Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 289: Best partner

"I heard that Mr. Song was injured?" Standing on the dock, Xia Hali asked Lou Fengyun, who had arranged the workers to load the truck with raw materials.

Lou Fengyun frowned, and then said faintly: "Boss Xia, Mr. Song is just a minor injury. If you care, it's almost healed."

"Why didn't I see Boss Gao, but Miss Lou personally came to the dock to collect the goods. It was not Boss Gao who helped collect the raw materials before?" Xia Hali asked Lou Fengyun still smiling.

Lou Fengyun took the account registered by the worker next to him, glanced at it, and said, "Ahui has his own business to be busy, so this time I come to fetch the raw materials, as long as these 200,000 braids enter the warehouse of Jiuguang Wig Factory. , Boss Xia, Mr. Song said that your brother is still his good friend."

"Of course, of course, I thought for a long time, but I still thought that I would rather breach the contract and sell these 200,000 braids to Mr. Song. I heard that the Wig Association excluded Mr. Song. I was angry for Mr. Song. This is also me. Draw a knife to help." Xia Harry almost couldn't open his eyes with a smile.

The Indian cargo ship was dragged from the first three or five days to nearly two weeks under the name of the Medical and Health Department to check the epidemic. Ten factories have already received new orders and are eager to add raw materials to speed up production, but Shahari really He was so calm that he did not rush to supply that batch of Thai goods to ten factories. Instead, after receiving the news of Song Tianyao’s injury, he went to the Jiuguang wig factory again and said frankly that he wanted to supply this batch to ten factories. The factory's 200,000 braids were sold to Song Tianyao, in a loyal manner to help Song Tianyao regain the right to talk in the wig industry.

But righteousness goes back to righteousness, and the price of five Hong Kong dollars for each braid is enough to make people stunned.

As Xiahari imagined, the injured Song Tianyao was ecstatic when he heard the news, and repeatedly praised Xiahari for his loyalty, five yuan a braid, he Song Tianyao received all the goods, and took the opportunity to kill ten factories. His throat forced the other party to be soft and arrogant.

However, when Song Tianyao was wounded by a gun, Lou Fengyun took care of the factory, so Lou Fengyun was the only one who took the goods this time.

Shahari’s calculation was to first sell the goods on the Indian ship to Lou Fengyun at a high price, and then immediately supply the Thai goods stored in the warehouse to ten factories, which would not cause default. As for Song Tianyao afterwards, he knew that he would continue to provide goods. If the goods are delivered to ten factories, will they be aggravated by the injury of anger? It is none of his business as an Indian. Whether the Chinese is alive or dead, what matters to him is that making money is the most important thing.

Xia Hali looked up into the distance when Lou Fengyun checked the accounts. Two ghosts in suits and leather shoes with work permits hanging around their necks were patrolling the wharf, accompanied by a customs officer. He knew those ghosts, they were from the United States. The embargo prosecutors and cargo inspectors of the consulate in Hong Kong, in a small city like Hong Kong, the United States has arranged more than 130 embargo prosecutors and inspectors to patrol the unloading and loading areas of various ports in Hong Kong. , To check whether there are products from Mainland China shipped to other countries via Hong Kong.

"Yes, the accounts are correct." Lou Fengyun had just confirmed the accounts, ready to go to the bank with Xia Hali to complete the transfer and end the transaction.

At this moment, several customs officers rushed over with the three medical and health department staff whom Shahari was already familiar with. Seeing the people getting closer and closer, with ugly expressions, Shahari suddenly felt bad. a feeling of.

"Boss Xia! Boss Xia! Where's your shipment? Not allowed to sell, you can't sell!" A customs officer had already shouted at Xia Hali, still more than ten meters away.

The voice was so loud that even the U.S. embargo prosecutor in the distance had already heard it, especially when the three words forbidden to sell were heard. The two Yankees looked at each other and moved slowly from a distance.

"What's the matter? Hasn't it been said that the quarantine review passed?" Shahari frowned and asked the customs officer who came running.

Lou Fengyun, who was next to him, also looked at the person with a bad face, as if thinking about whether this was a ghost by Tang Boqi.

Noting Lou Fengyun's face, Xia Harry sighed with relief. Song Tianyao was ready to pay for this batch of goods, so he shouldn't be the one who made a fool of himself.

"Wait a few more days, wait a few more days. Before, I mainly inspected a batch of cashmere from India on the cargo ship, but I just got the news that the Indian province where your hair comes from has also had a serious infectious disease outbreak. So It is necessary to continue to be seized for epidemic inspections for the time being to prevent India's infectious disease germs from being brought to Hong Kong along with the hair." After receiving the benefits of Shahari, the customs officer explained to Shahari quickly and quickly at this time.

Seeing that Lou Fengyun's workers had loaded their hair on the truck, three medical and health department staff had urged the workers: "Unload it, unload it! This batch of hair needs to be inspected! Send it to the customs warehouse for temporary seizure."

Lou Fengyun slapped the account in her hand to the ground, her face as cold as ice, glaring at Xia Hali: "Boss Xia! What did you do? I have all the money ready, and the goods have been loaded into the car? You? Want to get out of this situation now? Do you want to take the opportunity to raise prices?"

Xia Hali smiled apologetically at Lou Fengyun, called several members of the Medical and Health Department and Customs aside, took out a few hundred dollars from his wallet, and stuffed them into the hands of several people: "Sir, I have been in the hair business for so long. There have been no problems. It is only a few words to seal up. It is convenient. I am eager to do business. Even if I make money after the transaction, it will not be too late for you to seal it up, right? Anyway, this batch The goods are for Mr. Song, and he is not in a hurry to use it. It counts on him?"

The embargo prosecutor over there has walked to the truck where Lou Fengyun is transporting the goods, raised his work permit, and said gently to the workers beside the car in blunt Chinese, "What's on the car?"

"Hair, hair from India, hair for wigs." A worker said to the ghost man by putting a hat on his head.

The embargo prosecutor nodded slightly: "Oh, I know, wigs are very popular in the United States."

He and his companion walked around the truck twice, then walked in front of Lou Fengyun, lowered their heads and picked up the accounts and audit documents that Lou Fengyun had thrown on the ground. The report information on this batch of hair showed that this batch of hair was from India and on it. There has been a signature signed by the U.S. embargo prosecutor after checking and reviewing the goods before unloading, certifying that the source of this batch of goods is legal and not within the provisions of the embargo order.

The goods have no source problem, just a health problem, so they are not within their supervision. The embargo prosecutor handed the accounts and documents to Lou Fengyun, who was annoyed, and smiled: "Madam, the health and quarantine is also for more people. Safe, right? Smile and you will be in a good mood."

After speaking, he took his companions and continued to cruise towards the distance.

The customs officers and the staff of the Medical and Health Department over there hurriedly rejected the banknotes that Xia Hali handed over: "Boss Xia, we have known you for so long, of course it doesn’t matter, but the above mentioned that this batch of goods needs to be inspected. The command takes effect immediately."

Xia Hari gritted his teeth and took out all the two thousand dollars in the wallet: "Several sirs, I will complete the transaction with the Miss Lou. It will take up to half an hour. After half an hour, you will seal it up again. It is nothing more than a traffic jam on the road. Or the terminal is congested and after making money, I will definitely invite you to the hotel for dinner."

Several people looked at each other, and finally silently took the banknotes from Shahari. A staff member of the Medical and Health Department lowered his voice and said, "It's only half an hour."

"Thank you, thank you." Xia Hali hurriedly left the crowd and walked back to Lou Fengyun: "Miss Lou, you can continue the transaction. Anyway, Mr. Song is not in a hurry to use this batch of goods. It is better to wait for the transaction to be completed, and then let the customs and medical care. According to the investigation, you can prevent the ten factories from getting the goods. There is no difference between the goods in the customs warehouse and your own factory warehouse. I can also make money and kill two birds with one stone."

Lou Fengyun looked at the few customs and medical and health department staff who had nothing to do in the distance, and snorted: "It kills two birds with one stone? What if this batch of goods is in my hands and an infectious disease is detected? You won't admit it by then. This batch of goods will be destroyed because of infectious diseases. Didn't Mr. Song throw the money into the water for nothing?"

"Then what do you mean?" Xia Hali was a little confused. Lou Fengyun said that it is not unreasonable. If this batch of goods is really exposed to infectious diseases, if it is destroyed by the customs, then the one million Hong Kong dollars that Song Tianyao is going to pay the bill is equivalent to seeing the money. water.

"I still want the goods. I can't make the ten factories cheaper. The price will not be less than you. I will only pay until the inspection is over and the customs returns the goods to the factory. Isn't that reasonable?" Lou Fengyun lowered his head and calculated. Said to Shahari.

Xia Hali licked his lips, the **** Medical and Health Department, the **** Indian infectious disease, could have received 1 million Hong Kong dollars immediately today, but now it was delayed because of this **** health quarantine, he hesitated: "Yes. You can’t pay part of it first and then sign a contract. In case you drag it for so long, it will be difficult for me to do it if you don’t want it. Should you pay part of it to make me feel at ease? You should know Miss Lou after doing business for so long , Our hair can't be a problem, it's nothing more than a few days delay in the customs warehouse."

When he bought that batch of Thai goods, his family savings were not enough, and he used Xia Gezhi’s loan from HSBC to about 500,000. Although the loan was not rushed to repay the bank, he did not say hello to his brother Xia Gezhi. I was thinking of selling the goods to Song Tianyao in a few days to make up for the amount, but seeing that one million Hong Kong dollars was about to be handed, there were no complications.

Shahari thought that if he couldn't get the full amount back today, he had to get part of it first, and temporarily make up the 500,000 yuan of the loan. My elder brother will not blame him. What's more, I will send Thai goods to ten factories tomorrow. After the payment has been settled, I will make up the remaining one hundred and two hundred thousand and two hundred thousand, so that the two business payments are all settled, not just the loan. There will be no problems, and the two businesses can easily make five or six hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars without cost and expenses.

"How much do you want to pay in advance?" Lou Fengyun thought for a while, but didn't refuse, she asked.

Shahari stretched out five fingers: "Five hundred thousand, pay half first, and then pay the other half after the quarantine is over."

"Impossible, the contract has to be re-ordered. I will pay up to 200,000 yuan first, and the customs will deal with the problem of the goods, and even the 200,000 yuan will be returned to me." Lou Fengyun said to Xia Hari: "Song If you don’t want to use this batch of goods to jam the throats of ten factories, I won’t pay you 200,000 in advance. We will go to the lawyer’s office to renew the contract if we think about it.”

Two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars, Xia Hari is not worried about Song Tianyao's debts. Hong Kong has laws after all, but he only got 200,000 Hong Kong dollars, which made him a little unwilling. But after thinking about it, he agreed to it. Song Tianyao can't be forced. He directly refused to accept the goods, and the ten factories were still urging him to supply them. If he drags on, the news that he has a total of 400,000 braids in his hands may be leaked.

Thanks to him for receiving a batch of Thai goods, otherwise it will be subject to the repeated inspections by the customs and the Medical and Health Department. Maybe it will drag him to the deadline and fail to supply the ten factories, and the unilateral breach of contract will end. Can calmly supply goods to ten factories.

As long as the contract is signed, even if Song Tianyao knows that he will continue to supply the ten factories, he can only pay the remaining balance to himself.

Ye Changmeng had a lot of dreams, so he signed the contract and received Song Tianyao's money.

Thinking of this, Shahari nodded: "Okay, 200,000 Hong Kong dollars are also okay. We Indians are the most friendly and have a good relationship with Mr. Song. This batch of goods will be sold to Mr. Song. I hope everyone will be good friends in the future. Mr. Song is Our best partner."