Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 34: The wolves and gangsters

Luo Zhuankun met Song Tianyao when he failed an interview to apply for a Hong Kong government employee and was depressed smoking on the street.

With his dignity, if he put on coolie clothes and stood on the pier, he would definitely be regarded as a fierce figure on the rivers and lakes. It was too far from the image of a well-mannered government employee, and it was reasonable to be interviewed.

Originally, Song Tianyao wanted to arrange this guy into Likang Company as a clerk, but then Likang’s development went out of control. From the beginning, he wanted to simply traffic in medicines. Because Shi Zhiyi was on the street, he finally became a life-and-death game with Zhang’s family. Song Tianyao, who had tried his best, didn't care about relocating Luo Zhuankun for the time being. Instead, he temporarily spent two thousand Hong Kong dollars to let this man who has no longer anything except a suit to make a living for a while, and wait for contact later.

Luo Zhuankun came to Hong Kong with Wang Yuanxi, a wealthy Shanghainese. During the 49 years of the gold speculation frenzy, Wang Yuanxi had a lot of gold in his hands, and he could be relied upon by wealthy businessmen. Luo Zhuankun had the brains, but he was out of luck. Wang Yuanxi had bet on all his wealth at the time, and he did not even leave a way out. Therefore, speculation on gold failed. The Wang family immediately lost a huge sum of money. Luo Zhuankun also had no money to pay his commission because Wang Yuanxi had no money to pay his commission. The trader was reduced to the end of no silver in his pocket. When he met Song Tianyao, he had only one hundred Hong Kong dollars in exchange for the watch.

After receiving two thousand Hong Kong dollars funded by Song Tianyao, Luo Zhuankun first wanted to go to the Hong Kong bullion trading market to find a member to collude and do off-market matches to earn some commissions. After that, Luo Zhuankun had no chance of starting the off-market checks that people in Shanghai often carried out, so he set his sights on the securities and stock market, which he is second best at besides gold spot trading.

But as a stockbroker, he has no license. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange Limited has issued 60 membership licenses. In other words, there are only 60 licensed stockbrokers in Hong Kong, except for these 60 licensed securities. Brokerage companies, other individuals, or unlicensed brokers have no way to enter the exchange to help clients complete transactions.

Luo Zhuankun is also a character who is cruel to himself. Song Tianyao gave him two thousand Hong Kong dollars. He only uses five yuan a day to maintain the most basic life. Three meals a day are a bowl of white porridge and two fried dough sticks. It's a shop in the small hotel, with a backpack packed with personal clothes.

He has seen the wealth of the sky, and those who have passed 10,000 taels of gold can still cruel Luo Zhuankun who is so frugal. After spending a few days on the stock exchange and familiarizing himself with the trading rules of the Hong Kong stock market, he found an opportunity.

The official language of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is English. All information and data on the exchange are also in English. Nearly 50 of the 60 licensed brokers are British. The Hong Kong stock market is in the eyes of many traditional Chinese people. It is almost equivalent to cheating money by scammers. Not to mention that ordinary people cannot afford to buy stocks. Even many wealthy traditional Chinese businessmen stay away from the stock market controlled by the British. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is more like the British in Hong Kong. Small circle activities.

After the Korean War broke out, the Hong Kong stock market was miserable. Licensed brokers could not earn commissions at all. In addition, they were full of pessimism about the future of Hong Kong. Therefore, in 1950, when the stock market volume was only 60 million Hong Kong dollars, 60 Among the licensed brokers, more than 20 British people chose to return to the London Stock Exchange to develop. Once the Hong Kong Stock Exchange license transfer fee was as high as 100,000 Hong Kong dollars after the war, it has now been sold for 20,000 Hong Kong dollars and no one cares about it. .

Luo Zhuankun did not have the money to buy a license, but he took out one thousand five hundred Hong Kong dollars to find a licensed stock broker who was about to go out of business and proposed a one-month lease for one thousand five hundred Hong Kong dollars. , He entered the exchange under the name of a trader of the other's securities company, but he had to collect 70% of the commission within this month, and only three transactions were given to licensed brokers.

The ghost broker was prepared to temporarily close the door and return to London to rest for a while because the market is too bleak. Now Luo Zhuankun wants to rent his license. He has almost no reason to refuse, because the Hong Kong stock market has fallen to a low level of popularity. High, small licensed brokers can’t even earn 1,500 Hong Kong dollars a month in commission.

In Song Tianyao's previous life, this kind of thing was of course impossible to happen, but in Hong Kong, where the stock market was sluggish at the time, this kind of absurd thing was done by Luo Zhuankun.

He entered the trading floor with the license of the British ghost. He was not in a hurry to develop customers to buy stocks to earn commissions. Instead, he first relied on the license and went to the trading floor to receive daily stock information. Translated into Chinese for half a month, every day, from the opening of the exchange to the closing of the afternoon, Luo Zhuankun brought his own food every day, except for going to the toilet, almost never left the desk, used in the trading floor to contact customers He didn’t touch his phone until he had a thick pile of stock information in his hand. After half a month’s worth of stock information, he changed his outfit again with only 300 yuan left. The last briefcase went straight to the Shanghai-inhabited community in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.

Compared with traditional Hong Kong people, Shanghai people who go to Hong Kong are mostly interested in securities and stocks, and Shanghai people who go to Hong Kong have high self-esteem, thinking that they are more intelligent, more insightful, and more efficient than the local Cantonese in Hong Kong. In the eyes of Shanghainese, locals in Hong Kong are people from other provinces who have never seen the world. These people who went to Hong Kong were almost all the people who had played in the Shili foreign market in Shanghai that year, and Shanghai was indeed more internationalized than Hong Kong's business. Even higher, stocks, securities, futures, all these people in Shanghai had already seen them before they went to Hong Kong.

The most important thing is that these Shanghainese have enough spare money in their hands.

Now that the embargo is on top of Hong Kong, the situation is not clear enough. Many people in Shanghai hold deposits in their hands but can't spend them.

In the past, securities companies also sent Chinese traders to find customers in areas where Shanghai people gather, but they are often local Hong Kong people. As soon as they speak Cantonese, Shanghai people have already sentenced the other party to death in their hearts: "Small places, Nong Do you want to teach me to trade stocks? Is your brain broken? When God was trading stocks in Shanghai, he was still fishing in the sea with his bare feet, without a pair of shoes!"

And Luo Zhuankun just filled the vacancy. He spoke proficient Shanghai dialect, which made the wealthy Shanghai people living in Hong Kong feel close, and Luo Zhuankun followed Wang Yuanxi, met the market, and faced the beach. Old things can also be talked about, often first chatting a few times, and finally handing over the stock information that he has translated by himself, recommending a few stocks that are still active in the recent period, and will not tell the other party how much investment can be The empty talk of doubling immediately is just a few words that recommend that certain stocks can be held for a short period of one to two weeks, and should be able to help the aunt's wife earn a pearl necklace.

Relying on his own analysis and translation of stock information, coupled with his understanding of Shanghainese, Luo Zhuankun actually became a second-hand broker. Although there is no real Shanghai tycoon-level physical society for him, he always puts out a few at most. Ten thousand yuan, only one or two thousand yuan to help him make some small money customers, individual customer commissions are low, but there are enough people in Shanghai, so Luo Zhuankun actually made enough money for renting a license before, and even a small part of it. Income to improve their living conditions.

Until I met Song Tianyao again.

Song Tianyao bought the membership licenses issued by seven exchanges, and Luo Zhuankun took care of this Caitong securities.

This wolf-looking man with a beard and Song Tianyao, who was just a secretary at the beginning, is now quickly emerging and holding a huge amount of cash. Song Tianyao talked about a lot of stock topics. There have been four exchanges that can be called an all-night talk.

He knew what Song Tianyao wanted, and Song Tianyao also knew what he wanted.

Song Tianyao wanted to quietly absorb the shares of Xizhen Real Estate, and publish the stock index in newspapers, so that this stock index would become a guiding light for retail investors in the stock market, and cooperate with him to absorb Xizhen Real Estate stocks, so that he could conceal it when necessary.

And Luo Zhuankun wanted to become a customizer of the Hong Kong stock index. In the gold and silver market, Wang Yuanxi lost ten thousand taels of gold and his family was ruined. He also fell on the streets. This time, he barely survived by earning commissions in the Hong Kong stock market. Don't want to be driven to death by the locals again, hungry and hungry on the street.

A treacherous man with a knife behind his back waiting for an opportunity to take action, and a lone wolf who was hungry and re-entered the battle group.