Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and forty two【baby】

   Song Weiyang stayed in the village for six consecutive days, and chatted with the elderly and children when he was fine, and finally attracted the attention of the village party secretary.

   The village party secretary's surname is Liu. If he is talking about relatives, he is still Hong Weiguo's distant cousin.

   Seeing the sunset slanting, Song Weiyang helped a dazzled and deaf old man back home, and was about to stroll to Uncle Hong’s house for a meal. Secretary Liu suddenly appeared and stood behind him and said, "Xiao Song, are you an unannounced visitor from the province, right?"

   Song Weiyang said funny: "How do you think I am an unannounced visitor?"

   "Spoken in the village every day, either a cadre or a reporter." Party Secretary Liu said.

   Song Weiyang asked: "Aren't you afraid?"

   "I haven't done anything wrong, what am I afraid of?" Branch Liu took out his pipe slowly.

"Pick this," Song Weiyang handed over a Hongta Mountain. "I do the calculations. Last year, the withdrawal of funds in the village exceeded 20% of the farmers' income. The central document clearly stipulates that the withdrawal of funds shall not exceed 5%. You are blatantly. illegal!"

Secretary Liu was not afraid at all. He struck a match and lit a cigarette, and said, "Then you can go to several villages in Fangyuan to find out. We don't say that the withdrawal and retention of our Baimiao Village is the least, but at least it is the bottom three. There are tasks in the village, I can still fight against the village? I must have eaten the rebate, but that is a fart, at most to get some money for tobacco and alcohol. If you visit a cadre unannounced, then arrest me. If you visit a reporter unannounced, I persuade You go to Shengli Village in the neighboring township, where the village cadres are the ones who peel and drink blood."

   "How can I drink blood?" Song Weiyang asked.

   Branch secretary Liu shook his head again and again: "I don't say that you offend people, you should investigate yourself, anyway, don't make mistakes in our village."

   Song Weiyang said: "I want to ask, why do the grain stations give farmers white sticks?"

   "Need to ask?" Liu branch secretary sneered, "The grain station in the township has no money at all, so what should I do if I don't pay for it? Even if the grain station has money, it won't be given to the farmers.

   Song Weiyang said: "Why do you hold it?"

Branch secretary Liu said: "Ah. Three mentions and five unifications, farmers have to pay for everything. Farmers refuse to pay, so they deduct the money in the white bar, which is convenient for everyone. If you are really a cadre who is saved, go to the city. A big corrupt official in the county. Let me tell you, farmers now get married and the processing fee for a marriage certificate is several hundred yuan. The processing fee for people in the city to get married is only a few dozen yuan, and the additional fee is only a hundred yuan. It’s up to the heavens. This is because the peasants are so bully."

   Song Weiyang felt that there was nothing to talk about, and said, "I'm really not a cadre or a reporter. Don't think about it anymore."

   "Then you wander around the village all day?" Liu Zhishu suspiciously asked.

   "I'm doing a social survey and preparing to write a graduation thesis," Song Weiyang said, "I'm a college student who will graduate soon."

   Liu Zhishu turned around and muttered: "Students don't go to school, come here to play the game."


   In the next period of time, Song Weiyang visited more than a dozen villages in four nearby towns.

   In comparison, Hong Weiguo’s hometown is already considered a middle-to-higher wealthy village. There are two truly poor villages, one is that the village cadres are too black-hearted, and the other is that the land is too barren.

   Let's put it this way, based on the level of retention and apportionment of farmers, at least 900 catties of grain must be collected per mu of land, otherwise the farmers will do nothing. There are very few paddy fields capable of harvesting more than 900 kilograms of rice, and they are rare.

   What does this cause?

   The money that farmers earned from selling agricultural and sideline products and doing part-time labor was all cleaned up by retention money and apportionment fees, leaving only a pile of grain at home and no money for market consumption.

   Two very poor villages, due to the barren land and lack of food, can only barely guarantee that they will not be hungry-the drop-out rate of junior high school exceeded 30%, because farmers cannot afford tuition and miscellaneous fees. Some can afford it and don't want to read it anymore, and go to learn crafts or work at the age of fourteen or five.

   Further west, Song Weiyang went to the next province again to visit the hometown of a comrade-in-arms of Hong Weiguo. The situation here is almost the same, with minor differences, except that because it is close to the Yangtze River, more peasants go to cities to work, and generally a little wealthier.

   Then he went to a certain province in the southwest, where he was still the home of Hong Weiguo's comrades-in-arms—for fear of accidents, locals must lead the way.

   The few villages I visited this time were utterly poor, because they were so remote, there were very few farmers who went out to work, so they could only feed themselves in the ground. And there are barren mountainous areas everywhere, and there are no grains to grow. The average monthly income of farmers is less than 10 yuan. There is still a heavy burden of retention. Farmers don’t even talk about eating meat. One pound of vegetable oil can be used to stir-fry vegetables for a year, and the oily smell will not be noticed. If there are two or three meat dishes on the New Year’s Eve dinner, it belongs to wealthy people.

   How the **** is writing a paper?

   write a fart!

   Song Weiyang is studying how the rural township market drives China’s domestic demand, but the reality is that it can’t pull it at all. It’s not bad for farmers to eat meat.


   No Internet cafes were found all over the county, and Song Weiyang even wanted to dial-up the Internet using a telephone line, but he did not find a cat in the whole county.

   There are probably not even a few computers in this broken place.

   Song Weiyang had to go to the county library, a pack of cigarettes opened up the relationship, and he just looked for information in it. Soon he discovered the unexpected joy, and unexpectedly found a set of social science magazines published in the province that were not available in Fudan's library.

   There is a local expert on agriculture, rural areas and farmers who is also calling for marketization in rural areas.

  The issue of agriculture, rural areas and farmers has become the research focus of many sociologists and economists. Song Weiyang has read hundreds of related papers in the library of Fudan University. But it's useless, it's useless. In order to revitalize the rural economy, the rural economy must be marketized. Experts and professors talked a lot about this, and they wrote more brilliantly one by one.

   But there is only one real solution, and that is to abolish the agricultural tax first. To avoid this problem and talk about the marketization of the rural economy is a hooliganism!

   Song Weiyang came out of the county library, scratching his ears with cigarettes, he didn't know how to write his thesis.

Hong Weiguo thought he was worrying about the farmers, so he comforted: "Boss, you really don't have to think about this. In fact, as long as farmers are willing to go out to work, it doesn't matter if the farmer is willing to pay and stay in the village. It doesn't see anyone starving to death. Just take my house. In other words, my brother worked outside for a few months. Not only did he earn back his agricultural tax, but he also had enough money to buy food for several years."

   Song Weiyang heard this, a flash of light in his mind, suddenly smiled: "I know what to write, Lao Hong, thank you for your reminder."

   "Huh?" Hong Weiguo didn't know why.

   Song Weiyang intends to start again and write an article "The Rural Economic Situation and Food Crisis".

   Human beings are profit-seeking, and so are farmers.

   Now that farmers can no longer make money from growing grain, or even at a loss, more and more farmers will inevitably choose to go out to work and abandon their homeland land.

   This account is easy to calculate. If I go out to work for half a year, I can pay the agricultural tax and buy enough food. The money I earn from working for the remaining half year can be spent freely. In that case, why should I still farm?

Song Weiyang selected a number of major grain-producing provinces in the Yangtze River Basin. He faked his public interest and asked people from Xifeng sales branch to help him look up archives. Then he squatted in a small county in southwestern China to receive faxes—the only one in the local area. The old fax machine was directly requisitioned by Song Weiyang.

   The archives of government departments can’t be checked if you want to.

   Song Weiyang spent more than 60,000 yuan out of his own pocket and asked people from the Xifeng sales branch to help, and finally got a hand of big data. Then he organized another 30 people to conduct field investigations in towns and villages, spending nearly 100,000 yuan before and after, to obtain more detailed data.

   A total of 150,000 yuan was spent, just to write a graduation thesis, and the ability to make money is everywhere.

   According to the survey data obtained, in some major grain-producing provinces in the Yangtze River basin, the area of ​​abandoned land has been close to 3% of the cultivated land area, and it is increasing year by year. Seasonal abandonment is more serious, and miscellaneous grains are too lazy to grow. Farmers choose to work day-to-day jobs everywhere to make money.

   The more convenient the transportation and the smoother the information in the countryside, the more serious the land abandonment will be. In some places, whole villages and whole village farmers go out to only some old, weak, sick and disabled are left to grow their own land at home.

   In an old-fashioned tube building in the small county seat, Song Weiyang finished writing the thesis with his pen, and then revised and revised it, and the writing was fairly satisfactory.

   Well, you can take it back and let Doudou enter the computer, so you can practice typing as a kid.

   "Old Hong, you go to the landlord and return the house, and we will return to Shenghai tomorrow." Song Weiyang sorted out the manuscript.

   "Okay, I'm going now." Hong Weiguo walked out quickly.

   This tube building is not bad, the air is good, and it is quiet during the day. It’s just that it’s inconvenient to have no toilet. Every time I have to walk several hundred meters downstairs to a nearby public toilet to solve my physical problems.

   The dry toilet smelled so bad that Song Weiyang almost threw up when he squatted for the first time.

   With a cigarette in his mouth to deodorize, Song Weiyang started to release the water with a splash. Before he finished urinating, he heard the faint cry of the baby. Fortunately, this is not night, otherwise it will be scary, we can rewrite the ghost story.

   Song Weiyang leaned over to look subconsciously, and suddenly said, "Fuck me!"

   In the drainage channel of the dry toilet, there was a baby who didn't even fall off the umbilical cord and was full of excrement and urine.

   Song Weiyang quickly took out his mobile phone: "Hong Weiguo, hurry up and bring someone to the toilet, there is an abandoned baby here. In the drain, remember to bring tools!"



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