Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 119: The wages of avarice is death

Chu Xiaoxin hugged Chen Zhudi, and Da Ma Jindao sat in the Risheng Tea Garden inside Retiro, surrounded by more than a dozen dandies who usually hang out with Chu Ershao in Retto, most of them were some singers. The members of the uncle’s troupe and several popular singers in the Retiro dance hall are sitting next to the leader of their uncle’s youth group, with Chu Xiaoxin and several other singer’s uncle youth group leaders as the core, sitting on both sides. The eyes are all looking at Chu Er Shao with an arrogant expression:

"The next morning, in St. John’s Cathedral in Central, I started to organize a charity organization and fundraising ceremony. At that time, there were British people who participated in the event. Every Chinese and English newspaper also said hello, and all of them would send reporters to report. I also invited four photo studio masters to take charge of taking pictures. Don’t say that Chu Xiaoxin didn’t take care of my friends. Where’s Judy? I’m holding it. I’ve got the money. Of course, I have to help her out. This charity association The purpose of the establishment is also to praise Judy. When the newspaper sees the newspaper and publishes Judy’s photos, Zhou Xuan will surely become popular. I invite you to go, and it is also an opportunity for the showgirls you praised to appear in the newspaper. One, it is me. Chu Xiaoxin is blessed to share it. Secondly, friends who also hope to participate can help me to praise the scene. I won’t be laughed at by the British. Chu Xiaoxin is not qualified to participate in this kind of ceremony.

There is no reaction from these Kuo Shao, but those popular singers are already excited. No matter how popular they are in Retiro, if someone spends a lot of money, they will never have the opportunity to see the newspaper on weekdays, let alone attend any solemn occasions, how much better than last week. Come to Hong Kong and make a sensation in Hong Kong. All nightclub showgirls have to learn to sing Zhou Xuan’s songs. The film company comes to the house with cash to ask Zhou Xuan to help make a movie. Zhou Xuan’s temporary residence will open a large guest room in a high-end hotel and record it. The record can easily sell to the top of the chart in Hong Kong.

In addition to Zhou Xuan’s reputation, another important reason is that before Zhou Xuan’s arrival in Hong Kong, major Chinese newspapers in Hong Kong, and even some English newspapers, published the news of Zhou Xuan’s coming to Hong Kong and published Zhou Xuan’s photos in the newspapers. Create a sense of expectation among the people.

If you have this opportunity now, you won’t even be able to become Zhou Xuan, but once the photos are published in the newspaper, if you get into the eyes of those famous lyricists and composers and help you write a few original songs, maybe you won’t have to sell them in the dance hall anymore. Can record records, make movies, and become a well-known star.

At this time, Chen Judi could not wait for her body to be soft in Chu Xiaoxin’s arms in public, and her eyes were soft and dripping. Her uncle, the head of the regiment, would really spare no effort to hold herself. If she became famous once, she would become A Hong Kong star, maybe there is a chance to marry Chu Xiaoxin. While Chen Judy is tired of Chu Xiaoxin, she looks at several other sisters. In addition to joy, there is also unconcealed show off in her eyes.

The other showgirls are so simple that they can mix into red singers in Retiro. After listening to Chu Xiaoxin's words, all of them are looking forward to the rich and young who usually fight for their wealth.

The heads of the other singers' uncles and the group, the smiles on their faces did not change at this time, but they couldn't help cursing Chu Xiaoxin in their hearts, and forgot to get a few dollars! What kind of charity donations do you want to make for a singer? Did you invite reporters and photo studio masters to help take pictures? I am also the head of the dignified uncle's youth group. What should I do if my singer wants to learn from Judy Chen in the future? Is it also taking money out to burn? How can anyone who fancied singers to such a degree? It really made the singer popular, I am afraid that when the time comes, the other party will fly away from him when he pats his wings. Only Chu Xiaoxin was the only one who smashed the street and made big scenes.

"Xin Shao asked me to help and cheer. Of course I will go. The next morning, I will bring Gu Mei and the brothers of Uncle Shaotuan over there." Fang Runan, the head of Uncle Gu Mei Shaotuan, agreed first.

When the first person spoke, the others were embarrassed to fall behind. Anyway, they don't need to spend a lot of money on their own, just to hold a scene, so they all opened their mouths and nodded.

Chu Xiaoxin looked around satisfactorily, with the posture of a tycoon: "The club I founded is a charity club. I will talk about donations on the day of its establishment. Of course, I will donate one hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands to Judy in the future. If you If you go empty-handed, you will have to donate money to show your posture. Don’t let the ghost laugh at me. Chu Xiaoxin’s friends are stingy. If you don’t have money in your pocket, tell me now and I will help you out. , If you don’t say anything now, and you agree to join the show and refuse to donate money the next day, don’t blame me Chu Xiaoxin for rewarding him with a cup of tea as he did to Zhang Yuliang. If you have to say first, there is no limit to it. A minimum of two thousand Hong Kong dollars per person, if you even two thousand Hong Kong dollars If you can’t get it out, just say that you don’t get past the illness, so as not to be laughed at by the British. Is there any money in your pocket lately? Now everyone is their own, and I will help you out, have you?"

The rich guys present are all characters who are accustomed to playing together. Even without the halo bonus of Chu Xiaoxin's natural prodigal son, he spends 50,000 Hong Kong dollars a night to show off, but every night he spends three to two thousand flower baskets to enjoy the singers. It’s an ordinary thing, and everyone has been fighting for the best because of their respective singers. To them, Chu Xiaoxin’s remarks seemed to be after Li Kang earned 700,000 Hong Kong dollars, and Chu Xiaoxin seemed to have a higher status than his own. Higher? At this point, I already feel like I can be a big boss on the hem of the big home?

The second son of Fang Shuquan, vice chairman of the Dongguan Chamber of Commerce, and Fang Runan, head of the youth group of Uncle Gu Mei frowned: "Less letter, two thousand yuan, only 20 flower baskets. I will appreciate Gu Mei's more than one hundred flower baskets in one night. You can also lend me the money? You made 700,000 yuan and you feel a lot better. Charity clubs donate money. I see a lot. Let me put my words here. In the future, Gu Mei donates 10,000 yuan, and I will count it separately."

"An Shao is outrageous, of course I know that it's not that I'm arrogant, but it's because I'm worried about being looked down upon by ghosts. Everyone is Chinese. It doesn't matter if you joke with each other, but in front of the British, you can't be ashamed." Chu Xiaoxin Ann grinned.

Song Tianyao taught him a sentence and asked him to come to Lichi to meet these singers and Kuo Shao. Last night, 50,000 yuan was used to calm these people and strike the iron while the iron was hot. Today, he invited the main newspapers and photographers to attend. , With the thought of holding Chen Judy, how many will catch some jealous idiots to go to St. John's Cathedral and donate money.

Now seeing everyone eager to take money to show their favorite singer-songwriter at the Oxfam inauguration ceremony, Chu Xiao sighed with confidence, and let Ahyao hit the street again!


At Shitangzui Xinhui Restaurant, Nie Weisheng, the young owner of Jiyuan Hongxi Medicine Company, just walked up the stairs on the second floor and saw Zhang Yuliang greeted him with a smile on his face, and personally greeted himself into the box.

"A Liang, invite me to eat for no reason? Just ask someone to send me a message. Why are you so polite? I would like to thank you very much. Last time I asked Zhuxing Commercial Bank to help me prescribe ten more boxes of Penicillin for me. Yes, I will invite you if you are a guest." Nie Weisheng asked Zhang Yuliang after entering the box.

In the big box, there were only him and Zhang Yuliang.

Zhang Yuliang rubbed his hands and smiled apologetically to Nie Weisheng: "Brother Sheng, among the younger generation in Wuyi, I like to chat with Brother Sheng. Brother Sheng is older than me, and he started to take care of the family business earlier. They are much better than me. I need someone to help me when I have something. The first thing I think about is Brother Sheng."

Nie Weisheng’s family was the first to do sesame processing, and he owned a sesame processing plant. Although it is not a huge wealth, the family can be considered as having a good food and clothing. The Korean War broke out and the huge profits of smuggling prohibited goods made many businessmen turn their eyes. In the smuggling business, the Nie family was one of them. They opened a Jiyuan Hongxi Medicine Store, which wholesales western medicines from Zhang’s Zhuxing Company, and then resells them to the mainland.

Nie’s ancestors are squeezing sesame oil. Nie Weisheng has not read books. He has been helping to squeeze oil in his father’s processing plant since he was a teenager. After opening a western medicine shop, although he was a young owner, he was all involved in western medicine and private medicine. While taking care of it, his father is still in the business of processing sesame seeds. Nie Weisheng is average-minded, has no vision, and has no plans for business. Fortunately, smuggling business doesn’t require a deep mind. As long as he has a shortage of drugs in his hand, he doesn’t even need to sell it himself. There will be other businesses and full-time smugglers who collect goods from Nie’s medicine store. After doing so for so long, although there is no daily income, and only the difference is earned, it is still possible to easily buy two or three hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars a year. Yes, Nie Weisheng is more like sitting in a western medicine store at home waiting for money to fall from the sky. He is only responsible for counting the money.

"It's okay if you have something to say directly?" Nie Weisheng said with a big grin when he heard Zhang Yuliang's words.

Zhang Yuliang picked up the teapot and helped Nie Weisheng pour the tea in the tea cup in front of him. He said, "That's it. My wife and brother Junlang and the eldest son of the elder brother's family, Weilin, have cooperated to establish a pharmaceutical company. You know, now The drug company has started its name. There must be enough popular drugs in the warehouse. Wow, the two guys are really smart. They are trying to get a batch of British penicillin from Japan at a low price. This is a good thing. Of course, Zhang’s Zhuxing firm. I want to eat it all, but as you know, my eldest and second elder brothers went to Australia and invested in properties there. Most of the cash was taken away. The European Coast Company is buying goods again, and the cash flow is not available, so I want you to eat this batch. Penicillin, wait one month at the latest for the European Coast Company, and the money will be returned to the account. I will collect it from your western medicine store at a price of one hundred Hong Kong dollars per box. This kind of thing, ask someone who is not familiar with it. , The two of them were worried and asked me to help find a reliable person. I thought of Brother Sheng. Brother Sheng has always been anxious for justice and righteousness."

Now that penicillin is so popular, everyone who makes medicines in Hong Kong knows naturally. When Nie Weisheng heard Zhang Yuliang's words, his heart rate began to accelerate, and his face calmly asked:

"You have believed me in this kind of thing. It is my duty. I have worked with Zhuxing Commercial Bank for so long. Of course there is no problem. I don't know how many penicillins are there?"

Zhang Yuliang stared at Nie Weisheng with both eyes, and slowly raised the four fingers of his left hand.

"Only forty cases?" Nie Weisheng said disappointedly.

"Brother Sheng, if there are only forty boxes, even if the Zhang family can't open it again, this little money can still be obtained, it is four hundred boxes." Zhang Yuliang helped himself with another cup of tea and said.

Nie Weisheng’s face suddenly changed. Four hundred boxes of penicillin, one box of 100 boxes, and one box of ten, that’s 400,000 penicillin, even if it was the former Zhuxing firm that sold goods to all western medicine stores in Hong Kong, it would be a one-time distribution. Of the three hundred boxes, the remaining three hundred boxes were smuggled by Zhuxing Commercial Company. Now the Zhang family has registered a company and got the shortage of penicillin, and the opening is an astonishing four hundred boxes:

"Four hundred boxes?"

"You can eat it at the price of the goods sold by Zhuxing Commercial Bank. A box of 8,500 Hong Kong dollars, a total of 3.4 million Hong Kong dollars, I will get it back after a month with an additional one hundred Hong Kong dollars per box, 3.44 million Hong Kong dollars. , The overpayment of 40,000 Hong Kong dollars will be used as my rent for the warehouse rent of Brother Sheng, how about it?"

Nie Weisheng is calculating with his not very bright brain. Now because of the Korean War, penicillin, a life-saving antibiotic, is in short supply in mainland China. Some smuggling fleets have offered 10,500 Hong Kong dollars per box for purchase, but they are still in short supply. , If you sell one box, you will actually make two thousand Hong Kong dollars. Ten boxes are 20,000, 100 boxes are 200,000, and 400 boxes are 800,000. On the other hand, four hundred boxes of penicillin are left in my warehouse for nothing. Waiting for Luo Chen for a month, Zhang Yuliang was only willing to pay 60,000 Hong Kong dollars.

Zhang Yuliang believes in himself, and he is unlucky! Eight hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, not to mention friends, brothers can turn their faces! Don't say that you can't put out three and four hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars at a time. Even if you go to the bank's bank account to mortgage and borrow money, you can't miss it!

Nie Weisheng turned a few thoughts in his mind, and finally showed a bright smile to Zhang Yuliang: "A Liang believes me, I have no words, okay, I will keep four hundred boxes for you for a month. When the goods arrive at the warehouse, the money will be transferred to your bank account immediately. ."

"It's not my account. It was created by Jun Lang and Wei Lin. They haven't set up an account yet. If it's convenient, Brother Sheng had better pay in cash. They also settled in cash with Japan. You know, cheap medicine is not available. "Zhang Yuliang said with a relieved expression: "Thank you, Brother Sheng, for your help. I'm really worried about the others that they will swallow the goods at that time. Er, Brother Sheng, do you want to make a more secure statement?"

Nie Weisheng waved his hand boldly: "You have already talked about cash delivery, with one hand and the other hand, and you have to make a note? You have known each other for so long, and rely on each other's letters! I am going to go back now and prepare to raise money."

After speaking, Nie Weisheng didn't even look at the exquisite dishes on the table. He hurriedly said hello to Zhang Yuliang and left the box and walked out of the restaurant quickly.

Only Zhang Yuliang himself was left. He picked up his chopsticks slowly, and enjoyed the dishes in a gentle manner. He vaguely heard someone singing the opera on the stage in the lobby on the first floor: "People die for money and birds die for food..."

"It doesn't matter to me, it's your own words, don't establish a written basis." After listening to this drama, Zhang Yuliang said to the empty seat beside him at this time.