Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and ninety-eight【4th cou

Guanfu Museum.

Ma Wei pointed to a white-glazed porcelain pot and personally explained to Song Weiyang: "Do you see its opening? It looks like a monk's hat, so this is called a monk-hat pot. This type of pot was first born in the Yuan Dynasty. , But the shape of the monk pot in the Yuan Dynasty is solid, the neck is thicker, and the pot flow is relatively short. This is obviously not a Yuan dynasty object. It is from the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, and the pot flow is slightly longer. Other features are similar to those of the Yuan Dynasty. The generation pot is similar. In the Qing Dynasty, it was different again. In the Qing Dynasty, the neck of the pot was pulled up and the abdomen was slightly thinner, so the overall look was more slender..."

"What about this one?" Song Weiyang said, pointing to the porcelain vase next to it.

Ma Weidu said: "The full name of this bottle is'Fahua's peony-patterned plum vase.' Fahua is also known as Fahua and Fenhua. It is a kind of low-temperature glazed pottery. It is very similar to colored glaze, so Fahua is sometimes referred to as colored glaze. As for the plum bottle, as the name suggests, it is used for plum blossoming. But plum blossoming was after the Ming Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, the plum bottle was also called Jingping. It is a utensil used to hold wine, even in the Ming Dynasty, it was often used to hold wine."

Song Weiyang asked: "Then what age is this bottle?"

"Ming Dynasty," Ma Wei said, pointing to the bottle, "The plum bottle of the Ming Dynasty has a low proportion of shape, a round and thick mouth, no obvious corner turning, and the shoulders are raised, which looks full and powerful...Song Dynasty is thin and long. It looks almost like a chicken leg; the Yuan Dynasty inherited the Song Dynasty style, but the shoulders are fuller and often have bottle caps; the shoulders of the Qing Dynasty are more plump, and the harvest is straighter below the waist..."

Ma Wei is the founder of Guanfu Museum, but he has not yet served as the curator. Song Weiyang called him "curator Ma" as a respectful name.

After strolling in the museum, Song Weiyang nodded and smiled: "Antiques are quite interesting, I will buy some to practice hand skills whenever I want."

Ma Wei said: “It’s okay to practice, don’t indulge in it, and don’t even think about picking things up. It takes at least ten years from just getting into the industry to get a little experience, and I have been slapped a few years ago. Boss Song is definitely not short of money. Yes, if you really want to collect, it’s best to buy a few pieces of real money at the auction house to play with, at least it’s relatively safe. You can also pick up leaks from the stalls. Three to five thousand yuan is only a small amount for you, but the asking price is tens of thousands. Don’t touch the local stalls."

Song Weiyang smiled and said: "Haha, even if I buy the real one, I don't have time to take care of it, so I just send it to you in the museum."

Ma Wei said: "Yes, it is stored in the museum, we will help you maintain it, and only charge a small management fee."

"I know an old man in Shenghai, his name is Du Weishan, Du Yuesheng's son," Song Weiyang laughed, "If curator Ma goes to Shenghai, he can talk to Mr. Du. You must have a common topic."

Ma Wei said: "That's good. Old man Du, I know, an expert on ancient coins, but unfortunately I haven't had the opportunity to communicate in person."

Song Weiyang said: "He is on the 5th floor of Shenghai Museum. When you arrive, just ask, the old man likes to chat with people."

"Next time I go to Shenghai, I must visit." Ma Weidu said.

The phone rang suddenly, and Song Weiyang connected the phone and said, "What's the matter?"

The call was made by a staff member of the Xifeng Beijing branch. Song Weiyang didn't want to come forward to buy the courtyard in person, so he asked the middle-level cadres of the branch to help. This person said: "Boss, 2.5 million can't be taken, at least 2.8 million to 0 million."

Song Weiyang asked: "Sit on the ground and start the price?"

An employee of Xifeng said: "Not really, mainly because they don’t want to move. The residents in the courtyard are basically working nearby, but the price we give is only enough for them to buy a small house in the second ring road. If they are in the second ring road. It is very inconvenient for young people to go to work when buying a house outside. The elderly are even more unhappy. They have lived in a courtyard for a lifetime and it is difficult to persuade them to move out."

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "So, it's still a matter of money?"

"Yes," said the Xifeng employee, "at least they must be able to buy a house in the second ring road before these residents are willing to move. Even so, they have to persuade the old people, after all, they have lived in the alley for a lifetime."

Song Weiyang said: "Give you 00 million, you can handle this for me, remember not to mess around."

An employee of Xifeng said: "00 million is enough, I will negotiate as soon as possible before the New Year. However, let these people move out, I am afraid it will be delayed until April or May, after all, it takes time to buy a house and move."

"No problem." Song Weiyang said.

The property market in Beijing in 1999 was not outrageous. The housing prices in the Second Ring Road ranged from 1,500 yuan to 500 yuan. The specific price depends on the location and the quality of the house, which is much cheaper than the housing price in Shenghai. But next year, it will continue to grow. The unit price of a good second-hand house can rise to 4,000 yuan, and the average price is basically above 2,000 yuan.

As for the houses outside the second ring road of the capital, you can buy them at will. If you have a monthly salary of 2,000 yuan, you can consider mortgage the large-scale off-plan houses on the third ring road.

Ma Wei stood by and understood it, and smiled: "2.5 million will definitely win the courtyard house, but it will take time. The residents there, a few families crowded in small houses, young people want to change places soon, old people In the end, I can only listen to the opinions of young people."

"It's good to spend some money to solve it as soon as possible, there is no need to spend too much energy." Song Weiyang said.

It really drags on until next year, and the housing prices in the capital will rise sharply, and those residents may want more.


The employee of the Xifeng branch who helped Song Weiyang talk about the price was named Zhai Qinghua. This guy had already figured out the boss's mind. He didn't care about the amount of money, but only cared about letting the residents move out as soon as possible.

That night, Zhai Qinghua called all the residents into the courtyard at a relocation fee of 2,600 yuan per square meter, even including patios and corridors, and 1,500 yuan per square meter for non-building locations.

This idea was very shameful, and the main contradiction was immediately converted from whether they were willing to move, whether the relocation fee was enough, and those who should count the patios and passages. The neighbors, who are usually relatively harmonious, instantly hit the dog's mind, and in the end they even made trouble at the police station in order to fight for a few square meters of the aisle.

Those elderly people who didn’t want to move were panicked, for fear that the neighbors who moved out first would sell the aisles and so they rushed to negotiate contracts with Zhai Qinghua, at least for those non-building locations. The ownership is in your hands.

The police station was overwhelmed. They were invited to be the distributors, but they were unable to distribute them.

Residents with a large family say that the patio and the aisle should be divided by head. Those with few people say that they should be evenly distributed according to the size of each household. There are even those who have lived for the longest time. They are divided according to the year.

The united front of the residents collapsed and quarrels in the courtyard every day.

The old man who originally didn't want to move the most wanted to leave as soon as possible. He was really broken by his old friends, and it felt uncomfortable to stay here for a day.

In the end, under the mediation of the neighborhood office, everyone finally approved a more reasonable distribution plan.

When Song Weiyang learned of this, he couldn't laugh or cry. He first criticized Zhai Qinghua for a meal, then gave Zhai Qinghua a promotion and a salary increase, and then compensated 10,000 yuan for each family in the courtyard, which was regarded as soothing their injured hearts.

Toma Wei invited an expert on ancient architecture to inspect the house on the spot, and Song Weiyang's feedback was speechless.

The foundation of the ruined house was damaged in many places, and the wood above zero was severely corroded. Some places can't be repaired, and they can only be pushed to reconstruction. There are also unwieldy wires that are made to look like spider webs, and they are simply horrendous in ancient buildings.

Ancient architecture experts say that if you want to perfect repairs and integrate them into some modern facilities, you will have to spend at least millions. If Song Weiyang wants to use high-quality wood and paint, and then ask the best craftsman to do some retouching, and get some artificial hills, pavilions, etc., 5 million yuan can be used up for him.

5 million yuan is enough to buy a large garden villa on the third ring road.

Please remember the domain name of the book's first publication: Fengyun Novel Reading Network Mobile Edition Reading URL: