Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and seventy-two【Fudan Scho

Song Weiyang has Song Weiyang's way of revenge, and Lin Zhuoyun also has Lin Zhuoyun's solution.

Don't look at Teacher Lin's weak and naive personality, once she decides something, no one can stop it, just like she eloped to the United States with someone in her previous life.

Lin Zhuoyun handwritten more than a dozen large-character posters with a brush and directly posted them to various conspicuous places in the school. She first clarified the content of malicious slander and admitted that she was indeed in love with the students, and deeply realized her mistakes. She has decided to resign as a lecturer and is about to apply for the postgraduate study of Fudan Chinese Department.

The college repeatedly urged her to stay, saying that it would not impose any punishment on her, but Lin Zhuoyun had decided to leave, and the matter was settled in this way.

At any time, lecturers from prestigious schools have more identities. If you can be judged as an associate professor for a few years, then you can go directly to the government agency, and you can at least be a middle-level leader.

Lin Zhuoyun actually said to give up and give up. A good lecturer is not appropriate, so she wants to resign for postgraduate entrance examination. This staunch and decisive approach eliminated all negative effects in an instant, and even some people felt it was worthless for her. After all, government laws and school regulations do not expressly prohibit teacher-student relationship, so there is no need to ruin one's own future.

This became the most sensational campus news in Fudan this year, and it quickly spread to several other nearby universities-the Fudan Graduate Ballroom is Shenghai's college dancing center.

One is a young and beautiful female teacher, and the other is a young entrepreneurial idol. The element of teacher-student love makes gossip quickly fermenting. In particular, Lin Zhuoyun's resignation for postgraduate entrance examinations gave her a poignant coat of pursuit of love, and some students wrote poems and sang about their love stories.

Many students deliberately passed through Song Weiyang’s classroom and pointed to it:

"Which is Song Weiyang?"

"The one by the window."

"It's really handsome, it's no wonder it makes Teacher Lin fall in love."

"People still have talent, not just entrepreneurs, but he also created "Resident Evil" and "Three-Body"."


If Lin Zhuoyun happened to be teaching in the class, the students would add a few sentences: "Really good match", "Man and woman look", "Too romantic, modern version of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv".

Today, Song Weiyang just walked out of the classroom, which caused another crowd of onlookers.

"Is that Song Weiyang? It's really handsome. It's worthwhile to take a car from Jiaotong University." Several girls in the hallway were chattering and laughing.

Song Weiyang was speechless for a moment.

It's normal for Tongji and Shangcai to visit and see the excitement. After all, there are only a few stops. What the **** is Jiaotong University? You don’t think it’s a waste of time!

Well, maybe people just came to Fudan to dance, and by the way, look at his legendary school.

Yes, Song Weiyang is now the schoolmaster of Fudan University.

School flowers and school grass have existed in the Republic of China era, and democratic voting is carried out in a serious way. But when I arrived in New China, I just yelled casually that there may be more than a dozen school flowers and grasses in the same grade. After many years, the classmates' meeting will not be the right number.

But Song Weiyang's "Fudan school grass" is recognized, who made him soak in a female teacher, and the female teacher resigned for him to take a graduate exam. This kind of shock made the teachers and students feel even more incredible than Song Weiyang was a billionaire, so the name "School Grass" spread, and no one raised objections.

"Hello, Brother Song, did you forget me?" A girl walked over, followed by two adults.

Song Weiyang felt a little impressed: "You are the one..."

The girl said: "My name is Liu Ziran, a reporter from the school newspaper, I took you to sign up for the new students."

"Yes, yes, hello, Senior Sister Liu." Song Weiyang immediately recalled.

The girl introduced the two behind her and said, "Xuedi Song, this is Professor Huang Yahui from our journalism department, and this is Wang Changtian, senior student of our journalism department going out."

"Hello Professor Huang, Hello Senior Wang!" Song Weiyang immediately stepped forward to shake hands, focusing more on Wang Changtian. This man will be a billionaire rich man in the future.

Some greetings.

Huang Yahui smiled and said, "Go to my office, Song is so popular, we have all become monkeys in the zoo."

"Professor Huang is laughing at me." Song Weiyang said with a smile.

"Hahaha," Huang Yahui laughed, "It's hard to know you or not, you are now the number one celebrity in Fudan University."

Walking on the road, Wang Changtian explained the reason: “I only came to Shenghai for an interview this time. I went back to my alma mater to visit my teacher. I didn’t expect Xifeng’s boss Song to be in Fudan.”

Song Weiyang asked: "Wang Xuechang is now a reporter?"

"Well, a reporter from Economic Daily." Wang Changtian said.

In fact, Wang Changtian joined the News Bureau of the General Office of the National People's Congress as soon as he graduated, and was soon transferred to the "Business Times" as a reporter, and was promoted to the newspaper's deputy director of the news department within three years. This promotion speed is fast enough, who knows that he went to the sea to do business, no loss, no profit, no development, so he ran to the "Economic Daily" as a reporter.

In two months' time, Wang Changtian will soon enter Beijing TV to start a financial program. It was precisely in the Beijing TV station that he built up contacts, and the light media he founded later was able to grow rapidly and eventually developed into an entertainment industry predator.

When they came to Professor Huang's office, Senior Sister Liu Ziran was very familiar with making tea, while Huang Yahui smiled and greeted them to sit down.

"Doing an interview?" Song Weiyang asked.

Wang Changtian smiled and said, "You are now one of the most difficult entrepreneurs in China to interview. I will not let you run away when you encounter this accident."

"Come on, then." Song Weiyang pushed the boat along. Anyway, the listing of Coke requires hype, and "Economic Daily" is a national newspaper. This interview is equivalent to a free advertisement.

Wang Changtian has heard about the teacher-student relationship, but economic newspapers have their own professionalism and do not mention the gossip content at all: "Ask a personal question first. You are already a rich man and a successful entrepreneur. Why do you still Want to choose college?"

"Why not?" Song Weiyang asked rhetorically.

Wang Changtian said: "The country now centers on economic development and encourages entrepreneurship in the sea. Many government officials, leaders of state-owned enterprises, and university professors have chosen to do business to get rich, including me. The deputy director of the "Business Times" does not do it and does business with friends. I don’t have business acumen, so I went back to work as a reporter after a year. But you are so good in business, why don’t you concentrate on running a business and come to university instead?"

Song Weiyang said: "Two aspects."

"Please tell me." Wang Changtian took out a shorthand notebook, and the senior sister Liu was also taking notes nearby.

"First, it's the enterprise," Song Weiyang said. "Xifeng Company's general manager Yang Xin is very capable. I can rest assured that he can manage the company in an orderly manner. Why should I stay in the company to grab the limelight with him?"

Wang Changtian asked: "So, you are superfluous in the company and don't care about anything?"

"Of course you have to manage," Song Weiyang said, "I am in charge of the general direction. Determine the company's development strategy and formulate the company management system. With the direction and the system, it is like a moving train. Only the driver needs to control the speed and prevent Derailment, fast where it should be fast, slow where it should be slow. General manager Yang Xin is the driver, and I am the person in charge of the driver."

Wang Changtian said: "You are different from the other entrepreneurs I interviewed. They have a strong desire to control. They like to manage big and small things, and even take care of everything that shouldn't. You are just the opposite, just be the shopkeeper."

Song Weiyang smiled and said: "This is because everyone’s thinking is different. I don’t like to charge for battle. I prefer strategizing. This is the second reason why I went to university, that’s me personally. I always think that a company can go. How far it is depends on how far its leader can go. If I don’t continue to study, then I will be a high school student in my life, and my horizons and circles are limited. I increase my depth and breadth, which is equivalent to improvement. The depth and breadth of Xifeng Company."

"It's very interesting," Wang Changtian asked suddenly, "but Bill Gates also dropped out of school. This does not hinder the development of Microsoft."

Song Weiyang said: "Bill Gates is taking the high-tech route. He is at the forefront of the times. Even if he stays in school, he will not learn more new things. On the contrary, he dropped out of school. While developing the company, He can still participate in the wave of technological development, and the entire American society is his school."

The above is all nonsense!

From Song Weiyang's entrepreneurial philosophy, talking about the corporate culture of Xifeng Company, I talked about the ice tea war for a while. Wang Changtian suddenly said: "It seems that Xifeng is going to launch a Coke product, and directly challenged the two Coke, and also booked a full-page advertising space in our "Economic Daily"."

"Yes." Song Weiyang nodded.

"Are you sure?" Wang Changtian asked.

“I’m sure I’m not sure, but I’m always going to try,” Song Weiyang said. “Now that the Chinese cola market has all fallen, Xifeng must stand up, otherwise we and our descendants can only drink foreign cola. Xifeng is willing to be in the beverage industry. Don Quixote, who has no hesitation, charged the two windmills like the devil!"

"Very tragic." Wang Changtian said.

Song Weiyang said: "Xifeng is not afraid of challenges, and will die on the way to the charge."

Wang Changtian smiled and said: "Last year you posted an anti-Japanese essay in the industrial and commercial This year you also booked a full-page advertising space. Are you planning to post another essay?"

"This time is a song, a very cola theme song, sung by the three masters of Moyan." Song Weiyang said.

"This sentence has a lot of information," Wang Changtian said. "The Coke launched by Xifeng is called Very Coke. Is Moyan Sanjie the celebrity spokesperson?"

"Yes." Song Weiyang said.

Wang Changtian asked: "Can you reveal the song information?"

"No, I'll find out next month." Song Weiyang said.

This time I chose to cooperate with the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, and getting the cola formula is not the key. More importantly, Chinese medicine researches all ready-made puree production processes. With ready-made puree production workshops and skilled workers, it can quickly produce Coke. Xifeng only needs to provide supporting factories in a hurry.

In mid-June, Very Coke is about to come out. Rebirth of the Wild Age