without you."

"Yes, Zhong Dahua has done us a terrible disaster!"


Guo Xiaolan naturally does not have such a high prestige, and it is only because she is Song Shumin's wife to go back to the source. As for Song Qizhi, he is even more speechless. He can only run errands as a driver this time.

Guo Xiaolan shouted: "Who is the chief of the security section?"

The workers pointed to a guy who was stripped naked and covered in scars: "There it is."

"You are all old employees of the winery, do you still have common sense of safe production?" Guo Xiaolan cursed, "This is a winery, and firecrackers are set off in the yard. How dare you to set off fireworks indiscriminately and cause a fire? Do! You, Su Tao, temporarily serve as the chief of the security department and lead people to remove all hidden safety hazards. Shao Weidong, hurry up to call the police and hand these people over to the police, saying that they want to destroy the evidence of corruption, and the workers spontaneously arrested them. Yes, let them put on the clothes first!"

"I'll call the police right away!" Shao Weidong said quickly.

Su Tao also yelled: "All the security personnel are here, and they are working!"

Guo Xiaolan asked again: "Where is the production chief?"

Some workers laughed: "The production section chief is Chen Feng. He sent his wife to Zhong Dahua to sleep. We had a beating just now."

Guo Xiaolan immediately said, "Is Lu Guoming?"

"Here!" A small cadre stood up.

"Lu Guoming temporarily took over as the production section chief and immediately organized the resumption of production!" Guo Xiaolan ordered.

Lu Guoming immediately shouted: "They are all gone, and they will return to their respective posts!"

In less than ten minutes, the winery quickly restored order, and Guo Xiaolan took Song Qizhi to visit the old factory director Chen Zhonghua overnight.