Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 265: Governing a big country like cooking sma

It was Yue Fei and Wang Shu who walked in the forefront.

Behind them there are countless soldiers of the Forbidden Army, as well as countless soldiers of the Production and Construction Corps.

They had obviously received the news, and everyone was very excited at the moment.

"Your Majesty!" Yue Fei and Zhao Chen hadn't seen each other for more than half a year. After seeing Zhao Chen at this moment, he felt that Zhao Chen seemed to have changed again. It was as if this great battle made Zhao Chen reborn again.

"Your Majesty, I wish you a great victory!" Wang Shu said with excitement.

As soon as Zhao Chen was about to speak, there were already overwhelming cheers around him. The countless soldiers of the Forbidden Army, countless youths are cheering. Behind them, the soldiers of the Jingyuan Army were cheering, and the young people who came along were cheering. Countless soldiers of the Jingyuan Army have been surrounded by others. They asked about the situation of the Xixia War, while the soldiers of the Jingyuan Army were constantly talking excitedly.

"Let's pass on the order and celebrate tonight in Wugong County! The soldiers, youths, and people around Wugong County can participate!" Zhao Chen was very happy when he saw this scene, and laughed immediately.

There were cheers everywhere. Zhao Chen, Yue Fei, Wang Shu and others had already entered the Wugong county town at this moment, came to the Wugong county city wall, and watched the scene below.

There were cheering crowds everywhere, and people were celebrating the victory.

After Zhao Chen came to this era, it was the first time that people were so excited and so excited.

"Your Majesty, Da Song has never had such a big victory in the more than a hundred years since its establishment! Xixia people have bullied us for more than a hundred years, but now they have been almost completely wiped out by His Majesty! Xixia survives in name only, so this kind of accomplishment should naturally be celebrated!" Wang Shun said excitedly on the side.

"Your Majesty seems to have grown taller than half a year ago, and his face has a lot of vicissitudes." Yue Fei said.

"Okay, I finally came back! When I was in Xixia before, I always worried about the situation in Guanshan. It seems that the situation in Guanshan is still good?" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, Guan Shan has hardly changed in the past six months." Yue Fei said.

"How is the situation of the Hedong Rebels?" Zhao Chen said.

"Very bad! The Hedong Rebels had already had more than 300,000 rebels, but this time they came from the dark to the light in order to contain Jurchen. In half a year, they suffered heavy casualties, and more than 200,000 rebels died." Yue Fei said.

"The victory of the Xixia War is also due to them. They are also heroes and martyrs. Write down their names. In the future, they should also enter the Martyrs' Shrine." Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, the organization of the rebels is a bit chaotic, and most of the lives of the dead soldiers are unknown. Moreover, some rebels were killed by the whole army by Jurchen, which was extremely tragic." Yue Fei said.

"In the future, we will build a monument to unsung heroes to commemorate them." Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty considers the soldiers, Yue Fei, thank you for your majesty." Yue Fei said.

"They died for the country and the nation. Naturally, they should be commemorated. Even without me, the people of this world will commemorate them, and they will always live in the hearts of the people of the world." Zhao Chen said.

"Yes!" Yue Fei nodded, his eyes slightly moist.

"In fact, this time the Jingyuan Army, the Huanqing Army, and the Northern Shaanxi Forbidden Army also suffered a lot of casualties, and their bones could not be transported back to China. They can only be buried in the Lingzhou area. For the survival of the Song Dynasty and the nation, there will be More people sacrifice." Zhao Chen said.

"I will understand at last." Yue Fei nodded.

"What's the situation in Jiangnan?" Zhao Chen said again.

"We asked the soldiers of the Intelligence Department to announce the news that Wu Jie was about to go south in the south of the Yangtze River. The King Kang was shocked and urgently transferred Liu Guangshi back during the first month. After Liu Guangshi went south, it is said that he bullied the village and forced grain. Now Jiangnan There have been riots among many people, especially in the area of ​​Dongting Lake, where people resisted especially fiercely. During this period of time, Liu Guangshi has been suppressing Jiangnan to prevent the people from rising in Jiangnan." Wang Shu said.

"The people in Jiangnan are upset?" Zhao Chen was slightly startled, with a thinking expression on his face.

Over the years, I have fought and fought in the west, but the memories of my previous life are still deeply carved in my heart. He doesn't know much about the history of the Southern Song Dynasty, but he knows several famous events. And this includes the peasant uprising in the early Southern Song Dynasty.

"Zhong Xiangyang, the peasant uprising? Is this the matter?" Zhao Chen secretly said.

By this time he still didn't know that Zhong Xiangyang was a member of the White Lotus Sect. When Li was in Sichuan and Shu, he had dealt with these two people that day. Bai Lianjiao assassinated him that day, was Zhong Xiangyang among them?

"Therefore, Liu Guangshi's army was confined to the south of the Yangtze River, and it is temporarily difficult to move north. There are also hundreds of thousands of volunteers under Zongze, many of whom have returned to Kaifeng. In the Chang'an generation, all the people have been moved by us. Hundreds of thousands of them stayed there, and the daily wastage was extremely high. In addition, many of the rebels had family members in Kaifeng, so many people returned secretly." Wang Shu said.

"So, now we don't have to worry about the situation in Guan Shan?" Zhao Chen said.

"Yes! After your majesty returns with the army, we don't have to worry about the situation in Guanshan for the time being! At least the situation now is much better than last year." Wang Shu said.

"That's great! We eliminated Xixia and eliminated the hidden danger of three-sided flanking! And now we have gained a period of time for peaceful development, we will recruit more soldiers and horses! Also, I return from Xixia, Bringing 200,000 horses, we can form a real cavalry! Our strength is constantly improving, while Jurchen and King Kang are constantly attrition. Sooner or later, I will eliminate them all." Zhao Chen said.

Everyone next to him nodded, with excited expressions on their faces.

"When I came back, I saw that the crops grown by the soldiers of the Wugong County Production and Construction Corps were growing very well. How about the crops in the rest of Guanshan? And Sichuan and Shu, how are the crops growing this year?" Zhao Chen said again.

“This year’s rains have been exceptionally plentiful, and the crops in various places have grown very well. In Sichuan and Sichuan, after the rent reduction order is implemented this year, the crops are likely to have an unprecedented bumper harvest. We will have enough food tax revenue, Have enough military rations. Your Majesty, the effect of this rent reduction order is very good, which is really unexpected." Wang Shu said.

Zhao Chen smiled and nodded.

In fact, the system has a great impact on agricultural production. In later generations, the farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain has greatly increased when they transitioned from the people's commune to the household contract. With the same land and the same population, people used to not have enough to eat every day, but after all the households were paid, they would no longer worry about food problems. The same is true in the Song Dynasty now. After the rent reduction order was implemented throughout the country, farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain has greatly increased, and grain output has naturally increased by leaps and bounds. Moreover, the officials and gentry in Sichuan and Sichuan have suffered a great blow, and no one will steal food tax this year. And this year the court of the Song Dynasty will receive countless grains, and the issue of rations in future wars will be greatly resolved.

"Your Majesty, our Propaganda Department mobilizes young people throughout Sichuan and Shu, and often organizes youth campaigns. Now countless young people in Sichuan and Shu can also join the army and the production and construction corps." Wang Shu said.

"You have done a good job! Regarding the specific issue of army expansion, this needs to be studied carefully by the Staff Headquarters." Zhao Chen said.

Wang Shu, Yue Fei and others nodded.

The issue of army expansion is extremely complicated. It is not only a question of recruiting soldiers, but also issues such as weapons, logistics, and so on.

"Did Guan Shan face any difficulties during this period of time?" Zhao Chen asked again after a while.

"Your Majesty, many parts of the Production and Construction Corps lack farm tools. We may need a large amount of metal to build weapons, but it is difficult to obtain so much metal. If there are enough farm tools, our food output will be greatly increased. Improve." Wang Shu said.

"Farm tools? Metal?" Zhao Chen frowned slightly.

This is not a bunch of things that can be done, even Zhao Chen himself can hardly solve this matter in a short time.

That night, in Wugong County, young people celebrated the victory of the Northern Expedition.

Zhao Chen celebrated with the young people, and he didn't return to his room until late at night.

He hasn't returned for more than half a year, and the place is still very clean. It seems that someone is cleaning it every day.

There was constant noise outside, but Zhao Chen himself was sitting cross-legged on the bed at the moment, thinking about things.

The victory of the Northern Expedition proved that Song's military strength had been fundamentally improved. Zhao Chen believed that even if they faced the two-sided attack of Jurchen and King Kang, they did not have any fear. They can also win the war. Of course, the price of victory in the war may be very high.

Just after the victory, where should this country go? Where should this country go?

In addition to war, this country has countless things to do.

He has countless ideas for governing the country, including many advanced political ideas for later generations. How should these be implemented?

Now, with the victory on the battlefield, Zhao Chen is already thinking about this issue.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly murmured: "If a big country is to be governed by a small food, now these many political ideas cannot be truly implemented."

He got up from the bed and went to the window, thinking again.

In recent years, Hanzhong and Guanshan have implemented rent reduction orders. Last year, Sichuan and Sichuan had just implemented rent reduction orders. The implementation of the rent reduction order greatly offended the officials and the gentry. When I was in Hanzhong that day, even Qu Duan was unusually opposed to the rent reduction order. It can be said that after the implementation of the rent reduction order, Zhao Chen and many landlords and bureaucrats stood on opposite sides. He only relied on the rebellion of the Quotable Rebellion and the White Lotus Rebellion to deal a great blow to the power of the landlords, officials and gentry, and this made the country stable without turmoil.

Therefore, it is impossible to implement many radical political ideas at present. If they are implemented now, it is very likely that Hanzhong, Sichuan and Sichuan will be turbulent! Although Zhao Chen is extremely powerful now, with hundreds of thousands of troops and the support of countless youths, it would not be a good thing for the country if turmoil occurs! The way to govern the country is to be safe, especially now that the world is in chaos, half of the country is in the hands of Jurchen and King Kang. Under such circumstances, it is even more necessary to be safe!

"A major political change cannot be carried out in a short period of time, and stability is needed. The most I can do now is to make a small noise in the economy." Zhao Chen thought about it for a long time before he settled down.

He took out a piece of paper and wrote down some economic-related measures he had thought about during this period of time.

The first is the overhaul of water conservancy projects and construction of water conservancy projects across the country.

Naturally, this is to develop agriculture and improve the living standards of farmers again. The Song Dynasty was originally the dynasty with the largest gap between the rich and the poor, and the peasants lived extremely hard. Zhao Chen naturally wants to change all of this. The higher the peasant's living standard, the more he can get the support of peasants who make up the vast majority of the country's population.

The second is to encourage business and reform the business tax.

After the rent reduction order was implemented, many landlords were dissatisfied, but these landlords had a lot of surplus money in their hands. The imperial court can encourage landlords to invest their surplus money in commerce.

In addition, commercial tax reform must be implemented. The commercial tax in the Song Dynasty was actually not very heavy, but the commercial tax in the Song Dynasty had an important feature of "repetitive tax collection." General merchants have to pay taxes when passing through different places. According to historical records, in some places, “there are three taxes for dissatisfaction with a hundred miles”, and merchants receive layer upon layer of exploitation. All this naturally needs to be changed, and many tax cards need to be deducted.

In doing so, the income of the imperial court will drop in a short period of time, but the country's commerce will definitely flourish. The people are prosperous and the country is strong. When the people become more prosperous and the country’s property base increases, taxes will naturally increase.

The third is to build roads.

The roads in ancient times were very difficult, and many places did not even connect with highways. There are many benefits of roads extending in all directions. First, it is conducive to commercial development and personnel exchanges. Second, it is conducive to the movement of the army. Later generations said, "If you want to get rich, you must first build roads." This was the same in ancient times. However, building roads also requires a lot of expenses, and the court needs to have enough money, which is a huge problem. Now the court is afraid that it will not be able to come up with this much money.

While Zhao Chen was thinking about the future of this country and some possible changes, countless soldiers and young people outside were still cheering all night. Many soldiers and young men began to write letters to their homes, telling their relatives about the victory of Xixia. The Intelligence Office of the Staff Headquarters under the leadership of Wang De also began to transmit orders, ordering intelligence personnel in various places to spread the news of the victory of the Xixia War.

They will spread this news to the south of the Yangtze River and to all parts of the Central Plains, so that the people all over the world will know the news of the victory in the Xixia War, and the people everywhere will be inspired.