Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Six hundred fifty-eight [There are saint

After all, Song Weiyang still didn't escape the mundane affairs, and was obsessed with stubbornly by Director Liu and recorded a show.

This morning, Song Weiyang planned to accompany Chen Tao to Disneyland. Not long after the opening of the Hong Kong Disneyland, there were so many tourists that they exploded, and some even came from the mainland to try new things.

The famous Song richest man, can't be stupid standing there in line, right? He also didn't bother to spend money to jump in the queue, because even if he paid extra, he still had to line up, but the queue time was shorter. Looking at the long queues, Song Weiyang turned around and took Chen Tao to the Ocean Park. The underwater animals are much more interesting than Disney princesses.

After having lunch outside, just after returning to the villa he gave his brother-in-law, the filming team of "Celebrity Face to Face" came to visit.

This show has been very popular in recent years. The subjects of interviews are Oxford and Yale principals, Master Nebula and Silent Master, magician David Copperfield, golf superstar Tiger Woods, and Aldrin, the first man to land on the moon. ……Etc., etc. With so many giants in various industries, it is naturally impossible to invite them to the TV station. It is the host who leads the team to record.

"Mr. Song, take the liberty to visit, I really disturbed!" Xu Damei smiled and shook hands. Her lower abdomen was slightly raised, and she was pregnant for four or five months.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Miss Xu has a good deed. Congratulations!"

"Thank you Mr. Song for your blessing." Xu Damei was very happy, she was only married at the beginning of the year.

However, after the marriage was exposed, there was a lot of negative public opinion, because when her husband divorced his ex-wife, the child of her ex-wife was only 5 months old. And she claimed that she has been with her husband for three years, which is equivalent to when someone else’s ex-wife became pregnant...

Damei Xu's husband is also a person in the IT industry. She graduated from the Department of Chemistry at Peking University and is said to be a child prodigy. This old man had never taken a linear algebra class when he was an undergraduate. After studying the textbook three days before the exam, he got full marks in the final exam. When the company was first established, he couldn't afford to hire a lawyer, so he spent time studying law on his own, and he had been in charge of legal issues a few years before starting the business.

But no matter how prodigy, Song Weiyang is not interested in getting to know him, because this old man swapped shares with Lenovo last year and has become a strategic partner of Lenovo's Internet business.

Both of the three female hosts of Phoenix TV, Xu Damei's interview and hosting style is completely different from that of Lu Yu. She does not have a fixed interview process, nor does she negotiate the content of the interview with the interviewees. Instead, she uses the information she has to link up with random chats.

To be honest, this kind of interview method similar to small talk is very comfortable for the big names of celebrities from all walks of life, and you can chat with a big beauty without restraint.

Damei Xu asked as she walked: "I heard that Mr. Song came to Hong Kong City this time and attended Ms. Deng Wendi's party?"

Song Weiyang said: "The main reason is to talk to Murdoch."

Damei Xu asked: "Is the communication with Mr. Murdoch still pleasant?"

"It's not pleasant, and it's not unpleasant," Song Weiyang smiled. "Anyway, the chicken and the duck talk about it. There is no common topic, so let's just leave it there for nonsense."

"How come?" Xu Damei was slightly surprised.

Song Weiyang said: "It's very normal. His business thinking is more traditional and Western, and my business thinking is more modern and Eastern. It's like two parallel lines, and there is really no common point of intersection."

Xu Damei said: "A word you made at the party caused the Hang Seng Index to soar. The Hong Kong City Financial Media has already coined the term'Song Weiyang Effect'. What do you think of this?"

Song Weiyang said: "What else can I see? The more highly motivated who praises me, the stronger the motivation behind it, just to take the opportunity to increase the stock price."

Song Weiyang answered several questions in a row, and Xu Damei was shocked by her "candid" level, and she was obviously not suitable for Song Dapao's style. She smiled and said: "Mr. Song means that the current market is being promoted by someone with a heart?"

"Who has the ability to lift the Hong Kong stock market? No, none of them, Li Chaoren can't do it," Song Weiyang shook his head. "Neither can I, it's impossible to pull the Hong Kong stock market with a single word."

Damei Xu asked: "Then why has the Hang Seng Index soared in the past few days?"

Song Weiyang said: "Hong Kong stocks continued to fall sharply in the past few years, all due to external factors. First, the Internet bubble burst, and then 911, ** and avian flu, and the housing market was dying for special reasons. These unfavorable factors It’s all over. Last year, Hong Kong City’s economy grew rapidly, and the stock market was slowly picking up. I am optimistic about the exposure of Hong Kong stocks. Interested people took the opportunity to add to the flames. Various positive factors and the general economic trend were superimposed, and the potential of Hong Kong stocks was suddenly stimulated. come out."

"How long do you think this rising trend can last?" Xu Damei asked.

Song Weiyang laughed and said, "I feel like I'm recording a financial program. Does "Celebrity Face to Face" ask such professional questions?"

Xu Damei said: "Different interviewees, we will ask different questions."

"How long can Hong Kong stocks continue to rise? This question is difficult to answer because Hong Kong stocks are too much affected by external factors," Song Weiyang laughed. It fell sharply."

Xu Damei asked from another angle: "What about the economy of Hong Kong?"

Song Weiyang said: "I dare not say that I am far away. It will definitely continue to increase in five years. This year, the world economic growth has slowed down, but mainland China is developing at a high speed. Hong Kong City is one of the main re-export cities in China. The economic growth rate is definitely faster than the world economic situation."

Xu Damei said: "Some people say that the success of mainland manufacturing has destroyed the manufacturing industry in Hong Kong."

Song Weiyang laughed and said: "Such words can be heard not only in Hong Kong City, but also in the whole world. The labor cost of Hong Kong City is not enough to support low-end manufacturing. Even if there is no mainland China, there are other Southeast Asian countries. Come out to grab the market. I know what you want to express. It is nothing more than putting the Hong Kong city's economic recession over the years on the mainland. Hong Kong movies have been destroyed by Hollywood. Why not go to Hollywood to protest? "

Damei Xu changed the subject: "Mr. Song seems to like to make all kinds of predictions? And most of the predictions have been fulfilled."

Song Weiyang started talking nonsense: "Yes, I am actually a futurist."

"What is the basis for your prediction?" Xu Damei asked.

"Nonsense, believe it or not," Song Weiyang said.

Xu Damei said: "Can I guess every time I talk nonsense?"

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "I'm lucky. In the 2002 World Cup in Korea and Japan, I won more than 100 million U.S. dollars in a bet. Do you believe this?"

"I don't believe it." Xu Damei shook her head.

"Hahahaha," Song Weiyang laughed, "This is true, and I don't usually tell people."

Xu Damei was a little shaken: "Really?"

Song Weiyang said ambiguously: "Some things you believe are true."

Xu Damei can't figure out the truth at all, so she can only continue to change the subject. That's how she did interview shows. The nonsense chats of the south and the north lead the interviewees to express their own opinions, and then through post-editing to make the show more compact. Immediately, she jumped off and said, "I have met many mainland entrepreneurs, and you are not the same as them."

Song Weiyang said, "This is a bit of a panacea. You can't be wrong with anyone. Everyone thinks that they are different."

Xu Damei couldn't help but sneered, and said, "Mr. Song, you're going to talk about the topic like this."

"It doesn't matter, you are the host anyway, the big deal will be the next awkward chat." Song Weiyang sat on the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted, looking like a god.

Damei Xu smiled and said: "The term awkward chat is a good use. When I first became the host, I often talked awkwardly."

Song Weiyang was running the train again: "It's okay, beautiful women are privileged. As long as the interviewee is a man, they are willing to cooperate no matter how embarrassing you talk. I heard that Miss Xu is very charming. I have hosted entrepreneurs in the past two years. On the forum, a bunch of big bosses line up to chase you."

This is true. Xu Damei is not only beautiful, but also has a good-talking temperament. She has a taste of intellectuality, which is especially attractive to entrepreneurs.

Damei Xu obviously didn't want to talk about it, and asked: "I have hosted three mainland entrepreneurs forums in a row. Why has Mr. Song never participated? Is it because of his low-key personality, or he doesn't like to participate in such activities?"

"I participated last year." Song Weiyang said.

Xu Damei said: "I just didn't host it last year."

"That's really a pity," Song Weiyang vomited. "The host was not good last year. He was not as pretty as Miss Xu."

Xu Damei was quite speechless: "Last year's host was a man..."

"Man? I almost forgot." Song Weiyang didn't lie, he really forgot.

Damei Xu usually interviews successful people, and she has never seen such an unreasonable rich man. Let Song Weiyang play again. The interview will definitely get more and more scattered. She can only quickly gather the main line: "Mr. Song is now the seventh richest man in the world. What qualities do you think are supporting you to success step by step?"

"Maybe luck is particularly good." Song Weiyang said seriously.

Xu Damei was very depressed, she could only continue to ask: "Except for luck?"

Song Weiyang drank the juice and frowned, "I always feel that the successful experience summarized by successful people is used to fool people. Therefore, I can't answer your question because I don't bother to fool anyone. "

Xu Damei finally showed a successful smile: "The school motto of Jinniu Business School, "General Skills, Controlling Situation, and Combination, are they also fooling people?"

Song Weiyang didn't change his face and said: "I have said before, and there are some things you believe in. The three points of general skill, control of the situation, and harmony belong to the big principle. They are unbreakable, just like filial piety to the elders. It must be right. But. You must not only believe, but you must also learn, and use it flexibly. When interviewed on TV, I don’t know how to say such things. Force. You don’t need to silence your swear words, and no one censors your show anyway."

"Mr. Song speaks very truthfully." Xu Damei could only say that.

Song Weiyang laughed and said: "Phoenix TV likes to do history, science, philosophy, literature, religion and other programs. Your style is very high, and the audience is mostly intellectuals and petty bourgeoisie. This kind of program is especially suitable for bragging, just throw away. When I came up with a few points, I stunned the children in front of the TV. Actually, I think there are some things that need to be returned to the basics, and there is no need to be so mysterious. I have the ability and vision, and I did it again, so I succeeded. How can I sum up the qualities of success? If I talk to you about Lu Wangxinxue, can I still talk about the topic?"

"Yes, I have also read "Biography of Xilu"." Xu Damei was a little uncomfortable, she felt that she was underestimated.

Song Weiyang suddenly said: "There are saints in the East China Sea, and this heart is the same, and this principle is the same. There are saints in the West Sea, and this heart is the same, and this principle is the same. There are saints in the South China Sea and the North Sea, and this heart is the same. This principle is the same. From thousands of generations to thousands of generations, there are saints who have come out, so this mindset is the same."

Damei Xu was a little bit stunned. She knew that Song Weiyang advocated learning by heart, so she did some homework in advance and read all the books related to "Biography of Xiulu". But she has never heard of these words, she can only understand it literally: "Mr. Song means that all successful people in the world have the same qualities?"

"You can understand it this way," Song Weiyang said. "This passage comes from Lu Jiuyuan's "The Complete Works of Xiangshan". After the founding of New China, there was no "Complete Works of Xiangshan" in mainland China, and only "The Collected Works of Lu Jiuyuan" was published, which happened to be given away by students. I am a manuscript of the Qing Dynasty. You can understand this passage from different angles, such as philosophy, and students involved Socrates to explore the origin of Western humanistic spirit."

Xu Damei likes to talk about this kind of topic very much. Although she doesn't understand very much, it doesn't prevent her from being arty. When she started a global cultural journey with Qiu Yu, she explored philosophy and history every day. After the program was broadcast, after the publication of Qiu Yu's "Cultural Journey", Xu Damei became a goddess-level figure in the literary world.

"How does Mr. Song understand this sentence?" Xu Damei asked Song Weiyang said: "Let’s start with Lu Jiuyuan. Mind-learning is sometimes called Lu Wangxinxue. Lu Jiuyuan belongs to the heart. The source of his studies. He has been living in Xiangshan in his later years. Thousands of people visited him. Some students persuaded him to write a book and say, Lu Jiuyuan said: "The six classics are annotated to me. My footnote.'This is a kind of grandeur. The same is true of the remarks about the saint. I am the saint, and the saint is me. I think I think, and the saint must also think this way. Do you know what I mean?"

Damei Xu smiled and said, "Mr. Song is also a saint?"

Song Weiyang said: "A true disciple of the mind, who is more than a saint? There is no arrogant courage to talk about the mind, it is a kind of false mind. The same is true for the business. Make your career bigger and stronger."

"But I also heard some big entrepreneurs say that you need to be cautious when doing business." Xu Damei said.

Song Weiyang said: "Strategic contempt of the enemy, tactical emphasis on the enemy, this is not conflicting."

Anyway, Big Beauty Xu likes high-end style. Song Weiyang is best at acting coercively. She just cites the scriptures and tells nonsense, which will definitely admire the intellectuals and petty bourgeoisie in front of the TV.

By the way, the mainstream viewers of Phoenix TV are in the mainland, and they belong to the TV industry's export-to-domestic products, which are essentially the same as "Da Vinci mattresses" and "Marco Polo tiles". From the title of the Wanwan cadres at Phoenix Station, we know where they sit on their buttocks. Other Hong Kong media all call them "President" and "President", while Phoenix Station is the "Leader of the Authorities."

Most Hong Kong people think that Phoenix TV is a mainland TV station. As for mainland viewers, they think Phoenix TV is a Hong Kong TV station.

Song Weiyang's pretense this time is basically pretending to be shown to mainland audiences. Only a few on Hong Kong Island will watch it because premium channels cost money.