Rebirth of the Wild Age

~: Two hundred and twenty-six [documentary

噺⑧一中文网ωωω.χ⒏1zщ.còм哽噺繓赽捌㈠Fiction 蛧

It was Labor Day in a blink of an eye.

The good news of May 1st last year was the implementation of the double-break system throughout the country. There is also good news this year: the central bank announced a rate cut!

This is the first interest rate cut since the reform and opening up. Deposit interest rates have been reduced by 0.98 percentage points on average, loan interest rates have been reduced by 0.75 percentage points on average, and the deposit and loan interest rates of the central bank and financial institutions have also been reduced accordingly. Next, the inter-bank lending rates will also be reduced accordingly.

Many people expressed their unhappiness. In the past, the interest rate on deposits in the bank was high, but now it seems that it is not so cost-effective.

In fact, the announcement of the central bank to cut interest rates means that China's high inflation rate for many years has been fundamentally suppressed. The skyrocketing prices have been kept under control, and the money in the hands of the people has been more valuable. In comparison, the interest in the bank is nothing at all.

And entrepreneurs like Song Weiyang get even more benefits.

First of all, it reduces the interest burden of the enterprise and reduces the cost of the enterprise. Second, it has narrowed the gap between China’s real interest rates and international interest rates, and enhanced the competitiveness of export companies in the international market.

Those companies that are going to take over mergers and want to be big fat people with one bite are jumping more happily now. Not only has the loan interest rate lowered, but the difficulty of obtaining bank loans has also been reduced. Anyway, looking for banks to borrow money is rapidly expanding.

At the same time, the central government promulgated the financial registration management measures for foreign-invested enterprises, and began to rectify the chaos of foreign investment in China. Prior to this, the central government's management of foreign investment was out of control. How much foreign investment there is, and what the specific situation is each year, the central government simply didn't know if the local government fooled around.

Anyway, the implementation of the two policies, one inside and one outside, made local entrepreneurs overjoyed, feeling that the era of rapid development of China's industry and commerce has arrived.

By the way, this year's crackdown is going on again, officially starting in mid-April!

The cause was that a certain gangster was robbed and killed by robbery, and the whole country was shaken, which directly contributed to the launch of the 96th crackdown. Among them, the special action of "strike the railway guerrillas" also benefited the Song family.

The so-called "railway guerrillas" were originally villagers along the railway, knowing where freight trains would slow down. So they ambush ahead of time, rushing forward, and frantically stealing the goods from the car. In some places, people from the whole village are dispatched collectively. After years of severe crackdowns and legal propaganda, villagers’ acts of stealing have become fewer and fewer, while professional criminal gangs have increased.

At the beginning of April, the fairy wine of the Song family was spotted.

They are all high-end liquors, a bottle of which sells for nearly one hundred yuan, and one case is enough for those criminals to make a fortune. They hung in ambush at the turn of the mountain road, waiting for the train to slow down. More than 50 people climbed up like this and stole one-third of the wagon's liquor. These guys probably tasted the sweetness, and within half a month they came to steal again and succeeded again.

It happened that the province was carrying out the "96 special operation against railway guerrillas". The police received a report from the Xianjiu Group and quickly ascertained where the criminals committed the crime, and even learned the next time the other party committed the crime. Those guys are really too good. I'm arrogant. I don't know how to keep it secret. I brag about how awesome I am, saying that I have to vote in a few days.

47 criminals were arrested on the spot while committing the crime, and then they followed the vines, transporting and selling the stolen goods in one go. After interrogation, a ghost in the railway system was also found, who specially delivered cargo information to criminal traffickers.

Because these guys are repeat offenders, they have committed nearly a hundred crimes, and the amount of crime is particularly huge. In addition to the severe crackdown, all six principal offenders were shot to death, and more than ten were sentenced to life. Accomplices who sold stolen goods were directly sentenced to the highest sentence before the Sixth Amendment to the Criminal Law in three years.

Song Weiyang felt the intensity of the crackdown even when he was on the campus. There were street slogans on the streets around Wujiaochang.

Coal tyrants, city tyrants, food tyrants, and fare tyrants have become key targets of attack. Other vicious cases have also been temporarily set up one after another task force, even the number of thieves on the bus has decreased. Due to the super-strong propaganda and crackdown, a large number of criminals voluntarily surrendered to the crime and strived for leniency. In a northeastern province, more than 8,000 guns were seized in one month. The pile of gun photos in newspapers is staggering.

Social security has suddenly improved a lot, and wealthy people like Song Weiyang don't need to be so frightened.


Airport, waiting room.

Song Weiyang needs to return to the company to sign, and the French experts hired with high salaries will work out a complete set of upgrade plans. In addition, since there are no pure water manufacturers in all of China, French experts also suggested that Wahaha is also preparing to introduce a pure water production project at this time. The boss of Zong has just formed a joint venture with France's Danone Group and has strong financial strength.

Together, these projects cost nearly 200 million yuan, which has exceeded the authority of General Manager Yang Xin, and Song Weiyang must personally go back and sign.

Fan Xinman took the CCTV documentary film crew and followed all the way. In fact, she started filming three days ago to document Song Weiyang's studies and life at school.

Lin Zhuoyun was very worried about having such a beautiful woman following all the time, but she did not show any dissatisfaction. She even became good friends with Fan Xinman. This time she insisted on following Song Weiyang home, saying that she was going to visit Song Weiyang's mother. In fact, she was declaring her sovereignty over Song Weiyang to Fan Xinman.

The CCTV is "very poor", it only has one camera for documentaries, and the consumption of film has to be strictly controlled.

"First take a shot of the waiting room when starting up." Fan Xinman said to the cameraman.

Soon, the camera was aimed at Song Weiyang, and the shot was taken from the side, only the back of the head and half of the cheek can be seen. In order not to affect the sense of the picture, Fan Xinman showed his face from the front and asked: "Boss Song often takes a plane?"

"Several times a year, after all, the train is too It's a waste of time." Song Weiyang said.

Fan Xinman smiled and said: "Efficiency is life, time is money?"

"This is true." Song Weiyang said.

Fan Xinman asked: "Does Xifeng also focus on efficiency?"

Song Weiyang said: “We focus on efficiency and quality at the same time. The document I signed back to the company this time is to update Xifeng’s current production. Not only is the production line updated, but also the quality inspection technology and system. Replacement. First, it can improve production efficiency; second, it can guarantee the quality of the company’s products."

Fan Xinman said: "I have been shooting with Boss Song for three days, and I found a very interesting phenomenon. You don't seem to have any other luxury goods except for your mobile phone. The clothes and shoes are not famous brands, and you don't wear any rings or necklaces. It’s a bit different from the big boss in people’s mind."

"There is a famous brand," Song Weiyang stretched out his arm to reveal the watch in his sleeve. "Imported goods, a gift from an elder."

"Don't you buy famous brands yourself?" Fan Xinman asked.

"I don't care much about those," Song Weiyang said, "I don't dislike famous brands, but I'm not obsessed with famous brands. It's easy to use and durable. Don't tell me in the documentary that I'm hard and simple. I want to really come across a favorite luxury item. , I will buy it for sure, I don’t care how much it costs."

"Pragmatism?" Fan Xinman said.

"Yes, pragmatism." Song Weiyang said.

Fan Xinman motioned the cameraman to shut down: "Okay, just take these, and take two more shots on the plane."

Lin Zhuoyun handed over a bottle of Xifeng iced tea: "Ms. Fan has worked hard."

"Where, thank you Miss Lin." Fan Xinman smiled and accepted the iced tea. She thought Boss Song's girlfriend was also very interesting.

ps: I have to get up early to go out tomorrow, no more tonight.

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