Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and sixty-eight【Don't ha

The villa is not big, the garden lawn is very narrow, and the swimming pool is also very small. Compared with other luxury houses in Repulse Bay, Song Weiyang's house is too shabby.

"Miss Xu, please come with me." Chen Tao smiled.

Xu Xin nodded and said, "Trouble."

Song Weiyang is sitting in the garden reading a book, with a glass of orange juice next to him. Hearing the footsteps, he closed the page and got up with a smile: "Hello, Miss Xu!"

"Boss Song, hello!" Xu Xin walked quickly to shake hands.

"Please sit down." Song Weiyang said.

Just a venture capital partner, why does Song Weiyang want to meet Xu Xin in person?

You can imagine that a girl in her 20s from the mainland who has worked in an accounting firm for three years can enter Peregrine to engage in direct investment work. After Peregrine went bankrupt, it was signed by Bahrain Bank’s Asian Investment Company and became one of the company’s only six venture capital partners in Asia, and was responsible for China affairs.

Is there nothing in it?

You can't be a venture capital partner just by relying on your excellent abilities!

As early as more than 20 years ago, Xu Xin's father was the director of a military automobile factory. She was admitted to the university by her skill. It is not unusual to enter the Bank of China headquarters as a general staff member. However, in less than a year, she stood out from more than 2,000 people and was promoted by the Bank of China to become a 38-year-old red flag bearer. Promoted to deputy section chief of the headquarters.

Immediately afterwards, the Chinese and British governments jointly launched the CPA training program, and the Bank of China business department did not have a quota. But Xu Xin, the deputy section chief who has only been employed for one year, has become an extraordinary push officer of the Bank of China, and thus went to Hong Kong to study the CPA course.

At the end of the three-year CPA training course, Xu Xin was immediately recruited to Peregrine!

Just ask you, is it a coincidence, is it awesome?

Xu Xin's father must have some personal connections, and behind her, the Bank of China has never stopped. Whether it is Peregrine or Bank of Bahrain, since they want to invest in mainland China, they must have taken a fancy to Xu Xin's Bank of China background.

Of course, Xu Xin is also very capable. When she competed for the selection of the Chinese-British CPA program, she scored second in the written examination and first in the interview. During her training in Hong Kong City, she has to work during the day, study the 18 courses of the Zhuhui at night, and learn Cantonese anytime and anywhere. Diligence and IQ are indispensable.

Others are better than you, work and study harder than you, and are smarter and more capable than you. What else is there to say?

By the way, during Xu Xin's work at Peregrine, the first investment she participated in was wahhaha. It was the French Danone investment that brought Wahhaha back to life two years ago. Xu Xin's identity at the time was just a pure newcomer in the investment world.


Song Weiyang smiled and said, "Miss Xu, I wonder if Mr. Liang has explained to you?"

Xu Xin said: "Boss Song would like to join Taurus Capital?"

"I have this idea." Song Weiyang said.

Xu Xin said: "I am not going to quit for the time being."

Song Weiyang smiled and asked, "Is it because the strength of Taurus Capital is far less powerful than that of the Bank of Bahrain?"

Xu Xin said: "I am the No. 1 employee of Baring Investment Company. After the reorganization of the Bank of Barings, it opened an investment company in Asia. I was the first to apply for the job and was the first to be hired. The headquarters was very nice to me. I cannot and need not leave."

"Did the Bank of Barings give you shares?" Song Weiyang asked directly.

Xu Xindao: "I am a venture capital partner. As long as I lead the investment project, I will have investment income in it."

"As long as you are willing to come over, I will give you 0.05% equity in Taurus Capital." Song Weiyang suddenly threw out a pile of information. "You can take a look at the general situation of Taurus Capital today. 0.05% of equity is not a small amount."

Xu Xin subconsciously turned over the information, and Taurus Capital’s book funds were already enough to surprise her, but it was still expected. After all, she knew that Song Weiyang made a lot of money this time. However, the situation of China Technology and Google makes Xu Xin feel unbelievable. Especially Google, she has never heard of this stuff, and the latest valuation of Wall Street is as high as 40 million US dollars!

The 0.05% equity of Taurus Capital means that a person can directly become a millionaire. As the company develops, he may become a multimillionaire in the future.

Xu Xin was obviously moved. She put down the information and asked, "Why is Boss Song being so generous to me?"

Song Weiyang smiled and said: "If Miss Xu is willing to join Taurus Capital, then the first job I give you is to let Taurus Capital and Bank of China Investment exchange equity."

Xu Xin was stunned, and said, "BOC Group Investment Company or Bank of China Investment Company?

Song Weiyang couldn't help laughing: "If it's the Bank of China Group Investment Company, then I won't find you to make the connection, I'm afraid it won't work to find the central leadership."

"Scare me," Xu Xin patted his chest, and continued, "Even the Bank of China Investment Co., Ltd. will probably not agree to exchange shares. Boss Song, I can't do this business, forgive me for my lack of ability."

Song Weiyang said: "I just need you to match up, Taurus Capital itself has sufficient potential and strength. I don't know anyone at the Bank of China, but I can ask their leaders to have a meal, but I can't take the initiative to play in person. You are a direct line of the Bank of China headquarters, and you have been engaged in investment work for several years. You are the best intermediary."

Xu Xin said: "Bank of China Investment is a subsidiary of a group of Bank of China. It's too far away and I don't know anyone."

"You can meet people," Song Weiyang said. "Take Taurus Capital's report and ask your old leader to have a meal. You will soon be able to meet people from Bank of China Investment."

Xu Xin said: "Bank of China Investment only invests. Since its establishment, it has not exchanged shares with other institutions."

Song Weiyang said: "It's always the first time in this Xu Xin thought for a while and asked: "If I join Taurus Capital, but the deal is not settled, what should I do? "

"Don't do anything, there is no 100% certainty in the world." Song Weiyang said with a smile.

"Well, I promised to join Taurus Capital." Xu Xin immediately agreed.

If they can exchange equity with Bank of China Investment, then even if Taurus Capital and Bank of China are their own people, they can not only obtain political guarantees, but also dilute the influence of Citibank on Taurus Capital.

As for Li Chaoren who wants to exchange equity, let's go!

In the future, ICBC can join in and invest in Tencent together.

The rumor that ICBC is the major shareholder behind Tencent has to come true. This rumor has spread all over the Internet, and all kinds of rumors are not believed. Of course, Song Weiyang has to satisfy the fantasies of the Chinese people.

Tencent’s major shareholder is actually a South African company. It’s too embarrassing. It’s easier to be accepted as an American company. People are probably this kind of psychological activity.