Rebirth of the Wild Age

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Due to Song Weiyang's plan to stir the **** stick, Tencent no longer voluntarily withdrew from the competition for the agency rights of "World of Warcraft" like the original time and space. Instead, a large computer room was built, all hardware equipment was purchased in accordance with Vivendi's requirements, and then Vivendi's bidding team was invited to come and inspect-in fact, the computer room was prepared for Tencent's game platform and the 3D online game "Triumph" that is about to be distributed.

Immediately, Netease and Jinshan announced in a high profile that they also wanted to represent "World of Warcraft."

Sohu and Sogou simply directly formed a joint venture "Soupai Changyou". Ding Ming claimed to be a diehard fan of "Warcraft", and he desperately won the Chinese agency rights of "World of Warcraft".

These companies are big crocodiles in the IT industry, and they are all optimistic about "Warcraft". When the news came out, it caused an uproar in the industry. Guangtong, Ogilvy and Ninetowns were so scared that they hurriedly raised their quotations, and the signing fee was directly fired to US$5 million. As for Ubisoft (Shenghai), it automatically withdrew. This company has just acted for "Endless Mission" and has received rave reviews. The number of online users has plummeted every day, and there is no money to compete with its vitality.

Some IT experts jumped out to criticize: "The overall scale of China's online game market last year was only 1 billion yuan. Now many companies are competing for "World of Warcraft", which is a disorderly and vicious competition. What is the concept of a signing fee of 5 million US dollars? This is just a signing fee, not an agency fee! The agency contract signing fee for a game actually accounts for 4% of the overall market! 》Provide early-stage development costs. Use the money of our Chinese company to sponsor the development of American games, and then pay sky-high contract fees, just to get the agency rights, and there will be a lot of copyright fees or sharing fees. This is Compradors in the online game industry will surely disrupt the healthy development of China's online game market..."

Those companies that are not capable of competing for agency rights also rushed to follow up, ridiculing the companies participating in the competition wildly, and frantically slandering Vivendi's behavior of sitting on the ground and raising prices.

In the face of turbulent public opinion, Vivendi not only was not afraid, but became extremely excited. Send someone to inspect Netease this week, next week to inspect Jinshan, and next week to inspect Soupai Changyou, and after the inspection, they did not express their views, neither said good nor bad, or even started formal negotiations, and then continued next month. Look around.

The more so, the more companies participating in the competition panic and can't wait to raise their quotations, which makes Vivendi more confident. Anyway, "World of Warcraft" has not yet started the internal beta, so continue to study slowly, and you can completely walk the Chinese company as a dog.

As for the Excalibur Network Technology Company, it is becoming more and more low-key, except for "Legend" related information, everything else remains silent. Obviously the "Excalibur 3D Engine" has been developed a long time ago, but some internal personnel deliberately leaked the news, saying that the development of the "Excalibur Engine" is not satisfactory and is currently being rebuilt. The progress of the "Shan Hai Jing" project may be delayed by one year. time.

Immediately afterwards, the marketing director of Excalibur Company was interviewed by reporters and clearly stated: “The 3D engine specially built for "Shan Hai Jing" has indeed encountered difficulties. Excalibur Network is determining new game products. At present, the company has established a third A studio called "Bubble Studio" is working hard to develop a casual game called "Bubble Hall". At the same time, the company is also seeking to represent game products. "World of Warcraft" is also included in the scope of investigation. The network may join the agency competition for "Warcraft"."

Later, insiders disclosed that Song Weiyang was furious at the company and ordered Excalibur Network not to wander in the muddy waters. Even the insider said that Song Weiyang is very dissatisfied with the cannibalism of companies such as NetEase, Kingsoft, and Tencent, because he has a large amount of equity in these companies.

Jinshan responded immediately: "We no longer participate in the "Warcraft" agency competition, we want to develop games that belong to the Chinese!"

This situation was quickly fully interpreted by industry insiders, and they all believed that Rebs could not withstand Song Weiyang's pressure. Then, the country incorporated the development of online game engines into the 863 plan, and Jinshan brought its semi-finished self-developed engine to become the first batch of key support targets for the plan...

Sohu and Sogou's "Soupai Changyou" joint venture has obviously become less active, and it seems that it has also been forcibly interfered by Song Weiyang.

However, Tencent and NetEase are in a frantic competition, raising their quotations time and time again. The outside world generally understands this as: "Tencent is trying to get rid of the control of Song Weiyang, a major shareholder, and Ding Sanshi is also in conflict with Song Weiyang. Especially for NetEase, Ding Sanshi has always been an absolute controlling shareholder, with an individual share of more than 50%. Ding Sanshi is Don't pay attention to Song Weiyang."

Finally, in the face of such fierce competition, Vivendi suddenly launched a "North-South market" plan, selling two goods at one price, and wanted to divide the agency rights of "World of Warcraft". Guangtong, Jiucheng, and Ogilvy & Mather Qi called "Mom sell approval", and then became more enthusiastic and began to accept Vivendi's unreasonable request for sponsoring early-stage development expenses.

At the same time, SARS broke out!

China's online game industry seems to be in a cold winter, because according to IDC data, more than 50% of Chinese players play games in Internet cafes. The data from domestic survey agencies is even more scary. 70% of Chinese players play games in Internet cafes. Now many Internet cafes in big cities have been ordered to close, and the number of online games in various companies has dropped sharply.

As a result, all companies competing for the agency rights of "World of Warcraft" began to complain and unite to resist the rule-breaking "North-South market" program.

In fact, the Chinese online game market has not fallen into the cold winter. Although the number of online players has decreased, the average online time of players has increased, and it has more than doubled directly! Many players spend the time they usually go out to play games, and even parents don’t interfere. As long as the children don’t go out and run around, it’s better to indulge in games than to catch SARS.

Even some white-collar workers who never play games have fallen into the trap. They risk going to work during the day and spend time on the Internet after returning home. Netizens will inevitably be dragged to play games.

Take "Legend" as an example. The previous peak online period was from 8 to 11 in the evening. UU Reading www.uukā is now at the peak from 6 in the afternoon.

"Legend" also launched the "SARS prevention and treatment publicity campaign", inviting medical experts to help produce game Q&A content. Each city in the game has a new NPC. Players can go to the NPC to answer questions every day. The content is all about SARS prevention knowledge. As long as the player answers all questions correctly, a piece of equipment will be drawn as a reward. If the answer is wrong, the correct answer will be given.

"Boss, I want to take time off and go home to see." Shen Si said suddenly.

Song Weiyang asked: "What's the matter?"

Shen Si worried and said: "Didn’t I buy a house for my parents? They just moved in some time ago, and there was a suspected SARS case in the community. Now the whole community is quarantined. I shouldn’t buy them a house, I want to buy it. They should be renovated later, because I killed them!"

"Have you called them?" Song Weiyang asked.

Shen Si said: "After the fight, they said that it's okay for the time being. But now the community can only go in and not out, and it’s not even convenient to buy vegetables. The government specially sends people to transport the vegetables into the community. I have to go back and have a look, otherwise I really can’t. Don't worry."

Song Weiyang comforted: "Don't worry first. Have you read the SARS prevention and treatment brochure? Generally, such suspected cases are observed and treated for a few days. After the SARS epidemic is ruled out, the isolation will be lifted. You will wait a few minutes in Shenghai. God, keep in touch with your family at any time and wait until the news is confirmed. And it's useless for you to go back. You are not a doctor, so you can only take risks with them."

"I know what you are talking about, but I just can't rest assured!" Meditation is already in the dark, and even the eyes are red. SARS is really scary.

Song Weiyang patted her on the shoulder, took her to sit down and said, "Hey, listen to me. I will chat with you for a while. You are in a very bad state. You need to calm down first. You can tell me anything. "