Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 265: Invading Mechanical Legion

"I will not be defeated, because I am a god!" Loki climbed up from the roof with difficulty, gritted his teeth and said.

"What a weak god!" Li He said lightly.

Loki stepped back seven or eight steps, and then suddenly pointed the scepter in his hand to the sky——

As the scepter pointed to the sky, a huge hole with a diameter of several hundred meters gradually appeared in the sky!

Seeing this situation, Loki suddenly loosened his tense heartstrings, and looked at Li He with a sneer: "Although I don't know who you are, I have to admit that you did have some advantages just now. You will be defeated!"

Following Loki's voice, countless small spaceships are swarming from the other side of the hollow!

"Why don't you look up?" Rocky said, "I have opened the space channel, and my mechanical army is coming in endlessly! Although you are great, there is only one person after all, but I have a strong Army!"

"My mechanical army will soon be able to conquer this world, and I will become the king of the world!"

At this time, hundreds of small spaceships have flown in the sky.

Loki looked at these hovering spaceships, more courageous, and looked at Li He: "If you kneel down to show me your surrender now, I might be able to forgive you for being rude to me just now! Otherwise, I will immediately let you be wiped out!"

Luo is basically a narrow-minded person. He was beaten to death by Li He just now. He hated Li He into the bones of his heart, and he wanted to immediately thwart Li He to ashes!

What he said, "I can forgive you for being rude to me just now", but he wanted to humiliate Li He again before killing Li He!

Yes, Loki now knows that he has a chance to win!

After all, outside of Space Road, hundreds of thousands of mechanical warriors have gathered!

Li He slowly raised his head and looked towards the sky——

In the sky, the number of small spaceships is rapidly increasing!

In less than a minute, most of the sky over Kumasi City was covered with all kinds of small alien spacecraft!

These small spaceships are a bit like motor boats with a rear cabin, without a cover, you can clearly see the mechanical warriors in the spaceship!

"It's a pity that I still can't swallow the machine, otherwise, it would be a rare meal!" Li He thought with some regret in his heart.

Li He's casual attitude angered Loki.

"Kill him for me!" Loki pointed to Li He, and ordered to the mechanical warrior in the sky.

Following Loki's order, at least a thousand laser guns fired at the same time in the sky, and countless beams shot towards Li He!

Seeing countless beams of light passing through Li He's body, Loki couldn't help smiling smugly on his face!

"It's no longer the era of fighting alone! People who are behind the times will eventually be eliminated by the times!" Rocky said to himself.

But immediately, the smile on Rose's face froze-because he discovered that what was shot through by the light beam was only a phantom of Li Hyuk!

Li He appeared on a spaceship in the sky and tapped a mechanical warrior on the head with his fingers.

With the knock of Li He's finger, the mechanical warrior's head split like an eggshell, exposing the internal circuit board.

Li Hyuk looked at several circuits on the circuit board and said to himself: "It doesn't seem to have revenge as much as I thought!"

At this moment, a giant mechanical beast tens of meters long flew over from the space channel.

The head of this behemoth is like a turtle, but its body is close to a centipede.

There are hundreds of mechanical warriors clinging to the mechanical behemoth.

These mechanical warriors fell from the sky, armed with laser guns, and began to slaughter the humans in Kumasi City.

"Well, try your fire resistance!" Li He thought to himself, a big fireball suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the erupting flame instantly burned dozens of spaceships in the sky!

Watching those spaceships wrapped in flames fall from a high altitude, Li He thought in his heart: "The fire resistance is average, and the body is not strong. It seems that the mechanical civilization of this planet is not particularly developed! At least it is far from Transformers. That level!"

In the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau in Lax, Nigeria, a sharp siren suddenly sounded.

"What's the matter?" The American captain asked in surprise.

Iron Man asked the watch on his wrist: "Jarvis, has something major happened? I heard the S.H.I.E.L.D. siren!"

Jarvis said: "Yes, sir. According to the Ghanaian media, a space tunnel appeared over the city of Kumasi in Ghana a few minutes ago. Thousands of alien mechanical soldiers are passing through the space tunnel. Enter Kumasi City! The state of Ghana is mobilizing its troops, and at the same time it has issued an emergency request for help from the United Nations!"

Speaking of this, Jarvis reminded: "Sir, Director Nick of SHIELD wants to talk to you!"

"Come here." Iron Man said.

In the next second, Nick’s voice sounded: “Tony, what we have been worried about is really happening. Alien robots are landing in our world. The landing point is in the territory of Ghana. S.H.I. On the battlefield, your Avengers need to be prepared for battle!"