Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 111: Aestheticians believe in the most import

Late at night, Song Tianyaozheng and Chu Xiaoxin were chatting about Chu Xiaoxin’s allowance for tomorrow at the Durex Hotel. Brothers Zhang Yuliang and Zhang Yulin were chatting in the old house on McDonald Road to design Chu Xiaoxin’s Likang.

It was also this late night, and it was approaching early morning. Angie Peris and Mrs. Beth were still talking at the desk in the study at Shi Zhiyi’s single-family villa in the Taiping Mountains, except for the light on the first floor of the study at this time. Looking out of the villa, the lights in the master bedroom of Shi Zhiyi and his wife on the second floor were still on. Shi Zhiyi was standing in front of the bedroom window with a wine glass, as if waiting for his wife to return to the room to go to bed with him.

"There are still some problems with this water quality report. We are going to revise it now. Believe me, my degree in hydrology from the School of Environment at the University of Melbourne is not just a casual comment. There are several words in this report that can be changed. It's more accurate, and there are some errors in several data." Mrs. Beth picked up the Hong Kong water quality report from Angie-Pellis from the messy papers spread out on the desk, and said to Angie-Pellis.

Angie Peris did not have any tiredness on her face, instead she smiled and took the cold coffee and took a sip elegantly: "Madam, of course I believe that you are the only professional in Hong Kong who has a deep understanding of hydrology. , But this water quality report is not important. Most Hong Kong people don’t understand the terms groundwater, rock formations and waters. They don’t care about these terms. What they care about is how many insects they have in their stomachs at this time. And the drugs you dispense can weed them out."

"Hong Kong may not, but there will be in London, dear Angie, I can't let a report full of errors appear in the hands of the real professors in London, it will become a more embarrassing laughingstock, wait a minute, I remember on the shelf in the study There is a reference book in this regard. Thank our nanny for packing all the books we collected when we were in London and transporting them to Hong Kong." Mrs. Beth got up from the desk and walked towards the bookshelf.

Soon, she found the water quality reference book she needed, and she muttered: "Granite layer, granite layer environment, long and narrow...found it."

She walked back to the desk quickly with the book in her arms, and used a pen to mark out an error in the report, and carefully corrected it below.

Angie Peris waited quietly for her to finish correcting all the things she thought might be wrong, and then handed the other party a document: "The invitation letter and preliminary plan of Oxfam Hong Kong inviting you as the chairperson of the hydrologist. You can check in advance whether there are any errors in the wording above. Below are the names of some newspapers that will be scheduled to appear. If there are newspaper names you don’t want to see, you can cross them out. Also, we plan to hire four professional photographers. Teacher, use a high-definition handheld camera to record the inauguration ceremony of Oxfam, as well as the photos you went to Kowloon and Hong Kong Island to donate medicines to the poor. Of course, those photos will only appear in the news of major newspapers in Hong Kong after you have selected them. above."

Just after revising the report, Mrs. Beth, who was relieved, immediately felt that her heartbeat was speeding up again: "Media? And photos? I haven't thought of this yet."

"If I said that we are still going to pay for the radio advertising time and spend a week to promote the good deeds of you and Oxfam, would you be more surprised? We have already thought of all the steps that should happen in the future." Angie- Peris smiled at Mrs. Beth and said.

"You have given so much, what you want will only double, but...for Patrick, I have no choice. I must change my identity. I am not a countrywoman from St. Kita, the country of prisoners in Australia, nor an Australian chemistry. A low-level native employee of the company. I am a believer in the Anglican Church in London, England. I am a philanthropist, British female philanthropist, and female hydrologist." Mrs. Beth picked up a box of 100-year-old ladies’ cigarettes from the table and struck a match. , Put the slender lady's cigarette in her mouth, and said in a weak tone: "For you are also a British woman, Angie, tell me, I'm not signing a contract with the devil. Patrick told me, let me rest assured You won’t behave like greedy crocodiles that are never fed, at least not at the beginning of the cooperation. After careful consideration, he agreed to let me see you.”

"It's not as complicated as you thought, madam, we only wanted to find a middle-level customs official to do the pharmaceutical business, but when we learned about you and your husband's new duties, we realized that our previous considerations were too superficial. Likang’s boss, Mr. Chu, is the son of a large family. He is at a very dangerous disadvantage in inheriting the huge family business. So, have you ever thought about this if Mr. Chu, who is 26 this year, gains Hong Kong How would his father think of him after he was awarded the title of Justice of the Peace? It would be a completely different life for him. So, what you need is to change the reputation of everyone’s impression of you, and so is our boss , Your kind deeds should be awarded by the Queen. Mr. Chu does not need such a great honor. The title of Justice of the Peace in Hong Kong is enough, and following your footsteps, it is not difficult to achieve this requirement." Angie Peris looked at the somewhat tangled Mrs. Beth and spoke.

When these words were spoken, Angie Peris still admired Song Tianyao in her heart. He told him these words. If Mrs. Beth asked about their needs, tell her that Likang's purpose was not to chase huge profits, but Chu Xiaoxin needed them. With the same reputation as her, even if she does not admit it on her face, she will relax her vigilance in her heart, give birth to an unconscious sense of intimacy, and show a little trust. Moreover, as long as Oxfam will be well-known and properly promoted, the name of Mrs. Beth It is very easy to spread to London. With her husband Shi Zhiyi’s nearly two decades of political connections, it is easy to get a low-level Queen's Medal for Mrs. Beth, which is enough to change her status. It is equally easy to get the title of justice of the peace.

This is Song Tianyao, as Chu Xiaoxin’s secretary, planning for Chu Xiaoxin’s prospects. To make Chu Xiaoxin a firm foothold in Hong Kong shopping malls, he must first be pushed to a high enough position and separated from other outstanding abilities. The distance of his peers, when other peers were still groping in the sea of ​​business, Chu Er Shao could continue to go to Xia Xia Ba Ba under the title of Justice of the Peace. By the way, he affixed the title of jp to his name on the business card to be generous. Participate in the official banquet held by the Hong Kong government.

"Oxfam's registration matters have been prepared and completed, and the donated drugs are also being produced. The establishment will be announced publicly in two days. The three promoters required for registration are you, Mr. Chu..." Angie-Pelli Si stopped here for a while.

Mrs. Beth asked curiously: "Is the third Mr. Song?"

"No, it's me." A touched expression appeared on Angie Peris's face, but the tone was faint, as if he was speaking of a stranger: "I thought it was him, but he insisted on keeping this position. To me, he said, so that you can announce that I have delayed my studies in London because I came to Hong Kong to do charity. When the Oxfam project is completed, the legal experts in London may line up to invite me, who is kind and enthusiastic. Charity female trainee lawyers went to their firm for an internship and gave me their signed internship certificate. His brain is always able to consider everything. I myself have forgotten my identity, but he still helps me remember. "

"Patrick said that Mr. Chu could not make such a plan, only you and Mr. Song, he is very smart." Mrs. Beth put down the cigarette and patted Angie Peris on the back of her hand like an elder. "But you have to think carefully. If you like a yellow person, your relatives in London may not bless you. Is it okay for you to live in the guest room tonight? We can talk more. I will help you prepare a new mattress. And eiderdown."

"I know, so leave those problems to the man to worry about, and I can just follow his instructions easily." Angie Peris picked up the unconscious feelings that had just been revealed, and said to Mrs. Beth with a smile .

Mrs. Beth also laughed: "That's right, the problem should be given to the man. I just want to be the first chairman of Oxfam. The rest of the problem will make Patrick a headache. Thank God for me. When I arrive at him, this reliable English gentleman, he has never failed me. He will always be calm and steady, which makes people feel at ease."

"The person I met has not let me down yet." Angie Peris also said, but there was a bit of uncertainty about the future in her smile.

At this time, Shi Zhiyi, who was standing next to the window in the bedroom on the second floor of the villa, and Song Tianyao, who was sitting alone on the sofa of the Durex Hotel’s guest room, looking at "Chrysanthemum and Knife" at this time, although the skin color and appearance are different, but the expressions are all the same. The two women said the same, calm and steady, so that women feel at ease.

Outside the window, the night is deep, and the beautiful people believe that it is the most difficult to live up to.