Rebirth to the Sixties With Space

Chapter 46: Xiao Dashan is back

"Liu Xiuli, Wang Aijuan, this is working time. If you have anything to say, please go home when you are off work!"

Suddenly being called, Liu Xiuli and Wang Aijuan were shocked.

Being stared at by Xiao Aimei's eyes, Liu Xiuli didn't dare to continue talking to Wang Aijuan, and hurriedly returned to her place.

If you are deducted from work, you will definitely be beaten when you go home.

Wang Aijuan lowered her head angrily, thinking viciously in her heart, waiting for Xiao Dashan's bad luck, to see if Xiao Aimei can continue to be a scorer!

Seeing that Liu Xiuli and Wang Aijuan had gone to work separately, Xiao Aimei withdrew her gaze and turned to look elsewhere.

Why is there such a big difference between people!

Look at that little girl Su Ruan Ruan, then look at these two, it's really incomparable!

About an hour later, Xiao Chengjin couldn't wait any longer, Xiao Dashan finally returned on his bicycle.

As soon as he saw Xiao Dashan coming back, Xiao Chengjin put the pole-pole bucket on the ground and dashed over, "Master, are you okay?"

Xiao Dashan shook his head, "It's okay! What can I do?! It was an emergency meeting held at the commune!"

After listening to Xiao Dashan's explanation, Xiao Chengjin finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it's all right! Then I will continue to work!"

After that, Xiao Chengjin ran back quickly again, picked up the pole and bucket that had just been thrown away, and continued to carry water.

Looking at Xiao Chengjin's back, Xiao Dashan's old face was full of relief.

But soon, his expression went cold again.

He went to the commune for a meeting, but there is another thing.

The leader of the commune received a report letter in the morning saying that he, the captain of the squadron, accepted bribes for personal gain.

Because Su Ruan Ruan gave up the spot as a temporary worker to his granddaughter Xiao Xiulan, he gave Su Ruan Ruan a full credit.

If he hadn't explained the course of the matter clearly, the commune came to call that his cadres also saw Su Ruan Ruan carrying water, and whether he could come back well today would really be uncertain.

Xiao Dashan glanced over the team members at work, and finally fell on Wang Aijuan.

Xiao Dashan still knows a little bit about what temperament the players on the team are.

Most of the country folks are straightforward, and they say everything in person. They don't have so many guts at all, let alone write a report letter and send it to the commune.

Besides, the report letter was sent in the morning, and Wang Aijuan was the only one who did not go to work in the morning.

This Wang Aijuan, young, has a cruel heart.

Not only did she attack the sister of a compatriot, but even the captain of him was dragged into the water.

He Xiao Dashan has lived for most of his life, can he be planted in the hands of a teenage girl?

Xiao Dashan stared at Wang Aijuan for a while, snorted, turned around and went to work on his own.

What's the matter, wait until the end of the job.

At the moment Xiao Dashan left, Wang Aijuan, who had been hanging his head, carefully raised her head and looked at Xiao Dashan's leaving back, her eyes filled with puzzlement.

She has sent the report letter, and someone from the commune called Xiao Dashan away. Why is Xiao Dashan back now?

Is it possible that none of this can convict Xiao Dashan?

Xiao Dashan had just been staring at her, did he already know that she was the one who wrote the report?

Is Xiao Dashan trying to retaliate against her? What should she do?

Wang Aijuan was anxious and wanted to rush to Xiao Dashan to ask questions, but she didn't have the guts.