Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and ninety-nine [Online ga

Before Song Weiyang left Beijing, Sohu held a conference call of the board of directors and agreed that Song Weiyang would inject 10 million yuan to increase its shareholding.

Immediately, Gu Yong will begin to standardize the company system and build an administrative and financial team. Zhang Chaoyang completely let go of this, but still personally grasp the content and operations, Sohu can be regarded as on the right track.

Kingsoft Software Company is once again in financial difficulties. Whether it is office software or games, Kingsoft's products are very popular. It is a pity that the market environment is too bad, and the piracy is countless times that of the genuine product. Products that can barely recover the cost can be considered good products.

Historically, Jinshan should have run out of money last year. Zhang Xuanlong could only find Mr. Liu, and Lenovo injected US$4.5 million to become a major shareholder of Jinshan.

However, due to Song Weiyang's early investment, the golden mountain of this time and space has persisted until now.

Zhang Xuanlong was too lazy to find Mr. Liu, and directly asked Song Weiyang if he would continue to invest money. Searching all over China, apart from Song Weiyang, it is estimated that no one would be foolish enough to invest in Jinshan. The capital injection of Lenovo in history is not how optimistic Liu always is about Jinshan, it is purely to repay the favor of Zhang Xuanlong.

Song Weiyang flew directly back to Shenghai and asked Hong Weiguo to come back on his own in a Hummer. He also gave Hong Weiguo a few days off by the way. Old Hong's family arranged a blind date for him.

Walking out of the airport, Song Weiyang got directly into the Santana, which was sent by China Technology Company to pick up the plane.

"How much money is lacking?" Song Weiyang asked on the phone.

Qiu Bojun said: "It's not good to say, anyway, I have been short of money. How much can you invest?"

Song Weiyang asked: "What's Zhang Xuanlong's opinion?"

Qiu Bojun said: "He doesn't care, you can give you all the company shares, as long as Jinshan can survive."

Kingsoft has indeed had a very difficult life. Last year, "Kingsoft PowerWord" invited well-known singers and bands to promote it, and only sold 40,000 sets of software. However, the sales of these 40,000 sets have already "shocked the industry". It is difficult for other companies to sell more than 10,000 products, and the profits are all made by the pirates.

The domestic general software industry is like a gang of beggars, and Jinshan is the leader of the gang of beggars—all beggars.

In history, Kingsoft’s real turnaround was the "Kingsoft PowerWord 2000" launched in 1999. At that time, the country lowered the value-added tax for software companies from 17 to Jinshan. After hearing the news, the original price of 168 software was only sold for 28. Lei Jun led a national promotion for three months and set off a "red copyright storm" action, selling 1.1 million sets in one go. software!

That was the classic sales battle of Lei Jun's first half of his life. He seized the opportunity to cut prices crazily, and shouted the slogan of supporting the original, which immediately made a national sensation. When the event was held in the Beijing Book Building, even the consumers in Jinmen came over by car to support. The scene was like a celebrity signing, and 210,000 sets were sold in three days, which is equivalent to the number of sales in the previous year. Times. At that time, the direct sales were out of stock, and the spot was not enough, otherwise we could sell more.

Lei Jun's hunger marketing and cheap route also started from this battle. Every three to five times, I published a newspaper saying that the software is out of stock. Consumers across the country are asked to wait patiently. The more they have to wait, the more consumers are willing to buy genuine copies. Even some dealers are hoarding, not selling when they have the goods, and taking the opportunity to raise prices quietly.

The domestic software industry has surprisingly unanimously cursed Lei Jun's behavior. Originally everyone's genuine software can't sell much, what the **** is your Lei Jun selling at a 40% discount? Disturb the market!

"The spare money in my hand is more than 10 million. How about investing 12 million?" Song Weiyang can only temporarily shelve the plan to renovate the courtyard.

Qiu Bojun said: "No problem, I will discuss with Zhang Xuanlong and Lei Jun to see how many shares should be given to you."

Song Weiyang comforted and said: "Stay steady, don't be discouraged, it will gradually get better."

"Boss Song, thank you, otherwise Jinshan must be yellow, and no one wants to invest." Qiu Bojun said heartily.

Song Weiyang came up with an idea: "Let Xishanju develop online games."

Qiu Bojun said: "ud?"

"Ultiaonle (Internet Genesis), you know?" Song Weiyang said.

"I know, it's very popular abroad," said Qiu Bojun, "but China's Internet speed may not be able to hold it back. It can drive players crazy."

Song Weiyang said: "China's internet speed is getting faster every year. Now we let Xishanju develop games and wait for a year or a half to develop it. At that time, the domestic internet speed will be sufficient."

In fact, it won’t take a year for "Internet Genesis" (private server) to land in China in half a year, and it will quickly become popular. In more than a year, Wanwan's d online game "King of Kings" will also be launched, becoming the undisputed king of online games that year.

Qiu Bojun was very suspicious: "We have never played online games, can this thing make money?"

"Try it and see if you see it." Song Weiyang smiled.

Qiu Bojun said: "I have a meeting to discuss."


Back at the house in Wujiaochang, Doudou was doing summer homework. Seeing Song Weiyang entering the house, she immediately threw away her homework and said excitedly: "Uncle, you are finally back. I'm so bored these days. Come and play "Warcraft" online with me."

Song Weiyang pointed to the homework book on the coffee table and smiled: "I just wanted to praise you for your love of learning, so why did you reveal the original shape all at once?"

"I know all of these homework, and it's boring to write. Especially for Chinese homework, I actually asked to copy new words, which are all the new words learned last semester." Doudou threw the pot to the teacher, not because she doesn't like learning, but the teacher The assignments are not level.

Song Weiyang asked: "Where is your aunt?"

"At work, their magazine only has ten days off during the Chinese New Year, and they will not be able to return to their hometown until the 28th of the twelfth lunar month," Doudou said suddenly and mysteriously, "Yesterday my mother took me to dinner and saw an uncle. I'm looking for stepdad."

Song Weiyang said: "It's normal for your mother to remarry. She can't live alone all the time. You are also a junior high school student, not a child. You should understand her difficulties."

"I just feel awkward." Doudou pouted.

Song Weiyang asked: "What's your impression of that uncle?"

Doudou said: "It's okay, barely, I don't like it very much, but it's not very annoying. He bought me ice cream and toys, and he bought me a lot of clothes. He must be trying to please me."

Song Weiyang said: "It means he treats you well, and he is not a miser."

Doudou said: "It is often played in TV dramas. As long as my mother and stepdad have children, they will not treat me well. Hmph, I won't be fooled by them!"

"Haha, you are young, and you have a lot of mind." Song Weiyang smiled.

Doudou said suddenly, "Uncle, why don't you come to be my stepdad."

"Ahem..." Song Weiyang was choked with saliva by these words, crying and laughing, "I am your uncle!"

"I think you're pretty good." Doudou leaned on Song Weiyang, with his little head tilted up, his eyes staring at the ceiling for unknown reasons.

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