Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and seventy-three [New Pre

What came in was a handsome guy with a four-to-six distribution type, wearing a T-shirt and jeans. When he met, he said in fluent Mandarin: "Hello, Mr. Song, my name is Du Cong, the head of the Zhixing Foundation. Our foundation, specializing in Committed to the promotion of AIDS prevention knowledge, and the rescue of AIDS patients and their families."

Song Weiyang frowned: "AIDS?"

Du Cong quickly said: "Mr. Song, not all AIDS patients have their private lives corrupted. Many people have accidentally contracted them. Especially in a province on the mainland, the situation is shocking. The whole village suffers from AIDS. Only. Because they are too poor, every household sells blood to make money, and the blood station often does not even change the needles for drawing blood, nor do any disinfection treatment."

Song Weiyang said in surprise: "Have you been to an AIDS village on the mainland?"

"I have been there several times." Du Cong said.

Song Weiyang asked: "Where are you from? Please introduce yourself in detail."

Du Cong said: "I was born in Hong Kong City and immigrated to the United States with my parents at the age of 14. I studied at Columbia University for my undergraduate degree and Harvard University for my master's degree. Vice President. I resigned this year and founded the Zhixing Foundation with a few friends to promote AIDS prevention knowledge and rescue AIDS patients."

"What was your annual salary before?" Song Weiyang asked.

"The fixed annual salary is 800,000 US dollars, and there are other investment and commission income." Du Cong said.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "I gave up all this?"

Du Cong said: "I can't give up. I spent one-fifth of my time in rural China last year. The cause of AIDS prevention and relief cannot be taken into account with my personal work."

Song Weiyang asked: "What's the specific situation?"

Du Cong said: "My savings for many years are almost used up. There are still houses in the United States that I want to leave for my parents to live in. As for the houses in Hong Kong City, I don't want to sell them for the time being because the current prices are too low. My account probably still has them. There is 100,000 U.S. dollars, which is not enough. So I founded the Chi Heng Foundation together with a few like-minded friends, hoping to attract more people’s donations."

"Have you gotten donations?" Song Weiyang asked.

Du Cong smiled bitterly: "There is no money. For the rich in Hong Kong City, it is more practical for them to donate money to African victims than to donate money to AIDS patients on the mainland. Now, whether it is in the East or the West, everyone is ashamed. When it comes to AIDS, I don’t want to have anything to do with this disease. Mr. Song, I’m not a moral kidnapping, but you made so much by speculating in futures. Why don’t you set aside a little bit to help AIDS patients?"

Song Weiyang asked: "What are the main projects of your foundation?"

Du Cong said: "First, it is AIDS prevention knowledge. Through my field visits, more than 99% of farmers in mainland China do not know that AIDS will be transmitted through blood transfusion. More than 80% of farmers do not know that AIDS will be transmitted through sex, so This has led to many tragedies. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, it is the extreme fear of AIDS. Once anyone in the village is infected, he will be regarded as heresy, and even think that AIDS will be transmitted by touching the patient. These Knowledge requires extensive publicity, which was also my main job last year. I printed a large number of publicity pamphlets and distributed them in rural areas of the mainland. Generally speaking, they have achieved some results. Secondly, the treatment of AIDS patients, and Help for the families of AIDS patients. Actually, there is nothing I can do in terms of treatment. I mainly help AIDS orphans to go to school and live. I personally provide more than ten orphans with targeted funding."

Song Weiyang was silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Du Cong suddenly took out a lot of photos, took out one at random, pointed to the little **** the photo, and said: "There are four people in this family. When I visited, my father had already contracted AIDS and passed away. The son was lying on the ground with bones. She was skinny and not far from death. The little girl and her mother cuddled on the bed and looked at her brother helplessly. Her mother said to me:'Save my son'. A few days later, the boy died and I couldn't help it. Save him. Before long, my mother also died of illness. I can only say before her death:'I will be responsible for your daughter's tuition.'"

Song Weiyang only glanced at the little girl's helpless eyes in the photo, feeling a pain in his heart, and immediately looked away.

Du Cong took out another photo: "When I met this boy, it was raining heavily that day. He was only 11 years old..."

"Stop talking." Song Weiyang didn't want to listen.

Du Cong stood up with a wry smile: "It seems that Mr. Song doesn't want to get involved with AIDS. I took the liberty to bother and leave!"

"You wait a minute." Song Weiyang shouted.

Du Cong sat back after hearing this, waiting for Song Weiyang's decision.

What Song Weiyang didn't know was that Du Cong was still doing AIDS public welfare until he was reborn in his previous life. This person has sponsored more than 20,000 AIDS orphans in the past 20 years. Among them, 2,510 children were admitted to universities, and some were admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University. Several scholars went to the United States and France to study.

Song Weiyang asked: "Is the name Zhixing Foundation taken from the ‘Unity of Knowledge and Action’?"

Du Cong said: “I immigrated to the United States when I was 14 years old. I don’t know much about Chinese studies. It can also be understood as the unity of knowledge and action. I just think that a person has wisdom and only wants to make money for himself, not much to society. Contribution is undesirable, and life is not complete. People should have wisdom and benefit more people through their own wisdom. This is the original intention of my founding of the Chi Heng Foundation."

Song Weiyang suddenly said: "You come to be the vice president of Taurus Capital. No matter what the president is, you are equivalent to the actual person in charge. Give you 0.5% equity and an annual salary of 1 million U.S. dollars. As long as you can properly manage Taurus Capital, I will pay You take two months of paid leave."

"I don't have enough time." Du Cong said.

"Isn't there anyone else at the Zhixing Foundation?" Song Weiyang said, "You have several like-minded people and you can choose one or two to be fully responsible. As long as you promise to manage Taurus Capital, I donate RMB 5 million to the Zhixing Foundation every year. , An additional 1 million will be added every three years. Now, how many donations can you make all day long? It is better to work honestly. I will solve this aspect of donation. I will not only donate funds, but also draw my friends. Donate together. In addition, I have a very good relationship with the Shenghai Youth Volunteer Organization. There are always a few volunteers who are willing to run for AIDS. In this way, regardless of human and material resources, they are better than running by yourself. You said, yes. Act with wisdom, your wisdom can create more value, why must you give it up?"

Du Cong was silent, not knowing how to answer.

High-achieving students from Columbia and Harvard, 27-year-old co-director of UBS Bank in Hong Kong City, 29-year-old vice president of BNP Paribas Investment Banking Department, such people leave their jobs to do charity?


And the most important thing is the character he showed, which made Song Weiyang admire. Song Weiyang feels relieved by entrusting Taurus Capital to such a person.

Song Weiyang added: "I will contact the local government and donate in my own name to build a school specifically for AIDS orphans."

Du Cong said: "This is not necessary. AIDS orphans are actually healthy, but their parents have AIDS. It is best for them to go to ordinary schools and grow up with other children. It is not beautiful to be placed in a special school alone, which is easy to cause. Long-term psychological problems."

"The question is, how many schools are willing to take in for their special status?" Song Weiyang thought for a while and said, "Well, let me donate to build an ordinary school to resettle those AIDS orphans who have lost their families without exposing them. Status. I am responsible for the living expenses and tuition of 100 AIDS orphans every year until they graduate from university."

"That's great!" Du Cong said in surprise.

Song Weiyang smiled and asked, "So, did you agree to be the vice president of Taurus Capital?"

Du Cong said: "Mr. Song is very kind and righteous, I am happy to serve you."