Rebirth Star Giant Mosquito

Chapter 2637: How to say black and white twin gods? !

Not long after, a figure riding a cat-shaped monster beast, lightning and flint burst into the air, and rushed towards the direction of Xingchen Gate.

In the small city below, the young man who had received the ‘Fate Change System’ seemed to have a feeling. He raised his head, but found nothing.

"Ama, I can avenge you, I must change my fate against the sky!"

The young man probably also has a story, pinching his fist and looking at the sky, swearing to the sun and the moon.

But he didn't know that his chance was entirely something that a mighty person created with a random thought in his mind.

Of course, whether or not the powerful thinks at will, chance is chance, which is very important to him.

In the entire world, including the real world of the Milky Way, there are probably a lot of things like chance, which are the random thoughts of some powerful people.

Take Jia Yan, for example, can he guarantee that in the process of his rise, he won't have any ‘chance’ from other powerhouses?

He didn't dare, so now it is a kind of return to give opportunities at will.

"When we are weak, there is a chance for the mighty..."

Jia Yan rides on the back of the cat demon, riding through the fog, sighing from time to time.

"Senior, if you are so strong, you will have great opportunities when you are weak. Mighty people are often accompanied by great opportunities, and seniors are destined to have great luck."

Seeing that Jia Yan was interested in this topic, the cat demon immediately found the direction of flattering, flattering.

I didn't expect it would be fine if I didn't mention it. Jia Yan's face went black when it was mentioned.

"The big chance of fart depends on your own hard work, cat demon, don't talk, don't talk, want to die, I will fulfill you."

? !

Mao Yao's face was shocked, and he shut up quickly.

He's meowing!

It is said that powerful people are moody, no wonder they are not strong enough, because they are not as moody as others.


The cat demon does not seek death, and there is no more nonsense in the process.

As a major sect that flows through the ages, the Xingchen Sect has great influence. There are major events in the entire cultivation world, and almost there will be the shadow of the Xingchen Sect. Either they actively intervened or invited by other sects, which shows the influence of the Xingchen Sect. force.

It's just that recently the gate of the star sinks in the city, but suddenly closed and shut the country, announcing that it will no longer receive foreign visitors.

All of a sudden, the whole world of immortality had a lot of discussions.

There are rumors in the market that the two days before the gate of the star sinks and the sound of the battle, I am afraid that it has now changed its appearance, and some people are seeking to usurp the throne.

There are also some market rumors that are more exaggerated, saying that a certain talented disciple of the Xingchen Sect has been in the Xingchen Hall, killing the head and sitting elders, and also suppressing all the masters, sitting in the head, but this rumors Most people listened to a joke and sneered, because the head of Xingchen Sect is one of the unparalleled masters in the world, saying that the disciple will kill him, it is better to just say that the demon will come and the demon will attack Xingchen Sect. It's reasonable to kill.

Of course, other speculations and rumors are also flying in the sky.

It is rare that Xingchenmen, who usually maintains its own reputation, has no one to refute these remarks. In this way, it is even more full of infinite flaws...

"Elder Chen, here is your evidence of corruption in recent years. The evidence is conclusive. Do you lead the death yourself, or let the leader personally kill you?"

"I...I...well, I will kill myself. I didn't expect that a little baby girl back then was such a cruel and cruel person, hahaha..."


A master who is also considered a famous master in the world of cultivating immortals, he died on the Great Hall of Xing Shenmen.

Everyone underneath was silent, and some people were closely related to this elder. Although they were a little moved, no one dared to make even a word for him.

Because above this hall, there is a famous woman who seems pure and moving, sitting upright at the chief of the center, and everyone looks up to her without any intention of resisting.

After hearing the dying words of the "Chen Head", the above Qing Ling just chuckled at the corner of her mouth and smiled mockingly.

Weak people, if you talk too much, it’s just a rant. Let’s scold you, it’s just a fly. Besides, these people who have been taken to death don’t dare to speak too aggressively, because they still need to save the lives of their descendants, otherwise they will be scams. cut.

"Take it down for a thick burial."

Qingling Shi Shiran got up, looked at the silent high-level Xingchenmen, and nodded again.

"It's basically a **** in this family, so that's it. Some people actually still have problems. You know in your heart that if you repeat it in the future, you will never tolerate it."

The bottom is still silent, but there are some high-levels with sweat on their foreheads.

Qingling may not have discovered all the sinners, but if he knocks the mountain and shakes the tiger in the past few days, I am afraid that in a long time in the future, the entire bad sect will almost die out.

"Well, now let's talk about the battle report, where has the front army advanced?"

Speaking of this matter, several immortal cultivators in armor appeared more and more.

They are different from other Xingchen Sect high-levels. Their strength may not reach the level of the elders, but the iron and blood on them is extremely meaningful, because they are the generals of Xingchen Sect who are fighting on the outside. Their talent and strength may not be good, but they are using them. The road is by no means a vain name.

"Reporting to the head, my army has made rapid progress in the past two days. It captured the top ten counties on the first day, and the next day I took the Xichuan Prefecture. Today, I have left Xichuan Prefecture. However, the royal army also met the army on a narrow road, and is now in a confrontation. In contact with."

An armored general bowed and replied.

Qingling frowned, squinted and smiled lightly: "Very well, the speed of the army's advancement is not much different from what I imagined, but the boss does not need to stand up, you personally rush to the front line, only half a day, to defeat the army encountered. , If there is a delay, ask you for it!"

"this is!"

The armored leader showed embarrassment, but thinking about Qing Ling's behavior in the past two days, she finally nodded and resigned.

After a loud sound, he stepped on the flying sword and left.

Sending out general-level masters as soon as the war begins, this is definitely a method of wanting to detonate the war in an instant.

The people of the world are about to suffer.

But everyone below understands, but everyone is afraid to stand up and advise.

Qing Ling's iron-blooded behavior style is not like a woman, but like a murderous machine without emotion.

That's right, she really is like this, even in the real world of the outside world, he kills like this, let alone coming to a place where this clan is different from what he is used to, if it is not for Jia Yan's order, if it is not for the overall situation, there is With her current strength, she would slaughter the entire world of immortality all the way.

Depressed covering the audience, Qing Ling waved her hand: "You are ready to go to the battlefield at any time. I don't want anyone to say that they are not ready yet, understand?"


"Get out."

After waiting for the senior members of the Star Shen Clan, all of them exited with solemn expressions. Qing Ling chuckled lightly: "Everyone is embarrassed. That's it, and still be an elder."

She shook her head.

Compared with the elders in his home star field in the Milky Way, these elders in the realm of cultivation are really shit.

"Yes, Senior Sister in charge, these old guys are embarrassing one by one, Qing Juan knew about it before."

Qing Juan was still with Qing Ling, no matter what Qing Ling said, she insisted on her words.

"You are not a good thing either. Okay, let me go back to the back. I have to prepare for a big battle in the past few days. In this world of immortality, there are still a few guys worthy of my shot, especially the royal family... …Tsk tsk, the baby girl who was released back then is now taking the soldiers to kill them. I really want to see their expressions when they were approached by our soldiers."

Accompanied by Qing Juan, Qing Ling returned to the head of the room.

But when she just went back and was about to meditate to practice the Yin and Yang Dao that Jia Yan gave, a disciple who looked panicked suddenly ran outside the door.

"Sister-in-chief, there are...someones here!"

"No." Qing Ling frowned.

"No...I can't see you, this visitor has deceived the seniors in the door and sat directly in the Star Shen Hall!"

"Huh?" Qing Ling was taken aback.

She didn't even notice that some strong man had just entered the Star Shen Clan, but this disciple disciple actually said that the visitor was already sitting in the Xing Shen Clan?

You have to know that they just finished the meeting and went in with their own feet, which is worth it.

Qing Ling let the power in her body surge, her eyes sharpened.

Perhaps it is a **** master from the White Gods, but it can't be said that his own iron-blood battle is about to break out in advance!

She flew into the air, leaping longitudinally towards the direction of Xingchen Hall.

Although she is not at the Tiger Shao level, that is, less than half the star level, she will suffer a loss if she fights against the White Gods, but she should not be seriously injured or killed. Of course, this requires that the enemy who is attacking is not strong. If it is the white dolphin himself, don't talk about her, even if the tiger is young, it will be the same or even die.

"Huh, it's really a white dolphin. I tore the space of the underworld to escape, but he dare not chase in?"

Qingling also has confidence.

With a sigh, the graceful young girl entered the Xingchen Hall.

Inside, a giant cat resembling a monster beast, quickly crawled to the ground, shivering in fright.

The cat demon was almost crying.

She really didn’t want to come to Xingchen Sect, because this was the top sect. Just now, she had inquired that Xingchen Sect was slammed by the girl in front of her and killed the head of Xingchen Sect. In other words, the strength of this girl, Compared with the previous near invincible world Xing Chen master is stronger.

How could she not be afraid.


But the girl who was coming just swept across the cat demon at will, and then fixed her gaze on the man sitting in the reception chair.

"Master Jia Yan!? Why are you here in person!"

Immediately, Qingling let out a surprised voice.

At the same time, she exhaled for a long time, it turned out to be Master Jia Yan, which white **** master she thought was.

Master Jia Yan's words are normal. In this world, Master Jia Yan is still an unfathomable master, just like the outside world.

That's right, the young man sitting on the guest chair and relaxingly tasting the fragrant tea was Jia Yan himself who came riding on the cat demon.

"I'm free these two days, so I came to look at this frontline planet, it really was extraordinary."

Jia Yan played with the antique teacup in a leisurely manner, feeling the charm of this fairy tea.

"Where, the little planet is so good that Master Jia Yan said, do you think that my progress is slow? If so, I will directly take action and ensure that this planet will be roughly included in the bag within half a month."

Qingling's words caused the cat demon to be cold.

What did this girl say, planet? In the pocket for half a month?

Not to brag, this girl is too confident of her own strength, let alone the ordinary powerhouse to conquer the whole planet in half a month, even if they are allowed to fly around in half a month, it will be difficult. This planet is not small.

"No. The deity said that this planet needs human heart, otherwise there will be hidden dangers in the future as a front line, and the current situation is not so urgent. In addition, I want to tell you that there seems to be something wrong on this planet. People who believe in the White Temple are walking around. Although these guys are not the White Gods themselves, they have the ability to communicate with the White Gods. You'd better be more concealed, and at the same time kill their people as much as possible. It's best not to attract them. The White God is the deity's shot, otherwise things will be difficult to handle."

Jia Yan waved his hand and instructed matters.

On the way he came, he had roughly sensed the size of the White Gods on this planet, quite a few.

The White God System is also trying to find a way to include these planets that may become the front line, so it seems that there will be follow-up manpower added, but because this is originally not covered by the White God belief, all members do not believe in God or Buddha. It’s difficult for the immortal cultivators to promote the belief in White God, so their work is not advancing fast.

Jia Yan believes that it is urgent. Under the premise that Qingling uses her identity and background to continue to invade the planet, try not to expose her'Black God Family' identity, otherwise she will inevitably encounter the White God Family sending a good hand to destroy it, and then it will be unavoidable. The gods fought fiercely.

At least the current Black God System cannot withstand large-scale battles.


What are these two talking about?

White God System?


Take down the planet?

What the hell, how to say it, it involves the "black and white twin gods"!

The cat monster beside the two of them was already stunned at this time, and she vaguely felt whether she had heard something that shouldn't be heard...

Black and white gods, even in the mouths of cultivators, are recognized gods, and from the mouths of cultivators, these two are the originators of cultivating immortals, especially the black gods. The power he bestows on all things is the essence of the system of cultivating immortals, the so-called cultivating immortals, The white **** is the trail, and the black **** is the big way!

[It is a few hundred words short, please come to the genuine subscription, and it will be refreshed in ten minutes] What the hell, how to say it, involves the "black and white twin gods"!

The cat monster beside the two of them was already stunned at this time, and she vaguely felt whether she had heard something that shouldn't be heard...

Black and white gods, even in the mouths of cultivators, are recognized gods, and from the mouths of cultivators, these two are the originators of cultivating immortals, especially the black gods. The power he bestows on all things is the essence of the system of cultivating immortals, the so-called cultivating immortals, The white **** is the trail, and the black **** is the big way!

[A few hundred words short, please come to the genuine subscription, refresh it in ten minutes] The essence of the immortal system, as the so-called cultivating immortals, cultivating the white gods are the trails, and the black gods are the avenues! [A few hundred words short, please come to the genuine subscription, it will be refreshed in ten minutes]

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