Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 13

The Chunhe Private Club in Shitangzui is the only high-end private club built in the Shitangzui area after the war.

Before the fall of Hong Kong, the area around Shuikengkou and Shitang Tsui was once the most famous fireworks spot on Hong Kong Island, the Golden Cave. How many Qinlou Chu Pavilions were inscribed by well-known literati and artists, and how many foreign designers designed and built them. This private club once attracted the wealthy businessmen of Hong Kong, and the son of Guijie collected songs and colors here, chasing and having fun.

After the Japanese occupation of Hong Kong, Shitang Tsui, which was feasting and enchanting, was also burned with the flames of war. After the heavy light, it will no longer be romantic. Although some private clubs and restaurants have reopened here, no matter the scale or the ostentation, they are all the same as before the war. Those famous guild halls are not in good grades, which seems to have made the pleasure seekers lose the mood of making money and laughter. Shitangzui never reverted to the pre-war scene of wealthy and wealthy guild halls and hordes of wealthy businessmen.

The only place that can be compared with those private clubs before the war is the Chunhe Private Club.

This five-storey building, designed by a British architect, uses a British stainless steel scaffold structure. The specifications refer to the Governor’s House and the single-family villas of those British officials. The steel bars used in the overall structure of the clubhouse are shipped from Canada. The marble steps at the gate are of the finest natural colors ordered from Italy. Because they are high and facing the sea, even the glass in this clubhouse is imported thickened glass with bronze window frames, which can withstand Hong Kong. Severe weather with frequent typhoons.

At this time, in the cafe on the second floor of the club, several young men and women were sitting in various seats in the cafe, chatting in a low voice with the elegant jazz trumpet and soprano saxophone tunes of a small band in the corner.

Zhang Yuliang tidied his tie and stepped into the coffee shop. As soon as he appeared, the men and women before him looked over and greeted him.

"Aliang, have to come here to drink tea today?"

With a smile on Zhang Yuliang's face, he walked over to the table and talked for dozens of seconds at each table:

"Brother Xing, have an appointment on the third floor to talk about business, and come over to say hello later."

"Sister Yanyin, I haven't seen you for a few days, and I've become pretty again. If I'm a brother-in-law, I'd better tie the two together with a rope to prevent you from being snatched away."

"Ayang, we drank two glasses together in the evening. My elder brother sent some red wine back to Hong Kong from Australia. You are an expert in this field, and you just help me taste it."

Even the "Stardust" played by the small band in the corner, Zhang Yuliang stopped and listened for a minute, then took out two hundred and five Hong Kong dollars from his wallet, turned around and handed it to the waiter in the cafe with both hands, gently facing the waiter. Ying Sheng said, "Five yuan is your tip."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." The waiter was flattered and took the money, bowing to thank Zhang Yuliang who turned upstairs.

When he first came to work in this club, he always referred to this frequent visitor as a good young man, but he didn’t know if he had been working for a long time and his eyesight had improved. He had never seen Mr. Zhang had any experience. I am dissatisfied, but I can vaguely feel that this guest does not like being called Liang Shao, and prefers to be called Mr. Zhang.

The third floor of the clubhouse is in the standard English tea room style, with a small sign of the Brighton Blackbird Tea Room hanging at the door. It is no longer an ordinary Chinese waiter, but a blond, blue-eyed, white Russian woman dressed in British clothing. The waitress who was standing at the door of the tea room saw Zhang Yuliang and smiled and helped him to open the wooden door of the tea room.

"Thank you, Gina." Zhang Yuliang deliberately teased the waitress in a strangely accented Russian.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jin, I was a little late. My elder brother and my second brother flew to Australia recently. My third brother had some trivial matters to be handled in the Wuyi Chamber of Commerce, so I attended today's monthly meeting of the Executive Committee of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals for them. "Zhang Yuliang freely took off his suit jacket and handed it to the waitress behind him, while proficiently speaking in English to explain to the two white British men sitting in front of him.

These two Britons are a male and a female. The man in his forties who is already slightly bald is named Alberta Fink. Following the example of other British in Hong Kong, he took a Chinese name for himself, Jin Weikang, on the coast of Europe. The person in charge of the company’s supplier, the Hong Kong office of Xerox Faye Pharmaceuticals, is about 30 years old. The woman who is slightly plump and dressed conservatively is the financial officer of Xerox Faye’s Hong Kong office, Beryl May. Yep.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Zhang, we are already old friends, but we ordered earl grey tea in advance, hoping to suit your taste." Jin Weikang said to Zhang Yuliang who was seated.

Beryl Mayne, who was next to him, glanced at Zhang Yuliang coldly, and turned his head away.

"The taste and type of tea are very important, but for us, sitting here is more worthy of concern than drinking tea, isn't it? Mr. Jin? Two million Hong Kong dollars have been paid to Xeroxhui Pharmaceutical Co. in HSBC Bank. However, the penicillin ordered by the European Coast Company has not yet entered Zhang's warehouse." Zhang Yuliang gently picked up a refreshment and put it in his mouth to taste it, smiling warmly to Jin Weikang.

This time, Jin Weikang did not speak, and Belle Mayne next to Zhang Yuliang looked at Zhang Yuliang who was opposite, and said in a bad tone:

"We have investigated the whereabouts of the drugs purchased by the European Coast Company. Mr. Zhang, your company resells these drugs to Zhuxing Commercial Bank, and Zhuxing Commercial Bank will increase the price by 10% and sell them to other pharmaceutical companies or a third of the commercial banks. , The remaining two thirds are sold to mainland China by Zhuxing Commercial Bank at high prices."

"Ms. Mayne, medicine is also a commodity. What we should care about is that I paid but did not receive your product, not about what I bought the product to do, right? I represent the European Coast Company, It's not Zhuxing Commercial Firm." Zhang Yuliang wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and responded with a smile to Bellier Mayne.

Beryl Mayne didn't give him a good face, and said straightforwardly: "But Zhuxing Commercial Bank is also run by Zhang Family. You also hold the secondary wholesale profits in your own hands. As a pharmaceutical company, Xerox Hui will Reconsidering the issue of agents in Hong Kong, what we need is a market-exploring partner, not an illegal merchant who made a fortune in the war. The price of penicillin in Hong Kong has reached a terrible figure, and ordinary citizens simply cannot afford to buy this. Effective antibiotics."

"Ms. Mayne may have some misunderstandings about me, Mr. Jin, is this your attitude?" Zhang Yuliang asked Jin Weikang who was drinking tea with a teacup next to him.

Jin Weikang put down his teacup in a timely manner: "No, no, no, I think we should solve this problem. If the European coast company is willing to accept the new penicillin offer, maybe I can persuade Ms. Mayne to be the company’s financial officer dispatched to Hong Kong. , She has a good understanding of drug sales in Hong Kong."

"It seems that if I don't accept it, the agency will have to say goodbye to the European Coast Company." Zhang Yuliang looked at Jin Weikang with an unchanged face: "When the contract was signed at the beginning, if one of the two parties terminates the agency contract in advance, High liquidated damages have to be paid."

"It is also stated in the contract that if the agent engages in illegal transactions, we have the right to terminate the contract." Beryl Mayne said to Zhang Yuliang: "Penicillin is hoarded at high prices and then trafficked to mainland China at high prices in violation of the embargo order. Obviously Illegal transactions."

"For the European Coast Company's good reputation over the past two years, 10%. If you increase the price by 10% on the original basis, I can explain it to the head office and make Ms. Mayne next to me ignore that The question, you know, Ms. Beryl Mayne is a Hong Kong pass. She stays in Hong Kong for six months every year. The only reason for her to be silent is that the company and her get the benefits they deserve. After the tenth of the proceeds entered the bank account of the office, the drug should appear in the warehouse of the European Coast Company."

"No problem, 10%. Transfer to the bank account of the office. So now, can we relax a little bit? By the way, I helped the two of you prepare small gifts." Zhang Yuliang didn't even hesitate. He agreed, and then took out two small envelopes from the pockets of the suit jacket hanging on the hanger beside them, and gave them to Jin Weikang and Beryl Mayne respectively.

"It's the key to the club locker. There are two gifts in it. When you leave, remember to ask the waiter to help you pick them up." Zhang Yuliang said to the two of them: "It is a popular perfume in the United States. I heard that it has become popular in London. The Marilyn Monroe who used this perfume too."

"I don't want to listen anymore. Even if Mr. Zhang increases the price by 10%, I would suggest that the company carefully consider future cooperation." Beryl Mayne stood up, first said sorry to Jin Weikang, and then He hurriedly left the tea room, of course, took the envelope.

"The regenerating energy couldn't resist the temptation of perfume." After the woman left, Jin Weikang opened his envelope. There was a key inside. He held the key in his hand and asked: "There is no real one inside. A bottle of perfume, right?"

"The head office raised the price by 25%. Mr. Jin helped me reduce the price to 10%. There was a 5% thank you gift." Zhang Yuliang said with a smile, "I disappointed this Miss Mayen. I still have an appointment, Mr. Jin. My three brothers are very busy. I have to take care of their business. You can drink tea slowly. In two days I will invite you to go fishing at sea."

"Okay, you are the best partner. Your brother is not as decisive as you. The price increase has been delayed for half a month, and you have to make the final decision." Jin Weikang and Zhang Yuliang shook hands and said.

Zhang Yuliang smiled and said: "I respect my brother very much. He just thinks more. Unlike me, he can only think about making more money first."

Coming out of the tea room, Zhang Yuliang did not go downstairs, but boarded the fifth floor, which requires the core membership of the club to be allowed to enter. There is a private room belonging to him. He took the key from the suit, opened the door, and almost used In the living room constructed of Perceino’s marble, he took off his suit jacket and hung it on a hanger, loosened the tie on his neck, first glanced at the time on the watch, and then took a beer from the refrigerator to drink. He opened the bedroom door slowly, and took off a leather whip on a unique hanger behind the door.

Belle Mayne, who should have hurriedly left the club out of anger, kneeled down on the cold bedroom floor, and on the ceiling directly above, was a partial imitation of a famous western mural, "The Suffering The second generation of Titans.

"Pop!" Zhang Yuliang's leather whip was slammed on the white and plump body, causing the woman to groan miserably! Zhang Yuliang kept waving his whip in his hand, but didn't look at the other person. Instead, he looked up at the unique mural on the ceiling of the bedroom. The smile and gentleness on his face had disappeared, leaving only cold eyes and ambition.

While Prometheus and his two brothers, Astra and Epimetheus, while undergoing various tortures, they also looked back at the man standing in the middle of the bedroom whipping a woman with sad and desperate eyes.