Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 142: Would rather die than retreat

Zhang Yuliang woke up in the morning and had breakfast with his family, only to realize that something seemed to be going wrong.

His third brother Zhang Yulin did not come back last night, and Dai Feng did not wait for him outside his house this morning. If it was normal, Dai Feng and the car would have parked outside, waiting for him to get in the car and go out.

If Dai Feng had a problem, did Song Tianyao die or not?

Today, on the street outside Zhang’s house, twenty or thirty people who looked like coolies were divided into five or six groups, standing or squatting on the side of the street not far from Zhang’s house. It was Likang Chu Xiaoxin’s person or the third brother Zhang Yulin’s arrangement. People?

Zhang Yuliang did not rush to go out to verify, but first sent out his sister-in-law, second-in-law, his wife and other people who were going to work at the door of the house, and then went to greet the mother who recites the Buddha in the temple, and told the servants at home to serve. Good mother waited for a series of things before finally finishing her tie and stepping out of the Zhang family's door.

As soon as he left the house, the group of six or seven people closest to Zhang's family immediately walked towards him. The man headed by him looked fierce, but he did not lose courtesy to Zhang Yuliang and said politely: "Young Master, I am Old Fu Please go home and rest."

"Likang Chu Xiaoxin's person?" Zhang Yuliang's expression disappeared from panic. He turned to look at the other groups of people who were watching from a distance. Then he smiled and said to the fish head mark: "What if I have to go out?"

The fish head raised the hem of his undershirt, revealing the weapon tucked at his waist, and said threateningly: "Secretary Song ordered, if you don't want to rest at home, interrupt your hands and feet and let you go back to rest. So young, don't It’s hard for those of us who run errands."

Song Tianyao is still alive!

Zhang Yuliang's eyes condensed, Dai Feng did not come back, Song Tianyao is still alive, third brother Zhang Yulin did not go home last night, for an instant, he considered everything for the worst, and then gave a bright smile to the fish head mark: " Interrupt my hands and feet? I will go home and make a call to the Wuyi prefix, who helps Zhang's family. If Zhang Yuliang is threatened by an old man, guess what will you end up?"

"Zhang Yulin and Lin Shao had specifically told the people in Wuyi Youth Club last night. No matter what happens on this street today, the people in Fu Yixing will talk about things, and the people in Wuyi Youth Club will not show up." The header said stiffly.

Zhang Yuliang nodded after listening, and poked the fish head mark's chest with his hand: "Okay, very good."

After speaking, Zhang Yuliang walked back to Zhang's house, waited into his bedroom, his face became gloomy, lit a cigarette and sat at the desk slowly thinking about the situation at this time.

Not only did Song Tianyao not die, but he also had contact with his third brother Zhang Yulin. Zhang Yulin's ability to let Song Tianyao arrange Fu Yixing to stare at him by default meant that all of his things had been exposed.

I made a total of two steps wrong. The first step is that when Song Tianyao went to see him that day, he should not belittle him, be deceived by his short-sightedness, and then follow the trend and follow the pit he dug for himself. Transfer to Zhang Weilin.

The second step was to arrange for Dai Feng to kill Song Tianyao. It was a bit too impulsive. Now I think about it. I was afraid that my plan would be exposed, and I just wanted to kill people quickly. This step was too extreme. I should go to see Song Tianyao at that time.

One step is wrong, two steps are wrong, it is equal to the wrong step.

I want to get cash quickly and destroy Zhang’s reputation by the way. Since Zhang Yulin didn’t show up to question him, he must have called to Australia to inform his eldest and second elder brothers, and the two of them should have been unable to sit still. Are you ready to fly back to Hong Kong on the fastest flight? afternoon? evening? It should be at home.

This is probably why Song Tianyao and Zhang Yulin blocked him, the purpose is to hand himself over to his eldest brother Zhang Yujie.

Think about the so-called family beatings that I had endured when I was a teenager, and then look at my simple bedroom.

Now that he has done absolutely nothing, he does not regret that he can't kill Song Tianyao, then cooperate with him to get rid of the Zhang family! A dignified man, you can't just sit here, waiting to be beaten as a dog by being severely taught as a teenager again!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuliang walked to the living room on the second floor and started to make a call. First he called Pan Lawyer's office and no one answered. Then he called the secretly compiled stock index club in Tsim Sha Tsui. The line was busy.

The second call was busy, causing Zhang Yuliang's hands to tremble twice. There was his painstaking effort during this time in the clubhouse. If there is something wrong with the data that has been sorted out most of the data...

This kind of weak thought flashed in Zhang Yuliang's heart. What if something goes wrong and feels distressed? Just start again!

He dialed the third number to his collaborator, and said in a humble tone: "Mr. Wei Fan, I just learned that there may be some problems with Dai Feng and the club."

"I already know that the clubhouse was set on fire. The people below said that it was the Hong Kong prefix and the people of the Qing Gang Li Jianfa who were fighting against the people of the Qing Gang Li Caifa. This has affected our little business, Yuliang, and the luck of the two of us. It’s not so good.” On the phone, Du Yuesheng was often scolded by Du Yuesheng for being unbearable, not seeking to be motivated, but still being respected, Du Weifan said in a light tone: “It took more than half a year to organize, edit, and draw. My ability, it’s a pity, God estimates that he can’t give the old man half a year of life, forget it. It’s just Dai Feng who has been with me for two years, but it’s a pity.”

Zhang Yuliang was stunned when he heard the first sentence. The clubhouse was set on fire. Even if it was burned, it should be Likang's people who did it. Why did Du Weifan get involved with the word He and Qing Gang? And after listening to the following words, Du Weifan was discouraged, ready to stop instead of starting again. Without Du Weifan to absorb the wealth of those rich Shanghai men as a support, even if he did it, what's the point of not having enough momentum for a while?

"Mr. Wei Fan, even if the information is burned, I will arrange more staff. Three months will be enough." Zhang Yuliang was still not discouraged, and continued to speak.

Du Weifan sighed on the phone: "Forget it, Yuliang, my father is running out of time, and I just specifically told us people to be low-key and rigorous recently, and my father has arranged many people around him to go to Taiwan. Even my eldest son, he has already helped me ask someone to work as a director in the Economic Research Office of the Bank of Taiwan. During this time, I am going to Taiwan to visit my father’s old friend and say hello in advance. Forget it. Also, forget it."

Du Weifan said three sentences, forget it, and hung up the phone. Zhang Yuliang spit out a deep breath and whispered in a low voice: "No wonder Du Yuesheng scolded you for not seeking to make progress! He clearly guarded Jinshan but ran to Taiwan to beg for food! You Lao Tzu used to be a country loach, and he knew how to rise and transform into a dragon in Shanghai! Time is also fate, but Zhang Yuliang, I don’t believe it!"

Next, Zhang Yuliang made three or four phone calls, his expression finally gradually changed from the ugliness of Du Weifan's end.

After making these calls, Zhang Yulin lit a cigarette and started pacing slowly in this Zhang family mansion, watching the various furnishings and patterns in the room, until near noon, Zhang Yuliang walked to the front of the Buddhist hall and watched. The mother, who was still chanting behind Xiangbuman, hesitated, knelt down quietly and kowtowed towards her mother, got up and went back to her bedroom, covered the bed with kerosene, struck a match and threw it on.

The flame ignited, swallowing the entire double bed in the blink of an eye.

Think you can trap yourself just by finding a few people from the rivers and lakes? Want to wait here to be dealt with by Zhang Yujie? My Zhang Yuliang would rather die, and without the Shanghainese, I still won the Zhang family!

In the rising flames, Zhang Yuliang's face was as calm as water.