Rebirth Star Giant Mosquito

Chapter 2880: You should not be a real Venerable, righ

Suddenly, a middle-class star exhaled deeply, and the other five middle-class stars behind him also changed their expressions solemnly.

The Black God clone looked indifferent: "I also said that the middle-level stars are like this. What other means do you have, feel free to use them."

"My Demon Sect, the reason why it is called Demon Sect, is precisely because it masters combat skills that mortal forces cannot master."

"Today, let Your Excellency give some pointers on my Demon Sect's combat skills."

The expressions of the six middle-level stars of the Demon Sect changed, and the explosive power of the body also changed slightly.

? !

Jia Yan's expression was a little uneasy.

This is a self-reaction to perceive a slight sense of crisis.

"Demon Gate?"

It has been a while since he came to this Jianghu Star Territory, and he naturally cannot say that he has no information at all about the Demon Sect.

The reason why the Demon Sect was excluded from the orthodoxy by the entire Jianghu sect is because they have a certain fighting skill that is completely different from ordinary people. Compared with ordinary strong people, the ability value is higher, but the training requirements are also high, and the battles they have cultivated. The ability is very different from the ordinary fighting ability. Over time, he was gradually excluded from the righteous sect, and even because of his strength, he was established as a villain, that is, the magic sect.

Are you about to see the power of the magic way that others can't tolerate?

Jia Yan is still very happy.

It can be eye-opening, maybe it is a new reference idea.

The six powerhouses soon joined forces, exuding terrifying energy that made people feel ashamed.

Jia Yan's expression also became serious, and his figure was looming.

I am afraid that the people in the magic sect in front of him will not know that he is not ready to give up his real body, nor does he think that a mere real body can resist the moves that the six major powerhouses jointly display.

He is ready to enter the subspace.

Anyway, up to now, no one knows that this clone of him has the ability to sub-space.

The energy is aggressive, roaring in the starry sky.

"This kind of power is so similar to the power of the Black God that I hold?"

The black **** clone was stunned.

It turned out that the power of cooperation displayed by the other party seemed to be very dark, and a very strong negative emotion was vented from the place of cooperation. At first glance, it looked a bit similar to the power of the black **** he had mastered.

"But mine is only black, without any emotions. The negative emotions in these energies are too serious. I don't need to learn it. It's just a reference. It's okay."

The black **** Jia Yan remained motionless.

The mid-level powerhouse of the six major stars slapped his hand, and there was a vaguely huge energy palm in the sky aimed at him and fanned down, and the speed was as fast as lightning.

"Look at how reckless you are!"

Those middle-level stars are now in real fire. Seeing that Jia Yan is not dodging or avoiding, there is anger in his eyes, but he has not restrained the killing intent in his moves.

But what surprised them was that until the attack fell on the body of the black **** Jia Yan, Jia Yan was still there with the old god, and he looked fearless.


The palm fell, but there was no feeling that the attack hit the real thing.


This blow consumed a lot of physical energy.

What's even more exaggerated is that such a huge amount of physical energy was wasted, clearly seeing the opponent hit, why did not feel hit anything?

They have been preconceived and think that Jia Yan, the black god, has not shown other talents and abilities until now, which means that he should have no successor.

After all, if the Venerable-level fights against the stellar middle-level powerhouse, can he still have a hand? They really can't believe it.

But the truth is often so magical.

The Black God clone still retains the secondary space ability!

"Secondary space?!"

"Is he still a sub-space talent?"

"Quickly divide the manpower and force him out of the subspace!"

Because the Black God clone itself does not have the real sub-space talent, the sub-space level that can be entered is not too deep, but it also has the appearance of three or four layers.

At this level of sub-space, there are still many ways to force him out of the middle-level stellar.

However, the Black God clone cannot compare to the real body at the sub-space level, but it does not mean that he also has a gap in the sub-space fighting skills.

In essence, the Black God clone is also Jia Yan, and the fighting skills and levels he masters are no different from the real body.

In the sub-space, things would be different.

All the stellar level present, they only felt that their heads were extremely large.

As the most escaping and assassinating talent on par with gravitational wave talent, subspace is almost equal to trouble and hard to kill in today's galaxy.

There are few geniuses who can kill enemies by leaps and bounds, but escape by leaps and bounds is something that almost every sub-space talent can do.

At the earth level, you can escape the pursuit of the heaven level, the sky level escapes the starry sky level, and the starry sky escapes the venerable level...

And so on, so any normal powerhouse, seeing the sub-space talent powerhouse, is extremely headache.


Fortunately, there are six strong people present, and there are always people who are good at trapping the enemy.

A strong man tried his best to use his energy, but it was a stable brain wave power, which sealed off a large swath of the starry sky, and it was difficult for the secondary space to come out.

"Well done, catch him in the urn."

The morale of some strong people was high, and then someone tried to penetrate the brain wave power into the sub-space.

As I said before, the sub-space talent is a headache for everyone, but this also shows that as long as a strong person with a little vision, will take the time to investigate and try the sub-space, even if it is difficult to move in the sub-space, but It is possible for everyone to pierce the brain wave power into the sub-space at the stellar level.

And in the depths of the third and fourth layers of the subspace, it was easy for them to drop their attack power into it.

In an instant, everyone was full of energy, released their power into the secondary space, and cooperated with each other, forming a suppression of the Black God clone wandering in it.

"Oh? It's quite a trick."

The eyes of the Black God clone were surprised.

This group of powerhouses in the Northern Territory is different from the outside world. They are located around the Orion Arm. Even if someone knows the sub-space talent, it is difficult to think of countermeasures, but here is different. They can react the most immediately. A good countermeasure means that you have either fought against sub-space talent powerhouses, or have studied related countermeasures.

"But if you want me to disarm and surrender, that's still a long way off."

Jia Yan showed an intriguing look on his face, and then moved around in the secondary space, like a slippery loach in autumn.

"This time the spatial talent is too skilled, right?"

"No, I can't catch it, why is he so smooth in the fourth-level space?"

"No wonder, no wonder, no wonder this person dares to challenge the stellar-level powerhouse of my Demon Sect. Even we have so many middle-level stellar-level powerhouses that we can't take him. It turns out that his biggest reliance is sub-space talent!"

"Don't worry, although he can't catch him, he has no means to wait for me!"

These middle-level stars in the outside world may have misunderstood the existence of sub-space talents, and they are full of emotion.

I hate my parents, why didn't I create my sub-space talent to exist?

In this situation, the best situation is to maintain an undefeated.

At least after they saw Jia Yan cruising in the sub-space, they had absolutely no idea of ​​dealing with him.

How to catch such a sub-space talent character?

Do you have the ability to catch it?

"I can't help them?"

Hearing this, Jia Yan smiled directly.

After roughly testing the strength of this Black God clone, and having first-hand information on the middle-level powerhouse against the stars, he has been able to fight wholeheartedly.

"Let you try it, a senior domain master has terrible combat experience."

Jia Yan suddenly moved.

It seems that the power of six brain waves is in front of him, blocking the entire sub-space shallow layer, but in his eyes, this blockade is like riddled with holes, and he can break out in an instant.

In fact, that's exactly what he was. He walked right through the brain wave power blockade of the two middle-level powerhouses of the two stars.

"Your magic sect skills are probably using some kind of dark matter cultivation method. Power is powerful, but this kind of power has to be played by middle-level people."

Jia Yan jokingly smiled and advanced, rubbing the several brainwaves he grabbed and bombarded, and walked to the first floor of the sub-space.

This place is only a thin layer of space membrane from the normal starry sky outside.

"Watch him to death, don't let him sneak attack!"

"How is it possible, in front of our six pairs of eyes, what kind of force did he sneak up on!"

The middle-level eyes of the six major stars are about to split, and they only feel a little scared, but in each rationale, there is the idea that Jia Yan can't have the courage to go out of the sub-space.

After all, they have always been vigilant in the sub-space. They can see Jia Yan's movement in the sub-space clearly. Under this situation, they can still succeed in a sneak attack in a grand manner, which is like a myth.


As a senior domain owner, how could Jia Yan let them down?

Just when the six pairs of eyes were locked on the tiny young man's figure on the first floor of the sub-space.

This figure seemed to dissipate with the wind, and in an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

Only a faint afterimage was left, blooming in front of the six powerhouses, and then gradually turning into nothingness.



"Be careful!"

The fearful powerhouses were amazed when they realized that they had lost the figure of the black **** Jia Yan.

And just when a few people reminded, the subspace behind the hallucination-making powerhouse talent silently cracked open.

Although the hallucination talent seems to have little influence on Jia Yan.

But Jia Yan himself knew that even if it was him, in the battle of lightning and flint, if he was suddenly hallucinated by this powerhouse, it might have an instant sluggish effect.

Maybe this kind of influence, in the eyes of ordinary stars, is not too big at all, but for Jia Yan, it is an extremely serious impact, surrounded by many middle-level stars, this time can definitely affect The balance of victory and defeat.

So his first target character chose this middle-level star.

"Sorry, man, just get some sleep."

Jia Yan whispered beside this guy's ear.


The powerhouse's demeanor changed drastically, and he was about to raise some force to resist or counterattack, but before that, Jia Yan's positive and negative attack force directly used Jia Yan's palm to slap the middle-level star powerhouse's hand. above the brain.

For any strong person, the head is the key to a considerable degree.

Moreover, Jia Yan's positive and negative power has a terrifying oscillating force. It has been continuously one positive and one negative, like the sound of bells and drums, and has been oscillating deep in the strong man's head. Can't slow down.

From the outside, it looks like he has passed out.

"Quick support!"

"Look how he is!"

The other five powerhouses only arrived at this moment to support them.

But Jia Yan gave them a sinister smile, stepped back, and entered the subspace before the attack of the first one arrived, letting his offensive fall into the void.

"He has a very strange power. Although he is not injured, he has to maintain such a state for a long time!"

"This...isn't hurt?"

"Is this guy still showing mercy?"

When they heard that someone was investigating the state of the injured, everyone felt incredible for a moment.

It sounds amazing to others that the Venerable-level fights against the middle-level stars, or against so many middle-level stars.

But if it is added, this Venerable-level existence actually maintains a friendly and merciful attitude while fighting against the middle-level powerhouses of the stars.

That's a bit of an understatement.

Murder is not an exaggeration!

For a while, they only felt that the great Miao of the barren world, as if the levels of the two sides should be reversed, they and others were Venerable-level, and the other party was the middle-level star. Otherwise how can you explain it.

"Everyone, it's not good to be distracted in wartime."

Just when they had a slightly strange state of mind, a faint figure appeared behind the powerful physique of Kong Wu.

The stellar-level people who have long been terrified, like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on, this person reacted instinctively in an instant.

Instead of attacking or fighting back, I chose to…

run away.

"Oh? It's a wise choice, but it's still wrong."

The black **** Jia Yan, who had just exposed half of his face, had an even more sinister smile at the corner of his mouth.

This half of his face is like being scattered in the starry sky with the wind. It is so inexplicable that it flickers and suddenly moves forward for several kilometers, catching up with the middle-level star powerhouse who is in a panic.

The slap was printed on the back of the man's head.

Spit out vigorously.

The positive and negative forces are vented!


The stellar middle-level powerhouse couldn't even utter a word, rolled his eyes, and fell into a fainting state following the previous stellar middle-level powerhouse.


For a time, the entire starry sky was bleak.

The middle-level of the four remaining stars is no longer a fear.

But the soul is scattered.

What happened just now?


Can the subspace talent still be used like this?

A stellar middle-level powerhouse with a little vision, his eyes were strange, and then he thought of something, opened his mouth, and couldn't help but said...

"This, this senior... You shouldn't be a real Venerable..."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's eyes turned to this middle-level star powerhouse.

Including Jia Yan, who had just re-entered the secondary space and was ready to meet another round of containment by many middle-level stellar powerhouses, was also a little surprised.

What's the matter, you're calling yourself out?

In addition, let's not talk about the level, civilized you and me!