Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Six hundred and twenty-two [Closed beta

"Five years to grind a sword, Excalibur Network spent 480 million yuan to build an online game of ancient Chinese myths."

""Shan Hai Jing Zhi Sou Shen Ji" recruited beta players from now on, found a BUG rewarded 1,000 yuan, made excellent suggestions and received a reward of 5,000 yuan for adoption."

"The Excalibur Network has challenged Blizzard Entertainment, "Shan Hai Jing Zhi Sou Shen Ji" vows to compete with "World of Warcraft"!"

""Shan Hai Jing Zhi Sou Shen Ji" has a strong creation lineup. The team of more than 300 people includes five history (archeology) professors, four folklore (mythology) research experts, an Oscar winner for best original music, and one The winner of the Golden Horse Award for Best Costume Design."

"Is Song Weiyang, the richest man in China crazy? He actually spent 480 million to make a game!"


From mid-June, reports on the "Shan Hai Jing" suddenly flooded in. Newspapers, magazines, the Internet, and television, as long as there are words in the place, you can see the news related to "Shan Hai Jing".

In just half a month, tens of millions of dollars were spent on publicity expenses. Such an inhumane approach made domestic friends and businessmen tremble with fright.

The so-called cost of 480 million is pure nonsense. It includes not only the preliminary promotion budget, but even the cost of setting up the server. Even so, it is only about 300 million. And it's not a five-year grind. From the establishment of the game to the packaging and testing, it has only been four years before the game is fully settled. Of course, you can't say that Excalibur is talking nonsense, because the closed beta, public beta, and online launch are just a little bit more than four years. Rounding up is five years.

No matter what, the publicity effect exploded anyway, because the production cost of 480 million yuan is too scary.

Online and offline, there is a lot of discussion about this——

"Song Weiyang has become the richest man, and thinks that he is not earning enough money, and he has made games to poison young people." This is the speech of an online hater.

"Long live the domestic game, kill the kimchi game, kill the "World of Warcraft"!" This is the speech of the national online game activist.

""Sou Shen Ji" has been adapted into a game? Looking forward to it." This is a book fan of Wild Fox under the tree.

"What's not good about 480 million? It's just used to make games. There are still so many poor people in China, Song Weiyang should donate the money!" This is the keyboard man's remarks.

"I laughed so hard, and called Blizzard. When Blizzard was playing games, Excalibur couldn't even see the shadows. This broken game didn't deserve the shoes for "Warcraft"." This is a fan of Blizzard.

"Song Weiyang profiteer! It's a good end to a game to be closed and tested, so why should China's computer and mobile phone users give priority. Who is using China's computer or mobile phone, please send me a product code, thank you!" This is a party.

The packaging and testing activities of "Shan Hai Jing" have not officially started yet, and this game is already very popular. Agents from all over the country take the initiative to call to contact, hoping to obtain the game point card agency. The Excalibur Network immediately stated that it will hold a national auction of card dealers when the "Shan Hai Jing" is closed and tested.

Only 1,000 people participated in the closed beta, but nearly 100,000 applicants. This is the result of Excalibur Network's repeated emphasis on computer configuration.

I won’t talk about other configurations. 1G memory is a must. Although 512 memory can work, it will definitely get rid of Internet addiction. Many home computers in China still have 512M RAM. About 80% of new computers in 2000 were equipped with this configuration. Excalibur is reminding everyone that it’s time to replace them with new computers.

There is also the graphics card. At least 30% of Internet cafes currently have graphics cards that cannot carry "Shan Hai Jing." If this game becomes popular, it will inevitably promote the upgrading of computers in Chinese Internet cafes, and it will also be regarded as a benefit for the majority of netizens.

When Shi Yuzhu received the test invitation code, he was playing another game "A3". The reason why I didn’t continue to play "Legend" was because Shi Yuzhu had been banned for two accounts. This guy wrote his own plug-in program, and he was a one-shot BOSS, so it’s weird not to be reported and banned!

In a fit of anger, Shi Yuzhu didn't bother to ask Song Weiyang to return his account, and directly took his girlfriend to play "A3".

The card price of this broken game is so expensive that Shi Yuzhu certainly doesn't care about the money. The problem is that there are fewer and fewer people online, not as lively as "Legend", and I always feel that I lack the passion it deserves. People are contradictory like this. There are too many players in "Legend", and it is not easy to steal monsters, so Shi Yuzhu wrote a plug-in second BOSS. "A3" is flying all over the sky inside and outside, almost nobody cares, and the robbing is not fierce, but Shi Yuzhu feels boring.

"Baby, is the game installed?" Shi Yuzhu called his girlfriend.

Shi Yuzhu has a long-distance relationship with his girlfriend, and it was his girlfriend who took him to play games. Another time-space "Journey", according to Shi Yuzhu himself, was also because he and his girlfriend could not find a game to play, so he decided to invest in a game of his own. Then, "The Journey" came out, and Shi Yuzhu's girlfriend blew it.

"Zhengtu" was created by Shi Yuzhu in October when he dug up the development team of "The Age of Heroes". This time-space Shanda is still working on an online community, and the game "The Age of Heroes" hasn't appeared either. I'm afraid Shi Yuzhu's "Zhengtu" will not be born either.

"Well, I have been guarding the computer." The girlfriend replied.

Shi Yuzhu is currently sitting in the office, and there is a power leveling player playing "Legend" next to him. He has helped Shi Yuzhu to upgrade his new account to level 30. There is also a man named Xie Ming, who is the real game secretary and is responsible for managing Shi Yuzhu's power leveling team (two power leveling in rotation). If Shi Yuzhu wants to develop "Zhengtu", Xie Ming will be transferred to the "Zhengtu" project team as the chief executive, and from then on to the pinnacle of life-another time and space like this.

"Xiao Xie and Xiao Liang also came to play "Shan Hai Jing". This time I asked Song Weiyang for four invitation codes." Shi Yuzhu greeted.

The game secretary and power leveling started logging in immediately, registering their respective accounts soon, and then guarding the countdown screen of the test server.

Until 10 o'clock in the morning, the countdown finally turned to 00:00:00, and the three of them swiped into the character building interface.

Players can currently choose from five races: gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. Each race has its own talents and skills, and they are mutually reinforcing. In addition, the Dragon and Jiuli tribes are gray and cannot be selected, and I don't know which version can be opened.

There are also eight major professions to choose from: Mage, Swordsman, Warrior, Archer, Pharmacist, Wuzhu, Beast Master, and Gu Master.

Shi Yuzhu studied for a while and called his girlfriend to ask: "What ethnicity and occupation do you choose?"

"Pharmacy, Huo Clan," said his girlfriend.

Shi Yuzhu dragged the mouse over: "It seems that the pharmacist specializes in returning blood to his teammates, right? The Mu clan has a pharmacist's healing bonus, and the Shui clan focuses on returning the blue to his teammates."

The girlfriend said: "A pharmacist can also specialize in poisoning. I have studied it specifically. The pharmacists of the Aqua and Fire are very toxic."

"That's all right." Shi Yuzhu felt a headache. Because he likes to hack people directly when playing games, only the Warriors and Swordsmen meet his appetite, but the gold and fire classes all have attack bonuses, but the water people have life and mana regeneration bonuses. Choosing the water people to hack people does not seem to be very good. Mighty.

Reluctant to choose an aquarium warrior, Shi Yuzhu said to the two people around him: "You choose the mage and the beast controler, the beast controler will carry the pet in front, and the mage hides in the back row for output."

After talking about Shi Yuzhu, click to enter the game. It was born in a small village at the foot of Shizhe Mountain. The screen also appeared in small vertical lines of grass from left to right: "It is two hundred and eighty miles north, and it is said that Shizhe’s mountain has no vegetation on it. Duo Baguio. The drizzle flows out of Yan, and the west flows into the river. There is a beast Yan, which looks like a leopard, and the inscription is white body, whose name is Mengji, is Shan Fu, and it calls itself.-"Shan Hai Jing·Volume 3 ·North Mountain Classic"."

"It's so beautiful!" The agent next to him suddenly exclaimed.

The game screen is indeed beautiful, although the Stone Mountain is as recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing" ~ ~ there is no vegetation on the bare mountain. But under the setting sun, the mountainous horns add a touch of desolation and magnificence. Shi Yuzhu ran directly outside the village, and soon arrived at the small river named Mingshui. The surface of the river was shimmering, and even the fish in the river could be seen.

"This game, the screen is more beautiful than "A3"!" Shi Yuzhu couldn't help but marvel. It is hard for him to imagine that domestic games can do this.

Zulong Studio is the development team of "Perfect World". Under Song Weiyang's crazy money, their graphics are simply frantic. The graphics card requirements of this game are even higher than those of "World of Warcraft".

The game secretary Xie Ming couldn't help reminding: "Boss, you haven't taken the task in the village yet."

Shi Yuzhu said: "I'll just go around."

Shi Yuzhu played with his girlfriend until noon, from Stone Mountain to Danxun Mountain, and finally headed to Stone City, one of the largest aquatic cities. The moment you enter the city seems to be back to ancient times, but since most of the stone buildings are stone buildings, it also has a somewhat European medieval feel.

"This game is great!" Shi Yuzhu's girlfriend ran around the city, drilling inside when she saw the house, as if she was a tourist.

In the afternoon, Shi Yuzhu came to a certain place and subconsciously clicked on the NPC with a yellow greeting. As a result, the NPC asked him to form a team of five. There were only four people on Shi Yuzhu's side, and he quickly formed an individual guest, and then the screen reading began. They were the first team to play a five-person copy on the closed beta server.

In addition, Shi Yuzhu and the others successfully discovered the BUG, ​​and the power leveling stuck in the cracks of the stone could not get out, but they could keep playing the skills to fight the boss, but the BOSS skills could not cause damage to the power leveling.

"It's a pity that PK can't explode equipment." This is the only place that Shi Yuzhu feels uncomfortable. Other game content makes him feel perfect.

Rebirth of the Wild Age

Rebirth of the Wild Age