Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Two hundred and ninety-two【technical m

Ding Ming recruited 5 programmers to come in. Everyone didn't know much about search engines, so let's start with the database first. Regardless of the first generations of search engines, they all need their own database. The difference is that the algorithm becomes more and more "smart".

While Ding Ming presided over the search engine research and development team, he found himself somewhat marginalized. Zhang Chaoyang arranged another assistant, although it was not as useful as Ding Ming, but at least he would not oppose his decision.

Ding Ming called Song Weiyang and called Qu: "Brother Yang, what do you think Zhang always thinks? Afraid that I will seize his power?"

"It shouldn't be the reason," Song Weiyang said helplessly, "mostly it is a search engine project, you make him feel unhappy. He is a very assertive person, and he has a high self-esteem, so he can't tolerate any objections."

"What should I do then?" Ding Ming said, "I don't want to have conflicts with him either."

Song Weiyang said: "You start with the search engine project. When the summer vacation is over, I will go to the capital to hold a shareholder meeting to formally determine the company's authority framework. At that time, he will be the general manager and you will be the vice president. In the future, every project of the company must be assigned a full-time person in charge. The general manager and deputy general manager should try their best to delegate powers. When encountering major problems, they must meet to discuss and solve them. Zhang Chaoyang is very unscientific to catch everything. The development of the country will do more harm than good.”

Ding Ming said: "This way the contradiction will be even greater."

"Try it. If Zhang Chaoyang doesn't know how to converge, then I will consider changing to a general manager." Song Weiyang said.

Ding Ming also said: “The search engine project has been working on the database now, and there is no breakthrough in the algorithm. I asked Pony and Lei, they said that the most practical search engine is Infoseek, and the algorithm is relatively It’s smarter and can exclude a lot of irrelevant content. I organize my hands to analyze Infoseek’s algorithm, but this is a trade secret and I don’t know the clue at all."

"Come slowly," Song Weiyang suggested, "you can try to dig an Infoseek technical staff."

Ding Ming smiled bitterly: "I can't dig, the core engineer of Infoseek, their annual salary is more than our entire company's assets."

Song Weiyang said: "Don't worry, stick to research and development, I will pay for it."

Li Yanhong, the future founder of Baidu, is one of Infoseek's core engineers at this time, and his personal assets far exceed those of Sohu at this stage.

Li Yanhong owns more than 700,000 options of Dow Jones subsidiary companies, and shares in exchange for IT technology (real-time financial information system). After graduation, he spent several years on Wall Street. He also has luxury villas and famous cars in Silicon Valley. His wife, Ma Dongmin, is an American Ph.D. graduated from the Junior Class of the National People's University. He also works in a high-tech company in Silicon Valley.

A young man who came out of an ordinary family in a small town in China was mixed up before the age of 30. Even if he didn't start Baidu later, he was already considered a successful person.

In fact, since 1995, Li Yanhong has returned to China every year to inspect the Internet market. He had always had the idea of ​​starting a business on his own, but his career in the United States was so smooth that it was difficult for Robin Li to give up and he was reluctant to give up everything and return to China to start again.

If it weren't for Infoseek's high-level gang who are short-sighted people who don't do anything about the bright prospects in the search field, they must transform to engage in portals. After that, there will be nothing about Google. Most of Li Yanhong would not resign and return to China to establish Baidu.

By the way, at the International World Wide Web Conference next summer, Robin Li, as a top search engine expert, will be invited to attend and give a speech.

According to Tim Bonas Lee, the father of the World Wide Web, it was at that World Wide Web conference that the two founders of Google listened carefully to Li Yanhong’s speech and asked Li Yanhong for technical questions after the meeting. A month later, Google was established, but the Pagerank patent was delayed for three years before being approved by the US Patent Office because the technology was similar to Robin Li's patent for hyperlink analysis.

So some people say that Google borrowed or stolen Li Yanhong's search technology when it was just founded-in fact, it has a different focus. Google has further expanded and improved on the basis of Li Yanhong's patent. The patent filed by Google is the more perfect part, which in turn is even better than Li Yanhong. Li Yanhong later caught up through the "Lightning Project".

Li Yanhong chose to return to China to establish Baidu. One was inspired by Infoseek executives, one was stimulated by Google, and the other was instigated by his wife Ma Dongmin.

Every time Li Yanhong had difficulty making a choice, his wife pushed behind him. Back home to start a business like this, Baidu bid rankings like this, this wife is worthy of a prodigy from the National People's Congress Junior Class.

But Li Yanhong himself possesses all the qualities of success. He is just the opposite of Zhang Chaoyang. He looks for one thing and sticks to it to the end, and completely delegates power to the people below. In this way, employees get training and development, as long as the general direction is good, the boss is great when they do it right, and the employee has problems if they do it wrong.

Zhang Chaoyang was reluctant to delegate power, and took a detour when encountering difficulties, and it was difficult to persist until the end. All projects are done, and no projects are deepened. It is also difficult for employees to exert their abilities to their fullest, and if problems arise, the boss will have to take care of them.

Therefore, in the eyes of employees, Li Yanhong is unpredictable and difficult to deal with, but the company can do its best; and Zhang Chaoyang is very talkative and respects him, but the senior employees eventually ran away.

At the critical moment, Li Yanhong dared to challenge investors on the table. During the dot-com bubble, American investors did not agree to do bidding rankings, Li Yanhong directly tantrums others, and those investors finally compromised: "We agree with your idea, not because it has a future, but because of your attitude."

And what about Zhang Chaoyang? In the face of investors, all kinds of grievances seek for perfection, and constantly make concessions.

For Song Weiyang, people like Zhang Chaoyang are more in control, and they just need to scold them when they are disobedient.


When the time entered June, Sohu's webpages and chat rooms had amazing traffic, which attracted investors from Wall Street to take the initiative to contact. The Yankees valued Sohu at US$3 million, which is about RMB 26 million, which is equivalent to a multiple of Song Weiyang’s investment in a year.

Zhang Chaoyang intends to accept a financing of US$2 million, but Song Weiyang directly rejected it, and said: "I will give it to me if the money is not enough. If I take the normal financing channel, what should I do with the shares!"

Zhang Chaoyang can only say: "Let's talk about it at the end of that year, the company's funds can still survive."

As for Ding Ming's search engine research and development team, they still found nothing, and could only honestly improve the database. Until Li Yanhong's hyperlink analysis patent was approved by the U.S. Patent Office in July, and the patent was published in September, Ding Ming finally realized that this is how it was done!

But even if the patent is published, it does not mean that the core technology is laid out. Others can only see a half-claw from the patent document. There is also the stemming technology mentioned in the patent documents, which is only useful in the English hyperlink text, and it can only be said that it can be used for reference when changing to Chinese.

Li Yanhong is a big cow, and Ding Ming recruited shrimp soldiers and crabs, and he honestly followed other people's technical directions for research. This research lasted for several months, and after I had basically thoroughly studied it, I began to study the practical application of Chinese websites.

As for Xifeng, the 101 project has begun to close the network on a large scale, and the signing power of regional partners has been gradually recovered. Those regional partners will either become Xifeng's neighbourhood distributors or Xifeng's salesmen. There is no third option.

The gangsters at Shenghai Railway Station wanted to resist and even threatened to let Xifeng products disappear from the railway station.

Xifeng didn't instigate, and stopped the supply directly, and at the same time started negotiations, these guys were immediately subdued. After all, harmony makes money, and there is money to be made, so why bother to be so stale?

As a result, the companies established by the gangsters were divided into two. One part cooperated with Xifeng to establish a distribution station, covering the area around the railway station, and let some younger brothers specialize as contract terminal distributors; another part became the branch of Xifengshenghai sales branch, responsible for the business promotion of the railway station and surrounding areas .

In this way, the gangsters have better career management and more money, but the financial and personnel management rights are given to Xifeng.

The gangsters are very happy. They have become the regional leaders of Xifeng Company. They have money and status, so they don't have to worry about precariousness and fear. Dealing with the disobedient little brother, just follow the rules, and there is nothing to lose face.

Even the big gangsters handed over the illegal business of the train station to the The little brother had something to do, they sat and smoked it until one day the little brother finally went ashore.

Distributors of Jianlibao, Coca-Cola and other companies continue to report bullying and bullying. The police could not bear the pressure and could not find evidence. They interviewed the gangsters several times, and finally got angry with a comprehensive rectification operation, which caused heavy losses to the gangsters. The beverage market at Shenghai Railway Station finally became normal. Then there is the dominance of the Xifeng family.

In the next few years, two of these gangsters went to jail, one was killed by the enemy, and the rest were completely washed away, resolutely not to touch illegal business. One of the gangsters even became the general manager of the Xifengshenghai sales branch, and he was promoted entirely on the basis of solid performance.

Throughout the first half of the year, Soros has been stirring up the wind and rain in Thailand, and Song Weiyang's Taurus capital drank a lot of soup.

The Thai baht has not completely exploded, "Three Body" has already exploded on the Internet, and the major domestic chat rooms and BBS stations have reposted it, and some people even forwarded it to

(Two more changes will be resumed tomorrow, and the chapters with fewer changes will be added slowly.)

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