Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: One hundred and twenty【Crazy Military

"One two one, one two one! Look right, look forward!"


"Zhou Zhengyu is out!"

Zhou Zhengyu took a step forward and looked at the instructor with contempt.

The instructor said with a serious expression: "Folding the tofu cubes is to cultivate everyone's self-discipline and hands-on ability. Some capitalists among the students spend money to help fold the quilt. When he was discovered, he still refused to accept it and dared to confront the instructor face to face. Even swearing to the instructor, greeting the elders of the instructor! Zhou Zhengyu, do you know who I am talking about?"

"It's me." Zhou Zhengyu said lazily.

The instructor suddenly smiled and said, "Today, you don't need to participate in training."

"Huh?" Zhou Zhengyu felt a little bad in his heart.

The instructor took out a quilt from the carton on the back, and threw it directly on the ground, saying, "Just fold the tofu cubes here, one hundred times, and only once if I am satisfied! The others continue to train!"

"Why do you enter my dormitory or throw my quilt around? How old are you!" Zhou Zhengyu was suddenly angry. He is a face-saving person, and being humiliated in public is no different from killing him.

"Execute the order immediately!" the instructor shouted.

"Hold the chicken feathers as an arrow, I won't take care of you, uncle!" Zhou Zhengyu said and left.

The instructor said angrily: "If you dare to go further 10 meters, I will declare your military training unqualified!"

"Love whoever!" Zhou Zhengyu walked away without any quilt.

Yes, this person's military training is estimated to have to be renewed next year.

In the early 1990s, the military training of Peking University and Fudan University was arranged by the central government. Even because the military training took too long, the recruitment of the two schools was difficult, and many excellent candidates went around filling out their volunteers. Take the host of Phoenix TV, Zeng Zimo, for example. Her original wish was Peking University. She heard that she had to stay in the military academy for a year, so she changed her volunteer to the National People's Congress.

Moreover, the requirements of military training are extremely strict. It is no different from recruiting recruits. It is possible to play for more than ten hours a day. Fan Paopao, who was famous in the Wenchuan earthquake, said in the article: "From now on (military training), no one will be allowed to force my life to be arranged."

Peking University and Fudan University lost their high-quality students due to military training. After many applications, they finally cancelled the mandatory requirement for military training in military academies this year.

However, the military training of the two schools is still focused on, and the instructors all have a background. Don't treat them as big soldiers, maybe you can just pull out one, there are a few stars on the epaulettes, or even two bars!

Tell the truth, just a few years ago.

Among the military training instructors of Peking University is Hu. The third-year college student enlisted in the army and was a first-class meritorious service in the Vietnam War. By the early 1990s, he was under 30 years old. However, he was a captain instructor during military training and did nothing for four consecutive years, specifically training new students at Peking University , Just ask if you are afraid! Your Peking University student is really awesome, but the instructor is not bad. This fighting hero named Hu later went directly to the General Staff.

Today, although Fudan freshmen are in the local military training, the instructors are all transferred from top military academies or elite troops.

Even if Zhou Zhengyu was a high official in the family, he would cry and complain when he went home, and he would probably be slapped and slapped back to school by his parents.

In the scorching sun, Song Weiyang was sweating all over, but he was still standing in a military posture with his waist upright. Although he can't keep up with his physical strength, his endurance and concentration are sufficient, and he can stand for a few more hours.


Someone fell.

The instructor finally said: "Disband on the spot, go to the shade to rest for ten minutes, and the classmate who fainted will be sent to the school infirmary immediately!"


Many students slumped directly on the ground, didn't want to move, and didn't care that the ground was too hot to scald their buttocks.

Before the break was over, Zhou Zhengyu came back dejectedly, walked to the instructor and said, "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

The instructor asked sternly: "What's wrong?"

Zhou Zhengyu said: "I shouldn't spend money to ask people to fold the quilt, shouldn't scold the instructor, shouldn't violate the instructor's order."

The instructor nodded: "Fold the quilt. If you can't complete the task, don't go to bed today. I will fold the quilt with you all night."


Tears flicked across the corner of Zhou Zhengyu's eyes. He really cried, feeling wronged. This is probably the biggest frustration he has suffered since he was born. He just called his mother to complain, and was scolded to the point that he had failed the military training, and the mother-child relationship would be severed forever.

The instructor also walked into the shade of the trees, watching Zhou Zhengyu folding the quilt from a distance.

Song Weiyang handed the flue: "Where is Instructor Tan from?"

The instructor smiled and said: "Before I get angry, put the cigarette away. You did a good job. It's best not to change my opinion of you."

"Get used to it." Song Weiyang quickly put the cigarette back.

"Societal habits, don't bring them here," the instructor said to the students around, "you are all proud of heaven, and you have a great future. When I was doing military training at Shimen Army Academy, Dean Shi of the School of Economics at Peking University used to When I came to visit the students, he told a joke at the time am very impressed so far."

Wang Bo admired the soldiers very much, and asked quickly: "What kind of joke?"

The instructor laughed and said: "Dean Shi said that Peking University was formerly known as the Beijing Normal University, and all students had official titles. When in physical education class, the instructor issued an order to the students to shout'adults', such as'adults, please turn left', 'My lord, please go ahead.' At that time, the students of Peking University hadn't laughed in the military academy for half a year, and immediately laughed after hearing this joke."

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "The instructor is too humble."

"Not being humble," the instructor shook his head. "As soon as I became a soldier, you are all'adults.' Maybe ten years later, when I am discharged from the army and transferred to a place, some of you will still be my leaders. But that is the future. And now, I am your instructor, and you must obey my orders unconditionally. Don’t think that military training is useless. The students from Fudan University and Peking University in the past few years were trained to cry a lot, and all those who left a suicide note were planning to commit suicide. But now what The Four Army Colleges can receive thank-you letters every year, all of which are sent by those students from Fudan and Peking University. Back then, I had a student named Weng Bao, who was the first to stab, and even dared to beat the instructor. The wind blew when he entered the school After one year of military training, with eight pack abs and 50 pull-ups with one hand, the whole person's mental outlook has changed. This is metamorphosis, manhood!"

Weng Bao, the boss of Huizhi Media, had also been trained by this instructor, and he even dared to beat the instructor...

The instructor said: "What are you guys like? When I used to train college students for military training, I used to kick 12 hours a day, and I didn't want to eat or sleep if I didn't kick the standard!"

Wang Bo, who dreamed of going to the military academy to participate in military training, suddenly had an earthy face and a mind of Amitabha.

"I'm telling you," the instructor pointed to the sky, "Fudan's military training, the central government is staring, don't think about being lazy. Ten minutes are up, you can return to the team immediately!"