Reborn as a Giant Scorpion: Evolution by Consumption

Chapter 458: Less worth one hundred million

The surrounding walls and the floor under my feet seem to be nothingness, extending infinitely in a small space. But there is no need to worry about hitting the wall or "stepping on the air" phenomenon at the level of consciousness.

In the Void Engine Bar, every time you stepped on it, a rotating phantom gear appeared under your feet, and a grid-like energy fence appeared when you approached the wall.

The only "engine" that is acting as the counter slowly operating in the bar gives people a sense of reality. Being in this world, it feels like being in an endless void. Really experienced the endless void Li Hyuk understands that this is not nonsense, this is the restoration of a certain moment in the endless void through various techniques.

The bar that reproduces the scenery of the macro universe brings a huge shock to people's minds.

Even after Li Hyuk saw it, it was a long time that he couldn't calm down.

That's why Rieger walked back and forth outside the bar but didn't want to come in. Zuan's astronomy research is relatively backward, they put more energy into mechanical structure and metal materials science. Although Rieger didn't understand the specific meaning of this scene, he still felt very uncomfortable. At this moment, the fear of the unknown drove him away.

However, this place is not a real void after all, it was just reproduced through technology. After two days of getting used to it, it is still the same, otherwise Li Hyuk will consider finding another hardworking bar employee.

Li He took a few deep breaths in a row before calming down, and gave Xiao Luo a thumbs up:

"Kill beautifully."

"Thank you host for the compliment."

"How much did it cost?" Li He asked again after the praise.

"Twenty-three thousand, three hundred and thirty-three steel pegs."

"Not expensive, not expensive."

Lige felt dizzy. He really didn't know that Xiao Luo spent so much money on tools in order to arrange decorations.

According to the pricelessness of technology, the new technology applied to this bar would not be a problem for Zuan Star to sell 100 million yuan of steel.

Only a small part of the 20,000 steel pewter is used to buy tools and decorative parts. After all, many technical items are not available here if you want to buy them. These are the hands of the mechanical girl. Most of the steel bars are used to buy houses near the bar. The joints of the houses were all opened up, and the area of ​​the bar was suddenly expanded three times.

Outsiders would never expect that in this patchwork of ordinary houses, there is a bar with such a high style.

"Master, the subsequent defensive transformation will require 66,666 steel pegs."

Xiao Luo extended a small hand to Li He, and Li He spit out a sip of wine after hearing the amount that Xiao Lu wanted.

"It's all calculated accurately."

Xiao Luo blinked innocently.

"Change it."

Li He waved his hand and threw the space warehouse on his wrist to Xiao Luo directly.

"Don't change it too exaggerated outside."

"I see, master."

After giving the money, Li Hyuk said uneasy.

This is actually no different from reconstruction, and it seems to be more expensive than reconstruction. Nearly more than 90,000 steel bars disappeared in an instant. If there is no more fiscal revenue in the future, we will fall into economic deficits.

Nowadays, the style of the bar has come up. Connor has regenerated new wines. The two are combined, and the income is guaranteed to be able to explode all the shops in this city.

Of course, Li He is talking about the profit after the price increase. With five gross votes for a cup of wine, if you don't increase the price, you can only make some hard money. But now that with such an environment, good-tasting liquor comes up again, Lee Hyuk feels that he is sorry for consumers if he doesn't raise the price.

"Boss, how much do we charge for a glass of wine in the future?"

"Just sell a steel peg."

Li He thought for a while and said.

"Boss, it's too expensive..."

"Not expensive at all." Li He said with a smile. "I still think it's too cheap."

Xiao Luo didn't know that he had found a group of construction teams there, and faced the house outside the bar with clanging repairs, renovations and reinforcements.

The defense rating of the Void Engine is based on the standards of Zuan Star.

After the completion, the mechanical pioneers made a special visit, because the house renovation is under the control of the city patrols. If they do not nod, it is illegal to rebuild and build in disorder, and it will be demolished sooner or later.

The industrious Rieg was surprised by the fact that Li He knew the leader of the city patrol, and he was very familiar.

"Boss, do you still know this one?"

"Well, my friend." Li He said calmly.

Lige quietly gave Li He a thumbs up. With this relationship, the bar's operation became much more stable.

Even if he is illegal, as long as the city patrol doesn't check it, there will be no problems.

"I'll let the owners of the other dark bars take care of them. No one will rob you of business now."

Li He took a surprised look at the Pioneer Machine. How could it be your people, don’t you need to be so cruel?

"I sent people to the mining area to mine."

Lee Hye...

"How about here?"

"Well, you commanded the transformation?"

"Of course." Li He said triumphantly.

If you follow Xiaoluo's meaning, I am afraid it will become the third scenic spot in the holy city besides the bell tower and the central square.

Xiao Luo originally wanted to transform the aliens in the bar into an interstellar battleship, but as for the defense, he relied on the standard interstellar battleship external armor.

Li He sternly asked her to make things more common, and then Xiao Luo took out a design drawing of Kongtiansuo.

The Sky Shuttle is used to travel between the surface and space, which is indeed a level lower than the interstellar warship.

But don’t you think it’s too cool to transform the bar with the setting diagram of the sky shuttle.


The Mechanical Pioneer glanced at the patched bar on the wall covering and roof dismissively.

Li He's face blushed, he must admit that he has no extraordinary talent in architectural design.

According to Li He's simple and rude ideas, the construction team thickened the outer walls and roof of the bar to thicken and thicken them, patching them and playing tricks to thicken them.

There is no doubt that this approach ruined the internal layout of the Void Engine.

But what no one would have imagined is that a hundred years after the Zuan world entered a period of peace, the Void Engine, which is tall and sluggish on the outside, became a trend of imitating for a time. There is only one reason, because a hundred years ago A certain great **** sat in such a bar while being the boss, and incidentally saved Zuan Xing.

"Don't care about the details, the enemy won't stop hitting you just because you look good." Li He said lightly.

This sentence is true.

The defensive levels of the Void Engine were constructed completely in accordance with the specifications of the barriers of war.

"The defense is not bad, it can withstand more than 20 rounds of bombing by floating warships." The mechanical pioneer made a pertinent evaluation of the patch-stacked building based on his own experience.

Bar: I'm ugly, but I resist beating.