Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Three hundred and twenty-six [Informatio

The headquarters of Xifeng Company covers an area of ​​1,200 mu, of which 200 mu is still vacant. The 200 acres were used to build new factories, but the domestic economy is sluggish, and production cannot be expanded blindly, and the new factory construction plan was shelved.

Song Weiyang rode around the factory in a car, accompanied by Yang Dexi, director of the company's headquarters office.

Yang Dexi's abilities are relatively mediocre, but he is the veteran of the company and has always lived more moisturized. It doesn't matter to mediocrity, sincere heart is enough, plus a little peasant cunning, the position of director of the general office is still very suitable for him. Its responsibilities include: external reception work, internal meeting work, office supplies management, company management, company vehicle arrangements, etc., all trivial and necessary things.

"Lao Yang, after the difficult period of these two years, I will carry out a company structure and equity adjustment," Song Weiyang said, drawing a big pie, "work hard, and then you will be able to get shares."


Yang Dexi's heart beats wildly, and immediately said faithfully: "Chairman, don't worry, I must do the job of the chief house officer!"

Song Weiyang suddenly pointed to the distance and said, "Hey, is there a new football field built over there?"

Yang Dexi explained: "Our Xifeng football team scored in A-A last year, and the whole factory was very happy. Before, many people who like to play basketball and table tennis have changed to football practice. Call your friends for a few kicks. That piece of land was originally planned to build a new factory building, but it was later shelved, and Mr. Yang simply let people flatten it for a football field."

"Mr. Yang is a bit stingy. This football field doesn't even have a lawn. You can't die of pain even if you fall." Song Weiyang laughed.

"All hobbies, what kind of lawn do I want," Yang Dexi said. "The goal is set up on both sides, and there are many people kicking it." Not long after New Year's Day, the company also organized an employee football game. It was as lively as the Chinese New Year. They all ran to watch the game. Originally, the company only levelled a piece of land for the football field, which was not enough. The employees leveled it up again, and piled up stones as the goal if there was no goal. Anyway, the ground was empty. "

Song Weiyang nodded and said, "Yes, the atmosphere in the company is very active."

Xifeng Company is really conscientious. Although the salary is much lower than that of state-owned enterprises, it never defaults. When they are busy, the workshop workers strictly implement a two-shift system, that is, one person works 12 shifts a day.

12 oblique working hours a day and no overtime pay. Is this a sweatshop?

Not really.

Workers are actually very willing, because there are performance bonuses, they make more money, and they want to work overtime every day.

Among the workers in the Xifeng headquarters factory, one-third are laid-off workers from state-owned enterprises, and two-thirds are from nearby farmers, especially those who have been built and demolished). They have very low requirements for work remuneration. They can be paid on time and get bonuses if they do more. This is happy enough.

A few years ago, the laid-off workers who had just been recruited actually raped, ganged up to make trouble, and that was because they had not figured out the situation. No one wants to make trouble anymore. They just have to work hard, and they have to endure even lowering their wages by a third.

Let's put it this way, if laid-off workers or farmers do not join Xifeng, they can only work in coastal areas.

There are two types of people who work along the coast:

First, enter the construction site. The muddy water mechanic, exposed to the sun and rain, was so tired that he was half-dead. His monthly salary was only six to seven hundred, and he was often in arrears. Even the contractor took the money and ran away from time to time. As for the unskilled workers, they are even more miserable. They are also half-dead, and they can get 500 per month.

Secondly, the workers in and out of the assembly line are really a black-hearted factory. The monthly salary is 500, including food and housing. The rice is brown rice and the vegetable is clean water cabbage. You can't see the oily fish. They work more than ten times a day, and the craftsman can do it. Malnutrition.

For the above two types of work, you have to spend money to do temporary residency.

This thing is not expensive, it can be done for one or two hundred dollars. But workers are reluctant to spend money. The factory is okay. The construction site is calculated on the basis of the construction period or the end of the year. By the way, your food expenses are deducted. The workers have no money for more than half a year. For them, more than 100 yuan is a huge sum of money.

Finally, I was able to take a two-day break and go out to buy some things. You will be arrested in the street, let your relatives and friends take money to collect people, and those who can’t afford it will be taken into custody (return to your place of origin is also conditional, throw you to work in a black construction site for a few months, and make enough repatriation expenses.

Compared with working along the coast, doing 12 skews a day at the local Xifeng company can still get paid on time, which is equivalent to living in paradise.

Farmers in the 1990s were eager to have a factory near their home, and they recognized the serious pollution. At this time, Rongping's average salary was about 500, and they were given 300 yuan a month. They were all crazy.

"Pass the ball, pass the ball fast!"

"Oh, your tortoise son has stinky feet!"

"Mom sells batches, you want to score an own goal!"


The football city is very lively, playing and watching football, basically belong to the former state-owned enterprise laid-off workers. Winter is the low season for beverage production and sales. They have more free time and naturally engage in various entertainment activities.

As for workers from farmers, they don’t have that leisure, and will go home to do farm work after a while.

"Pan Qiang, Pan Qiang is here!"

"Brother Pan, come and help."

"No way, if Brother Pan ends, others will still kick!"


The employees playing football stopped suddenly, surrounded by a young man, and even undressed to ask for an autograph.

Song Weiyang asked: "Who is this Pan Qiang?"

Yang Dexi laughed and said: "The football player from the city sports school, who served as a substitute for the Xifeng team, played a total of three games last year. But he is the only player in Rongping City who remains on the team. Other local old players have been Dismissed. He has come to play in the factory for the past two days. It is estimated that he will go home and rest during the Chinese New Year."

"A substitute player is so popular?" Song Weiyang felt a little strange.

"Our Xifeng team is about to play A-A. The substitute players are also A-A players. They are superstars in small places like ours. UU reading" said Yang Dexi.

The Xifeng football team ranked fourth in the league last year with the same points as the fifth. It was dangerous and dangerous to qualify for the first a by the number of goal differences. Moreover, veteran fans say that the Xifeng team was lucky and encountered the expansion of the League A. Previously, it had to be promoted to the top two of the League B. Last year, the top four can be promoted.

The news of promotion came back, not only the fans in Rongping City were cheered, but the cities and counties next door were elated and regarded the Xifeng team as their children.

The sports newspaper awarded by the university also took the opportunity to speculate on the derby in the same province. It is hoped that in the new season, the Xifeng team will have a big fight with the Quanxing team.

As the car drove slowly through the factory area, Song Weiyang saw a lot of people crouching at the back door, gathering in twos and threes to play cards and chat.

"What do these people do?" Song Weiyang asked.

Yang Dexi explained: “They are all guarding the odd jobs for Xifeng Company. Previously, it was mostly farmers in the vicinity. Now there are many laid-off workers.”

Song Weiyang said, "The company doesn't have any odd jobs for them, right?"

"There are some odd jobs in the peak season for canned food and beverages. For example, if the assembly line is too busy, we hire temporary workers to manually peel the fruit, or let them do packaging and handling," Yang Dexi said. "It's the off season. These people squat all day Maybe they have no work to do. But they are fine at home, so it's better to stay at Xifeng and try their luck. While waiting for the work to be done while playing poker, you can pass some time."

It was almost noon. A few Xifeng workers who were playing football went home for dinner. When they walked out the back door, they were arrogant in front of the people waiting for the work, and the eyes of those workers were full of envy.

Even if the performance bonus is full, assembly line workers who earn 600 yuan a day are actually the envy of

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