Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Two hundred and sixty [Opponents’ mist

After pouring a glass of wine for Ma Xiaoyun, Song Weiyang asked, "Why did you do a good job in "People's X"."

"It's really boring," Ma Xiaoyun said, "I'm still confused now, how come I came to Beijing to build a website for someone. And I didn't know the price at the time, and now I have no other hope. This business can be done without losing money. good."

"Hahaha!" Song Weiyang laughed.

When Ma Xiaoyun flicked the leadership of "People's X", he also flicked himself lame.

Song Weiyang asked: "I heard that you met Zhang Shuxin of Yinghaiwei some time ago?"

"See you, this boss Zhang is exaggerated," Ma Xiaoyun repeatedly shook his head, "She got a bunch of servers, let people pay to surf the Internet, and regarded herself as the telecommunications bureau of the network industry. When I talked to her on the Internet, it was a bullhead. It’s not right, I can’t tell you to go together at all.”

Song Weiyang felt that the scene must be very interesting.

Both of them came into contact with the Internet by chance in the United States. One returned to China to create China's first Internet company, and the other returned to China to create China's first yellow pages website. But their cognition of the Internet is half a pot of jingle, they only see a certain part of the Internet function, and they can't convince the other party when they talk about it. Of course, the more they pull, the more strange.

"Come, let's go," Ma Xiaoyun clinked glasses with a cigarette, "I heard that you invested in Jinshan Company?"

"Do you know all of this?" Song Weiyang asked, sipping white wine.

"The Internet in China is so big, it has spread all over," Ma Xiaoyun said, "Can Jinshan Company make money now?"

Song Weiyang shook his head and said, "I have been losing money."

"Then you still invest?" Ma Xiaoyun asked.

"There are not many people who still insist on independent research and development of software, and they have to pull it out," Song Weiyang laughed. "It is better to make software than to make health products."

Ma Xiaoyun said: "Speaking of health care products, it seems that there is a problem with the capital chain of the Giant Group. These days, there are news that giants are about to fall."

"The steps are too big, it's a mess." Song Weiyang said.

"Hahahaha!" Ma Xiaoyun was amused and laughed, he thought this was too funny.

The two chatted for a while, and Song Weiyang said, "I came to Beijing this time to investigate e-commerce."

"What CGOS is that?" Ma Xiaoyun said sternly.

"What do you think?" Song Weiyang asked.

Ma Xiaoyun said: "I don't know much, but I have a general understanding. The central government is promoting information commerce, and several ministries and commissions have taken the lead to get a CGOS. The publicity is very lively, but I haven't heard of any results."

"Are you interested?" Song Weiyang asked.

"I'm a little bit interested. I'll talk about it when I finish the People's Daily Online." Ma Xiaoyun said.

"Do you want to come and see with me?" Song Weiyang said.

"Yes." Ma Xiaoyun nodded immediately.

On the second day, Song Weiyang and Ma Xiaoyun came to Jingcheng Shangyou Business Company, and the company's CEO personally came to receive them.

Song Weiyang was disappointed that CGOS only developed a system framework at this time, and many functions were incomplete, and it was in the stage of internal trial operation. But with such a semi-finished product, the major media actually helped to promote it, making Song Weiyang think that the other party had already succeeded.

The boss of Shangyou Company didn't understand technology, so he asked a consultant to explain to Song Weiyang.

The consultant was named Li Qi, who had the same name as the subordinate Ma Xiaoyun introduced yesterday. This person will become China's first e-commerce research doctorate next year, publish China's first business electronics monograph, establish China's first e-commerce research institute, and obtain China's first e-commerce professional professorship.

In terms of theory alone, Li Qi is the founder of China's e-commerce. Later, the first professional textbook that many e-commerce students came into contact with was written by Li Qi himself.

"Boss Song, although my country's online business is in its infancy, the prospects for development are very impressive," Li Qi said in a speechless introduction. "We will establish a nationwide computer network and a large A bridge of personal opinion to realize the network and informationization of the first-level commodity market! Last year, there were more than 13 million commercial retail enterprises nationwide, and there were more than 200,000 in the capital area alone. Let’s take the capital city as an example, the national annual sales There are more than 200 large-scale shopping malls worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Beijing accounts for a quarter, and small and medium-sized sales companies are even more. What a vast market is this? Although Xifeng has fixed sales channels, it is difficult to More than 200,000 retail companies in the capital have done a thorough job, and using our electronic ordering system can make up for this gap!"

Ma Xiaoyun was originally to accompany Song Weiyang to visit. At the moment, his eyes were shining, and a huge potential market was in front of him.

Song Weiyang didn't feel much, and asked directly: "When will your CGOS system be put into formal operation?"

"Uh..." Li Qi replied with a little embarrassment, "At the latest next summer, of course, it may be earlier."

"Is the system ready?" Song Weiyang asked.

Li Qi said: "It has been done, but there are still some minor problems, and it is gradually being adjusted and improved."

Song Weiyang found out that he had been fooled. CGOS was blowing up so much in the media. In fact, he just set up a framework to deceive superiors and enterprises to invest.

Song Weiyang asked how the system works. Li Qi immediately replied. It seems that Shangyou Business Company is not entirely a scam. They already have a relatively complete development plan.

This thing is divided into operation center and distribution center.

The business center is a business website. Those who sell things have to pay to get online, and those who buy things have to pay to get information. Both parties can match online, the system automatically settles the price, and the transaction intention is reached easily, quickly and efficiently.

Distribution centers are large-scale distribution sites, and warehouses must be built everywhere, and even transportation equipment must be purchased. When an online transaction is completed, Shangyou Business Co., Ltd. will carry out logistics and distribution. The buyer pays the goods to Shangyou Company, and the Shangyou company then credits the payment to the seller’s account, deducting the logistics costs.

What the hell?

This broken company wants to be an e-commerce website, an intermediary agent, and a logistics business!

Not to mention, just for the stations in the Beijing area, the distribution center will cost 70 to 80 million yuan to build. The ministries and commissions are definitely not willing to invest so much money. They can only find other companies to cooperate, and most of them are state-owned enterprises.

No wonder this e-commerce company with a background of three ministries and commissions, various media propaganda resources, and a green light on policy, was quickly eliminated by the market in history.

It is undeniable that the CGOS system is very beneficial to sellers and buyers. It has a large amount of information, fast communication speed, strong selectivity, high transparency, and low transaction costs, which breaks the middlemen and geographical restrictions. If there is no competition from private e-commerce companies, it will certainly be able to grow bigger, bringing good news to countless production companies and sales companies.

It is a pity that the CGOS system was created too early, and the Internet was not popularized early, and the initial profitability was not good. When the e-commerce environment began to mature, more and more similar companies rushed to grab the market and beat CGOS to the ground with more flexible services.

"I am very willing to cooperate with Shangyou Business Company. After your CGOS system is completed, Xifeng is willing to become the first customer." Song Weiyang showed his attitude and was impressed.

Although CGOS is stupid, it is indeed a good channel, and cooperation should be cooperated.

Song Weiyang felt very disappointed, and asked Ma Xiaoyun on the way: "What do you think?"

Ma Xiaoyun said excitedly: "If I were to do e-commerce, I would not be a distribution center, I would only be a website information and transaction system. Shangyou Business Co., Ltd. is too demanding. This is an old problem of state-owned enterprises. Come like this."

"Are you ready to enter?" Song Weiyang smiled.

Ma Xiaoyun said: "When the People's Daily Online is finished, I will immediately empty the shares of China Pages and enter the e-commerce market with all my strength! Lao Song, thank you very much for allowing me to find a business direction."

"If you are doing e-commerce, you can find me if you are short of money." Song Weiyang smiled happily.

"Definitely, you are the big gold master." Ma Xiaoyun said.

Historically, Ma Xiaoyun has been doing e-commerce since 1997, and has built several websites in one go, both domestically and abroad. It is a pity that the Internet environment is immature, and these websites have made losses and gains, and are barely in a state of capital preservation. It was also very difficult to create Alibaba later, and it was still alive after 2000. Only when the Internet becomes popular can it develop and grow.

Ma Xiaoyun doesn't know this. He is already complacent and feels that the e-commerce market has great potential.

In fact, the most powerful e-commerce website is 8848. UU Reading www.uukānshu.cOMB2C is doing well, but it believes in Yankee's Internet concept and switched to B2B. In the past few years, the main business has been changed, and I have been dizzy. The shareholders have also had various conflicts. In the end, Ma Xiaoyun was in vain.

There are many situations like this. Every opponent he encountered during his entrepreneurial journey made mistakes of this kind. Every time Tencent enters a new field, whether it is a domestic or foreign opponent, changes the law and makes mistakes, but Xiao Ma keeps improving and doing it thoroughly. In the end, the opponent dies and Tencent grows stronger.

If QQ is plagiarizing ICQ, I don’t know if ICQ has added friends and can only log in locally. If you change to another computer, your friends list will be gone. I don’t know that ICQ can only chat online. You can’t leave a message when your friends are not online. This situation has continued for several years, and ICQ didn't even know how to improve, and domestic PICQ, TICQ, and GICQ also stupidly did not improve. When these domestic and foreign chat software reacted, QQ had already eliminated the bleeding from a bunch of peers and occupied most of the Chinese market.

Along the way, Ma Xiaoyun talked about his various ideas. Although this person has just come into contact with e-commerce, he has basically grasped the pulse of development, and the main idea is clear and clear.

Song Weiyang smiled and said, "I also invested in an Internet company in Beijing called Sohu. I will show you it."