Rebirth Starts at 7 Million

Chapter 241: Cooperation reached

"That's not enough. Xingchao has more than 100 million active users, but how many of these users can use the map? Mr. Luo, your condition is no different from a blank check." Mr. Li refused without thinking. .

Seeing that several of his proposals were rejected, Luo Fan simply kicked the ball back: "So how does President Li want to cooperate?"

"As far as I know, the relationship between Xingyuan and Da Mi should be very good?"

"Well, our cooperation with Mr. Lei is very pleasant."

"That's it! Then I have three conditions. First, I want 10% of Xingchao's shares and the corresponding voting rights. Second, we want to cooperate with Rice. In the future, Rice's mobile phones can only be pre-installed with Baidu Maps, and thirdly, Baidu Maps. The share exchange ratio paid by Xingyuan is 1 to 2, and 1% of Baidu Maps shares must be exchanged for Xingyuan to pay 2% of the shares.”

After listening to Mr. Li's conditions, Luo Fan smiled and said, "If this is Mr. Li's bottom line, then we don't need to talk about it.

As I said before, we don’t count. Our cooperation is in two aspects. The first Xingyuan payment is connected to Baidu’s payment system, and Baidu is not connected to other payment software. The second Xingyuan provides Baidu with the third-generation large-scale payment system. Data Algorithms. "

Mr. Li frowned when he heard the words. His condition just now was just a test. He wanted to make sure that Luo Fan talked to Xing and how tightly Xingyuan paid for the shares.

As a result, Luo Fan's attitude was much more resolute than President Li imagined, and the negotiation between the two almost broke down just by probing.

However, Mr. Li has been in the shopping mall for many years, and naturally he will not be frightened by Luo Fan's attitude.

He sorted out his emotions and said, "If we follow Mr. Luo's second plan, we must at least get your company's fourth-generation technology.

Compared with Xingyuan Payment, Alipay obviously has more users. When we launch Baidu Takeaway in the future, users will not need to bind additional cards, and we may lose a lot less users.

If you pay with your company's Xingyuan, many users will have to re-bind their cards, which is not good for us to promote the food delivery business in the future.

I think Xingyuan should bear this part of the loss, right? So if it is the second type of cooperation that Mr. Luo mentioned, at least the fourth-generation technology should be used, right? "

After listening to Mr. Li's words, Luo Fan pondered for a moment and said, "If we have the fourth-generation technology here, I ask that we will occupy at least 45% of the shares of Baidu Takeaway in the future."

"Luo always wants a veto?"

"That's it!"

"But Baidu Takeaway will also raise funds, and I'm afraid that Mr. Luo's veto power will not be preserved."

"It's enough to have it in the early stage. To be honest, I don't really trust some of your company's decisions. I want to ensure that my assets will not be lost in the early stage."

When Mr. Li heard the words, his face went dark. Just as he was about to refute, he remembered Baidu's recent pig comparison operation and various investment failures.

On the other hand, Xingyuan sang all the way, and invested in big projects, such as theaters, Xingchao, and Neihan Duanzi, etc., not a single one of them lost money.

Mr. Li's words got stuck in his throat and couldn't come out.

After a while, Mr. Li bravely agreed.

Luo Fan's holding of 45% of the shares is not a loss for Baidu. Anyway, taking out food will definitely not escape the subsidy war. The more shares Luo Fan holds, the more money he will pay.

So far, the two parties have reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

Xingyuan Payment is connected to Baidu's payment system. In the future, Baidu's takeaway Xingyuan will occupy 45% of the shares, while Xingyuan will pay for the fourth-generation big data algorithm technology and help Baidu to become familiar with the technology.

After the strategic cooperation in the general direction was reached, Mr. Li turned the conversation and asked, "Mr. Luo, do you still need financing for your small broken station?"

"Of course I do, Mr. Li is interested?"

"One thing, I just want to make sure what is your company's future plan for this long video website? Can't always focus on animation and 2D elements?"

"Of course not. Xiaopozhan will definitely be reformed in the future. The initial reform direction is a website for all young people."

"What about anime and the second dimension?"

"It's absolutely impossible to give up the basic game of Xiaopo Station." Luo Fan said.

"Mr. Luo, what is your company's valuation of Xiaopozhan?" President Li asked.

"It's about 600 to 800 million yuan."

"600 to 800 million yuan?" Mr. Li frowned when he heard the offer.

The largest video site at this stage is undoubtedly Youku. Youku has already been listed, and their market value is about 3 billion yuan.

Youku’s old rival, Tudou, failed to go public due to the divorce of its largest shareholder. After the company split, its current valuation is between 1.2 and 1.5 billion yuan.

The scale of Xiaopozhan is actually Youku, and Tudou is not a star and a half. The only advantage is that it has a large number of animation copyrights. At the same time, it also has a good cooperative relationship with the animation copyright owner in the island country. 600 to 800 million yuan is obviously too high.

Thinking of this, President Li shook his head and said, "President Luo, isn't your valuation a bit outrageous?"

"Mr. Li, our valuation is not high at all. If you are interested, you can stay in Shanghai for a few more days. I will let the person in charge of Xiaopo Station talk to you in person, and then you will know that we are not interested in Xiaopo. The valuation of the station is not reasonable.”

Hearing that, Mr. Li hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement.

He also wanted to take the opportunity to see how much better Xingyuan's big data algorithm was than the outside world.

In this way, Mr. Li stayed in Shanghai for a week, during which Luo Fan arranged for Gao Meng and Wang Jing to accompany him.

Gao Meng mainly went to promote Xiaopo Station. Luo Fan felt that if he could reach a cooperation with Baidu, it would be much stronger than other messy capitals.

Wang Jing is responsible for explaining Xingyuan's big data algorithm to President Li.

After a week of understanding, Mr. Li finally figured out how big the gap between Xingyuan's big data algorithm and the outside world is.

For the simplest example, it is also an advertisement. The outside world can only simply divide the data and push the advertisement to the same category as men or women.

And Xingyuan's fourth-generation big data algorithm has been able to accurately push advertisements to the hands of people in the same community.

The difference is so great that it can be said to be one heaven and one underground.

In order to strengthen the cooperation confidence between the two parties, Luo Fan also specially let President Li see Xingyuan's most advanced sixth-generation big data algorithm.

Of course, the algorithm claimed by Mr. Li is the fifth-generation big data algorithm.

In fact, starting from the fifth generation of big data algorithms, the focus of big data algorithms has shifted to that supercomputer.

The sixth-generation big data algorithm has been transferred, and the algorithm is fully relied on that supercomputer, including some cloud computing.

The precise scope of the push can already be accurate to people. With the help of cloud computing, it takes only ten seconds to complete data screening, determine the preferences of a single user, and push corresponding advertisements to them.

After seeing the fifth-generation big data algorithm, Mr. Li was almost drooling.

He didn't expect the difference in one generation to be so big.

However, President Li is also very clear that this technology is obviously not for sale, and Xingyuan just took it out for him to see.

In addition, Mr. Li also knows why Xingyuan's valuation of Xiaopozhan is so high.

Because Xiaopozhan intends to complement one of Xingyuan's core businesses, Connotation Duanzi, in the future.

At present, the outside world is very jealous of Xingyuan's core business, but Luo Fan is very concerned about these businesses, and the shares have not leaked out at all, and the outside world is not allowed to interfere at all.

And Xiaopo Station will involve part of Xingyuan's core business in the future, so the price of Light Chong this Xiaopo Station will only be low.

In the end, Mr. Li agreed to finance Xiaopo Station, and he spent 140 million yuan to buy 20% of the shares of Xiaopo Station.

After Baidu entered the market, Xingyuan and the original owner of Xiaopo Station, the CEO's shares were diluted a bit.

At present, the shareholding ratio of Xiaopozhan has become 62.5% of Xingyuan, 20% of Baidu, 7.5% of the webmaster, and 10% of the others.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Meng himself has also acquired some shares in Xiaopozhan. Of the 10%, 3.5% is in the hands of Gao Meng.

The money to buy Xiaopozhan shares is Gaomeng’s salary and share incentives over the years.

After the break-even of Xiaopo Station was broken some time ago, some people were afraid that the shares would fall into their own hands, so they chose to sell. At this time, Gao Meng entered the market and bought the shares in their hands.

Soon, the news that Xiaopo Station received 140 million yuan in financing from Baidu spread in the industry.

Many people in the circle were surprised because they knew that Baidu's President Li went to Shanghai.

But they did not expect that after so many days, the two sides reached a financing agreement for a small broken station, which obviously does not conform to common sense.

It's just a small and broken station, where is it worth a week between the boss of Baidu, one of the three giants, and the boss of the Internet upstart Xingyuan?

But apart from this financing, neither Baidu nor Xingyuan has released any other news, and people in the circle have not found any useful information after asking around.

At Ali's headquarters, Mr. Ma frowned and said, "These two guys talked about a video website financing plan after a week of talking? Does Xiao Wang have any other information?"

"Mr. Ma, this is all we can find out." Xiao Wang replied.

"This is very strange. It shouldn't be! It's a week to talk about financing for a video website. Are they idle and have nothing to do?"

"Mr. Ma, now that Baidu has entered the market, do we still want to attack Xiaopo Station?"

"Yes! Of course I do. Didn't I ask you to accept someone from Youku? How is the situation?" Mr. Ma asked.

"Youku does have the idea of ​​entering the two-dimensional field. They just spent a lot of money to buy the copyright of the feature-length animation "Gintama", and they plan to purchase the copyright of other animations in the future."

"Are they willing to cooperate with us?" President Ma continued to ask.

"Of course I would, but I don't think the conditions given by them are appropriate."

"What conditions?"

"They want to buy potatoes and hope we can help."

Mr. Ma was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "This is a good thing! Youku's acquisition of Tudou is also a dominant player in the field of video websites."

"Mr. Ma, there is no willingness to sell potatoes."

"It doesn't matter, we can talk about it! Xiao Wang, please follow up more during this time. If there is a drama, help them!"

"Okay Mr. Ma."


After Xiaopozhan received financing from Baidu, Gao Meng began to buy copyrights aggressively, 140 million yuan. Many copyrights that were previously unthinkable can now be obtained.

Gao Meng even bought the copyright of some classic TV series.

The big move of Xiaopo Station has attracted the attention of many peers in the industry, but most of them can only choose to stare blankly.

After all, they don't have 140 million yuan in financing.

The only two who can keep up with the rhythm of Xiaopozhan are Penguin Video and Youku.

The three video sites aggressively purchased domestic and foreign film and television copyrights, and the prices of various copyrights went up for a while.

Unknowingly, this copyright battle lasted for more than two months.

Today is December 14, 2012, and there is only one week left before the relocation of Xingyuan headquarters.

In fact, as early as half a month ago, the relocation of Xingyuan's headquarters had already begun.

The first is the server. Luo Fanyuan moved the server to Xingyuan's new headquarters in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

In the early morning, there are not too many people, and it is enough to have that supercomputer on it.

But even so, after the people from Xingyuan moved the server to the headquarters for debugging, it was already past 7:00 in the morning. The pressure on the supercomputer increased greatly and it almost collapsed.

Fortunately, we caught up in the end, so nothing bad happened.

After the server relocation, Luo Fan upgraded the server by the way. He invested another 100 million yuan, purchased more server components, and expanded the core server of Xingyuan.

When debugging the server, Xingyuan's technical department was already relocating, and they were also the first department to move to the new headquarters.

The daily headlines department that came next.

Speaking of Daily Toutiao, Wang Hui and Zhao Shaoyun officially joined the company last month, Zhao Shaoyun went to the game department, and Wang Hui served as the vice president of the Toutiao department.

Connotation Duanzi and the art department came together.

Then there is Star Ventures.

The last to come is the game department and the logistics department.

The overall layout of the new headquarters is as follows:

The first floor is the reception desk, as well as various company culture promotions, the second and third floors are the company's canteen, the fourth floor is the leisure area, and the fifth floor is where the server and the company's network operate. Only the internal elevator can reach, Outsiders are not allowed to enter.

Starting from the 6th floor are the offices of various departments of Xingyuan.

The logistics department is on the 6th and 7th floors, the Daily Toutiao department is on the 8th to 12th floor, the inner content is on the 13th to 17th floor, the technical department is on the 18th to 23rd floor, the game department is on the 24th to 28th floor, and Xingyuan Venture Capital is on the 29th to 32nd floor. The art department is on the 33rd and 34th floors, the legal department is on the 35th and 36th floors, the finance department is on the 37th and 38th floors, and Luo Fan's office is on the 39th floor.

In fact, Xingyuan Ventures can't have 4 floors. Luo Fan originally wanted to vacate the 31st and 32nd floors for the new department that will be formed in the future. Later, Luo Fan gave up after thinking about it. The new department will wait for them to be established. It's good to have a place in time. According to the current situation, it should be a few years before this department will be established.