Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Six hundred and eighty-nine [A low-key l

Wu Changjiang, who had dinner in the courtyard house, suddenly held a dealer meeting and announced that he would expand its specialty stores nationwide in the coming year.

Of course, this can only be a slogan, because joining a NVC lighting chain store not only does not have to pay the franchise fee, but the headquarters will also pay for the shipment to help with the preliminary operation. NVC Lighting is expanding like this. All the profits earned are used to help dealers open stores. The bank still owes a bad debt, so no bank is willing to lend him a loan.

At the same time, Wu Changjiang fulfilled his promise to call on the king of Qin, and threw the distribution rights of various provinces to some large distributors.

These are superficial tricks, the real purpose is to attract media attention. In the next half month, Wu Changjiang accepted interviews almost every day. Although he didn't mention Song Weiyang's loan of money to him, he kept saying that he had learned something from Song Weiyang and claimed that he had been guided by Song Weiyang.

As for what they are pointing to and what they have learned, it is up to the media to guess.

After a series of free publicity campaigns, Wu Changjiang successfully borrowed 1.8 billion yuan from the bank. Originally, the bank was unwilling to lend him, because Song Weiyang's meal greatly increased NVC's social reputation, and even with its sales soaring, the bank immediately came to "send umbrellas on a sunny day."

This guy is very clever, equivalent to using 3.88 million yuan in bidding money, ran an extremely successful advertisement, and even tricked him into a mountain hot pot.

Moreover, the words Wu Changjiang said in front of Song Weiyang were 70% true and 3% false. He was indeed forced to retreat by the joint efforts of two shareholders, and was forced to fight back as a last resort, even compromising to give shares to partners is true. But all this is a good show of his director. He deliberately intensified the conflict with the partners, secretly connected the company's middle and high-level leaders, suppliers and distributors, and then called on the king as a victim, and finally realized the intention of monopolizing the company, and also Have the upper hand in morality.

Song Weiyang didn't tell the truth, he didn't care about this little thing, let alone the other party using his name to advertise.

Since there is a charity dinner, these are bound to happen, and even Buffett can't avoid it. Last year, I was a coal boss who retired from the mountains, and this year I was a rash entrepreneur. Next year, I will decide what monsters will pop up. As long as his charity dinner continues, he will definitely encounter all kinds of people.

Moreover, Song Weiyang is not without gain.

Because the coal boss didn't like publicity last year, Song Weiyang's charity dinner was seriously underestimated. But this year is different. The online auction has attracted a lot of attention, and the benefits Wu Changjiang has gained are also seen by people. Now all fools know that a meal of more than 3 million is too worthwhile.

Some wealthy people even gathered to chat, betting on Song Weiyang's charity dinner next year. Some bet more than 5 million, some bet more than 8 million, and some even guess that it will cost 10 million next year to have a meal with Song Weiyang.

Song Weiyang's personal influence seems to have reached a new peak as a result of this topic becoming more and more mysterious. Coupled with the media's help, the folks have almost blown Song Weiyang into a god.

The more the outside world blew, the more low-key Song Weiyang was, and even many business activities at the end of the year were pushed down.

The same low-key rich, as well as Ding Sanshi and Xiao Ma. These two stayed here this year, did not accept any interviews, did not participate in any activities, only to give Ma Xiaoyun face to participate in the West Lake Lunjian.

Ding Sanshi, who has always liked clubbing and having fun, suddenly became fascinated by "The Tao Te Ching", and everyone who saw him promoted his "goodness as water" philosophy of life. When participating in Xihu Lunjian, he gave each of the other IT giants a copy of "Tao De Jing", nothing more than to show his calmness and calmness.

Even Ding Sanshi stepped down from his e position and ran to serve as the chief architect of NetEase. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for NetEase's agent e to pass away unfortunately, and Ding Sanshi could only come back as e again.

Although Ding Sanshi is low-key, NetEase is not so low-key. More than 10 online games have been launched within two to three years, and the total revenue of its game business has almost equaled that of Excalibur Network, which owns "Legend", "Shan Hai Jing," "Bubble Hall" and "Audition".

As for Xiao Ma's low-key, it seems a bit bloody.

This year, n aggressively invaded the Chinese market and gathered many websites such as Mopu and Disai to jointly form the "Anti-QQ Alliance". In another time and space, Taobao even joined the alliance, vowing to dismantle the Internet communications giant, Tencent. Now Ma Xiaoyun gave Song Weiyang face anyway, and did not confront QQ head-on, but there were still some overt and secret boycotts.

Under the control of n, numerous online and offline media, and even various entertainment magazines, suddenly appeared numerous soft articles.

Some adverts touted n to the sky, claiming that high-end people use n, and only those who have no culture at the grassroots level use qq, thus establishing a network communication chain of contempt. Many literary youths and petty bourgeoisie are fooled into three ways. They regard the use of qq as a shame and the use of n as an honor. Looking at this year’s various blogs and (Wen Qingxiang) web articles, we know that most of the protagonists use n, which seems to be the only way to look fresh and refined.

Others have stomped on QQ violently, all kinds of black materials from Tencent, and even deliberately scribbled to smear, and even articles accusing QQ of monopolizing the network communication market have appeared.

People sing down Tencent one-sidedly, thinking that QQ is about to decline, because n is invincible. Fortunately, Tencent is listed in Hong Kong City, and mainland public opinion has little effect on the stock price. Otherwise, it will definitely have to set several down limits.

Why is n invincible?

Because this is a high-end chat software launched by Microsoft. When n first entered China, there was no publicity or promotion. Within a year, it won 10 market shares by word-of-mouth communication. Moreover, the high-end business market is rapidly monopolized by n, and CEOs and executives of various companies use n one after another.

This is related to product positioning, n is regarded as business communication software, and qq is regarded as entertainment chat software. Even many large companies prohibit employees from logging in to QQ when they are at work, and can only use n for online communication.

So what if Song Weiyang, the richest man, takes the lead in using QQ? QQ has long been regarded as a toy for young people, and this concept cannot be changed for a while.

After winning the China 10 market quietly, I suddenly started to do things this year. The formation of the "Anti-QQ Alliance" and the distribution of soft texts are just a small part of the action. It also created n, reached a strategic cooperation with Yahoo China, quickly entered the value-added telecommunications business, and encircled QQ in an all-round way.

This operation achieved great success, and the members of the "Anti-QQ Alliance" soared to more than 20. During the seven months from May to December, the advertising revenue of n alone is equivalent to the total annual advertising revenue of the entire Tencent network.

Xiao Marco was immediately stressed. He later said that Tencent had the "three major calamities", one of which was the invasion of n. If you didn't pay attention, you would lose all calamities. It can be seen that it was really a little overwhelming back then.

The only thing Xiao Ma can do is to keep a low-key and then low-key, spend all his energy on the company's business, and not show up in any public for the whole year. Tencent continues to introduce new features to improve user experience satisfaction. It has also acquired a fail email client with powerful anti-spam functions to compete with n's email function.

Fail’s boss is reluctant to work at Tencent’s headquarters, and Xiao Ma specially opened the "Tencent Huadu Research Institute" for him. The boss's name was Zhang Xiaolong, and later launched WeChat. The reason why Zhang Xiaolong's company was acquired by Tencent was mainly to counter the e-mail function of n. Who would have expected WeChat in a few years?

From e-commerce to portal sites to network communication tools, when the international giants just entered, the first reaction of the Chinese was that the wolf was coming.

These evil wolves died of arrogance and unreality.

n is a typical example. With its momentum and performance in 2005, as long as it steadily lays down and does a good job, it can at least occupy half of the country without breaking QQ.

However, Microsoft fainted frequently!

The first is the chaotic internal management system. When Microsoft was developing n business in China, it even placed n’s marketing department and R&D center under the management of two regions. In other words, there is no affiliation between the marketers and the technology companies, and they can only report to the leaders of their respective regions when they encounter problems, and then the two regions will communicate.

Is this a fart?

A small technical problem, after the marketing department gets feedback, it is reported to its own regional leader. After the regional leaders conducted internal research, they believed that they should be resolved as soon as possible, so they ran to contact another region. Another region said that we had already understood the situation, and then passed the problem to the R&D center. The R&D center said that we have too many things to do, n is only one-fifth of our technology development work, and we can solve it after we finish other R&D work.

It takes at least two to three months from the marketing department of n to report the problem to the R&D center of n to receive the news. It may take half a year to solve the problem, or even a year is commonplace.

Take the function of sending offline messages as an example, the engineers of China R&D Center proposed as early as 2005. But they can't contact the marketing department, and they don't even have the qualification to submit the proposal, because this is a matter of the marketing department. Until the marketing department submitted a similar plan, the two regions discussed with each other, and then reported to the Microsoft headquarters to finally get approval. But three years have passed, the day lily has already been completely cold.

There are countless cases of this kind. One problem has not been solved yet another problem has emerged, forcing Chinese users to abandon n.

Even those high-end business people who adore n can only choose qq in the end. Because the large file transfer function of n is very rubbish, the file is often cut off in the middle of the transfer, and sometimes it cannot be transferred directly.

This is because all user data of n is stored on servers in the United States, and then transferred through telecommunication servers across China. The Chinese government is very dissatisfied with this, because n's user files contain a lot of commercial data and cannot be taken away by Yankees. As a result, the telecommunications departments of large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai were ordered to impose various restrictions on n, which resulted in extremely low data transmission efficiency for n.

You Microsoft came to China to do business and didn't abide by Chinese rules. It would be strange if you didn't engage in it!

Therefore, n is doing its own job in the Chinese market, and even a feature similar to the QQ show will have to be delayed for several years ~ If this can win Tencent, it is simply an insult to the user's IQ.

The secret of Tencent's business war is: if the opponent dies, I will finally win.

But Brother Xiao Ma still doesn't know the situation. He just feels that he has provoke a tiger, and he may be eaten at any time, and he is there to deal with it all day long like walking on thin ice.

Even Xiao Ma also contacted Song Weiyang, hoping that Song's richest man could stand up and help speak, and bring some high-end business talents back to use QQ.

Song Weiyang's reply was: "Seeing him raising a tall building, seeing him banqueting guests, seeing his building collapse."

Brother Xiao Ma was speechless, and wanted to say something about my mom!

Song Weiyang gave Taurus Capital some instructions to invest in some Internet companies, including,, Douban and so on. These are all companies that were just founded this year. Song Weiyang walked around when he was bored on the Internet. When he saw his familiar name, he wrote it down and threw it to Taurus Capital to invest.

Angel investment doesn't need to invest too much, just one or two million for each family. The money is enough for the founder to be too happy to find North.