Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 141: Hurrah

Zhang Yujie was lying in the suite of the China Hotel in Melbourne's Chinatown. This suite was more spacious and comfortable than his own bedroom, but he suffered from insomnia for several days after he was used to his wooden bed.

Zhang Yujie is thirty-eight years old this year. Starting from the age of fourteen, he helped his father resell the mountain products in his hometown. Now he has been in business for twenty-four years. Among the Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong, he is the only one who has become a leader at the age of thirty-eight. Compared with other peers who are full of enterprising spirit and striving to expand Hong Kong's business, Zhang Yujie has already begun to consider letting the family business gradually get rid of the pharmaceutical industry, and if possible, even move the family to Australia.

The Korean War was the root of the Zhang family’s fortune. Without the Korean War, Zhang’s family was just a small drug dealer, but the war would be over one day, and then the pharmaceutical business would plummet and return to normal. At the moment, the Hong Kong Pharmaceutical Association, which is full of a hundred schools of thought, is not I know how many companies will close their doors after the war.

What Zhang Yujie thinks now is that Hong Kong can’t stay in another way out for the Zhang family. If the Korean War is over, mainland China really decides to restore Hong Kong by force, and Zhang’s pharmaceutical business can’t be maintained. He is in the war. Those things that he did during the period might still be dragged and shot.

So he decided to come to Melbourne to look at real estate business. The Australian gold rush a few decades ago brought a large influx of overseas immigrants to Melbourne. Among them, there were also many Chinese in Guangdong and Guangxi. As the population increased, housing needed to increase, and Zhang Yujie specially let His younger brother Zhang Yuqi deliberately learned about the real estate business in Melbourne before he came. He is also a British colony. Melbourne has a more systematic plan for urban development. Unlike the urban planning policies of the Hong Kong colonial government, there is no change and rigidity. One size fits all.

Zhang Yujie lay on the bed thinking about the future scenes after the Zhang family moved to Australia. He would be a legally qualified real estate business here. The Zhang family bought a large house here and the whole family moved in. No one would know or care about him. What kind of business have you ever done, how much blood has been on your hands.

It seems that the more he thought about it, the more energetic he was, and there was no sleepiness, Zhang Yujie got up from the bed and went to the ground, picked up the cigarette on the bedside table, and prepared to open the window to smoke one.

The window was just opened by him, and the bedroom door was silently pushed open from the outside. Cai Jianxiong, the president of Wuyi Youth Club, wearing a black sportswear, probed in and saw that Zhang Yujie opened the window by himself. Come home.

"Axiong, come in for a cigarette." Zhang Yujie shook the cigarette case in his hand and said to his alert bodyguard.

Cai Jianxiong pushed the door open and stepped in. When his whole body was exposed from the door, he could see that he was carrying a large dagger in his hand just hidden behind the door. The bandit pushed away, and the end was nothing more than being held by Zhang Yujie's bodyguard.

Taking the cigarette from Zhang Yujie, Cai Jianxiong took a sip, and accompanied Zhang Yujie to look out the window at Chinatown where the lights were out of the window: "Did you sleep well? Mr. Zhang?"

"I'm thinking, if I come to Melbourne in the future, I want to build a larger temple or ancestral hall here. I have seen Melbourne these days. It seems that there is no similar building. Build a temple or an ancestral hall, and then set up a clan association. It can unite the Chinese people and make it easier to do business." Zhang Yujie said with a cigarette between his fingertips: "Have you ever thought about it, what will you do when you bring your family to Melbourne in the future?"

"Me?" Cai Jianxiong was stunned. He was a quack. He always took the brothers from Wuyi Youth Club to help Zhang's family traffic drugs on the sea. The Zhang family paid for their lives. It was as simple as that. He had no plan for his life. In his impression, Zhang's family had food to eat, and he would have food to eat.

"I... what Mr. Zhang wants me to do, I do what I want to do." After Cai Jianxiong was astonished, he scratched his head and replied to Zhang Yujie: "However, Mr. Zhang, do you want to move to Melbourne in the future?" Want me to come together?"

Zhang Yujie smiled: "You have been born to death with the ups and downs by my side for more than ten years. You are closer to a few women than me. You are used to being by your side, and you are inseparable from you. But if you don't want to come to Melbourne, then I will It’s not bad to be a charterer to leave a building in Hong Kong for you.”

"I'd better follow Mr. Zhang and do things honestly. As long as I can move my legs, the charterer? Let him do it if I am willing to do it." Cai Jianxiong also laughed.

At this moment, the outside door was knocked from outside: "Axiong, is the eldest brother asleep? Help me get him up, and I have something to say."

"It's Shao Qi." Cai Jianxiong flicked the cigarette out of the window in his hand and turned to open the door.

Sure enough, standing outside the door was the second young master of the Zhang family, Zhang Yuqi.

"Shao Qi, Mr. Zhang is eating cigarettes inside." Cai Jianxiong bowed his head and said hello to Zhang Yuqi, letting Zhang Yuqi go in, sticking out his head and looking in the corridor, and was responsible for protecting Zhang Yuqi and sharing the same room with Zhang Yuqi. Ding Jiafeng, the vice president of the Youth Club, was leaning outside the door at this time.

Cai Jianxiong walked to the corridor, covered the door of the guest room, and looked at Ding Jiafeng: "It's two o'clock in the night, why is Shao Qi getting up for no reason?"

"I don't know, Shao Qi had already fallen asleep, but he just answered the phone, and it seemed that Shao Lin was calling. After that, Shao Qi dressed up and came to see Mr. Zhang." Ding Jiafeng said to Cai Jianxiong.

"Even in Hong Kong, it should be late at night, right? Call me, I don't know what happened?" Cai Jianxiong licked his chapped lips and said.

I thought that Zhang Yujie and Zhang Yuqi could finish the conversation in at most an hour or half an hour, but until Cai Jianxiong and Ding Jiafeng had smoked Ding Jiafeng’s entire pack of cigarettes, the ashes fell on the ground, and the sky was already bright. Zhang Yuqi inside hasn't come out yet.

Ding Jiafeng yawned. Just as he wanted to say that he was going to the bathroom and flushing his head with cold water, the door opened from the inside. Zhang Yuqi walked out calmly, followed by Zhang Yujie, who was still in pajamas, and Zhang Yujie told Cai Jianxiong: " Axiong, you go to wake Ayin and the others, clean up, we will go directly to the airport and take the first flight back to Hong Kong at 7 o'clock. I will stand at home at 6 o'clock in the evening and eat with the whole family. dinner."

"I see, Mr. Zhang." Cai Jianxiong hesitated for a moment, and turned around to prepare to call someone outside the door of a room beside the corridor.

Zhang Yuqi stopped Cai Jianxiong and said, "Axiong, let me call. You and Afeng waited outside all night to wash their faces and be more energetic."

"Okay, Shao Qi." Hearing this, Ding Jiafeng pulled up Cai Jianxiong, who was already reluctant, into Zhang Yuqi's room and went to the bathroom to wash.

After the two left, Zhang Yuqi smiled at Zhang Yujie: "Even if Sister Yin has no status by your side, it's hard to treat her as a person, just send someone to greet her."

"Aren’t all women like this? Do you follow your female assistant Alice, who is obviously Chinese, but chooses a foreign name, and you want to be held in your hand? Even if you marry that assistant home, your younger siblings will not If you have an opinion, she has an opinion and ask your mother to tell her. A man should think of something that a man should do, and how can he have time to polish with a woman all day." Zhang Yujie responded with a smile to his second brother and teased. Then he rubbed his face vigorously, then put his hands down, his face was full of murderous aura, and he grinded his teeth and said slowly: "Yuliang is really grown up, so wow, wow!"