Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 396: Touch porcelain by ability.

The life span of a carbon-based organism's body is between 20 and 100 years. Accidents may occur to shorten the life span of the flesh and blood body, but even if there is no accident, the body of a carbon-based organism can hardly exceed 200 years of age.

The lifespan of a mechanical lifeform is 300 to 500 years. The lifespan of a life engine directly determines the lifespan of a mechanical lifeform. If it can be replaced by a young heart like the old Ivan, it can last for two to three hundred years. , But if there is no special modification, the mechanical soul loaded in the head of the mechanical lifeform will become more and more sluggish despite the deepening of the age, other parts of the mechanical joint will eventually wear out, and the vital Hex organ will also be damaged. , At that time is the end of life of mechanical life forms.

"Theoretically, the master, in theory, if the mechanical soul has a tenacious will, he knows how to use the ubiquitous power of death in this world to construct an energy body, draw energy from the heavens and the earth, or swallow the same kind to survive by eating. , Then mechanical lifeforms can also produce undead."

Xiao Luo said a lot, but Li He didn't understand much anyway, but Lao Yi nodded in a daze for a while.

All this has to be blamed on Kael'thas, the **** of death, who made a civilization that could not produce undead, and let a race of mechanical lifeforms just produce undead.

The idea of ​​the death song is that the life body will eventually die, all people will die, and the dead must believe in him, otherwise you will not die if you want to.

From this point of view, the song of death is simply dazzling.

"Undead, I just can deal with it."

A floating ball of light-a supernova appeared in Li He's hand.

The radiation of nuclear power and the power of the sun have miraculous effects on undead creatures. Dukaos once used nuclear radiation to inefficiently use the death power of Kael'thas, the **** of death.

The power of Li He is the combination of the strengths of both the sun's light and the nuclear power.

When the light energy is critical, life can be continued, and it can also be transferred at the extreme speed of light, whether it is a long-distance jump or a short-distance rush. The huge energy and terrifying explosion of nuclear power can contribute to the lack of light energy attack. shortcoming.

No matter how powerful the undead is, as long as they don't reach the **** level, they will not die instantly if they are photographed by the supernova in Li He's hands.

"Pack up and get ready to go." Li He put away the supernova and said to old Ivan.

Old Ivan smiled and said, "Hey, Master, we don't need to clean up, we can set off at any time."

Old Ivan’s crystalline rod was inserted into a hole on the workbench, and he clicked twice. A hydraulic rod extended from under the old Ivan’s cabin. The hydraulic rod slowly lifted the house up. The space in the house also began to shrink. Finally, there were two more clicks, and a hidden compartment was opened under the house, and a row of wheels was unfolded from inside.


Li He was surprised.

"It's risky to do this, and everything is for easy escape." Old Ivan said thiefly.

After the small house has been remodeled, it is an eight-wheeled infantry camper, with eight alloy wheels four on each side, slowly starting up in a slum that is messy and the housing differentiation is irregular.

"Go away, slacker."

"Old Ivan? This is the old Ivan's house? This guy is really a black-hearted arms dealer. He even has a chariot."

"Who smashed into my house."

"Ah, my leg, my leg..." A man cried bitterly on the ground holding the broken mechanical leg.

"Old Ivan, you got stuck."

There are everything in the slums, and the chariot’s wheels will inevitably stick to something. Li He and Xiao Luo sitting in the car have been shaking in the car.

A mechanical old man who looked older than Ivan was covered with rust, with tattered cloth hanging on his body, and he looked miserable while holding his broken leg.

The deep-seated cry made those who smelled the sadness shed tears. Of course, the premise of sadness and tears is not knowing what happened.

"My lord, that old immortal guy came to touch porcelain. Our older generation didn't have a mechanical nerve sensor line installed at all, so let alone a broken leg, even if the neck is broken, the life engine will not be called out. Sound." Old Ivan explained.

"Oh~ You also have touched porcelain here." Li He suddenly said.

"What do you plan to do." Li He looked at the outside through the car window with great interest.

"Of course it's losing money, hey." Old Ivan said with a thief.

The crystalline walking stick is the joystick of this modified chariot. Old Ivan pulled the joystick back instead of the long stick.


The chariot fell quickly for a while, crushing the other intact leg of the old man on the ground.

"Cool~" Old Ivan said joyfully, stroking his crystalline stick.

"Ah! My legs~My legs~"

The old man Pengci held his mechanical leg and yelled.

The old man squatted up firmly with his rusty arms and hugged a wheel of the chariot.

The old man said sternly, "Don't want to leave without a thousand dollars."

Then the old Ivan threw a steel pewter with his hand, the shiny steel pewter rolled and fell to the ground, and the crisp sound was transmitted to the ears of everyone in the slum.

"Oh my God, it's a steel bar, how can there be a steel bar in the slums."

The safest way in the slum area is to barter, let alone holding a steel pin, even if you have a gross ticket, someone will grab it.

You must know that the value of steel pewter is 10,000 times the gross bill.

This is ten thousand dollars.

"Old ghost, the money is for you, get out." Old Ivan said unceremoniously.

The engine of the chariot roared and a lot of black smoke came out.

The person who touched the porcelain was agitated, and his dull mechanical soul finally reacted, quickly let go of the chariot wheel, and threw himself on the steel trowel, firmly holding the steel trowel.

Gudu~ Gudu~

A sound similar to swallowing saliva sounded.

That is the life engine of the mechanical lifeforms sending energy to all parts of the body, and the sound of Hextech organs warming up.

This marked that two-thirds of the people in the slums were prepared for battle.

They all stared at the old ghost in Pengci.

"Old guy, call out the steel and spare your life."

"Hand it over, or it will kill you."

"Hand it over, or you will tear down your life engine."

The person who touched the porcelain had already lost the broken leg. Even if he installed the broken leg that was used to deceive people, he would definitely not run far with one leg.

He looked around in horror, and at the same time firmly hugged the steel pin in his arms.

But more and more ill-intentioned eyes fell on him.