Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Six hundred and twenty【1 Endless Red S

Song Weiyang made a call, and Xifeng headquarters immediately held a related meeting.

It's not just buying land to build a logistics center. Song Weiyang decided to move Xifeng Logistics.

Except for Jianlibao Company in Sanshui and Xifeng Sales Company in Rongcheng, the nests of Xifeng's "two departments and five divisions" are all crowded together with the headquarters in Rongping City. The key lies in the word "squeeze". The area of ​​Xifeng headquarters (including the factory area) has reached 5 square kilometers. It has swallowed more than half of the industrial park built by Mayor Huang-that industrial park has been abandoned. There are a few supporting factories for Xifeng products.

Xifeng is almost alone in carrying half of the local taxation in Rongping City. It is completely okay to acquire land and continue to expand the scale, but there is no need to squeeze all of them in that broken place.

The Eastern Software Park of the Top Group was specially selected by Song Weiyang for Xifeng. When the land is obtained and the logistics center is built, it will be almost two years later, when the traffic conditions will be better, just in time to move the headquarters of the logistics company.

This involves many specific issues. Yang Xin notified officials of Rongping City after the meeting and discussion. To ensure that the Xifeng headquarters will not be disturbed, give the parents and officials a reassurance, and then get the plan out and send someone to Shenghai to contact the Nanhui officials.

Nanhui heard that Xifeng wanted to take over the Eastern Software Park, and was both excited and a little disappointed.

Disappointment is because they want to build a high-tech park, not a logistics center with no bright spots. The excitement is that someone finally took the initiative. Since the 500 acres of land was sold to Top, various messy disputes have continued for years.

Last year, in the Top Software Vocational School in the park, due to the lack of payment for the project, the accountant directly staged a full-fledged exercise. The two sides started a fight at the school gate. In addition to construction companies, there are also nursery companies, aquatic products companies, building materials companies... The Top Group owes money everywhere, and this is only a debt left by the construction of the software park. The creditors have repeatedly demanded to no avail. They filed complaints and made troubles every year, and the court couldn't enforce the ruling. The local leaders were so overwhelmed by this that they had already made up their minds to recover the land.

Xifeng Logistics Co., Ltd. expressed its intention and immediately made it difficult for the local government.

Because it is to build a logistics center, the price of industrial land is relatively low. Even if the entire 500 acres of land is sold, half of Top's debt will not be collected, and those creditors will definitely come to make trouble in the future.

So they immediately met to discuss the matter, and soon two different opinions appeared. Some leaders believe that the land should be sold to Xifeng, because Xifeng promised to move the headquarters of the logistics company, which is conducive to the long-term development of the local area; some leaders believe that Pudong has developed rapidly, and the land price in Nanhui will follow. Soaring. At present, Nanhui land near Pudong has been sold for several pieces, and the highest price has even reached 800,000 yuan per mu. The land in the Software Park should be recovered and auctioned as commercial land.

Until mid-July, Top’s credit crisis broke out, and courts across the country were hearing Top’s debt cases. Nanhui finally got a reply, willing to sell 500 acres of land to Xifeng Logistics Company at a price of 200,000 yuan per acre for a total price of 100 million yuan, but not including the Top Software School in the park-the school belongs to No one has the right to forcibly dissolve special institutions, nor can they forcibly take back the land.

Xifeng Logistics Company stated that the price is too high, and if it cannot reduce the price, it will consider moving its headquarters to the suburbs of Beijing.

The two parties entered the negotiation stage again, and it dragged on until autumn when the court forced the auction of the land. The ultra-low reserve price of 500,000 acres (commercial land) was actually sold twice in a row. Nanhui finally had nothing to say, and promised to sell the land to Xifeng for a total price of 75 million.

And also caught up with the last train, because if it is delayed until New Year's Day, after the central government's new document takes effect, the approval of industrial land will be more difficult, and it must be obtained through public auction. At that time, maybe you will be granted a comprehensive land, and the land use life will be reduced by 10 years out of thin air.

During the negotiations between Xifeng Logistics and Nanhui, Mr. Ren also held a meeting at Huawei.

The young and the radicals have the upper hand. They believe that Motorola's reversal of the acquisition is a complete humiliation to all Huawei employees, and everyone must be self-reliant. Song Weiyang put forward the idea of ​​jointly building a chip company, but it was also rejected by these young and strong factions. Huawei took advantage of the trend and established HiSilicon!

However, Mr. Ren also brought "good news". He introduced IBM's negotiation team to China Technology.

"IBM wants to package and sell the PC business to us?" Song Weiyang smiled, without any expression of surprise at all.

Shen Fuxing nodded and said: "Yes. IBM has found many buyers, especially buyers from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. There are several negotiating teams alone. In China, IBM has already contacted Lenovo, if not According to Mr. Ren, none of them will come to China Technology."

Song Weiyang asked: "Do you think you should buy it?"

Shen Fuxing said: "From a rational point of view, China's best not to take over, it is very troublesome to deal with subsequent issues. But from my personal emotions and the company's brand promotion, I cannot refuse the acquisition of IBM's PC business."

"Don't talk to me, you are all nonsense!" Song Weiyang scolded with a smile.

Shen Fuxing explained in detail: “The advantages and disadvantages of acquiring IBM’s PC business are obvious. But I am more inclined to acquire. First, China Technology will gain a reputation and even directly exceed Lenovo’s reputation; second, it can quickly capture overseas markets. Receive all IBM sales channels and customers."

"Then have you ever thought about why IBM should sell its PC business?" Song Weiyang asked.

Shen Fuxing replied: "In my opinion, IBM's move is due to two reasons. First, the PC business has been losing money year after year, which is a burden for IBM; second, during IBM's transformation, PC belongs to its edge business. Selling can accelerate the transformation."

"IBM continues to lose money, how can you make a profit when you buy it?" Song Weiyang continued to question.

Shen Fuxing said: “It’s temporarily unable to make a profit. IBM’s PC business is losing money because its gross profit is too low. The labor costs in the United States are just one of them, and the quality assurance expenditure is astronomical. If we buy it, we must make a strong Integration, the main factory must also be moved to China, it will take at least three years to make a profit."

Song Weiyang asked again: "How can you be sure that you can fully receive IBM channels and customers?"

Shen Fuxing said: "This is IBM's negotiating promise. If we buy it, we can continue to use IBM's trademark in the next few years."

Song Weiyang suddenly asked: "How many of IBM's PC customers are purchased by the US government and how many are purchased by US companies?"

Shen Fuxing said: “10% of orders come from US government agencies, and another 10% of orders come from US companies.”

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Do you think if we can keep the 20% of the orders after the acquisition? If we can't keep it, how much will we lose?"

"But if acquired, China Technology will become the world's third largest PC manufacturer!" Shen Fuxing said.

"Big and useless!" Song Weiyang said.

"Boss, don't you agree?" Shen Fuxing asked.

Song Weiyang smiled slightly: "Let's let Lenovo take over, let them go international, and we will honestly continue to be a local soft-shelled turtle enterprise."

Shen Fuxing couldn't hide his disappointed expression, he really wanted to buy it.

For all Chinese entrepreneurs who do computers, IBM is the goddess that everyone dreams of. Now the goddess is suddenly willing to marry Diaosi, provided that this Diaosi must give her a dowry. How could the rich Diaosi not be moved?

But in Song Weiyang's view, it was the "goddess" who was tired of playing and wanted to find an honest person to take the game. Moreover, this "goddess" has a lot of problems, and you can only lose the family after marrying. Can you correct the "goddess"'s problems? Song Weiyang thought he didn't have that ability, and didn't think Shen Fuxing had that ability.

By the way, the computer industry is about to be turned into Chinese cabbage. In just three years, industry-wide profits have dropped from more than 30% to less than 10%. In the first quarter of this year, China's desktop computer sales increased by 23%, but sales increased by less than 1%, and profit growth was less than 0.6%, which is no better than the mobile phone industry.

With such a bad market situation, you have to spend huge sums of money to take orders? Tired of life!

At present, the main competitor of China Computer is not Lenovo at all, but Dell, which is killing the Quartet.

Dell has already overturned a bunch of peers in Europe and the United States, and has beaten Lenovo and Shenzhou steadily back in China. Last year, Dell’s shipments in China soared by 63%, and this year it opened factories in the Asia-Pacific region. It will only increase its offensive next year. And Dell was followed by HP, frantically snatching the distribution channels of Lenovo and China.

There is no alternative. Foreign brands are more expensive, and Chinese people are willing to pay higher prices. As a result, as a distributor of Dell or HP, every computer sold can earn one or two hundred yuan more than the agent of a domestic brand. This makes many distributors "rebel against the enemy."

Song Weiyang was able to understand Shen Fuxing's feelings and comforted: "Don't be impatient, just do what the mobile phone and computer can do. Finding new profit points is the key."

"Which is so easy to find!" Shen Fuxing said depressed.

Mobile phones, computers and repeaters that once belonged to the profiteering industry are now completely red, and those who can not lose money are considered excellent companies. The profit of PHS is also seriously declining. The four major profit points of China Science and Technology are now all in an embarrassing situation. Shen Fuxing is so worried that he can't sleep every night. He is eager to acquire IBM's PC business to fight a beautiful turnaround, and even deliberately ignores the hidden worries behind’s situation is even worse now!

Since 2000, Lenovo has spent 25 million US dollars to build a portal website, 35 million US dollars to purchase and set up a financial website, 30 million yuan to build a distance education website, 55 million Hong Kong dollars to host an IT information company, and 23.33 million yuan to develop IT in the insurance industry. The service company invested 90 million yuan to enter the mobile phone industry.

These projects are all on the street. At this time, Lenovo's mobile phone, which is still stubbornly surviving, lost more than 40 million Hong Kong dollars last year alone.

At the end of last year, Lenovo closed all offices in Europe. At the beginning of this year, Lenovo began major layoffs. One of the laid-off employees also posted a post on the Internet with the title "Lenovo is Not My Home", which caused quite a stir in the first half of the year.

President Liu's idea may be similar to Shen Fuxing, that is, he wants to rely on the acquisition of IBM's PC business to stimulate the company's development. As long as it can be integrated and digested, it will be a smooth road. The only difference is that Lenovo is a listed company, which can also stimulate the stock price to rise sharply-the fact is that on the day the acquisition was announced, Lenovo's stock price rose first, then fell, and then plummeted all the way.

The Chinese can make everything into Chinese cabbage. It sounds domineering, but it is very tragic to the relevant practitioners. Song Weiyang is now suffering from it.

Can you imagine?

The most important profit point of China Science and Technology is actually U disk, mobile hard disk and MP3, and the profits of these three products are getting lower and lower.

Song Weiyang really couldn't think of any high-profit electronic products for a while. He can only say to Shen Fuxing: “Adjust the market positioning and stop making low-end products in the future. Even if you lose money temporarily, you must accumulate technology to make China a mid-to-high-end brand. Now it is a sea of ​​red. Persevering to the end is victory. ."

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