Rebirth Star Giant Mosquito

Chapter 2635: Am I reasonable? [Subscribe from the sta

Puff puff.

As she screamed halfway, Qing Juan quickly realized that the battle was coming and going fast.

When the two sides met, the main hall was shattered, the sun was shining, the dust was noisy, and amidst the misty smoke, corpses appeared in front of them.

It's all from the elders and guardians.


Qing Juan was dumbfounded.

She suspected that she was blind.

But when I wiped my eyes and opened my eyes hurriedly to watch, the picture remained the same, making me horrified.

Sister Qingling really won?

Single-handedly killed most of the elder guardians of the entire Star Shenmen?

As for the head, is it...

When Qing Juan thought of a certain possibility, everyone was stunned.

The head is impossible!

He is a person known as the ‘invincible’ state. It is said that he is not only in the realm of immortality, but also in ‘other worlds’, that is, an alien planet.


The shocking picture continued to emerge from the mist.

The head held his chest, with a sharp sword light on his chest, blood drenched his chest, blood flowing.


And it's not just an injury, it's a serious injury.

These powerful instincts, like the guardian elders, were settled by Qingling's several tricks...

"Who on earth are you? Qing Ling has no such strength!"

The head of the Xing Shen faction staggered, his eyes filled with disbelief.

If Qingling is only fifteen years old, she will have a few tricks to make herself dangerous. Then this talent can be described as ancient and brilliant. No matter from the world he has seen or the aliens he has heard of, such a talent has never appeared before. Enchanting genius.


"The head teacher, I am Qingling. It seems that the head and the elders are too old to protect the law, and their skills have regressed so much. Without a suggestion, it is better to pass the head of the seat to Qingling, I will decide It will make the Star Shenmen flourish."

Qing Ling smiled playfully, gradually retracting the sword into its sheath, not afraid that the head of Xing Chen would do anything to her.

Qingling’s current strength is probably weaker than Xing Chen’s head in terms of energy, but energy is by no means a measure of the conclusion of a strong man. At least in terms of her current strength, Xing Chen’s energy is not bad. There are too many gates, and in terms of controlling the rhythm of the battle of other skills, that is too many people who are stronger than the head of the Star Shen School.

"You... are actually aiming at this head..." The head of Xing Chen stumbled and sat down, wiping blood away from the corners of his mouth with a sorrowful smile, and then looked at the corpses of the elders at his feet, and couldn't help but feel sad.

"Well, it's for you. These brothers and guys have trained the old man for so many years, and it's time for the old man to train them... Here you are, the boss, I don't want it..."

Head Xing Chen took out a token-like business, released aura from his tearful palm, and the token buzzed with aura flashing, and threw it to Qing Ling.

Qingling caught the token calmly, and continued to stare at the head of Xing Shen without squinting: "Master, uncle, please let me know about my royal family. It’s best to have proof of the truth to the people of the world. Thanks a lot."

"In addition to being in charge, do you still want to...return to royal status? Okay... Okay! Anyway, it's going to be chaotic. I can't let my Xingchen faction mess up alone. Here you are, this world is chaotic together... "

The leader of the Xingchen faction broke the jar and threw out several pure white jade slips one after another, which were picked up by Qingling one by one.


As soon as the voice fell, the head of Xing Chen's palm lifted up and slapped on his chest. His eyes suddenly bulged, his head tilted to one side, and there was no breath.

"Although the strength is not strong, there is still some strong manhood."

Qing Ling's face was as usual, and she picked up a few items in her hand to watch.

Qing Juan next to her can hardly accept the picture in front of her anyway.

Ordinary people are fine, but here is the famous Star Shen Palace, and the dead are also known as the invincible Star Shen Sect leader, as well as the many elders in the Star Shen Sect protector, their strength is displayed, and each has a small sect. Top master level.

So was it solved by Senior Sister Qingling alone?


Here Qing Juan was dumbfounded, and the other Qing Ling had refined the so-called ‘head of the token’, a ray of light bloomed on the token, and Qing Ling smiled contentedly.

"The records in the jade slip are enough to let the world know that the former royal family did not do many evil things. Most natural disasters and man-made disasters were caused by the current royal family. Although there are definitely people who believe in doubt, these evidences are enough, and I am not using them to reason... …"

Turning over the jade slip, Qing Ling nodded with joy.

What she wants is just a gimmick, that is, it will not be so ugly to eat, otherwise it will have no strength, convincing people can be, but it will be difficult to gather people's hearts.

"Qing Juan!"

"Ah... here!"

Qing Ling suddenly yelled, which shocked Qing Juan's heart, and hurriedly bowed her head to respond.

"You are going out with me now, announcing that the leader and the others have died, and you are afraid of the news that you will pass the position of the leader to me before you die?"

"I..." Qing Juan is only a sixteen-year-old girl. She has never seen such a pomp before, and she wants to be scared.

But I don’t know if she is really soft on the outside, tough on the inside, or fearing Qingling more than outsiders, or both. Qingjuan shrank for a moment and immediately shook her head: "Qingjuan is not afraid. Please also ask Senior Sister Qingling to let Qingling Juan followed."

"Sure enough, you didn't see the wrong person, let's go."

Qing Ling led Qing Juan, two 15- or 16-year-old Ping Ting girls, with their heads high and walking out of the Star Shen Palace after the war.

Outside the hall, there have long been countless disciples who have heard the unusual movement and swarmed.

"Sorry, the head, the elders, and the thirteen guardians, etc., have all passed away in the battle just now. Please also my seniors and my fellow students to mourn. In addition, before the head passes away, I will pass on the position of the head to Qingling. , I also ask everyone to abide by the head's last wish."

Qing Ling undertook the matter and narrated the matter in a hurry, then took out the head token, spit out her spiritual power, and the token gleamed, indicating that token recognized Qing Ling's position as head.

The former headmaster did not erase his breath, and it was impossible for other people to activate the token again, indicating that the headmaster had indeed eliminated the token breath and handed over to Qingling.

" are the inner disciple Qingling, right? Your slave and maid over there. Quickly tell me what happened just now?"

"The position of the head? First explain the matter clearly, otherwise you will not be able to inherit the position of the head."

"Qing Ling, who can confirm that you didn't do anything about the talent? If you are anxious about what the leader will do, we don't approve it if you don't explain it clearly."

"Even if you want to re-elect the head, you won't be an inner disciple!"

Among the people who came, there were also several other elders and guardians who had not entered the discussion. They were in high positions and it was their turn. How could they be convinced by Qingling.

"Really?" A dazzling light appeared in Qing Ling's eyes, and the long sword she wore on her body was automatically unsheathed.

The flying sword cut out, and the electric light flint cut an elder into two pieces. Qingling let the flying sword fall into the sheath, and then calmly said to the crowd of stars and Shenmen who were frightened by this scene: "How? I inherit this head. Is the qualification enough?"

"What happened just now was that the head was trying to hand over the position of the head. Because of me, the elders refused to accept the law. The two sides fought fiercely. The head was defeated by everyone and was seriously injured and dying. So I personally shot the twelve culprits. Kill, before the head dies, hand over the token to me, Qing Juan sees everything, she can be a witness, Qing Juan, don’t you think?”

Qing Juan was named, a shocked spirit all over, Wei Nuonuo nodded again and again: "Yes...Yes, what Senior Sister Qing Ling said is right..."

You two lied to ghosts! ?

The Xingchen Hall was ruined around the main hall, and everyone felt that their IQ had been insulted.

Let’s not mention why the head is cramped. I want to pass the position of the head to you, just saying that you are all present. If you really have the ability to kill the elders and protect the law, why don’t they rescue the head before they severely inflict the head?

Moreover, the bosses are all dead, and there is no evidence. Find a servant Qingjuan by your side as a witness. Is this different from being a witness yourself?

Fake to die!

"Qing...Qingling, do you...want to do anything wrong?"

"Your master asked me to wait for you to protect you before he died. You forgot your love for these years and became a white-eyed wolf?"

"Qing Ling, did you collude with outsiders and killed the senior brother and others?"

"You are an insurgent of your own school, you're a femme girl!"

Although several elders were frightened by Qing Ling's understatement of beheading an elder, they were not forgiving and furious remotely insulting.

Qing Ling sneered, and the flying sword spun out again. The eyes of the elders suddenly became dull. After the flying sword returned, their chests fell into the air with blood holes.


At this moment, the curse died down.

Hundreds of people gathered in the four places, as if from the hustle and bustle to the quiet and silent environment, no one dared to make noise anymore.

no way.

It was just the first blow to kill an elder, and it could be said that Qingling had used what kind of treasure, but this second blow, cutting several elders back and forth to death, this is a real strength.

Qing Ling, who is already a genius, has the strength to such an extent?

Is it about the top level?

No, if she killed the head and others, her level would probably be higher than that of the head!

What is above invincibility?


Everyone was anxious, and no one dared to say anything.

In short, they know that with Qingling's current strength, it is useless to say anything. If you take up the truth, people will stab you to death with a single sword. Whatever reason you are, you die if you die.

"Are there any objections now? Who has objections, please stand up, my Qingling is reasonable."

Qingling sneered and stared at her surroundings.


A familiar figure stepped out. This was a fellow apprentice brother who had an excellent relationship with Qingling in the past, and was also a ‘CP’ male’s ‘Qingtang’ who was said to have been popular among people.


Qingtang only felt a heat in his chest and couldn't speak, so he fell dumbfounded.

He didn't die, but he couldn't speak, and it was difficult to recover from a serious injury.

"Qingtang, I think it’s the same sect. I don’t kill you, so I can do it for myself."

What scene, do you still want to talk? What a great Lao Tzu doesn't give you a face. "

Recalling that before being attached to this body, Qingling had a special liking for Qingtang, and even seemed to have said some love words, so she didn't even cut Qingtang on the spot.

But as everyone sees it, she still has to keep some good names, otherwise her reputation will be even worse.

"There are no objections? If not, the matter is decided like this, and I, Qingling, will take over as the head of the Xingchen faction."

There seemed to be some noise from below, but Qing Ling glanced around, and those sounds immediately disappeared.

She didn't kill anymore, she was enough to show her strength, and deterrence was enough. To kill again would be to kill innocent people indiscriminately and even more eccentric.

"Next, this head announces his first sect mission after taking over."

"The imperial family is mediocre, and local governments have levied exorbitant taxes and levies under the imperial family's imperial family's resignation. We have no choice but to maintain the peace of the world. From today onwards, the Xingchen faction is responsible for overthrowing and supporting the current imperial family. The former royal family has returned to the throne. Go down and prepare for the war."

? !

Everyone below was dumbfounded again.

Those high-level people who understand, almost spit out the word "fuck" in their hearts.

To fight the world?

And what about the former royal family, aren't you the only princess of the former royal family?

It's too fair to support yourself.

Interestingly, Qing Ling is such an unreasonable character. How did she think she was virtuous and gentle in the past.

"Have you heard? Do you want to repeat it again?"

This group of people was chewing on the death of the head and Qing Ling's inexplicable climb to the throne of the head, Qing Ling scolded again.

"Listen... I heard it."

I don't feel like I will reply again, maybe this roaring girl will kill again, everyone underneath only promises, and finally someone takes the lead in responding, and then sparsely replying sounded, gradually turning into a unified voice, the big guys said and heard it.

"That's good, you wait to go back to prepare for the battle, the headmaster is tired, and send someone to guard the gate, not allowing half of the fly to fly out, so as not to leak the wind."


This time finally someone clasped their fists to take the lead,

Qing Ling stared at this person deeply, thinking that he could entrust the great responsibility, but she didn't say anything on the spot. Instead, she turned around and led Qing Juan to the largest building where the boss lived.

Only then did Qing Juan know the real reason why the two of them couldn't live with the inner disciples for a few days.

I dare to live in the grand attic of the head of the house right away!

Even if Qing Juan wanted to break her head, she couldn't think of it.

"You go out. Today, my head has a slight loss of energy and blood. I need to meditate well. In addition, I go out to observe them more. If there are people who violate the yang and the yin, just come back and tell me, understand?

"Ming...understood, Master...Senior Sister in charge."

Qing Juan was still acquainted, so she directly called out the title of the head sister.

As Qing Juan stepped out like walking on thin ice, Qing Ling opened her eyes again on the bed, and her wrist showed an item that shouldn't belong to the world of cultivating immortals at all-a watch.

"I have won the head of the country, and I am now on the right track. I hope Master Edissa will formulate a strategy to contend for the world-Sitz."

On the electronic holographic screen that emerged from the watch, there was a keyboard, and Qingling was skilled in typing.

After typing, she slapped her palms forward, only to see the space torn, and a dark place appeared in front of her.

Qing Ling clicked the send button and sent the message.

"Successful transmission, this technology is good, the built in the prefecture is quite useful for the current signal receiver. Sure enough, Master Edissa produced it, it must be a boutique."

"It's her child's character...tsk tsk..."

Thinking of accompany her to play in this world yesterday, Edissa wanted to rob the spirit stone to play with and eat food containing spiritual energy, and finally she was driven back to the underworld with tears, Qing Ling smiled and shook her head.

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