Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 30: Poachers seeking a dead end

The female jaguar struggled desperately in the net, but this net was obviously specially made. In a short time, it could not break free from the shackles of this net!

Four poachers stepped forward, and the strong black man with the wound on his face lifted his leg and kicked the female jaguar severely: "You **** beast, can't you run very well? Why don't you run away now?"

While speaking, he stepped on the injured leg of the female jaguar again.

The female jaguar hissed angrily, trying to turn her head to bite the strong man, but she was entangled in the net.

"Okay, Markas, it's almost done! Do you want to kill it?" the white man said to the black man.

Markus, a strong black man with a wound on his face, said viciously: "I just want to kill this beast!"

The big white man was named Dick, and he was the captain of this little poaching team.

"Marcus, are you crazy?" Dick yelled, "a living jaguar and a dead jaguar, which is more valuable, don’t you know? Don’t influence us because of your stupidity. Everyone’s earnings!"

"But this beast scratched my face!" Marcus said dissatisfiedly. "My face is hurting fiercely now, I think I might have been disfigured!"

A black man named Hubert said: "Marcus, if you can make up for some of our financial losses, then I am not against you killing this jaguar and avenging your own face!"

"Yes, Markus!" another black man named Chad said. "If you are willing to give us 1,000 foreign currency each, then you can do whatever you want next!"

Markas considered for half a minute, and then nodded: "I'm going to die! Dick, Chad, Hubert, I owe you one thousand foreign currency now!"

After speaking, Markus raised his gun, aimed at the head of the female jaguar, and sneered: "Damn beast, go to hell!"

Just as Marcus was about to pull the trigger of the AK47 in his hand, the grass behind them suddenly turbulent, followed by a golden giant scorpion!

The four poachers unanimously aimed their guns at the golden giant scorpion.

"Oh my God, what kind of monster is this?" Hubert exclaimed.

"Obviously, it is a scorpion!" Chad said.

Hubert: "Of course I know it is a scorpion! But the question is, why can it grow so huge?"

Markas said: "I suspect this thing is the biggest scorpion in our world!"

Chad nodded: "Markas, I totally agree with you."

A look of surprise appeared on Dick's face: "Hey, guys, I'm afraid we got lucky this time! You said, if we get this golden giant scorpion out, how much do you think it can sell for?"

When Hubert heard the words, his eyes began to glow: "This giant scorpion is an extremely rare species. I think it is worth at least 200,000 foreign currency!"

Chad said: "200,000 foreign currency is too low, I think it is worth at least half a million foreign currency!"

Markas said: "Maybe some rich people can buy it for a million foreign currency!"

Dick stared at the golden giant scorpion intently: "This thing may be unique in this world, so its value is immeasurable! I want to get it with just one million foreign currency, it's a dream!"

"Is this thing worth more than a panda?" Chad said.

Dick nodded: "Yes, I think it will be more valuable than the panda!"

"Oh my God, if that's the case, we will be really rich this time!" Hubert said, "You know, the ** pandas are only rented now, not for sale. A pair of ** pandas are rented out, just rent. They are all in one million foreign currency! During this period, if you give birth to panda cubs, they all belong to the sex. In addition, there are many additional conditions."

Markas looked at Dick and asked, "So, Dick, how much do you think it is worth?"

Dick hesitated for a while, and shook his head: "I don't know how much it is worth. If you let me guess, I guess it is worth at least 10 million foreign currency! After all, it may be the largest scorpion in the world. It may be unique on this planet!"

Li He's eight eyes watched the four poachers quietly and listened to their unscrupulous conversation.

He is waiting patiently!

wait for what?

Waiting for the four poachers in front of him to die by themselves!

Dick was already loading new net bullets into his net shot.

During this process, Dick was slightly worried—he worried that this net might not be able to trap the golden giant scorpion!

"Everyone, be careful!" Dick reminded, "The two big tongs of this thing look very powerful, our net may not be able to catch it!"

Chad looked at Li He and said, "It doesn't seem to be afraid of us?"

Hubert laughed and said, "Do you think it should be afraid of us? It grows so huge and strong! In fact, we should be the one who really should be afraid, if we don't have a gun in our hands!"

Marcus nodded and said: "To be honest, if I don't have a weapon in my hand, I will never provoke it!"

"Even if you have weapons in your hands, you shouldn't provoke me!" Li He said silently in his heart.