Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 426: Decentralization

"I wonder what your Majesty is going to say?" Yu Yunwen said strangely.

The rest of Hu Quan, Li Chuwen and others also looked at Zhao Chen in surprise, but did not expect Zhao Chen to mention the issue of "official system."

"We have prefects and prefectures in the Great Song Dynasty. In fact, it is not only our Great Song that has such control, but also has similar official positions in all dynasties! To manage localities, prefects and prefectures are indispensable, but the powers of prefects and prefects are somewhat too great. "Zhao Chen said.

"The power is too great? Your Majesty, the prefects and counties all manage one prefecture and one county, and their powers are all within one prefecture or one county, can't it be said that it is too great?" Yu Yunwen said.

Although Yu Yunwen is a wise man of this era and has outstanding talents, his vision is also restricted by this era, and it is impossible for him to think of many problems.

"The prefects and prefectures manage all affairs of a prefecture and a county, and they are in charge of collecting taxes. If bandits occur in the local area, they are also in charge of it. If there are disputes among the local people, they are in charge of it. No one in the county can restrict them at all!" Zhao Chen shook his head and said.

In ancient times, prefects and magistrates had great powers, such as prefects, which had much more power than the current county magistrates! Prefects and counties concurrently serve as directors of public security, directors of finance, presidents of courts, chief prosecutors of the procuratorate, and so on. The counties and bureau-level positions in a county and city now add up to the ancient magistrates. What kind of right is this?

In Zhao Chen's view, this is extremely abnormal, but in the eyes of Yu Yunwen, Hu Quan and others, this is the official system that was passed down from the ancestors and has been used since the Qin Dynasty. They never felt that there was any problem.

"Your Majesty, if the prefects and counties are not allowed to manage these affairs, who will be allowed to manage them?" Yu Yunwen said.

"I can't do it like this. First, separate the trial of civil cases! From now on, the prefects and prefects will no longer try cases!" Zhao Chen thought for a while and said.

"Ah? They won't come to try the case? Who will try?" Yu Yunwen said.

"Now we are implementing military control, which allows the officers of the Military Law Department of the military to stay everywhere! Even after the military control is over, they will still stay there and be responsible for trial cases! Moreover, they can not only try cases, but also monitor local officials, and even Trial officials!" Zhao Chen said.

"This..." Yu Yunwen and others were stunned!

In ancient China, it was Yushi who supervised officials. Yushi can hear the wind and tell things! It's just that Yushi stayed in the court, how could he know the local affairs? As for the censorship officials, that is something that can only be done by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, and Dali Temple. Yushitai can also participate in the specific trials! Now Zhao Chen wants to set up such an institution, similar to a modern court, to give all the right to try cases to this institution, including trial officials! In addition to trial, there is also the right to monitor.

"All counties, states, and prefectures must stay with military law officers to try cases and supervise officials! Officials in various places are only responsible for managing localities, building localities, and collecting taxes. What do you think of this?" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, why do you want to do this? What can be done by the prefects and prefects before is now handed over to the Military Law Department?" Yu Yunwen said.

"The prefects and prefects may not be good at trying cases! And those soldiers of the Military Law Department, what they do in the army is to maintain the military law, so they can naturally try civil cases! In fact, this is mainly for the decentralization of powers! The powers of the prefects and prefects are It's too big, no one checks and balances! Now that there is military law in place, they are naturally cautious and take advantage of the power in their hands." Zhao Chen said.

The biggest drawback of the ancient Chinese official system is too much power! The emperor has the executive power, legislative power, and judicial power, and local officials also have all the power. Absolute power leads to corruption, so Zhao Chen decided to separate powers.

Separating judicial power from local officials is only the first step. In the future, he will make other reforms to the official system, so that local officials will no longer have no monopoly powers and supervise each other. There will naturally be much less corruption in the country, and officials will also Don't dare to slack off.

"Your Majesty, is it really good to check and balance each other like this?" Yu Yunwen said.

"Is there any benefit? We can give it a try first! We just got Yanyun and Zhongyuan, and they are still incomparably broken here. No matter how bad we do, we can’t be worse than the Jurchens! Let’s try it here. A new official system is implemented here! If the result is good, we will promote it all over the country. If the result is not good, we will stop immediately. At most, the recovery of Yanyun and Zhongyuan will be a little bit slower, and there will be no worse consequences!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, the prefects and prefects everywhere have been like this for more than a thousand years. Why should we change?" Hu Quan said.

"The things in the past are not necessarily good! It has been like this for more than a thousand years, and it does not mean that it is correct! When the Confucius and Mencius saints were alive, the world was still a vassal system. At that time, the Confucius and Mencius saints did not feel that there was anything wrong, but by the time of Qin Shihuang At the time, the system of prefectures and counties was implemented, and later people knew that the system of prefectures and counties was better than the system of princes! It can be seen that the eyes of the saints may not necessarily be able to see the disadvantages of the time! During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, the nine-rank system was implemented, and no one felt that there was anything wrong. But after Emperor Wen of Sui and Emperor Yang of Sui were enthroned, they began to implement the imperial examination system. Later people knew that the imperial examination system was better than the nine-grade Zhongzheng system! The selection of people by the imperial examination was far better than those selected by aristocratic families! Didn't you think?" Zhao Chen Tao.

"This..." Yu Yunwen was taken aback, nodded, and soon Hu Quan and others nodded.

"When I was in Jiangnan, I told the people in Jiangnan that I would reform the official system so that my great Song Jiangshan could live forever for generations to come! I would end the thousands of years of dynasty change and let the people of the world never rise or fall. The suffering of the people! To do such a thing, naturally, we cannot do everything according to the predecessors' set, but have the courage to try and innovate. Only in this way can we discover which is right and wrong, and then can we implement the ambitions in my heart! You are all close people to me, Yu Yunwen and Hu Quan. You are all members of the Military Aircraft Department. You are involved in major national military affairs. Every attempt and innovation I said is related to the future of the country. I hope you will stop using the ancestral rules to persuade me. , But try and innovate together with me, and strive to create a prosperous and prosperous world!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the ministers and others will definitely try their best to assist your Majesty!" Yu Yunwen, Hu Quan and others felt passionate in their hearts, and Yu Yunwen nodded.

"Expulsion of Jurchen, this is only the first step of Zhongxing Dasong! Since the establishment of our Dasong for more than 160 years, there have been a lot of problems, emphasis on culture over military affairs, and weak people. These are all problems and we must change! The official system and culture should be completely changed! I hope that in my lifetime, I can see the real Dasong Zhongxing!" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, if the military control ends and the officers of the Military Law Department stay in various places, are they still called the Military Law Department?" Yu Yunwen said.

"Naturally, they stay in the place and are no longer under the control of the military. How can they be called the Military Law Department? They manage the local laws, I think they are called courts!" Zhao Chen thought for a while and said.

Yu Yunwen, Hu Quan and others felt that the term "court" was a bit strange, but they nodded their heads and accepted this new state institution.

They discussed here for a long time, and Zhao Chen left the matter of forming a "court" to Yu Yunwen to handle!

Yu Yun's text was originally an important official of the Military Aircraft Department and the General Staff Headquarters, and he and Qu Duan were also responsible for military management. It happened to set up a "court" during the military management period, and then wait for officials from all over the country to arrive!

As for the large number of officials in Yanyun and Central Plains, Zhao Chen has urgently mobilized 300 officials from Hanzhong, Sichuan and Shu, and more than 300 young people from Guanshan, who will be appointed as local officials by then. !

Early the next morning, Zhao Chen personally sent Yue Fei, Dong Xian and others to leave.

They rode forward together.

The heavy snow was flying, and everyone's body had turned white.

"Your Majesty, don't send it away, we will leave here!" Yue Fei said that it was more than ten miles away from Yanjing City.

"I also need to come out and go around, always stay in the palace, and panic too!" Zhao Chen smiled.

In this way, Zhao Chen and the guards beside him stopped more than twenty miles away, and Yue Fei, Dong Xian and others continued to ride forward.

Yue Fei rode on the horse, feeling grateful.

"Since ancient times, there have been few kings who have treated his courtiers so well! When I leave, your majesty will see off in person!" Yue Fei said.

"Brother Yue, there is a sentence that I don't know should be said improperly." Dong Xian thought for a while and said.

"What are you talking about? Just say it!" Yue Fei said.

"Flying birds, good bows hiding, cunning rabbits dead, running dogs cooking! Your Majesty wants to use you now, that's why he treats you so well! In the future, Brother Yue must be careful!" Dong Xian said.

"What nonsense!" Yue Fei scolded.

He was the most loyal and righteous in his life, and the most important thing was that he couldn't hear others saying that the king was not the king, so a trace of anger appeared on his face.

"Brother Yue, I am also doing this for your own good." Dong Xianqiang argued.

"Your Majesty is definitely not such a person! When he was in the palace, his Majesty was still a prince. Although his Majesty used a person as a substitute and finally ran away, his Majesty couldn't bear to kill his substitute! Later outside the city of Kaifeng, Wang De wanted to lead the golden soldiers to leave. , Your Majesty is unwilling to let him take risks! Your Majesty does not care about himself for the safety of his courtiers. How can he harm us? How can your Majesty be like a mean king like Yue Wang Goujian?" Yue Fei said.

"Emperor Taizu once had a glass of wine to release the military power. Even if your majesty is generous and kind, but in the future, after the destruction of Jurchen, your majesty may not let you continue to control the military power." Dong Xiandao.

"If Jurchen can really be annihilated, my Da Song occupies a large part of the northern territory, even if I die, I will speak lightly, let alone give up the power of small soldiers?" Yue Fei said.

Yue Fei didn't take Dong Xian's words in his mind at all, and Yue Fei thought in his heart that Zhao Chen didn't need to be like Song Taizu at the time, or like Yue Wang Goujian to do things like the bird's bow.

The reason is simple. The reason why Song Taizu wanted to release his military power was mainly because he was afraid that the generals would rebel, and so did Goujian! In ancient times, especially in troubled times, the soldiers and horses of the army were private soldiers, and the emperor could not help but beware! However, Zhao Chen first established the Propaganda Department in Guanshan, and was first responsible for propaganda and education in the army. It can be said that the more than 800,000 troops of the Song Dynasty are all loyal to the Emperor and the Song Dynasty. There will be no private soldiers who only loyal to the generals! Under such circumstances, even if the generals want to oppose the emperor and the Song Dynasty, the soldiers will not agree! In addition, the mechanism of the General Staff Headquarters is unique. The mobilization, deployment, and logistical supplies of the army are all under the control of the General Staff Headquarters, but the officers of the Staff Headquarters themselves do not lead troops. All these make it difficult for the army to rebel! Under such a mechanism, Zhao Chen does not have to worry at all!

Yue Fei smiled indifferently, never thinking about what Dong Xian said.

"After we arrive in Datong, we must first meet Han Shizhong, Wang Yan, Zhang Jun and others! If the three of them disagree with me, this is a big problem!" Yue Fei said.