Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 312: The Past of Shanghai

"A Hong Kong businessman with a surname was extradited to Malaya. Suspected of murder will be convicted at an elective trial. Because very few Chinese have committed such extradition cases in Malaysia, it was considered a sensation, and the local Chinese newspapers published it. Yes, and later there was news from relatives and friends in Hong Kong. After I heard your name, I even pretended to be a member of the Malaysian Chinese Clan Association and ran to the prison to visit the guy with the surname Zhang. It must be you. "Song Chunzhong recounted what he had heard in Sandakan, Malaysia.

Song Tianyao was taken aback for a moment, but he did not expect that Zhang Yujie would eventually be extradited to Malaya. From this point of view, Zhang Yuqi... is really as hard as a rock.

"I'm back this time, are you still leaving?" Song Tianyao asked Song Chunzhong a cigarette.

Song Chunzhong nodded and lit the cigarette with Song Tianyao's match: "I just want to see your grandpa, your old bean, and your third uncle if you are still alive when you come back, and want to take your grandpa to Malaysia to enjoy the good fortune. Now that you see that your grandfather is healthier than I am, and you are promising, of course you have to go back to Malaysia and have lived in Malaysia for so long. Besides, there is still a family business there. It is difficult to move back to Hong Kong."

"You live in Malaysia, how did you meet Ning Zikun outside?" Song Tianyao tilted his head towards the door and asked Song Chunzhong.

Song Chunzhong touched the blood stain on his face scratched by Ning Zikun, and said lightly: "The past in the past, I just asked him to come in and make it clear."

"Mr. Ning, come in and drink tea." Song Tianyao said to the door.

It seemed that after Sister Xiong had said something to Ning Zikun outside, Ning Zikun was unclear and reluctant to walk in with staring eyes, just staring at Song Chunzhong.

"Fourth brother, back then I..." Seeing Ning Zikun coming in, Song Chunzhong stood up and said to Ning Zikun.

"Shut up, I'm not your fourth brother, I can't afford it." Ning Zikun sat on the side of Song Tianyao's single bed and said with a stinky old face.

Song Tianyao smiled at Ning Zikun and said, "Mr. Ning you usually advise me not to get angry. Young people should be calm and tempered. Why is your whole person burning like a fire today."

"Mr. Song, you stay in the factory and raise my old ghost for nearly a year. I am grateful. But for Feng Yifa, you can't swallow this breath with just a few words. Thousands, it is commonplace to deceive people, but to follow the rules of the world, since they work together, they should trust each other and make money together, but Feng Yifa betrayed everyone and walked around with money, killing a lot of him as his brothers and friends. People who are old are bad guys, but bad guys have to behave well!" Ning Zikun said of the past, it seems that the circles of his eyes are a little red: "My three apprentices, a confidante, all died in that game, otherwise I really thought I was willing to go to Guangzhou incognito by myself and make wigs for the actors? I wanted to find the **** Feng Yifa to avenge them!"

"Since you are already a bad guy, what are the rules?" Song Tianyao wanted to ask Ning Zikun very much, but looking at the other party's excitement, he finally didn't say anything.

Song Tianyao asked Song Chunzhong: "What exactly did you do back then? Mr. Ning was so angry?"

Song Chunzhong was holding a cigarette and seemed to remember for a while before he began to tell Song Tianyao about his experience after leaving Hong Kong.

After he fled from Kowloon to Hong Kong Island, he did not choose to stay on Hong Kong Island like Song Chunliang’s family and survive hardships on Hong Kong Island. Instead, he pretended to be a rich man with stolen banknotes and jewelry, and fled again on a British cruise. Went to Sandakan, Malaysia.

As a result, not long after the fall of Hong Kong, Malaya was also occupied by the Japanese. The Japanese supported the Malays in Malaya and discriminated against the Chinese. Chinese villages were often slaughtered. So at the end of 1942, Song Chunzhong pretended to be a Malay Chinese businessman who was preparing to return to China to participate in the War of Resistance. The Kuomintang government went back to the mainland on a donation-raising ship to Nanyang. The Kuomintang did not carefully investigate whether Song Chunzhong was truly a patriotic overseas Chinese. It only thought that the Malay Chinese who had a passion for returning to China to fight the war should not deceive, so Song Chunzhong was also appointed as the captain of the Hainan Island Medical Brigade of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China. The original intention was to let Song Chunzhong play a role in this idle position, mobilizing Malay Chinese from Malaya to donate money to support the war.

As a result, Song Chunzhong discovered that many Kuomintang officials were aggressively collecting money on Hainan Island. They were not good at beating the Japanese, but were good at making money. They immediately went to the bottom. Not only did they fail to help the Kuomintang government prepare money, but instead reselled the drugs controlled by the medical brigade and made a fortune. Especially when he left for the last time, he almost emptied the warehouse of medicines, and got his boss to be executed by military law.

Song Chunzhong has been in the Dongliang Mountain since he was a child, and has been around some people from the Jiuliu rivers and lakes, and the quack methods that can't be used on the table are easy to come by. At the beginning, Dongliang Mountain was also full of thousands of people among them. Song Chunzhong also learned all their tricks After 10%, after making a big profit from Hainan Island, Song Chunzhong bought a new identity with the money. He pretended to be a fled Guangdong businessman, under the pseudonym Feng Yifa, calling for slaves and maids to visit Chongqing.

I thought that in Chongqing, the Kuomintang base camp, it should be safe and sound. Even if it was a Japanese call, the Kuomintang army would be in front of it. However, Song Chunzhong was not cleaned up by the Japanese, but was cleaned up by the Kuomintang. At that time, the Kuomintang forced various businessmen in Sichuan. He took money out to support the national war. Four-fifths of the money Song Chunzhong made by reselling medicines was robbed by the Kuomintang. In addition, the fiat currency depreciated too quickly. Enough to make a living barely enough.

In desperation, Song Chunzhong could only return to his old career and continued to bluff. First he was a lone ranger, then he took a few companions as helpers to expand his team, and later got to know more fellow fellows. Ning Zikun’s veteran was also in him. I met in Chongqing. After staying in Chongqing for more than a year, Song Chunzhong has met almost all of the pickpockets and thousands of organizations in Sichuan, Shanxi and Guizhou, and he already has more than a dozen disciples and grandchildren around him.

Later, Japan surrendered and China won the War of Resistance. Song Chunzhong first went to the capital Nanjing, and later found that Shanghai was more prosperous than Nanjing because it was a concession before. A thousand members of the family agreed to join hands to make a big deal in Shanghai, and then after the division, they would go incognito and spend the rest of their lives in peace.

Song Chunzhong, Chen Zhifeng, the leader of the Qianmen Organization in Guizhou, and Luo Zongchang, the leader of Ning Zikun's group of old people, jointly set up a Tianxian Bureau. The entire Tianxian Bureau is divided into three locations, Shanghai Beach, Hunan, and Xiangxi.

Among this group of people, Chen Zhifeng looks very good, studied private school when he was young, and went to Jiaotong University when he grew up. He is proficient in both Chinese and Western cultures. He not only understands English, but also speaks the dialects of more than a dozen provinces. He once brought his subordinates to Guizhou Province. A certain remote county pretended to be the county head, and he was in power for eight full months. He swept away tens of thousands of taxes and silver in the county. When he left with his men, the chief above was still in the dark and was preparing to get a certificate of commendation for him to commend him for ruling the country. Good.

Therefore, Chen Zhifeng was selected as the person who stayed in Shanghai to make a public appearance and presided over the scam, while Song Chunzhong took a group of people to Xiangxi to make a fake plan. As for Luo Zongchang and Ning Zikun, the group lurked in Shanghai and was responsible for contributing to the whole scam.

This Tianxian bureau is called the prospecting of a mine.

Chen Zhifeng arrived in Shanghai as a returning overseas Chinese to make friends with people from all walks of life. He often attended various receptions, small and large, and he was agile and witty. He was always entertaining guests from all walks of life. Almost all the tycoons have some friendships. In three months, Chen Zhifeng has become a famous figure in Shanghai.

As for Luo Zongchang and Ning Zikun’s group, either self-recommended or entrusted, most of them applied to be servants in the homes of Chen Zhifeng’s friendship, or some women simply became the concubines of some officials by virtue of their beauty and coquettish coquettishness. Concubines, out-of-homes, etc. were scattered, Luo Zongchang and Ning Zikun arranged a total of more than 20 men and women to break into the homes of the target people.

Song Chunzhong rushed to Xiangxi, set up resident offices in several county towns in Xiangxi, rented shops and hung signboards with the words **** mining company's office in a certain county. He released the news early and contacted various mines in Xiangxi. The owner of the mountain assumes a posture of negotiating the acquisition of ore from the mine. The amount of money involved is huge. Not only are the Chinese talking with the owner, but also foreigners who follow, carrying various surveying machines to check the situation of the mine.

In addition, from the three groups of people, one of them was selected separately, and the three forged their identities to work in a certain bank that was hiring.

Song Chunzhong’s professional posture in Xiangxi has convinced mine owners everywhere, so almost all of them have spread in Xiangxi. There are big bosses cooperating with foreigners to collect mines at high prices for mining. The name of **** mining company is not yet available. Once a business is negotiated, it has already become famous. There are even rumors that when the mining company buys the mine, the villagers in the county can join the company to start work and help with mining. The daily wages will cost two yuan. This rumor is even more pronounced. It is to make the reputation of the mining company a household name in several counties in western Hunan, and no one knows it.

All were well-arranged and the foreplay was sung. Shanghai Tan’s Chen Zhifeng was responsible for formally beating the gong and singing. He hosted a luxury hotel to entertain three or four hundred Shanghai’s celebrities. During the dinner, he toasted and gave a toast, expressing impassioned feelings and feeling that the motherland is waiting to be revived after the war. , Financial resources are blocked, so he is ready to call on those who are interested in revitalizing China to jointly establish mining companies, mine many mines in western Hunan, save the country by industry, and revitalize China’s industry. He also bluntly said that he has contacted the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of China, and other mining companies have developed and grown. , The pattern is complete, he Chen is willing to hand over half of the shares of the mining company to the state, and the Ministry of Commerce has already replied to his support for his patriotic act of serving the country.

Running a mine for the country requires a lot of money, it needs to purchase foreign machinery, recruit workers, etc., so the provisional share capital is one million silver dollars.

He Chen's all the possessions are only 200,000 silver dollars, which is only 20%, so he wants to use this cocktail party to find people with lofty ideals who are willing to invest in Xiangxi mines with him, and jointly act as promoters. I hope you can support me. The industrial undertakings of the motherland will join in the grand event to strengthen the nation.

At the banquet, Chen Zhifeng even took out the articles of association that needed to be prepared in the early stage of mining, the printed form, the roster, the reply letter from the Ministry of Commerce, etc., and the profits of the shares were all recorded. The prospects were quite attractive. In addition, Chen Zhifeng's speech was passionate and generous. There is a posture that the rise and fall of China's industry is in my generation.

So everyone in the room was very moved by it.

Moreover, the prospectus for the mining prospectus that Chen Zhifeng brought out was very detailed. When many well-known businessmen on the scene saw this constitution, they praised Chen Zhifeng as an overseas Chinese businessman who has seen the world. The whole article is bilingual in both Chinese and English, and the constitution It is stipulated that the time limit for the IPO is half a year. During the IPO, the money is deposited in a certain bank, and no one may misappropriate it. After the expiration, the company’s board of directors will be elected according to the amount of personal investment, and the board of directors will formally take charge of the stock money.

In the articles of association, even trivial plans for the election of accountants, prosecutors, etc. are included. The plans, rules, instructions, and items are all detailed, thorough, safe, clear, and fair.

Just looking at the thick regulations, it convinced the people present 80%. If you don't really want to do mining, you can't make such a painstaking effort.

So that night, everyone enthusiastically subscribed for 300,000. After the meeting, many interested people called and contacted friends in several counties in Xiangxi to inquire about the situation of the Xiangxi mine. Some foreigners go to mines every day for surveys, and it seems that they will start mining soon.

There are even mature and stable people who deliberately went to Xiangxi to see it in person. Sure enough, the work of the mining company in several county towns in Xiangxi is proceeding in an orderly manner.

During the half-year IPO time, Chen Zhifeng rushed to various foreign machinery companies every day, like preparing to contact and order mining machinery.

At this time, Ning Zikun’s team of staff members began to spread the news:

"I heard from the subordinates of the merchant family that his master, in the name of his aunt, quietly bought 50,000 shares of Ocean in Chen Zhifeng's mining company."

"Director XX asked the butler to buy ten thousand shares in the mining company the day before yesterday."

In addition, the female flowers who were planted also begged the person next to the pillow to take out the money to subscribe for the shares, or the old Zhuhuang begged for help.

Relying on various methods, by the end of the subscription period, this group of old people secretly absorbed more than 1.2 million oceans, which was equivalent to 5.7 billion yuan of legal tender at that time and 12,000 taels of gold!

And the spending of these people for half a year, including putting people into the bank, paying bribes, opening an office in Xiangxi, hiring foreign surveyors, and even Chen Zhifeng posing on the stage, making friends, did not exceed 100,000 oceans, which is equivalent to half a year. A net profit of 1.1 million oceans.

The day before the subscription period ended, Chen Zhifeng, Song Chunzhong, and Luo Zongchang gathered on the beach. They only waited for the three people placed in the bank in advance to transfer the money from a certain bank to a foreign bank’s long-arranged account. The three people were divided. After the money, they took their men away from Shanghai Beach. If it is fate, goodbye.

At this time, the accident happened. The more than 400,000 oceans handled by the other two went into the accounts of foreign banks. Only the nearly 700,000 oceans that Song Chunzhong's apprentice was supposed to deal with was delayed.

Immediately, before the three of them could react, the police quickly checked and surrounded Chen Zhifeng's hotel. Chen Zhifeng and Luo Zongchang were taken back to the police station on the spot, but Song Chunzhong was fine, and the police did not ask him a word.

Almost all of Chen Zhifeng's subordinates, some of Song Chunzhong's subordinates, and even Luo Zongchang's subordinates who had not evacuated as far away as Xiangxi, were arrested quickly. Only a few people such as Ning Zikun managed to escape with makeup.

News was published in the newspaper immediately. The police cracked a major case and arrested dozens of fraudsters, involving hundreds of millions of fiat currency. The crime was extremely heinous, sentenced to death, and executed by shooting, in an attempt to emulate others.

Except for the Kuomintang police department that swallowed most of the 400,000 oceans, there are still nearly 700,000 oceans that are still missing. So Ning Zikun and others naturally think that it is safe and sound that Song Chunzhong set up the middle office in order to swallow nearly 700,000 oceans. And betrayed them.

"The three teams are working together to set up the game. Only you are safe. You said it wasn't you?!" Ning Zikun's eyes were blood red, and when Song Chunzhong said this, he couldn't help but speak.

Both Song Tianyao and Lou Fengyun next to him were fascinated. Their uncle, Chen Zhifeng, Luo Zongchang and others are all powerful people. In this world, the best to cheat are the poor, and the hardest to cheat is the rich. People, but this group of people ran to Shanghai. In the place where the richest people in China at the time were the most, they defrauded 1.1 million oceans from those savvy rich people.

Lou Fengyun felt even more that when he opened a small gambling stall on the rivers and lakes to get money for killing gambling ghosts, compared with the things the two people in front of him did before, it was simply a child's play.

Ning Zikun asked angrily here, and Song Chunzhong said with a wry smile: "Fourth brother, look..."

Song Chunzhong was talking, slowly unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his entire chest, and the scar left by a gunshot wound on his left chest entered the eyes of Song Tianyao, Ning Zikun, and Lou Fengyun.

The location of the gunshot wound made Lou Fengyun cover her mouth in fright. This shot was obviously a shot in the heart. I don't know how Song Chunzhong survived after being shot in the heart!

"I have been walking on the rivers and lakes for so long, but I didn’t expect that my apprentices would put one in front of me. The four apprentices worked together to hide from me and set up a central bureau. They broke the news to the police in advance and used 400,000 oceans to seize the police’s appetite. The police arrested those of you and only left me, to prevent some of you from retaliating after escaping, and to keep my life, to make you believe that I was the one who collected the money. Fortunately, I also suspected a few of them. I chose to leave a mark on the Waibaidu Bridge and interview those apprentices. The result is the shot you saw in my heart. If it weren’t for my quick reaction, I struggled to turn over and jumped into the Huangpu River. I was lucky, but the bullet was slightly off. A little bit, I was rescued by a fishing boat in time, and I went down to accompany Chen Zhifeng, Luo Zongchang and the others." Song Chunzhong said to Ning Zikun: "When I woke up, the newspaper had already published the news of your dying. After I recovered from my injury, We left marks in the places where we stayed in Shanghai, but no one responded. I waited for a month, relying on the money from killing some poor ghosts on the street to pay for the road tolls, and fled Shanghai all the way to Guangzhou, where I made another two. Months of money, and then returned to Malaya. Whether you believe it or not, the whole thing is like this."

Ning Zikun stared at Song Chunzhong with bloodshot eyes, and Song Chunzhong had a calm gaze. He straightened his chest and looked directly at the other party.

"The ghost knows if you are telling lies!"

"Four brothers, you have been rid of people for a lifetime, and you are best at making fake makeup. If you don't believe it, then you should take a closer look at whether this gunshot wound in my heart is fake!"

The two were in a stalemate again. Song Tianyao said next to him: "Is it true or not, Mr. Ning, is it still important?"

Ning Zikun was taken aback by Song Tianyao's question and looked at Song Tianyao.

Song Tianyao pointed at Song Chunzhong: "Do you think it's a fake, killing him to avenge his dead confidant and apprentice? He was also prepared to pay his life and was hanged by the police? Maybe the three squads who broke into the beach at the beginning are now only left. If you two are dead, wouldn’t it be more lonely to leave him alone? I think it’s better for you to go to Malaysia with him and be neighbors with two of you. In your spare time, you can talk about the past, and you can sit when you are happy. Drink two cups, reminisce about the past, and spend your old age together."

"Don't go!" Ning Zikun said simply: "I'm afraid that he will betray me again, if he is killed by him, there won't even be a corpse collector in such a place! Feng Yifa, forget it this time! Wait until I die. Breathe, I will go down to ask those brothers and sisters who died, whether it is true or not! If it is false, I will ask you to settle accounts if you are a ghost!"

After finishing speaking, Ning Zikun gave Song Chunzhong a final glance, got up and walked quickly outside, but he didn't mention anything he had done desperately with Song Chunzhong.

When Ning Zikun left, Song Tianyao wanted to say something, Song Chunzhong looked at Lou Fengyun, Song Tianyao waved to Lou Fengyun: "Go and see Mr. Ning, don't let him sulking, let Brother Xiong go with him."

As Lou Fengyun also left, Song Chunzhong himself lit a cigarette, and two plumes of smoke emerged from his nose: "Ayao, do you want to ask, is what I just said is true or not?"

"It's a little curious," Song Tianyao said.

"Of course it's fake. It's a lie to Ning Zikun. On his mind, he is a sheller, how can he be compared to me who is like a special set up." Song Chunzhong said naturally: "It was my proposal at the beginning. Go to Shanghai to do a big ticket. If you don’t arrange it, how can you call Chen Zhifeng and Luo Zongchang to participate? Seven hundred thousand oceans went into my pocket, and dozens of thousands of people broke out to the police because of me. The news was shot and the two apprentices were killed by me. The gunshot wounds were also real. I spent money to find a powerful gunman who drew a mark on the chest and shot. I originally wanted to use this gunshot wound to fish like Ning Zikun. The fish that slipped through the net came out and completely cut the grass and roots, but unfortunately it did not succeed, so this round of Tianxian game is not perfect."

Song Tianyao was completely convinced by Song Chunzhong. Who said that the Song family had no ruthless people besides the third uncle. This uncle was definitely not inferior to the third uncle, but he was ruthless in a different way.

Dozens of veterans don't say anything, they can shoot at their own heart.

This kind of courage, if you take it out and fight with the Japanese at the Kowloon Wharf with your third uncle, it will definitely be enough. It's a pity that this kind of cruelty is used on the left side of the door.

"The uncle, you are in Malaysia now..." Song Tianyao looked at Song Chunzhong and asked.

Song Chunzhong took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Song Tianyao: "Although it was designed by someone to lose half of his net worth while doing business, he still has some surplus money. I want to take your grandfather to Malaysia for retirement. It's not me blowing water, it's real."

Song Tianyao took this business card, and arranged a few rows of Chinese and English bilingual characters like the skin of a matchbox.

Song Chunzhong, owner of Malayan New Fuzhou Zhonglian Rubber Plantation and Malayan New Fuzhou Zhonglian Cement Plant.

Looking at this business card, Song Tianyao thought about Ning Zikun's distress before.

Is this business card true or not?