Rebirth Star Giant Mosquito

Chapter 3002: Meet the seniors! 【Come to the startin

Hearing Jia Yan's seemingly emotionless words, Laita trembled, took a deep breath, and nodded suddenly.

"My subordinate understands."

In fact, the experience provided by this group of disciples eventually has a real test body, and is also the ultimate experimenter of the entire formation path gene conversion skills.

That was Rita himself.

Each level has a template. Logically speaking, the experience and conditions are mature. However, he is not an ordinary powerhouse, but a middle-level Galaxy. The difficulty of the star level is definitely hundreds of times. Thousands of times better.

Whether it is dead or alive, it depends on how successful it is to convert these experiences.

Jia Yan gave him time, and it was considered to be benevolent and righteous.

subspace depths.

The giant mosquito had a cold mosquito face, and a delicate and exquisite little girl sat on top of the gigantic body.

She is Edissa.

One big and one small two, shuttled and wandered into the depths of the subspace, reaching a palace the size of a planet.

Edissa landed lightly on the huge, flat and smooth ground in the hall, her eyes flickered, and the power of the formation suddenly appeared and disappeared in her eyes.

"Are you sure you don't need to cultivate for a while in the Yin-Yang Sect?"

Jia Yan asked in a low voice.

"No need, Edissa feels better than ever."

Edissa jumped and jumped off Jia Yan's body, which was countless times smaller than Jia Yan's body, like a flea.

Watching her stretch and relax, Jia Yan didn't know Edissa's purpose and thoughts for a while.

What is certain is that her physical condition is not as easy as she said. Gene conversion is an unprecedented burden on the physical body. If you don't rest, it will be quite uncomfortable for the spirit and spirit.

Every time Jia Yan's "mutation" is similar, to a certain extent, it may be a more dangerous and arduous process.

But she took the initiative to ask to go with Jia Yan.

Jia Yan silently returned to his throne, crawled down, and stared at the little guy who was also sitting in meditation.

Under the guidance of Jia Yan, the palace slowly moved.

This time, the little fish was also handed over to Laita to take care of, and it also meant that Laita would sit in the center of the Yin-Yang Sect.

Jia Yan took away Edisa, who was going to be with him. Anyway, this little devil's body is not bad. Let her rest more, and the effect is not much the same as special training.

Jia Yan entered into his memories, recalling the previous experiments with thousands of Yin-Yang Sect Formation Dao disciples scene by scene in his mind.

These tests were his invaluable experience, and it was all about that.

Time flies.

The palace was in the depths of the subspace, and it sailed for more than ten days.

On this day, Jia Yanwu closed his eyes and pondered, but saw Edisa blink her big eyes, stand up from the cross-legged position, take a deep breath, and hum and play a few sets of self-created 'Aidi' Sha Quan', and after a while, his eyes brightened with a satisfied smile, and he looked at the huge mosquito like a mountain in front of him.

"Master brother!"

She yelled in a milky voice.

Jia Yan stared at her for a moment and asked, "What's the matter?"

Edissa showed a sly smile, and said mysteriously: "Adisha has mastered a very deep theory of formation path genes, do you want to teach the master brother?"

"Have you mastered the advanced formation theory?"

Jia Yan's first reaction was disbelief.

After tinkering with Laita for so long, and at the cost of the lives of hundreds of Yin-Yang Sect disciples, they made a big breakthrough. What advanced theories can Edissa master...

But after thinking about it, this little guy is the only perfect convert during the entire experiment, and with her mind, it is not completely impossible to simulate and study the theory of formation paths that are deeper than her own and Laita.

"What do you think."

Edissa seemed to be triumphant, very satisfied that she was able to explain the practice to Jia Yan on this day, she sat down again and began to talk freely.

And Jia Yan's complexion, from the initial disdain, gradually entered a certain kind of surprise, then serious, and turned into a little surprise, and then looked at Edisa's line of sight, producing a little surprise...

In just one day, Edissa's long theory was explained under Jia Yan's various emotions.

The whole process of her speech was extremely careful, and there was hardly any wordy words. In terms of other living beings, even an efficient powerhouse would take three to five times as long, or even longer, to say so many things.

So at the end of the day, Jia Yan's mind is full of things, and there are many mathematical models and data that he does not understand.

"Edissa, are you all figured out by yourself?"

In the end, he was silent for a long time, and asked with some sighs.

"Well, but a lot of it was said by the master's brother and Laita. After listening to you mentioned it for a long time, Edissa wrote it down and thought about it."

Edissa looked elated, as if she had done something amazing, her little chest held high and she was very proud.

In fact, she did quite a remarkable thing.

"It seems that you are above the formation path, and you do have a shocking talent."

Jia Yan was amazed, and even felt a little sigh to himself.

This is not to belittle oneself, Jia Yan knows that his talent is also very strong, and can even be said to be outstanding.

However, in terms of the computationally intensive work such as formation, it is far from being on a par with Edissa, a unique life form reincarnated with a mind and brain.

Therefore, the theories proposed by Edissa are really advanced. Those that require mathematical calculations cannot be concluded for the time being. However, as far as the results are concerned, he secretly tried a few of them and thought they were right.

"With your theory, at least 30% of the genetic formation has been perfected. You are very responsible for this."

"Hee hee hee, Edissa is so great! Edissa is amazing."

The little guy grinned and boasted.

Jia Yan suddenly understood why Edissa had to go out with herself instead of staying in the Yin-Yang Sect to cultivate. It turned out that she wanted to tell Jia Yan her theory as soon as possible.

Jia Yan's eyes softened a little.

This little guy, although he may have great talent for the future, still treats him as a family member. For this alone, Jia Yan never regretted creating such a terrifying existence.

"Okay, you don't have to brag anymore. The talent of the formation path has changed, which means that the talent restrictions on you have almost disappeared. You have to practice hard in the future. If you procrastinate for too long, I will be angry."

"Well, Edison knows that, Edissa will work hard to cultivate."

Edissa jumped up and down, cheered for a moment, and then sat down obediently to practice.

Jia Yan fell into the depths of his mind, rearranged the theory proposed by Edissa just now, and began to verify it.

After tasting it a few times, it took him several days, and finally he couldn't help but sigh again in amazement.

The proposal of this theory is simply not something that the human brain can come up with.

Mathematical models are used in countless small details, and many small details are used to commend the characters who put forward this argument, and they are very human. If the yin and yang path is to develop spontaneously, it will take several generations to reach such a level of detail. Even a dozen generations are possible.

Edissa finally fully combined the advantages of the brain and life, and became an existence that existed independently between the two.

"She even got a hand in it... but it's not a bad thing, it's just a little bit of her cleverness..."

When Jia Yan saw the reminder above some key points, he couldn't help but warm his heart and laughed.

It turns out that the reminder models and algorithms above these key points are all deriving the key points that need to be paid attention to for 'a certain powerful transformation gene'.

And the so-called 'some powerful being' in this theory has the strength of the domain master and the latter.

That's right, Edissa's theory is full of things that need to be paid attention to in calculating gene conversion for Jia Yan.

Gene conversion skills, Jia Yan did not mention, Laita did not mention, no one tacitly agreed not to discuss whether Jia Yan himself needs gene conversion.

dare not mention.

Earth-level casualties are so high, and Xinghe-level is probably close to ten dead.

The transformation of the domain master's late-level power... is no different from sending it to death.

Whoever mentioned it would harm Jia Yan, and it seems that he no longer needs to use this almost suicidal method to improve his strength.

But Edissa was different.

After watching Jia Yan grow up, she knew that this master brother would never let go of this path of strength growth.

Even if it wasn't recently, at some point in the future, he was destined to make the decision to risk his life and change the genes of the formation.

He is such a person.

"Hmph, stinky brat, have you settled on my idea? It's just daring."

Jia Yan deliberately snorted in his mind, but silently memorized those assumptions and calculation formulas in his mind verbatim.

What to do with it, he does not say, nor admits that it is for future preparations.

"Master, brother, we are about to reach our destination."

Edissa suddenly opened her big bright and moving eyes, and there was a little sly smile on her lovely and pitiful face.

Jia Yan knew that the palace had been parked nearby for more than a day, and Edissa also knew that Jia Yan was absorbing the harvest, and did not call him until this time.


The two were very tacit and said nothing.

Jia Yan got up, was about to leave the palace, and flew to the destination of the trip, when he suddenly looked down, his little short legs trotted after him step by step, trying to follow the little girl in the subspace.

"Edissa, you can go on a trip for a year. In this force, this seat will wait for you for a year and make a name for yourself, otherwise you don't have to come back."


No matter how powerful Ren Aidisha has the computing power, she never thought that Jia Yan would say such a thing.

Since she was born and became a life, Edisa, who has hardly experienced separate experiences with Jia Yan, has a nervous expression on her face: "Adisha doesn't want to travel."

"Go, you can grow into an adult freely when you come back. After all, you are always a child. I'm sorry for your talent and ability."

"Oh...then...that's fine."

Edissa remembered that Jia Lin, who was in the creative world, and Jia Lin, who was always playing with her, had already had a little estrangement when they met before they set off to the central galaxy of the Milky Way. It is really that Jia Lin has gradually become a young girl. She has always been like a little girl, and it is normal for the two sides to have a gap.

But when she grows up freely, she can play together again.


Children really have no dignity.

Edissa didn't say anything, looked at a certain direction outside the sub-space, pointed to that side and said, "Then Edissa will go there."

Jia Yan nodded along the direction he pointed: "Well, it's really not close to the center of this power. It's okay, if you leave the main contradiction here, you can show less scruples when you show it."

After speaking, the giant mosquito waved its front feet and gently swept Edissa out of the palace.

Edissa is surrounded by spiritual power, which protects her from the damage of the sub-space distortion space.

Ignoring the little short hand that the kid was waving vigorously, Jia Yan silently retracted his gaze and sighed softly.

Children will eventually grow up, and limiting their growth is the last thing a parent should do.

Jia Yan realized.

"After all, I'm getting old. A grandfather who is more than 100 years old can chase the name of the longest-lived star before the interstellar civilization started."

He comforted himself, and his expression quickly returned to Gu Jing Bubo.

With graceful steps, the giant mosquito shone up and down, radiating a skyward momentum, and slowly walked from the depths of the tenth sub-space to the outside of the shallow sub-space.

He is a top-notch powerhouse. Along the way, Fenglin Volcano is rampant, not to mention the ordinary domain master level, even if he passes through a powerful senior domain master level, as long as Jia Yan thinks about it, the other party will hardly notice that such a statue is coming in the subspace. Great God.

But here.

He couldn't.

Because the lord of the forces entrenched in his destination is also a domain lord and a post-order existence.

Jia Yan sneaked in by himself, and maybe he might not be noticed without getting close to the other party.

But this time he was visiting with a palace as huge as a planet.

Then there is no hiding, presumably the other party has already sensed his arrival.

Otherwise, there is no way to talk about the domain master and the second step, and Jia Yan will not regard it as a first-class enemy.

But in the face of such existence, he was still unafraid.

boom boom boom boom --

Subspace turbulence.

Gravitational waves surge.

The normal starry sky on the outside is even more instant, as if inside the starry sky, an unusually hot boiling water is cast, and the whole thing boils.

A visit from a domain master and a late-level powerhouse can cause a terrifying power like a natural disaster just by releasing his aura.



The astonishing momentum of destroying mountains and mountains, after the starry sky of the universe exploded, countless exclamations and roars came from the endless universe around.

I do not know how many coming and going powerhouses, travelers, businessmen, as well as the ordinary mortal beings living on the nearby planet, issued exclamations like facing the gods above.

The pressure from the level of life caused them to feel that death was imminent, and even the basic particles of life might be crushed into powder in an instant.

"I'll wait, see the seniors!"

Just as the Xingyu trembled and the sky was about to overturn, under the influence of the shocking weather, a soft yet firm voice suppressed the precarious entire Xinghai, like a sharp spearhead, breaking through the heavy momentum and sending the rising The shocking breath made it a little slow.
