Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Seven hundred twenty-three【Clash】

This year, SMIC is completely unable to handle it.

Even if a large part of the chips required by China Science and Technology are handed over to SMIC for foundry production, the situation is much better than that of another time and space, but it is still difficult to stop its loss. In 2007, there was only a loss of more than 5 million U.S. dollars, and a direct loss of 400 million U.S. dollars in 2008. It is expected that the loss will reach 800 million U.S. dollars next year-mainly due to the impact of the global economic crisis.

Faced with such a dilemma, some overseas investment institutions still feel that SMIC has great potential, waving banknotes and wanting to buy shares.

After multi-party communication and negotiation, Song Weiyang invested US$100 million through an offshore company and transferred 8.5% of the shares of the major shareholder Shanghai Industrial Group (a state-owned enterprise). It also invested US$200 million to acquire SMIC’s private placement shares (approximately 15% of the shares). At the same time, Datang Holdings invested US$160 million to acquire SMIC’s private placement shares (approximately 12% of the shares), and the original shareholders’ holdings were all diluted.

At this point, SMIC can be said to have the surname Song. He and China China Technology jointly hold more than 35% of the shares, and there are three director representatives among the nine director seats. Of course, that offshore company has gone around many times, and unless the US government conducts its own investigation, it is difficult to know that Song Weiyang is the major shareholder behind the scenes. Even the three representatives of the directors are all glamorous, and Zhang Rujing chooses his confidant to serve.

Zhang Rujing was elected chairman and continues to be his president and CEO. Datang Group sent a person to serve as the vice president, responsible for TD-SCDMA related business.

With some free money in his hands, Zhang Rujing decided to buy two high-end lithography machines first. It doesn't matter whether the Dutch sell it or not. You can buy it from your neighbor Nikon. The Nikon lithography machine, which once sold 900 units per year, sold less than 30 units this year, directly losing the entire South Korean and Wanwan market. In this case, Nikon not only sells it for money, but also delivers it quickly and the price is as cheap as a horse.

For Nikon at this time, no matter what the "Wassenaar Agreement" is, I will sell it secretly first. The big deal is to come out and apologize when American dad gets angry.

The lithography machine has always been stuck in the neck of the domestic chip, but it is not something Song Weiyang can solve. It must continue to invest with the power of the country.

Take Shenghai Microelectronics Equipment Co., Ltd. for example. In 2007, it developed a 90-nanometer high-end projection lithography machine and became the fourth company in the world to master this technology. But after the news came out, all the key components were embargoed, and the prototype became a display. The company had to switch to lower-end packaging lithography machines and flat panel display lithography machines.

How to break the game?

There are only two options.

First, the state has mobilized a large number of scientific research institutions to continue the battle, and all the key components required for the production of high-end lithography machines have been self-developed. This is no longer a matter of lithography machines, but a whole set of related industrial systems.

Second, wait for technological breakthroughs, bypass the traditional approach, and directly carry out dimensionality reduction strikes.

While acquiring SMIC, Song Weiyang focused on China Micro Semiconductor, which had just made a technological breakthrough. Relying on his good relationship with the Shenghai government, he personally injected US$100 million and obtained 15% of the shares of China Micro Semiconductor, becoming its third largest shareholder. This fund is tantamount to a timely rain for China Micro Semiconductors, which is severely short of money at this time and is in developmental difficulties, and it is a timely rain with goodwill, because Song Weiyang belongs to a super premium share.


Towards the end of the year, various selection activities have become more numerous.

Sohu, Sina, and Netease have all conducted the "30 Years 30 People Selection", which is more authoritative than the "100 Influential People in 30 Years of Reform and Opening Up" of the Nanfang Daily. Because netizens can only vote for the top 100, many experts, scholars, and media people are also called to vote. Professional votes are all heavily weighted. Even if Li Yuchun’s public votes are more than offset by expert votes, it will be difficult to rank. Top 30.

The voting results of the three major portals showed that Song Weiyang all ranked in the top ten. Song Weiyang was convinced that he was ranked higher, and he didn't dare to refuse. Even if he was given 100 courage, he would not dare to compare with the people like Old Man Yuan.

What is particularly speechless is that CCTV has also organized a selection of "Persons in the 30 Years of Reform and Opening-up", and invited the top rankings to have a pair-by-two dialogue.

In view of the fact that he is also a leader in technology companies and was also elected as a man of the world with a high number of votes, Song Weiyang was arranged by CCTV to talk to Mr. Liu... Yang's mother can't help but beg for advertising space in the future.

Record the scene.

Bai Yansong is in the center, Song Weiyang is on the left, and President Liu is on the right.

Regardless of the personal relationship, the basic demeanor still has to be maintained. Song Weiyang and President Liu both smiled, shook hands and greeted each other very warmly, and even complimented each other a few words.

Facing the camera, Bai Yansong smiled and said: "Hello, audience friends...On the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up, we are very honored to have invited two leading figures from Chinese high-tech companies..."

Song Weiyang and President Liu each waved to the camera and gave a brief introduction of themselves.

Bai Yansong also talked about the achievements of the 30 years of reform and opening up, and suddenly asked: "Mr. Liu, what were you doing 30 years ago?"

Mr. Liu said: "I worked in the research institute in the 1970s. At the time of reform and opening up, everyone wanted to do some work. I was busy looking at materials and doing scientific research every day.

Bai Yansong said: "The conditions were very difficult at that time, right?"

Mr. Liu said: "The hardship is unimaginable. My family lives in a 12-square-meter carport, because the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has not allowed to build a house for more than ten years. Our whole family also lives in 12 In the carport of square meters, some asbestos tiles were added to cover a total of 16 square meters. How do you live this day? All the furniture is folded. The bed is pulled out at night and the bed is retracted during the day."

"Children in the family want to buy cotton trousers, they need to make a budget several months in advance, and it takes half a year to save money for a pair of cotton trousers. At that time, the prices were very cheap, but the wages were low. Food was also very cheap, but if you have money, you can buy it. If not, you need to buy with a ticket. I have experienced 30 years of development and changes in China and cherish the current society very much. I also hope that young people today can cherish their hard-won life."

Bai Yansong looked at Song Weiyang again: "Mr. Song, my father had already started his own business 30 years ago, right?"

Song Weiyang said: "At the beginning of the reform and opening up, my father first went to take the college entrance examination. At that time, there were places for the college entrance examination for educated youths, and a certificate was issued by the village. My dad actually issued the certificate by the village party secretary, but unfortunately, he failed the examination in the end because of me. Both grandparents and grandparents have some problems left over from history. He was frustrated for a while, so he started a winemaking workshop with the young people in the village, and he carried wine jars with my mother to promote sales from village to village."

"At that time, there was no land-linked production contract. Mr. Liu said that his family had difficulties and he needed to pay for food. Farmers didn't have to pay for food, but they had to count their work points. There was a quota for the food distributed every year, and there was always not enough food. After the farmers are allocated the refined grains, they immediately go back to the city to sell them and replace them with coarse grains such as corn. The corn paste is not enough to eat. The staple food is actually sweet potatoes. Edible oil is not enough. For a family of three, one catty of vegetables Seed oil will take a year!"

"Under this situation, my dad is also very minded. He actually dared to open a brewery. That stuff consumes a lot of food! I still don’t know how they get the food to make wine, but no matter what the method is, put it in It was definitely illegal at the time. In the 1980s, my dad was arrested and sent to jail. He definitely did not wrong him. He used air to make wine if he did not illegally engage in food. There are formal channels for farmers to sell refined grains and buy coarse grains. Too much, more than 100% of the amount is suspected of speculation."

President Liu smiled and said: "My father is very business-minded. Under this situation, there is definitely no private winemaking. As long as the wine he brews is slightly cheaper than the public wine, he will certainly not worry about the market."

Song Weiyang nodded and said, "After only three years of working in a brewery, my father swallowed the brewery in the town. I can't say annexation, because it is a township-level collective enterprise. My dad can at best be regarded as a long-term Contracting. Not only has it expanded its scale, it has also obtained legal status as a collective enterprise contractor."

Bai Yansong said: “Mr. Song’s father is a typical representative of township entrepreneurs. He needs to break through various policy restrictions and the road to entrepreneurship is difficult. As for Mr. Liu, what difficulties have you encountered in the process of starting a business? I heard that before you founded Lenovo , Ever sold roller skates?"

President Liu said: "It was not before the founding of Lenovo, but after. The director gave us 200,000 yuan in investment, which was a lot of money at the time. The problem is that we make computers, 70,000 yuan per computer, what do you say? And when Lenovo was just founded, it was defrauded of 140,000 as soon as it got started, and the remaining money could not even buy a computer. Intellectuals just went to the sea and don’t know how deep the sea water is, it’s a lesson! , I have sold roller skates and electronic watches. Some people say that I have also sold vegetables. I hereby declare that I have not sold vegetables. At that time, many companies imported computers, and we did inspections, lectures, and maintenance of machines for others. A little bit of accumulation of funds, and then use the money to develop the Lenovo Chinese character system, and then open the market through the Chinese character system."

Bai Yansong said: "No matter what, your experience in selling roller skates and electronic watches has also accumulated business experience for the future."

Mr. Liu shook his head and said, "What experience can I accumulate in selling roller skates? The real experience is to act as an agent for IBM, learn how to promote the market, and learn what financial management is, and then set up a factory, engage in research and development, and build a brand. This It is a road of trade, industry and technology. First, make trade to replenish funds, and then engage in technology to form supporting facilities."

Bai Yansong said: "Mr. Song started a business to sell canned food?"

Song Weiyang shook his head and said, "Sell commercial wisdom."

"How do you tell?" Bai Yansong asked.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Now many people call me Dr. Ma. I don't need to deny this. At that time, my father was in jail and his family owed millions of debts. One or two hundred people in the cannery were waiting for their wages. There are many fruit farmers. Waiting for me to settle the payment. What can I do as a high school student? I took a bit of money and went to the special zone. I didn't have a passport. I drilled into the special zone with barbed wire dog holes. A table is a company."

"I talked to a few bosses who went to sea to open a company, and found that they were the same as Mr. Liu when they first went to sea, and they didn’t understand anything. Then I opened a training class to teach them how to do business, and it cost 500 yuan for a lesson. I dare to charge for the tuition fees, and they dare to pay too!"

President Liu smiled: "You will have a lot of ideas for that private posting."

Song Weiyang said: "The full name is the'China Private Enterprise Development Promotion Association'. It helps private enterprises develop. I just started to charge freely. Ghosts will come to listen. First, I have to show my ability. Get an association to help several beverage companies, It not only makes money, but also helps people, but also accumulates fame. Of course, this thing is on the edge of the law, and the audience in front of the TV should not follow me. To put it bluntly, those who learn from me are liars. , They don’t have any real skills. Do you think what I sold to the company was a trophy? I also gave them a development concept. The company that bought my trophy, the boss who heard me lecture, did not regret it afterwards, because they all Learned something."

"Say an interesting thing. I met an old acquaintance when I was giving a lecture at Jinniu Business School last year. He was the director of a beverage factory at the time and he asked me to buy a trophy. When I talked to him about business strategy, he There was an example of doing a car wash. Later, the factory he led was restructured and was annexed by a private company. He simply ran to Shencheng to open a car wash. Just according to the case I made up casually, according to the business philosophy I said, it has now become He is the owner of a large chain auto beauty city. The most famous "Hongtu Auto Beauty City" in Shenzhen is opened, and the chain stores have opened in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities, with a net worth of more than 100 million yuan. This person can be checked, not a fake. He When I met with me, he said, "Teacher Song, what you said at the beginning has benefited me all my life, and the money is so worth it!"

"Doing business depends on your brain. Whether it's technology, industry, or trade, you can grow with a business acumen. To a certain extent, you must also keep a clear head and formulate a long-term route based on the market environment and your own conditions. In industry and trade, trade, industry and technology can't go all the way to the black."

"When China Science and Technology was first established, it was also on the road of trade, industry and technology. We did not know any technology. We made money by selling PHS. We first accumulate funds through'trade'. Then we improved the technology, reduced costs, and relied on'industry'. 'Continue to grow. When there is no shortage of money, we immediately began to put'technology' in the first place, completing the perfect transition from trade, industry and technology to technology, industry and trade."

President Liu smiled without talking.

Song Weiyang's remarks meant something. Bai Yansong was afraid that the two guests would quarrel and immediately changed the subject: "Mr. Liu, do you have any great regrets in the history of Lenovo's development?"

Mr. Liu said: "I have no big regrets. We have put forward the three elements of management, building a team, setting a strategy, and leading a team. There is a scientific and thorough way to determine the strategy, so there will be no major strategic mistakes. Just go in the right direction. Naturally, there will be no big regrets. There are specific regrets, such as the trade, industry, technology, technology, industry and trade issues mentioned by Xiao Song just now. I have a disagreement with Mr. Ni, which is a contradiction between the business manager and the technical director It has caused a great social impact, which is a pity to speak of it."

Song Weiyang smiled and did not speak.

Bai Yansong said: "Shenzhou and Lenovo have already launched overseas strategies. What measures will the two take on the internationalization of brand marketing?"

Song Weiyang said: "President Liu will speak first."

Mr. Liu said: “Since we acquired IBM’s PC business, I know more about the power of the brand. The same good things, one with a brand, one without a brand, and those without a brand can’t be sold. It takes a lot of effort to become something with a brand. The brand overseas strategy we will do in the future is to gradually transform the brand influence accumulated by IBM into Lenovo's own brand influence. The brand of an enterprise is similar to the brand of the country. It has a lot to do. Today, Chinese economic brands are still very weak in the world. When people hear of Chinese goods, they are synonymous with resistance. This requires many Chinese companies to establish Chinese brands together. Lenovo is just one of them, with domestic comrades. Only by working hard together can we achieve a good Chinese brand image. We will encounter more difficulties and pay a greater price if we go out earlier. This is what we are willing to pay."

Bai Yansong said: "Where is Mr. Song?"

Song Weiyang said: “It is true that, as Mr. Liu said, the image of Chinese brands is even worse. Whether it is 2G or 3G version, China’s smart phones are stronger than Apple in many places, and they are on the market before Apple. But ours The sales volume is always worse than that of Apple. It is nothing more than the loss of the Chinese brand. But I think, as long as the technology goes up, innovation goes up, and quietly working hard, the brand influence will also go up. Take now, although the United States People still think that Chinese products are generally very low-end, but our smartphones have many bright spots, which are enough to offset this potential negative impact."

"Among young American consumers, a force has been formed. They have become loyal users of China mobile phones, which is the so-called "Shenzhou fan". They are proud of using China's smartphones and even laugh at Apple in the online community. Users. laughed at Apple’s 3G version of mobile phones often dropping, laughed at the poor signal of Apple’s 2G version, laughed at Apple’s inability to replace the battery, laughed at Apple’s inability to use Google Maps, laughed at Apple’s inability to use Google search engine, laughed at Apple’s mobile phone screen is too small It’s not nice to watch the video."

"When you have the technology in place, the innovation is in place, the quality is excellent, and the capable person can't, the brand influence will naturally rise! If the capable person can't, then you can be awesome, and you can start your own brand. The host asked Shenzhou The future international brand strategy is just one sentence: Persist in technological innovation!"

Mr. Liu added: "Lenovo has always insisted on technological innovation. Personal computer products are in the ascendant, and they must constantly update their content formats according to customer needs. Computers, mobile phones, and broadband wireless are getting closer and closer. If there is no major investment in research and development, there is no foresight. It definitely won't work."

Bai Yansong also said: "How do you evaluate your own development strategy and how to maintain the competitiveness of your company during development?"

Mr. Liu smiled and said, "Song, let's talk about it first."

Song Weiyang said: "We are different from Lenovo’s diversification strategy. China only manufactures electronic products and of course also invests in some high-tech fields. A person’s energy is limited, and a company’s energy is also limited. If you choose too many options, it will be difficult at critical moments. The choice has led to the distraction of the energy of the enterprise. We are aiming for a point to rush forward, breaking this point out of a road, and then breaking this road out of the sky! At the beginning, Shenzhou only worked as a small smart, accumulating funds, technology and channels , And then through these funds, technologies and channels, start making mobile phones, computers, U disks, chips, motherboards, and electronic education products. China’s smart phones should be regarded as the masters of China’s silent work over the years."

"The PHS is a point, and the various products that follow have been out of the way, and the Shenzhou smart phone has already hit the sky. I didn’t blow out this sky. A Shenzhou smart phone will be born in the world within a year. Thousands of software companies rely on making mobile APP software for their livelihood. As long as we persist in doing it, this world will become wider and wider, and even change the whole world and everyone's lifestyle."

Bai Yansong said: "Mr. Liu, let's talk about it."

President Liu did not accept Song Weiyang’s tricks at all, and said to himself: “Legend Holdings is a non-related and diversified investment association. This concept itself needs an explanation. We are very committed to business specialization. Back then, I resolutely did not engage in real estate. Don’t invest in other areas, why did you do it today? I’ll explain to everyone that it’s important to have a different organizational structure. A company sells computers or sells mobile phones. The leading organization of each department is called the business department. The people in the business department are affected by The head office assigned him to the business, but the overall finance, personnel, and strategy are in the head of the head office. This business department system, selling computers and selling houses, is a computer technician and a house trader, and the cultural incentives are very different. , The headquarters is also difficult to manage, this kind of business department system is not feasible."

"We use the form of a subsidiary company. Computers are dedicated to computers, investment is dedicated to investment, and real estate is dedicated to real estate. Each company has its own strategic system and financial system. I only monitor them in general. Achievements are theirs. If you choose the right person and the general direction, then you can do it. This way, diversified development is ensured from the system, and Lenovo can walk on multiple legs without distracting its own experience. The multiple subsidiaries of Mtlnovel can start from multiple points, travel multiple roads at the same time, and type several days at the same The last sentence is a response to Song Weiyang.

From this time to the end of the recording of the show, Song Weiyang and Mr. Liu were fighting secretly. A dirty word did not spit out, but the whole process was mutual, which caused a huge response after the program was broadcast.

Some media even moved Academician Ni out to talk about the matter, claiming that the Chinese business community once again staged the dispute between "Technology, Industry and Trade" and "Trade, Industry and Technology" and that Song Weiyang belongs to the successor of Academician Ni's philosophy.

Both sides have a group of supporters, but most of the young people are on Song Weiyang's side.

Especially Song Weiyang's remarks made the young people excited: aim at a point and rush forward, rush out a way, rush out of the sky. This sky will become wider and wider, and even change the whole world and change the lifestyle of everyone.

Young people love to listen to this kind of speech. Who doesn't want to change the world when they are young?

Shen Fuxing will do things in particular. Based on this passage, he directly changed the brand slogan of China Technology: Technology changes life, innovation leads the future.