Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 424: Appease (3)

Zhao Chen and Yu Yunwen continued to ride their horses forward. They walked a few more villages and towns, and the sky gradually darkened.

"Your Majesty, there is a temple ahead, let's go to that temple to rest!" A school lieutenant who was going to explore the road in front came over and said.

"Okay, just go there." Zhao Chen said.

The snow was flying, and the weather was extremely cold.

Snow fell on people, Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others were all white.

After about half an hour, a temple appeared on the vast snowy field!

This is a typical Liao State temple. In the middle of the temple stands a Liao State octagonal stupa.

"Your Majesty, this temple is empty. There is not a single monk. It seems to have been killed by the Jurchen. We didn't kill the monk." The leader said.

"These buildings are some historical relics, and they should be preserved well." Zhao Chen said.

Everyone entered the temple, and the sky was completely dark.

There are rows of wing rooms in this temple. They used to live in monks. Now there are no monks. They just go in.

Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others came to the innermost room. The soldiers had already started a fire here. After a while, a few soldiers came over with their prey in their hands. Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and these soldiers roasted the prey together. Suddenly a scent radiated from the room.

"This winter, the snow is really big!" Zhao Chen smiled.

"Your Majesty, this is Yanyun Sixteen Prefecture, which is colder than Guanshan and Hanzhong, so it's snowing a lot!" Yu Yunwen said.

"I said, I have forgotten the truth! If you get to the Liaodong area, the snow will naturally become even bigger." Zhao Chen said.

There were soldiers nearby who were hot water. After a while, they delivered hot tea, but the hot tea was placed in an iron pot and served in several large bowls.

"In the next few days, we still have to go around Yanyun! After more than a month of severe crackdowns, the order in Yanyun is stable, but the people are frightened. We need to calm down." Zhao Chen said. .

"Yes, it is necessary to calm down! Especially to comfort the Khitan people, they are also the people of Yanyun, and they will be inseparable from the construction of Yanyun in the future!" Yu Yunwen said.

"We will pass on the decree tomorrow and end the crackdown! Governing the world requires both kindness and prestige. Let's think about ways to appease the people." Zhao Chen laughed.

The so-called "benefit and power", if used by later Americans, would be "carrots and sticks." Before they beat the Khitan people with a big stick once, let the Khitan people understand that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and also let Yanyun's other people The Han people have seen the iron and blood methods of the imperial court, and now it is time to deliver carrots to everyone to appease the hearts of the people! This is a method commonly used by later generations of Americans, and it is also a good way to govern the world!

"Your Majesty, the first is to immediately implement land measurement, distribution of soil, etc.! The sooner the implementation, the better! In fact, most of the Khitan people are also poor peasants, and only a small part of them rebel. They look down on us Han people! Now they know how powerful the Han people are, and they dare not look down on the Han people, and dare not despise the majesty of the court! When the farmland and farm tools are in their hands, they are naturally grateful and they will feel that they are in our hands. Under the rule, their lives are better than before, and they will naturally stand by themselves." Yu Yunwen said.

"Not bad." Zhao Chen nodded.

"The second article is tax reduction and exemption! The entire Yanyun and Central Plains have encountered wars, and the people's lives are difficult. Naturally, agricultural tax will be reduced! When the people become wealthy, then it will be the time to collect taxes! The rich people can make the country strong. The people are not rich, and taxation will only increase the burden of the people, and the benefits to the country are also limited.” Yu Yunwen said again.

"Also, exempt from next year's corvee! I have an idea in my mind. From now on, the country will try to reduce corvee. If there is corvee, it is also something that concerns the public such as the construction of water conservancy and roads! If it is to build a government office, it must not be used. It is to spend money to hire the people. Tell Yanyun this to the Han and Khitan people." Zhao Chen thought for a while and said.

The so-called servitude is free and voluntary labor. In ancient times, ordinary people had servitude. They had to perform servitude for dozens of days each year, and some even reached a hundred days. Zhao Chen wanted to reduce it when he was in Guanshan, and now he simply puts himself in his mind. Speak out your thoughts.

"In this way, the people will naturally support the court even more!" Yu Yunwen nodded and said.

"In addition to agricultural tax, commercial tax should be unified as soon as possible! We will remove countless tax cards in the 16th prefecture of Yanyun and all parts of the Central Plains. From now on, only one tax will be charged for business, and no deductions should be made! Coming, we can encourage businessmen from Jiangnan, Hanzhong, Sichuan and Shu to come to Yanyun and Central Plains, and it will also help Yanyun and Central Plains resume their prosperity as soon as possible." Zhao Chen said.

"Yes!" Yu Yunwen nodded.

"There is another thing. The Sixteenth State of Yanyun is too far from the south of the Yangtze River. It takes a long time to travel by land. If it comes from the canal, the canal is broken due to the war and it will take a lot of time! We need to stay east of Yanjing. Build a wharf in the sea, or simply build a new city to connect Yanyun and Jiangnan! This will not only facilitate business, but also convey government orders." Zhao Chen said.

"Okay! Weichen wrote it down!" Yu Yunwen said.

"I'm going to leave this matter to Wu Jie's Yangtze River navy! In fact, Wu Jie has other tasks. Let's handle Yan Yun first and let Yan Yun restore calm as soon as possible, and then talk about Wu Jie's other things." Chen Dao.

Yu Yunwen secretly guessed what other things Zhao Chen said were, but couldn't figure it out after thinking about it for a long time.

"To appease the people, in addition to the above policies, officials and the army need to work together! Tell the officials and soldiers from all over the sixteenth prefectures of Yanyun to take the initiative to help the people! When the people have difficulties, they can’t ignore them, they want Immediately rush to help! Not only the Han people, but also the Khitan people! Moreover, officials and soldiers must actively come to the people to publicize the policies of the Song Dynasty, and tell the people the policies just now and let the people know. !" Zhao Chen said.

Yu Yunwen nodded.

"Also, although the crackdown is over, we still need to track down the rebellion! If there are still Khitan people who want to rebel, it is still a dead end!" Zhao Chen said.

The two of them discussed the governance of the sixteen states of Yanyun in this leaky temple.

When the meat was cooked, they ate there, and they and the soldiers fell asleep here that night.

Early the next morning, they continued to move forward.

After walking forward for three days, they came to the vicinity of Zhuozhou.

In a small village outside Zhuozhou City, a farmhouse's house was crushed by snow. Zhao Chen ordered the soldiers beside him to help them repair their houses.

The house was not repaired until it was getting dark. The farmer was grateful, but Zhao Chen and others left again and entered Zhuozhou City.

After arriving in Zhuozhou City, the next morning, Zhao Chen went to visit a big Khitan household!

This big Khitan household has an excellent reputation in Zhuozhou!

When the Liao people were in power, the Han people were oppressed, and this Khitan family protected ordinary Han people.

When the Jurchens invaded, this Khitan family became poor, and their houses were occupied by Jurchens, but they had a profound background and still helped ordinary Han or Khitans under such circumstances.

After Jurchen retired, they returned to their house again. They saw many places where Han Chinese beggars did not live, and even gave up their houses.

More than a month ago, Zhao Chen ironically cleansed the Khitan people, but this family abided by the law and was not killed.

"Caomin, see your Majesty!" When Zhao Chen came to the door of this house, a dozen Khitan people had already greeted them outside, and they knelt down in a hurry, their faces panicked.

"Be flat." Zhao Chen smiled.

"Your Majesty, please come in!" said the Patriarch, a Khitan in his forties.

Zhao Chen followed them into the house. Although the house was large, it didn't have much furnishings, but it was neatly packed.

"Your Majesty, I only have some bad tea here, so I really neglect it." When everyone sat down, the Khitan Patriarch said.

"It's good to have someone to drink. I heard that you have helped a lot of Han people over the years. I want to thank you." Zhao Chen said.

"The Caomin dare not be it! The Caomin just doesn't see others suffer." The master said.

"Since this time, no soldiers have harassed you, right?" Zhao Chen said.

"No, none of the soldiers came to our house." The Patriarch hurriedly said. After a while, the Patriarch hesitated and said: "Your Majesty, although there are indeed some Khitans who want to rebel, you should kill them, but we have some The clansmen just made some small mistakes, so your majesty will kill them. Isn't that wrong?

After the Patriarch's words were finished, the faces of the Khitan people next to him changed drastically. They never dreamed that the Patriarch would say such a thing. If this angered Zhao Chen, they were afraid that all the family members would be killed.

"Many of the previous practices are indeed a bit wrong! I have already ordered, and I will never do this again! From now on, in the sixteenth prefectures of Yanyun, regardless of whether it is a Han or a Khitan, I will treat it the same! Whether it is a Han or a Khitan They are the people of the Song Dynasty, and they are all my people, and I will not treat them differently! If I did not do well before, I apologize here." Zhao Chen said sincerely.

Hearing Zhao Chen's "apology" unexpectedly, this Khitan Patriarch showed an incredible expression on his face! Since ancient times, few emperors have admitted that they have done something wrong, and I have never heard of any emperor who apologized to the people because of the doubts of some people. This is really commendable! He naturally didn't know that Zhao Chen didn't really want to apologize, and Zhao Chen didn't feel that he had done something wrong. It was necessary to bloodbath Yanyun before, but now it is just to appease the Khitan family and make the Khitan people believe in the policy change!

When Zhao Chen said this, this Khitan family was excited, so there is no need to say more.

Zhao Chen stayed here for more than an hour before leaving.

From November 20th to December 15th, in 25 days, Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others visited more than ten states and counties. They went deep into the people, soothed the people, and told Yanyun’s policies. People, including Han and Khitan!

The Khitan people were panicked after the original crackdown, but Zhao Chen visited many Khitan homes and told them that as long as they abide by the law and discipline, the court would never embarrass them. In addition, the crackdown did stop, and for a while, some Khitan people would be suspicious. , But more people think that the emperor personally told them the policy, there should be nothing wrong.

By December, the land was measured and distributed in various places. Many poor Khitan people were allocated the land. For a while, the people applauded, including the Khitan people who were allocated the land. When all localities know that the agricultural tax will be almost exempted next year, and the corvee will be exempted next year, it is even more exciting and exciting!

Moreover, Wang Shu's propaganda office has also entered various places!

The soldiers stationed in the sixteenth prefecture of Yanyun also helped the Han and Khitan people with some chores, which was also applauded by everyone.

In a short period of time, the Sixteenth State of Yanyun was separated from the previous atmosphere of horror. After receiving the land, many farmers were planning what to plant next year, and they were very excited.