Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and seventy-two [Unexpecte

"Song Sheng, goodbye! I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

"Extremely looking forward to it."

Song Weiyang shook hands with Boss Zou, and shook hands with Yang Gongru. He smiled and said, "Miss Yang, goodbye."

"Goodbye!" Yang Gongru has been expecting Song Weiyang to take her home. Unfortunately, Song Weiyang hasn't expressed any thoughts until now.

Celebrities also have to get a good meal, especially for those female stars, it is not as good as marrying into a wealthy family. Song Weiyang's attraction to Yang Gongru is too great, young, handsome, and rich in gold. The most important thing is that he is not married. Once he climbs up, he will have no worries for the rest of his life.

This is the truth of life, no one is always glamorous.

Let's take Wang Fei again for example. At this time, it was her most beautiful year. It was popular on both sides of the strait, and even Southeast Asia had countless fans. The Asian singers are not talking about fun. However, the arrival of Soros also turned Wang Fei into negative equity-she bought a house at the peak of the property market last year, a luxury house of 48 million Hong Kong dollars, a 20-year mortgage loan, and a monthly payment of 290,000 Hong Kong dollars. Now that house is worth only 21 million yuan, and she owes more than 60 million yuan to the bank even with the profits. By next year, I can’t hold it anymore. I can only sell the house for 24 million yuan. I will settle the bank account first.

With so many records, so many concerts, and so many advertising endorsements, I basically worked for the bank.

Yang Gongru chose to take the underground parking lot and left in Boss Zou's car. She was still very sensible, and didn't take the opportunity to follow Song Weiyang out the door, otherwise the scandals would surely be all over the world tomorrow, which made Song Weiyang's impression of her a little better.

In fact, Yang Gongru doesn't need too much hype. As the heroine of this year's box office champion, she has already become popular. And as other top veteran actresses have lost their shadows or passed away, Yang Gongru belongs to the absolute front line at this time, and Shu Qi can only play supporting roles for her. It's a pity that he was born at a bad time. The golden age of Hong Kong films has passed, and Yang Gongru became a bit too late.


In the following days, reports on "The Future Belongs to China" appeared in many financial media.

The seventh chapter of this book contains a large section of text, all discussing East Asia and Southeast Asia. Among them, the prediction of the Asian financial turmoil has obviously become a reality, and the decline of the four Asian tigers has become a foregone conclusion.

Although there are only a few words, the amount of information in each sentence is extremely large, and it is turned out by financial experts to discuss and study repeatedly.

For a time, Song Weiyang became well-known in the industrial, commercial and financial circles of Hong Kong City, and turned into a top economic theorist. Many people invited Song Weiyang to do the show, and many rich people invited Song Weiyang to dinner, including Li Chaoren, Li Daheng, Boss Huo, Boss Zheng, etc., all sent invitations to Song Weiyang.

No other meaning, there is a dragon across the river in Hong Kong City, and the local snakes always have to come in contact with each other. There are no enemies or friends, just a familiar face, and if you encounter key problems in the future, you can sit down and discuss them first.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, but businessmen also make money with qi. Unless conflicts that are difficult to resolve, they basically give each other face.

For half a month, Song Weiyang's daily activity was to go to banquets and eat with local wealthy businessmen everywhere.

At the beginning of October, Xu Xin visited again.

This woman was vigorous and resolute, and immediately went north after taking the job. She first went to the headquarters of the Bank of China, then went to the headquarters of the Bank of China Investment Company, and then returned to Hong Kong to contact the Bank of China Group Investment Company. This series of operations only took less than 20 days.

Song Weiyang personally poured her a cup of tea and asked, "What did the other party say?"

Xu Xin shook his head and said: "It is impossible to replace shares. Bank of China Investment is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of China Group, and Bank of China Group Investment is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bank of China. None of these three companies allow private shareholders to appear."

Song Weiyang didn't get discouraged, and smiled: "Forget it, I didn't report much hope."

Xu Xin suddenly said: "However, the Bank of China Group Investment Company is very interested in Taurus Capital. They are willing to exchange shares with Taurus Capital using many of its holding companies."

"This idea is good." Song Weiyang said.

In fact, it is a disguised exchange of equity, but it bypasses the government's rigid regulations, so that it does not violate the regulations and achieves the goals of both parties.

Xu Xin took out a list of companies and said: "These are all companies controlled by or participated in by the Bank of China Group Investment Company. The part marked with a red pen can be used to exchange equity with Jinniu Capital."

Song Weiyang glanced briefly, and almost jumped out "I'm grass."

Unfortunately, most of the companies on the list either do not allow private investment, or Song Weiyang looks down on them and has very little room for choice.

"Only these four." Song Weiyang took a pen to hook out the four companies.

Xu Xin looked intently, but it was: Huaneng Power, China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong), Shenghai Airlines and Phoenix Satellite TV.

"Hua Neng Power" was listed in New York four years ago, and foreign shares in it were listed in Hong Kong City again this year. After the listing of Hong Kong City, another 250 million foreign shares were placed globally, and 400 million domestic shares were placed on a targeted placement. These placed shares can be exchanged for Jinniu Capital.

"China National Heavy Duty Truck (Hong Kong does not produce automobiles, but is responsible for the export business of China National Heavy Duty Truck Corporation. Even many domestically-produced vehicles of other brands are exported to overseas markets through this company. In a few years, this company will become more and more powerful, and it will be designated as the "National Automobile Export Base Enterprise" by the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce. If China's auto export industry is not thriving at this time, private participation will definitely not be allowed. After a few years, Song Weiyang will not be able to get the slightest stake no matter how much money he spends.

The original intention of "Shenghai Airlines" was to realize cross-strait navigation. Therefore, this airline is a joint venture between the Chinese government and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Strictly speaking, Taurus Capital also belongs to Hong Kong capital and is fully qualified to participate in shares. Now it is not strictly carded. It is hard to say after two years of restructuring.

As for "Phoenix Satellite TV," no introduction, everyone should know something.

Of these four companies, the Bank of China Investment Corporation does not have a lot of equity, and it is already the limit that each company can allocate 2% to 3% to Jinniu Capital.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "You set up a negotiation team to be solely responsible for this matter. The better the talk, the more rewards I will give you. I hope you don't let me down."

"I will do my best!" Xu Xin's heart pounded, the deal was too big, and she was even worried about her lack of ability.

Song Weiyang saw her excitement and nervousness, and comforted: "Don't panic, I will give you an assistant."

The so-called assistant is naturally someone from Citibank, who is responsible for monitoring and checking. After all, Xu Xin's temperament cannot be blamed on him.

Xu Xin asked: "How much of Taurus Capital's equity does the boss decide to replace?"

Song Weiyang said: "Do not exceed 10%."

Xu Xin asked again: "Of these four companies, which one do you prefer?"

Song Weiyang said: "Huaneng Power's domestic shares, as well as China National Heavy Duty Truck Gangcheng Company."

"Understood," Xu Xin asked, "is the equity used for replacement only in the name of the boss? Or does it include other shareholders?"

Song Weiyang said: "It's just my equity, those of other shareholders, don't participate in the replacement."

As soon as Xu Xin left, Chen Tao came over and said, "My dear, there is a person in charge of some fund who has been waiting outside for three days. He comes every day, and he has to stand for seven or eight hours a day, as if he is looking for you to pull Sponsor for charity."

"Let him in." Song Weiyang said casually.