Rebirth: Overthrow Song Dynasty

Chapter 626: Quanzhou

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, the second prime minister and minister of the Council of State were sworn in!

There is a big difference between this Council of Government and the previous Council of Government. In addition to the changes in the position of the Minister of Korea and China, another important change is the addition of the Ministry of Oceans and the Department of Medicine.

The Ministry of Oceanography is to manage the maritime affairs of the empire, while the Department of Medicine is a real need.

In this era, medicine is very backward, and the average life expectancy of ordinary people is extremely low. In addition, for the current Da Song, there is an urgent medical problem that needs to be solved, that is, the survival rate of newborns is too low!

In ancient China, it was quite good that ten newborns could survive six or seven, including the current Da Song.

There are many reasons for this. One of the most important reason is that the ancients did not pay attention to their livelihoods. Newborns and fetuses often encountered bacterial infections! In fact, if you use boiling hot water during delivery, and the midwife cleans your personal hygiene beforehand, the mortality rate of newborns can be greatly curbed! Another point is that the ancients believed that pregnant women should not be able to see the wind. Generally, pregnant women hide in a sealed hut for one or two months after delivery. Pregnant women cannot wash their hair and bath during these two months, and pregnant women cannot get out of bed. During the activity, pregnant women should not eat any "cold" things, including nutritious fruits, all of which have a certain impact on the survival rate of newborns! In fact, modern science has long proven that the room where pregnant women live not only cannot be sealed, but also should be properly ventilated. Pregnant women should get out of bed, wash their hair and take a bath. As for eating fruits, they should also.

Since coming to this era, Zhao Chen has made many changes, but he seldom gets involved in the development of natural science, because he feels that this is a promotion! Only after difficult exploration, Chinese people will truly master various scientific research methods, and Chinese people's thinking will be changed in these scientific explorations, and scientific thinking will be formed! However, the survival rate of newborns is of great importance, and Zhao Chen has to interfere!

After the establishment of the medical department, Zhao Chen personally guided and told the minister of medical science some of his knowledge so that the minister of medical science could spread it. Regarding what Zhao Chen said, the Minister of Medicine would be suspicious. He found it incredible. However, Zhao Chen's prestige was extremely high. The Minister of Medicine still decided to choose a place as a pilot. If the emperor said it was really useful, it would be promoted nationwide.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, this session of the Council of State promulgated a policy plan.

The Council of Government plans to use five years to increase the country's agriculture, industry, commerce, education, etc., by two to three times! The most difficult of these is agriculture!

In order to triple agricultural output in just five years, it is first necessary to vigorously promote the double-cropping planting method in the south of the Yangtze River. In addition, it is necessary to continue to build various water conservancy facilities throughout the country, promote various new farm tools, cultivate cattle, and research. New farming method! For the Government Council, this is also a huge challenge. If this matter is completed, in five years, China’s grain reserves will reach an incredible level. There will also be a lot of surplus grain in the homes of civilians, and more and more farmers will be liberated from the farmland. They will Will be invested in handicraft workshops, commerce, waiters and other industries. At that time, China will once again undergo earth-shaking changes.

On March 15th of the lunar calendar, the Yanyun area has entered spring.

Zhao Chen and Yu Yunwen set off from Yanjing to Tianjin Wei, and then they will take a boat from Tianjin Wei to Dengzhou.

On March 19, Zhao Chen and Yu Yunwen landed at a hidden pier in Dengzhou.

This is a shipyard under the imperial court, now under the control of the Ministry of Oceans, and Yu Yunwen is the minister of oceans in this government, responsible for maritime affairs that are vital to the empire.

"Please see your majesty!" On the pier, all officials from the shipyard met here.

"How is the big ship made?" Zhao Chen said.

"It's finished, just wait for your majesty to check it out!" the supervisor of the shipyard said.

"You take me over now." Zhao Chen said.

At the moment the shipyard supervisor took Zhao Chen and Yu Yunwen towards the front. After a quarter of an hour, they entered the shipyard, and after walking for a while, they came to a huge dock!

This is a dry dock. After the ship is built, it can sail directly into the ocean, but now there is no drop of water.

Dry docks are an epoch-making invention of the ship manufacturing industry. Dry docks did not appear in Europe until the 15th century, while dry docks appeared in China in the Song Dynasty to solve related technical problems.

A big ship with a length of 100 meters and a height of ten meters appeared in front of Zhao Chen!

The ship is streamlined as a whole, and the sun shines on the ship, giving people a shimmering feeling!

When he came to the ship, Zhao Chen took a deep breath, and he felt a deep shock! Since coming to this era, there are fewer and fewer things that can make him feel shocked, but the big ship in front of him is such a thing!

"How much is this captain?" Zhao Chen said.

"It is forty-two feet long!" the shipyard supervisor said.

The length of one foot in the Song Dynasty is not far from the length of one foot in the present. Zhao Chen really estimated that it is not bad. The ship is more than 100 meters long.

"Is there any problem with such a big ship sailing on the sea?" Standing in front of the big ship, Zhao Chen felt that he was extremely small, and he couldn't help but ask.

"Your Majesty, we have produced a sample ship last year! The sample ship is basically the same as this ship, except that it has no decorations and no room divisions. We have been on trial sailing for half a year!" Shipyard Supervisor Tao.

"What was the result of the sea trial?" Zhao Chen said.

"There have been no problems in the past six months! No matter whether it is traveling with an empty ship or full of goods, there have been no problems! The speed of the sample ship is extremely fast, and it only takes ten days from Dengzhou to Hangzhou when it is full. Time!" Supervisor of the shipyard said.

"It only takes ten days?" There was an incredible expression on Zhao Chen's face!

It took him nearly a month to travel from Hangzhou to Tianjin Wei, but now it only takes ten days for this big ship to travel from Dengzhou to Hangzhou?

"Yes, it only took ten days! The sails on this big ship have been specially modified, and there are also unique big oars on the ship. Two hundred sailors can row at the same time, and the speed is as fast as an arrow!" the shipyard supervised.

"How many people can be loaded on this big ship? How much cargo?" Zhao Chen said again.

"With sailors, it can carry more than 600 people! As for cargo, it can carry 5 million catties!" Supervisor of the shipyard said.

"So much cargo?" There was a shocked expression on Yu Yunwen's face next to him.

"How strong is this ship?" Zhao Chen asked as he walked forward. At this moment, there were still workers on the big ship. Zhao Chen asked.

"Your Majesty, no matter how strong the wind and waves on the sea are, it is difficult to overturn this big ship! In addition, we use other ships to carry out impact experiments. Every time this big ship is safe and sound! Your Majesty, the key parts of this big ship are made of steel. As the skeleton, the outer bread is covered with wood, so it is exceptionally strong! We also conducted a fire drill. This ship is made of a special kind of wood in Libin House. In addition to being strong, this wood is also extremely difficult to burn! From Weichen's opinion, this ship has almost no shortcomings!" The shipyard supervisor looked at the ship as if he were looking at his own children.

"This is the largest, strongest, and most perfect ship in the world!" said another shipyard official next to it.

Most of these shipyard officials are promoted from the bottom of the ship, everyone is skilled, and they are very proud of being able to design such a big ship!

"How many such big ships can you produce in a year?" Zhao Chen said.

"Your Majesty, at most two ships can be produced a year! One, the production of such a large ship requires the construction of a huge dock, which costs hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and two, the structure of such a large ship is extremely complicated. It is also very difficult. Our Dengzhou Shipyard has more than 3,000 craftsmen in half a year to produce one! The wood needed for the big ship is also very rare, even in the Shibin Mansion, and the iron structure of the key parts of the big ship is even more rare. Difficult to build! However, your Majesty, in addition to the Dengzhou Shipyard, the court also has Tianjin Shipyard, Hangzhou Shipyard, Quanzhou Shipyard, and Pyongyang Shipyard. These are very large-scale shipyards, and they can all produce such big ships!" Supervisor of the shipyard .

"That's it!" Zhao Chen nodded.

"Your Majesty, after this big ship was built, there is no name yet, please give it a name!" Supervisor of the shipyard said.

"In my opinion, this ship is the treasure in the ship, so it's called a treasure ship!" Zhao Chen thought for a long time and said.

There have been "treasure ships" in Chinese history, but that was in the early Ming Dynasty! Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, was born as a poor peasant. His parents and brothers starved to death in the famine. After Zhu Yuanzhang came to the throne, he believed that farming is the foundation of governing the country. Coupled with the invasion of the Japanese pirates, Zhu Yuanzhang decreed that "a piece of boat cannot enter the sea". He not only prohibited Chinese people from engaging in overseas trade, but even prohibited fishermen from going fishing in the sea, which made China miss the most important era of seafaring in history, the Chinese nation. Because of this, it has become more conservative and restrained! However, after Zhu Yuanzhang’s son Zhu Di succeeded to the throne, he used the power of the whole country to build a treasure ship, and then ordered Zheng He to go to the west. However, Zheng He went to the west not for trade, but to find Zhu Yunwen, who had no trace. At that time, in addition to Zheng He, the folks After Zhu Di, the Ming dynasty government burned the map of the treasure ship and locked the country again. Until the end of the Qing Dynasty hundreds of years later, Europeans and Americans blasted the gate of China with iron ships and foreign artillery.

The word "treasure ship" was said in his mouth, and Zhao Chen was full of emotion.

He is now in control of this country, so naturally he can no longer tolerate this happening!

"Yu Yunwen, your Ministry of Oceanography must carefully discuss the necessity of equipping treasure ships! If there is such a demand, send the maps of the treasure ships to shipyards all over the country and step up construction! In addition, the ocean is more important to the country. It is becoming more and more important. The Ministry of Oceans must formulate a strategy to provide subsidies to shipyards in various places, not only official shipyards, but also private shipyards. The inventors of new shipbuilding technology and navigation technology will be greatly rewarded. Don't be stingy! When necessary, I can even hold the title again!" Zhao Chen said.

"Weichen follow the order!" Yu Yunwen said.

Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others stayed at the Dengzhou Shipyard for several days. On the third day of April, they took a treasure ship to Quanzhou in the south.

This is the first voyage of the treasure ship. Sitting on the ship, Zhao Chen’s greatest feeling is stability! The wind and waves outside were great, but the boat was extremely smooth! In addition, hundreds of guards went south with Zhao Chen and Yu Yunwen. They also stayed on the treasure ship. There was still not much crowded here.

A lot of food, grass, and water can be stored on the ship. According to Zhao Chen's estimation, it can supply the soldiers' needs for up to half a year! It can be said that such a treasure ship can be regarded as an aircraft carrier of this era. With the assistance of the treasure ship, other accompanying warships can also be supplied together. With the treasure ship, the Song Dynasty Navy has the capability of ocean warfare.

The boat traveled extremely fast, and in just twelve days, they went from Dengzhou in the north to Quanzhou in the south! Whether it is Zhao Chen or Yu Yunwen, they are very excited. Having such a speed is also very important for the governance of the empire! The size of the empire was huge, and important affairs spread to the north and south through the sea.

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others were dressed in civilian clothes and got off the boat. At this moment, the prefect of Quanzhou was waiting for them.

The prefect of Quanzhou was one of Zhangjing's military planes, and a close friend of Zhao Chen's hand.

As he was about to kneel down, Zhao Chen had already lifted him up.

"I came here in a microservice, let's take a look at this dock first!" Zhao Chen smiled.

Everyone moved forward, and the dock in front of them was extremely prosperous, and they were not under the Tianjin Guard! Tianjin Wei is mainly engaged in domestic trade. The materials from the north and the south are transported to Tianjin Wei, and then transported by river to all parts of the Central Plains! Although Tianjin Wei also has sea trade, the proportion of sea trade is very small. In Quanzhou, most of them are merchants doing sea trade.

There are shops everywhere on the pier, with people coming and going, and the sound is extremely noisy. All kinds of goods are shipped from here to overseas, or from overseas to here! There are people of all colors on the dock. Nearly one-third of the people here are foreign merchants. Many of them have yellow hair and blue eyes. After seeing these people, Yu Yunwen and others showed surprises on their faces. Zhao Chen showed a faint smile on his face! He has sent people to investigate. In this era, the number of Arab and Indian merchants resident in Quanzhou alone exceeded 120,000, not to mention some passing Arab and Indian merchants. Even later generations, China rarely sees them. A city with so many foreigners.

"Your Majesty, after you changed the tax system that year, Quanzhou is almost several times more prosperous than before! There are some shops on the docks, and there are countless workshops in Quanzhou City! Especially a few years ago, your Majesty canonized the woman Wang as the queen of dressmaking Weaving machines spread, and now there are several large-scale prevention workshops in Quanzhou City! At the beginning, farmers were spinning embroidery in their own homes. They just did these things in their spare time. Later, they all came to Quanzhou City, in the city. Work! There is a huge workshop with more than 300 peasant women in it." Quanzhou Governor said.

"There is such a thing? Take me to have a look!" Zhao Chen said.

They headed all the way towards Quanzhou City, where there were a lot of inns and hotels, and it was also a prosperous scene.

Half an hour later, Zhao Chen, Yu Yunwen and others came to the workshop mentioned by the prefect of Quanzhou. The workshop owner had been notified that he knew that the emperor went all the way from the north to the south to investigate the situation of Quanzhou sea trade. He was surprised and perplexed. , With a nervous look at the end of the crowd.

"Your Majesty, this is the place where the spinners do their work!" When he came to a huge courtyard, the workshop owner bent over and had a humble expression on his face, said.

Zhao Chen nodded, he strode into here, and saw hundreds of women huddled together in this courtyard, and the buzzing of textile machines kept coming. These women did not look up when they saw someone coming in. Still working.

"Your Majesty, they should be allowed to come and see you." The workshop owner was nervous, with sweat on his forehead, whispered.

"No, go ahead, how do you calculate the wages for them?" Zhao Chen said.

"They give them as much wages as they do! Your Majesty, the villain will never treat them badly. They earn more money in a year than their family does in farm work!"

Zhao Chen nodded and continued to walk forward.

Soon they came to another courtyard, where the weavers worked.

After coming out from here, I came to the place where the garment workers worked, and then some other processing.

Zhao Chen carefully observed and asked carefully wherever he went, while the workshop owner responded nervously.

This textile workshop with more than 300 workers is already somewhat similar to the "streamlined operation" of later generations. The boundaries between spinners, weavers, garment workers, and post-processing are clear. The efficiency of the workshop is extremely high, exceeding Zhao Chen's expectations.

After coming out, Zhao Chen stood there, seeming to be thinking about something, with a nervous expression on the face of the workshop owner.

"Your Majesty, is there anything wrong?" In the end, the workshop owner couldn't help but cautiously said.

"There is nothing wrong! Very good, I really didn't expect that Quanzhou would have such a large handicraft workshop! I want to teach you a trick, but I still have to introduce more technology to see if anyone can make a better textile machine. ! Also, if someone does a good job, you can ask her why she did it well, and then spread her experience! You are not actually a workshop anymore, I think it can be called a textile factory!" Zhao Chen said.

"Thank you for your name!" The workshop owner was overjoyed and immediately knelt down and said.

"Come to you, I feel that this trip is worthwhile!" Zhao Chen said again.

"Your Majesty, the villain has prepared a feast, it's getting late now, please enjoy it!" The workshop owner said again.

"No need for this, I came to Quanzhou, and I have to go to other workshops to take a look!" Zhao Chen smiled.

No matter how the workshop owner stayed, Zhao Chen still went to other places. During this day, he visited five workshops, three of which were very large in scale and could be called "factories."

In the middle of the night, among the Quanzhou Yamen, Zhao Chen was very happy. Quanzhou is more prosperous than Tianjin Wei, Dengzhou and other places in the north, and the handicraft workshops here are also very developed!

While the rest of the world was still in the primitive and barbaric era, China has gradually got rid of the farming era and is moving towards the commodity era!

In fact, ancient Chinese civilization has always been leading the world, even in the Ming and Qing dynasties, China is still leading the world in many aspects! Only in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the monarchy became stronger and stronger. Zhu Yuanzhang even abolished the prime minister. In order to maintain the monarchy, these monarchs continued to suppress new discoveries, new things, and new technologies. They were afraid of these uncontrollable new discoveries, new things, and new technologies. Technology affects the autocratic monarchy, and they are only willing to maintain the old system and the old traditions. As a result, the Chinese nation has completely fallen and fallen far behind the world.

Unlike the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhao Chen was only full of joy when he saw these new things appear.

On the second day, Zhao Chen continued to inspect handicraft workshops and sea trade shops. The news of Emperor Song Dynasty’s arrival in Quanzhou quickly spread. In the middle of the night, hundreds of merchants in Quanzhou City came to Quanzhou Yamen to meet Zhao Chen. .