Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 386: telephone

It wasn't until the sky dawned that Song Tianyao found the opportunity to sleep for a while in Kang Lixiu's newspaper in Xiyingpan. At nine o'clock in the morning, he had hurried into Caida Securities in St. George's Building with Huang Liu, who was yawning. Ready to learn about the news on the stock market.

As soon as he entered the office, Luo Zhuankun handed over a copy of the "Hong Kong Times": "Mr. Song, Xizhen Real Estate has published an advertisement in major newspapers today."

Song Tianyao took it over and took a look. The ad text occupies almost half of the page, to the effect that today there is a rumor that Xizhen Real Estate is about to be acquired. Strength and confidence to guarantee the interests of Xizhen Real Estate’s current employees and shareholders. Xizhen Real Estate has an outstanding reputation for decades. Over the years, the annual dividend payment has continued to increase steadily. Xizhen Real Estate’s board of directors has no plan to sell the company. Please welcome Xizhen Real Estate’s shareholders. Don't be lured by the stock market. In addition, Xizhen Real Estate will introduce a new plan to benefit shareholders in the near future. Shareholders are requested to wait for further notice.

Seeing this advertisement, Song Tianyao was stunned for a moment. This was not the style of the Lin family at all. He held the newspaper and looked at Luo Zhuankun: "What do the old monks from Britain say?"

"Jonathan said that the Lin family was stupid before, and now they can be praised as mentally handicapped. At least now they know how to preemptively prevent the situation when there is no money. He said to let the Lin family be stable for a week, and he just happened to use Zhaofeng Trade. Make some money and spend it." Luo Zhuankun pursed his lips and said depressedly: "Originally, Xizhen Real Estate's stock price is climbing. Everyone is vying to hold it first. Very few people sell it. Even the several British securities firms that have been holding a small amount of Xizhen Real Estate stocks have put their minds back and waited to see what plans Xizhen Real Estate will introduce recently. This step is a very powerful move for the Lin family, combining offensive and defensive efforts."

Seeing that Luo Zhuankun's face was a little disappointed, Song Tianyao patted his chest with the newspaper in his hand: "Everyone is in business. It doesn't make sense that we are smart, so we must ask the other person to act as an idiot."

"Jonathan is on the phone, shall I inform you?" Luo Zhunkun said after taking the newspaper.

"Forget it, I'm not going to see him, tell Jonathan Gore that there is only so much money. If I can't spend too much money, I don’t need him to help. Let him arrange it. If you need stocks and For matters other than cash, call the factory or Durex Hotel." Song Tianyao finished speaking to Luo Zhuankun, then turned and walked out.

Huang Liuda yawned: "Boss, I have to leave when I came here, go to Biandu?"

"Go to the hotel to make a few phone calls, and then go to bed." Song Tianyao said with a yawn, covering his mouth with his hand.

You don’t need to see Jonathan Gore. You already know that this old guy is going to go smoothly. In fact, Song Tianyao has a headache. He doesn’t know how long the news about the Malaysian spy case can be delayed. In order to assist Jonathan Gore at this moment in the stock market.

If Song Tianyao has enough cash in his hand at this time, of course, he can ignore Jonathan Gore. The problem is that he does not have that much money. Luo Bao is not false to support him, but Luo Bao is not a philanthropist, so he can give it to him. Song Tianyao's support also has to wait for the opportunity. If Song Tianyao can't even do the early stage, Luo Bao will of course not intervene rashly.

After walking into the elevator, Song Tianyao said to Huang Liu: "After taking me back to the hotel, you go to see Yan Xiong and tell him to put Lin Xiaokang in the freezer and store it according to the nameless body, and wait for the notice later."

"I know." Huang Liu agreed.

As a result, when Song Tianyao had just arrived in the guest room where he lived in the Durex Hotel, he had just poured a glass of water for himself, and before he took the initiative to call, he had already received a call from the wig factory Lou Fengyun:

"Ayao, call Mr. Luo's place. He said that you have returned to the hotel, and I called again. The offspring named Lu Rongfang is now in the factory and he wants to see you."

"It's not that I have made him a fortune, let him listen, let him not be so greedy, and be careful to burst his belly and kill himself. I don't even have time to accompany you now. I don't have time to care for him. I am not gay. "Song Tianyao said impatiently while holding the receiver.

After he said this, he could hear Lu Rongfang yelling dissatisfiedly next to Lou Fengyun. Obviously, this guy was in the office watching Lou Fengyun call him, and vaguely heard Song Tianyao talking about him on the phone.

Lou Fengyun said in a low voice, "He said that he would introduce a banker to you this time, and he also brought the factory to him at this time, yes..."

"It's not that I underestimate him. That guy will know banker friends. His brother knows some friends who open banks. I believe it. Let him put his mind back and go back to get a big breasted girl." Song Tianyao didn't wait for Lou Fengyun to finish. Said with a yawn.

"Can you give me the phone and let me have a word with Mr. Song." A deserted female voice said beside Lou Fengyun.

Then the receiver seemed to be handed over to this woman: "Mr. Song, hello, this is Malayan Guangyi Bank, Lu Yuanchun."


At the Sanatorium and Hospital, two lawyers in suits and leather shoes, accompanied by two plainclothes, Lin Xiao and the driver Hu Runsheng, stood outside the door of the ward blocked by Jiuwenlong, and said coldly:

"Sir, we are practicing lawyers and want to go in and see Ms. Lin Yujing."

"You said that a lawyer is a lawyer? I said that I am the Governor of Hong Kong. Is it really the Governor of Hong Kong?" Jiuwenlong buttoned his nostrils with his tail fingers, and said disdainfully: "If you have anything to do, just stand here to me. Speaking of, Ms. Lin is sick and most afraid of being disturbed."

"We have a document in hand and we need to give it to her in person, and ask her to review it and sign it." A lawyer said blankly: "And..."

Jiuwenlong waved his hand impatiently: "I don't care so much. In short, I will either give me the documents here or leave. Anyway, I want to go in and disturb Ms. Lin. It's impossible."

"Sir, you are very face-to-face. If it's the person next to Miss Six, I haven't seen you like this before?" Lin Xiaohe's driver Hu Runsheng looked at Jiuwenlong and said calmly.

This sentence is actually for the two plainclothes next to him. The reason why the two plainclothes is silent is because they are worried that Jiuwenlong is a member of the Lin family. Their small roles cannot be offended by either party, Hu Runsheng. Asking them to help accompany the lawyer to see the patient is nothing more than to help oneself increase some power and solemnity, not to let them run to help get involved in the trouble of the Lin family.

But when he heard that the young man in front of him was not from the Lin family, he was immediately emboldened in plainclothes. Hu Runsheng is the driver of Lin Xiaohe. Of course he is familiar with the Lin family. He said that he was born in the right side. It would never be wrong, so two plainclothes Squeezing from the side to the lawyer, he almost held Jiuwenlong's chest, put his hand on the holster around his waist, and shouted with a serious face: "This is the hospital, you think you are in front of the court! Where is the identity paper? , Take it out for inspection. I can’t take it out. The two of us will accompany you home to fetch it. I think you look like a robber who robbed a gold shop in Xihuan a few days ago."

The so-called identity paper is a handwritten form issued by the Hong Kong colonial government after the founding of New China in 1949 to register and issue Hong Kong Chinese citizens after border control was implemented. It only has a few simple introductions such as name, date of birth, address, occupation, etc., whether it is equivalent or not. , It is extremely easy to forge, and no one will carry this kind of paper with him all day long, and the messenger will basically not check this kind of thing, but not checking does not mean that there is no right to check.

The two plainclothes used the excuse of checking the identity paper to disentangle the nine-patterned dragon, which is neither in a posture to bully others, but also in line with the identity of the messenger.

"Do you know Yan Xiong? My brother is here. Come here to make trouble. Be careful. I tell him and let him clean up the two of you." Jiuwenlong's eyes rolled and took out Yan Xiong as a sign to persuade them. A messenger, Song Tianyao asked him to help guard Lin Yujing. It was not that Lin Yujing was completely prevented from contacting outsiders. It’s just that someone in the ward was talking to Lin Yujing’s mother and daughter and had already told him not to let other people disturb. The sister-in-law Xiang was sent home to change clothes, not to mention these new faces.

"Sir, threatening to intimidate a police officer is going to be sentenced to prison." A lawyer said to Jiuwenlong, "I persuade you to get out of the way. I have said very clearly that we are lawyers. Come here. Here I would like to ask Ms. Lin Yujing to sign a document. We must see her in person. We are not malicious, and we have consulted with the hospital to understand that Ms. Lin Yujing’s current state of mind can meet guests, and Hong Kong law stipulates that, No one can forcefully hinder the lawyers from meeting with clients. The Lin family is a client of our Xinfu Law Firm, and Ms. Lin Yujing is also included in the Lin family."

Jiuwenlong feels a little headache. He is not afraid of the two bad guys, but he is afraid of the two lawyers. The ghost knows whether these two lawyers are big people. If they hit them, will they cause trouble for Song Tianyao, but If the two scumbags open their mouths, it will be a big set of upsetting people. It is often the law that he has power. Hong Kong law gives two lawyers the power, but Song Tianyao did not give him the nine-stripe dragon. The power to beat a lawyer...

Just when Jiuwenlong was about to make a sudden move, rewarding the two lawyers with a black eye socket that was not serious but not serious, and asked them to go downstairs to bandage and wait for a while before returning, a male voice said in the ward:

"Mr. Lawyer, you made a mistake. The law stipulates that no person or organization can force a lawyer to obstruct or prevent a lawyer from seeing his client, but lawyers must also be polite. Don’t you know that clients need to make an appointment in advance? Ms. Lin Yujing’s personal legal adviser, and Ji Wenming, a practicing lawyer in the Law Firm of Lu Wenjin, you mentioned that when my client does not want to see you, I have the right and obligation to receive and consult for my client, and I have the right to request you Explain face to face any doubts I have on the document, please come in."