Rebirth: Outstanding

Chapter 57: Torture room

The rain was pouring down outside. In this dilapidated squatter house on the mountainside of Wuzhi Mountain in Pengzhou, rain was leaking in every corner, hitting the ground or dilapidated furniture, making noisy noises. Individuals were sitting around the bonfire, turning and grilling four mice that had exploded with grease sparks, half the size of an adult's arm, and...a piece of soldering iron.

"How can I see such a big mouse in Diaojingling? Last time I wanted to dig some earthworms to go fishing, I found that the earthworms were all dug out!"

"These mice are not afraid to see people. Maybe they have even eaten human flesh. Beware of evil when you eat them!"

"How about eating a lot of human flesh? If you are caught by evil, let's talk about it! If I don't eat it, can it be cheaper for you!"

"The soldering iron is red and the mouse hasn't been cooked yet. You boasted that you had been an apprentice in a restaurant before you became a soldier?"

"If it's red, do things first! Your one is indispensable!"

"Zila~" The hot red soldering iron burned Lengzai's inner thighs, causing Lengzai, who was gagged, to shake his head violently back and forth, using the pain of his head knocking on the back of the chair to disperse the burning from the inner thighs. Pain!

"It's **** sweet!" The hands-on drunkard used his nose to sniff the scorching smell of flesh in the air, and said.

At this time, Lengzai was tied and fixed on a rusty iron chair. He was naked. There was no good flesh in his whole body. The two nails of the palms fixed on the armrests were all gone, **** and bloody. There are no longer ten fingers, but only seven fingers are left!

Han Chongshan stood at the door of this dilapidated squatter temporarily serving as a torture room and watched the rainstorm outside. The cigarette smoke in his mouth rose. He never went to see the drunkard and other three companions, until the soldering iron was hot. After that, Leng Zai still stared at his slightly dilated eyes, and when the drunkard took a sip and called the other party really hard, Han Chongshan turned around and walked to Leng Zai and squatted down, looking straight. The other party, died of the seal on Lengzai's mouth, and passed the half-burned cigarette to Lengzai's mouth.

Han Chongshan said in a flat tone: "Brother, this is Pengzhou Wuzhi Mountain, and there is such a heavy rain outside, no one knows how loyal and loyal you are, why bother to continue to breathe, say it, I will happily send you on the road. Give your family a sum of money to ensure that they will have no worries for future generations."

Leng Zai tried his best to open his bruised and swollen eyelids and looked at Han Chongshan, his lips trembling with a cigarette in his mouth, his body was unconsciously cold due to ischemia, barely inhaled a cigarette, but coughed and vomited it out. Yes, there is still bright blood, which is a sign of bleeding in his internal organs.

Han Chongshan took out the cigarette from his pocket, put it in Lengzai's mouth, helped the other person to light it, and then continued: "You are from the rivers and lakes. There is no need to implicate your family for those people. They are not your brothers, right? We can’t pry your mouth open at night, we can’t go back for business, and don’t think that someone will come to rescue you. There is one of our brothers under the mountain on guard, and even if someone really comes to rescue you, you can see our firepower. , We are not from the rivers and lakes, we are the soldiers."

According to what he said, Leng Zai looked at the distant desktop. The travel bag was wide open, and there were several submachine guns and a large amount of ammunition inside.

"I... my old bean..."

This was the first time Leng Zai was caught by the four of them. Hearing the other person's words, the other three were happy. Han Chongshan still remained in a squatting position, listening intently in front of Leng Zai.

"I...old bean...cough...tell me, yes...everyone will die...don't be afraid of death...the most fear is that someone will scold you after death... scold your mother! Puff!"

In the first two sentences, Leng Zai was very strenuous intermittently. The last four words exhausted his little energy and tried hard to curse at Han Chongshan. The four words and blood sprayed Han Chongshan's face!

"Fuck you!" A companion picked up the soldering iron and slammed it on Lengzai's head! Han Chongshan stretched out his hand to signal to stop, Han Chongshan took out the handkerchief, wiped the blood on his face, stared at Leng Zai, Leng Zai barely forced a mocking smile, coughing weird laughter in his throat.

"You want to die, you can't die, it's still a long time, I arrested your family to accompany you, and when you see your family die, see if you can laugh out loud." Han Chongshan plugged the blood-stained handkerchief back. Leng Zai glanced at the Le Minol Shijun watch on his wrist, stood up and said, "The drunkard Liang stayed behind. Others will follow me. I can't pry open his mouth tonight, so I can't deal with Mr. Tan. "

The drunkard Liang stood behind Leng Zai holding the soldering iron and did not move. The other two looked at each other and suddenly activated at the same time. They rushed to the bonfire and stretched out their hands to divide up the few delicious and attractive mice that had been roasted. The skin was crisp and tender, and the white and tender rat meat was forced into his mouth. Drunkard Liang reacted a little bit slower, ran over with a curse, and snatched two corpses with rat heads back to his death. He cursed two people for not being loyal. At this time, the two people who took advantage of it triumphantly picked up the travel bag on the table, pulled out an M3 submachine gun from the inside and threw it to the drunkard Liang, put on their raincoats, and prepared to leave with Han Chongshan.

Although the three people were fighting for the rat meat, there was still a whole roasted rat before the bonfire. Han Chongshan walked over, unscrewed the rat’s head and bit it in his mouth, and handed the rest of the meat to his companion: "Go down. When I brought it to Xiuwen, he kept the wind under the mountain."

"Why do you think a man should marry a wife and have children?" The companion who took the rat meat and carried it into his arms said while wearing a raincoat: "Finally, Brother Shan received a business and could make some money, but he had to give it all to his wife. My child, I still don’t want to eat rat meat. If I don’t have a wife or child, the money will be enough for me to find a restaurant to eat and drink, even if I find a stewed meat shop, I can buy a whole pig to eat!"

"Of course it is my wife who helps you save money to make up enough for the family's travel expenses to Taiwan. If you continue to mix up like this, which woman is willing to accompany us to moldy in Diaojingling!"

Han Chongshan ignored the words of his companions, turned his head to look at Leng Zai who was glaring at him, with a cold smile on his lips, put his rain cap on his head, his entire face was hidden in the dark, the next moment, he pushed away the shabby The dilapidated, battered wooden door walked into the torrential rain.

Their fate is their own, and the road is their own. They are soldiers, with guns in their hands, they have the courage to be an enemy of this city.


Drunkard Liang sits on a stool with only three legs left, with his legs cocked on the broken table, keeping his body well balanced, swaying like sitting in a rocking chair, slowly squeezing the bones of the mouse Put it in the mouth and grind it down with teeth. Although the surnamed Tan had already paid a deposit, enough to make them eat and drink to fill their stomachs, but everyone agreed to give the money to their wife and relatives, thinking It’s not a small figure to save enough for a family’s travel to Taiwan. First, contact a passenger ship to transport them all from Shau Kei Wan in Diaojingling. Find a way to contact Taiwan in Hong Kong and decide whether to take a passenger ship or an airplane. , Spending a penny more at the moment may result in someone staying behind because of lack of money at that time.

The torrential rain outside still didn't mean to stop, scouring the world vigorously. The stool underneath shook and made a creaking sound. The submachine gun in his arms was in the firelight of the campfire, and the roasted blue was shining strangely.

A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and Drunkard Liang looked out through the light of the lightning. At that moment, the entire Wuzhi Mountain was as bright as daylight, desolate and cold. The next second, the thunder exploded, making people’s eardrums aching, if ordinary People may feel terrible when staying in such a place, but Liang, the drunkard, does not have anything terrifying in his heart. He has seen the tragic corpses on the battlefield, and he can already be awe-inspiring to this kind of natural majesty. fear.

"Puff~" Drunkard Liang spit out the residue of a mouse's leg bone in his mouth, lowered his head to touch the cigarette in his pocket, and stood up in front of the window directly opposite him!

When Alcoholic Liang lit a cigarette and raised his head, humming a little song and looked out, another flash of lightning happened to pass. The sudden appearance of the figure made Alcoholic Liang stagger and almost fell from the stool!

Half of the figure's face is shaped like a skeleton, covered in rain, staring at him with a weird smile at this time!

Drunkard Liang's reaction was already very fast, he exerted force on his waist, leaned forward, held the submachine gun in both hands and directly pulled the trigger without aiming at the front!

In a moment, half of the magazine's bullets gushed out of the muzzle! Hit the window and iron sheet, leaving spotted bullet marks!

"Don't move, three guns, one by one slowly dropped onto the table." There was no time left for the alcoholic Liang to determine whether he had hit the figure outside. As soon as he stopped shooting, the back of his head was held back by the muzzle. The voice is rough and muffled, and there is no emotion.

Drunkard Liang simply threw the submachine gun on the front table, then slowly lifted up his shirt, and pulled out a pistol on his left waist that could be fired at any time when the insurance was turned on. He also threw it away. Just when he wanted to hesitate, his head came out. With an air-conditioning, the drunkard Liang slowly lifted his trouser legs, and made a simple holster with a bandage on his calf. The hidden pistol was also taken out and thrown on the table!

The other party can easily tell that they have three guns hidden on their bodies. Either Han Chongshan and the others have a problem, or the other party has been spotted when they first came to Wuzhishan in Pengzhou, because the other two pistols are hidden here. of!

"Brother Xiao, he is clean," the voice behind him said.

The figure outside the window reappeared, but this time he walked in from the door, as if he was familiar with this squatter as his own home. The explorer took the half bottle of liquor placed by the drunkard Liang under Zhuo’s feet and unscrewed the bottle cap to fill it. He took a mouthful, and then he let out a heavy breath.

"If it weren't for Ah Yao to find out your news thoroughly, I would kill you when you put this bottle of wine here." The figure took a sip of the wine, threw off the raincoat he was wearing, and sat in front of the bonfire. Firewood was added to the remaining bonfire, and then his hands moved up to get warm, and said lightly.

Alcoholic Liang raised his hands halfway, and didn't dare to move: "Who are you?"

"The head of the Song's nursing home." Song Tianyao originally invited Hong Kong to watch the nursing home from Macau according to the rules. Yao Chunxiao, with half of his face burned like a skeleton, poured a sip of wine into his mouth and sprayed it on the bonfire. The sinking bonfire suddenly rose a few feet, and Yao Chunxiao’s face, set off by the blue flames, became more and more weird and terrifying: "A Si, whoever is like Leidanzi, he is just like him, Ah Yao ordered, courtesy. ."

In the heavy rain, a scream of screams sounded from this squatter.