Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 256: To meet? I'm like your mother!

Although Shi Yehui said that he would rather be scolded by Song Tianyao and prepare to come back and continue running errands next to Song Tianyao, but in fact, his briefcase has already listed the expenses of building a garment factory. The reason why he even pulled Meng Wanqing's father, Meng Chengzhi, was moved in his mind. The main reason was that Tianming didn't have much money on the books.

It has been half a year since Shi Yehui first delivered food to the barracks. Tianming’s book profit was less than 60,000 Hong Kong dollars. To many poor people, 60,000 Hong Kong dollars is an astronomical figure, but I want to spend 60,000 Hong Kong dollars. It is obviously not enough to just open a garment factory. Shi Yehui's ultimate goal is actually to get Song Tianyao to take the money. Song Tianyao does not take the money, so he recruits Meng Chengzhi to join the company.

Finally, Song Tianyao called HSBC's account manager Shen Bi and sent Shi Yehui a loan of 200,000 Hong Kong dollars in the past. Shi Yehui did not understand that Song Tianyao’s wig factory had money, but why he borrowed money from the bank because Once the bank loan was not repaid, the factory was immediately taken away by the bank, but Song Tianyao's tone was tough. Shi Yehui didn't dare to contradict him. He repeatedly confirmed to Song Tianyao whether the interest was only six percent. After receiving Song Tianyao's guarantee, he became anxious. Before he left, he called Meng Wanqing's Laodou Meng Chengzhi and asked him to meet with HSBC.

In order to avoid the risk, Song Tianyao always wanted to kick him with hatred because he was ready to let the other party share half of the loan.

Nowadays, British bank loans are safer than Chinese bank accounts, bank loans, etc., and the interest rate is lower. Using bank loans to expand his business is a matter of course in Song Tianyao's view, but in the eyes of Hong Kong people in the 1950s, This is obviously not normal. Many serious businessmen are more willing to accumulate the money they earn, and use the money they earn to accumulate less and gradually expand the scale of their business. Now it is the bank that asks for loans from customers, but the customers are not In the era when they were willing to borrow money, in Hong Kong in the 1950s, except for those from Shanghai, most of the local Chinese businessmen did not like debts, especially debts with interest. They really lacked cash flow. The first consideration was also My hometown, it will not be a bank.

Dismissing Shi Yehui, Song Tianyao saw that Huang Liu had squeezed Brother Xiong, and he sat opposite Ning Zikun, playing with the opponent with a heavy expression. It seemed that Huang Liu's chess path confused Huang Liu and he held one in his hand. Lixiangqi doesn't know how to move.

"Today at noon, let's make the meat with oyster sauce!" Sister Xiong knocked on the eaves of the water tank at the door of the kitchen, and shouted in the direction of the workshop with her throat: "Let's put the meal! Let's make the dish with oyster sauce (good fortune)!" "

"Good mouth color!" Song Tianyao first complimented, then froze, and looked at Mrs. Xiong and Mrs. Xiong. The female workers in the workshop who stopped work at this time and came out to eat at this time were also a little bit hopeful when they passed by Song Tianyao. Say hello to the young boss.

It's the Spring Festival.

Song Tianyao waited for a good mouth color, only to realize that serving oyster sauce is regardless of rich or poor. Only when the Spring Festival is approaching will it be served to the table by all Hong Kong Chinese and take a good mouthful of dishes.

Time flies so fast, is the first Spring Festival coming after I am rebirth?

Sister-in-law was guarding a large pot of steamed oysters with oyster sauce, and brother Xiong brought out a pot full of pot choi, carrots, bamboo shoots, squid, pork skin, mushrooms, chicken, dace **** and The stewed pork piled the whole basin out of the spire, and the oily look made people appetite.

After the female workers lined up to receive the meal, Sister Xiong, who was barely able to straighten up and catch his breath, looked at Song Tianyao and asked carelessly: "Boss, it's 24. Will the factory have a holiday during the Chinese New Year?"

Some female workers deliberately slowed down, as if waiting to hear Song Tianyao's words, Song Tianyao lowered her voice and asked Xiong's wife, "Hey, are they looking forward to a holiday? Do they want to continue working?"

“Of course it’s best to be able to let it go for two days, but even if you don’t let it go, everyone won’t say anything. Boss, you are like a good person. Sister Xiong said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if I let it go. Anyway, the husband and wife will stay in the factory during the New Year."

"Twenty-eight years, clean and sloppy, thirty late, eat group years." After Song Tianyao muttered two new year's nursery rhymes, he said to those hopeful eyes: "Let's go, four days off, 28th eighth holiday starts. I started to work in the second year of the middle school. During the holiday, in addition to the wages, I asked Sister Yun to each give a bonus bonus."

Some younger female workers cheered excitedly on the spot, and the more stable women also showed joy. This Boss Song is really kind. There are more than 100 workers, everyone has a red seal? In the North Point factory area, although the female workers of Song Tianyao’s wig factory eat and live in the factory on weekdays, they also go out in their spare time. They are familiar with workers in other factories, and they have long been well informed about the arrangements for the Spring Festival in other factories. In those factories, during the Spring Festival, when the boss was able to pay off the wages he had previously pledged, the workers had to kowtow to the Buddha. Bonus benefits are only possible for a few foremen who are close to the boss. As for the holiday, it depends on the boss’ mood. It's tight, I don't have a day off. If I want to ask for a leave, I just wait to be fired by my boss and look for another job after the new year.

It now appears that Song Tianyao is simply the best good man in North Point compared to those factory owners.

Sighing with emotion that the Spring Festival is about to come, Song Tianyao turned around and returned to his office, and continued to help Oxfam in designing the framework of the new organization.

After staying in the office for two consecutive days, finishing the structure, composition, operation, etc. of the entire organization, Song Tianyao was willing to go out, stretch out, and prepare to take the time to hand over the draft proposal in these two days. Mrs. Beth, the president of Oxfam, asked for an opportunity to hand it over to the British Hong Kong government.

Stretching his waist, moving his creaking neck and walking out of the office, Song Tianyao felt a little strange. He had been busy in the office for two days, but nothing harassed him, not even a phone call. Shi Yehui didn’t harass him. , I’m afraid of being scolded. It’s understandable, but Chu Er Shao didn’t contact him. What kind of situation has Po Liang Ju and the Hong Kong Branch of the British Red Cross have now, even if it’s not about Oxfam, Chu Er Shao should give it to him. Just call the ward yourself.

He stood at the door of the office and looked into the factory. Sister Xiong was still choosing vegetables and preparing to cook, Huang Liu and the elder Qian Ning Zikun were still sitting aside playing chess, and Niang Fu was carrying the bookkeeper Shiyin with her account book. , Followed Lou Fengyun to the warehouse to count, while Brother Xiong was cutting some minced meat to feed the dog.

Everything is calm in front of me, but why doesn't I feel right? Song Tianyao quickly turned his gaze back to Huang Liu who was sitting on a low stool with his back facing him to play chess!

Will this guy play chess for two consecutive days?

And Song Tianyao didn’t even know which dormitory Huang Liu lived in these two nights. Song Tianyao didn’t bother to think about the details when he got busy, but Huang Liu never opened the office door and asked him which dormitory he should live in. Who to arrange.

This is not normal, very abnormal.

Song Tianyao pretended to move his muscles and slowly moved to the side of the two chess players. After staring at the chessboard for dozens of seconds, he pretended to be nonchalant and asked Huang Liu: "Brother Six, you live in the factory for these two nights. Are you still used to it?"

"Live in a factory? Didn't I live in a hotel? Every day after dark, I go back to the Madison Hotel." Huang Liu gently knocked the two chess pieces in his hand, staring at the chessboard, and said in his mouth.

One sentence made Song Tianyao feel cold for a while, and he didn't even know how to keep asking.

Damn it on the street, play chess here during the day, and then cross the sea from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon at night to stay at the hotel? Is that guy really likely to stay in a hotel? Will you not go into trouble? I was too careless!

"Brother Six, the Spring Festival is just around the corner. I think your father should calm down and reunite when you go home." Song Tianyao squatted between the two without a boss, looked at the moves on the board, and asked in a seemingly relaxed tone. Said: "When will you return to Macau?"

Huang Liu’s tone was more relaxed than Song Tianyao’s: “It’s coming soon. I have already booked the ferry tickets. When I finished this game of chess, I went to take the ferry back to Macau. I thought I had to stay until New Year’s Eve to go back. I didn’t expect this. quick."

"In such a hurry?" Song Tianyao wanted to pretend to keep the other party, but when he heard that he was going to leave today, Song Tianyao couldn't control his joy and blurted out: "Why don't I drive you, so I can be faster."

Can force Song Tianyao to lose even the basic emotional intelligence, and a little hypocrisy is left, and perhaps only Huang Liu is the only one.

"No, no, General!" Huang Liu said no, and suddenly he took a step forward and exclaimed proudly, "Didn't you tell me to win you? Let's go!"

After speaking, Huang Liu got up from the low stool, took out a note with the number from his pocket and handed it to Song Tianyao: "Mr. Song, not only Mr. He admires you, but I also like you very much, like you. Personality is to my appetite. In the streets of Macau, there are actually very few people who are daring enough. I didn’t expect that in a place like Hong Kong, there would be enthusiastic people like you who are willing to help the poor and wait for me to have the opportunity. Come to you again, if you need my help for something, you can make this call."

"Brother Six, I... better... better than I send you off." Song Tianyao wanted to say politely that it's better to help the other party after lunch, but he couldn't say it against his will.

Huang Liuchao and Song Tianyao smiled: "No, I will go by myself. Macau is so close to Hong Kong. If you make a call, I will be there in an hour."

"Okay, I will definitely visit Mr. He after the Spring Festival, thank Mr. He, and invite sixth brother to drink at that time." Song Tianyao couldn't help feeling whether he was a little too much. Huang Liu followed him these days, and he didn't have a good time. Entertained each other, but stayed in the factory for two days bored.

Huang Liu walked freely towards the factory gate, walked a few steps and then turned and walked back: "Uh, Mr. Song, I forgot something. I saw you writing very hard in the office. Sister Yun also said that you are most afraid of it. I was disturbed, so I quietly cut off your office phone line, bought a new phone call, and received Mr. Ning’s room. In the past two days, you have a lot of phone calls. I will help you make a record. Zhongyou, I have already settled the people of the rivers and lakes for you. Wow, it's so enjoyable. Don't worry, those guys will make trouble for you again. We can also be regarded as gentlemen's friends to meet each other. Then Macau will meet again!"

After speaking this time, Huang Liu turned around and walked quickly outside the factory gate. He slipped out of the factory gate in the blink of an eye. Song Tianyao turned to look at the telephone line outside his office. As expected, there was only a lonely thread left. Riding on the eaves and swaying in the wind, he was led by another thread to the dormitory where Mr. Qianning Zikun lived.

And the last sentence Huang Liu said, I will settle for you all those people from the rivers and lakes, wow, it's so enjoyable.

The ghost knows how much this **** stabbed in two nights!

"I'll let your old taste go! Pushing on the street!" Song Tianyao was stunned for a few seconds before hurriedly chasing out of the factory gate. Outside the gate, there was no Huang Liu's figure. Song Tianyao held the gate and cursed weakly: " It’s no wonder that when I saw me going out, I simply said that I booked a ferry ticket back to Macau! I wish you would be shot by your old bean when you disembark from Macau! Go on the street! Gentleman’s friend? To meet? I'm your mother!"